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09-19 投稿


lagan 发音

英:[['lægən]]  美:[['lægən]]

英:  美:

lagan 中文意思翻译



lagan 词性/词形变化,lagan变形

异体字: ligan |

lagan 相似词语短语

1、ligan ─── n.系浮标投海的货物

2、Iligan ─── n.伊利甘(菲律宾地名)

3、Dagan ─── n.巴比伦的土地神

4、Sagan ─── 萨根;n.(Sagan)人名;(法)萨冈;(英)萨根

5、Kalgan ─── n.(Kalgan)人名;(俄)卡尔甘

6、logan ─── n.洛根(男子名)

7、pagan ─── n.异教徒(信非主流宗教者);非基督教徒;新异教主义者;无宗教信仰者;adj.异教的,异教徒的;n.(Pagan)(美、爱)帕干(人名)

8、lauan ─── n.柳安木

9、Reagan ─── n.里根(姓氏)

lagan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The 1999 Lagan is available for approximately $60. ─── 1999年拉甘牌葡萄酒也还有售,每瓶$60。

2、Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland, on the River Lagan, at its entrance to Belfast Lough (inlet of the sea). ─── 贝尔法斯特是北爱尔兰首府,位于拉根河在贝尔法斯特湾的人海处。

3、Walnut tree's crown enough has occupied half courtyard, but did not fear, when didn't know in the old gentleman hand many two ten feets long Bai Lagan. ─── 核桃树的树冠足足占了半个院子,不过不怕,不知什么时候老爷子手里多了一根两丈长的“白拉竿”。

4、Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland, on the River Lagan, at its entrance to Belfast Lough. ─── 贝尔法斯特是北爱尔兰首府,位于拉根河在贝尔法斯特湾的人海处。

5、Xanadu does also feature a range of new release premium reds and still does have some limited stock of its Lagan Reserve red (a Bordeaux blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Cabernet Franc). ─── 夏纳都还有一系列新的高级红葡萄酒推出,龙牌保留红葡萄酒也还有有限的存货(卡本内苏维浓、美洛和卡本内弗朗克的波尔多混合酒)。

6、comment1, moto guzzi scooter, wasr, lagan movie songs, enf, down river suwannee upon way, 472, dovecot pop server, =-DD, ─── 您如需购买药品请点击“付款方式”或拨打电话:0531-86690691咨询。

7、The Titanic’s birthplace on the River Lagan is now called the Titanic Quarter (above). ─── 河边这艘“泰坦尼克号”的诞生地现在被称为“泰坦尼克区”(见上图)。

8、The winery was established by the Irish doctor John Lagan who arrived in Margaret River in 1968 and planted his first vines in 1977. ─── 该酒厂是由爱尔兰医圣约翰·拉甘建立的,他于1968年到达玛格丽特河,1977年开始栽培第一批葡萄。

9、I was also curious about the status of the Lagan Reserve (named after the founder of Xanadau Dr Lagan) a Bordeaux blend of Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot and Cabernet Franc. ─── 我也对拉甘保留葡萄酒(以赞纳都创立人拉甘医生命名的葡萄酒)感到好奇,这是一种卡本内苏维浓美洛和卡本内弗朗克的波尔多混合酒。

10、jetsam | lagan | ligan ─── 船舶遇险时投弃的货物

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