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09-19 投稿


werewolf 发音

英:[ˈweəwʊlf]  美:['wɛrwʊlf]

英:  美:

werewolf 中文意思翻译



werewolf 网络释义

n. 狼人;凶人;残忍狡诈的人

werewolf 短语词组

1、werewolf babe ─── 狼人宝贝

2、never cry werewolf ─── 永远不要哭泣狼人

3、space werewolf kill ─── 太空狼人杀戮

4、blood moon werewolf ─── 血月狼人

5、a werewolf boy ─── 狼族少年

werewolf 词性/词形变化,werewolf变形


werewolf 相似词语短语

1、werwolf ─── n.狼人

2、dire wolf ─── 惧狼

3、werewolfery ─── 狼人

4、warwolf ─── n.战狼队

5、werewolves ─── n.狼人(werewolf的复数)

6、aardwolf ─── n.[脊椎]土狼

7、red wolf ─── 红狼

8、werewolfish ─── 狼人

9、werewolfism ─── 狼人主义

werewolf 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Furthermore,the werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind. ─── 此外,人狼只对同类的呼唤作出响应.

2、Bela's mother tells him that this will cause him to become a werewolf at each full moon. ─── 比拉的母亲告诉他,这将使他每满一个月成为一个狼人。

3、A gunshot wound that would kill an ordinary human can be nothing more than an e to a werewolf. ─── 一个可以杀死普通人的枪伤对于狼人来说只是带来点麻烦。

4、It's then that the werewolf's Garou relatives arrive to collect him. ─── 然后,这个幼狼人的狼人亲属会来领走他。

5、Jim London is outraged over the death of his friend, a fellow cop and werewolf--and wants to get to the bottom of what he thinks was murder. ─── 吉姆伦敦感到愤怒的是他的朋友,同伴和狼人警察死亡-并希望获得的是什么,他认为底部是谋杀。

6、More information on the Stargazers can be found in the Werewolf Storytellers Companion. ─── 他们的盟友几乎都不在狼人一族之中。

7、If one of a child's parents is a werewolf, a chance exists that he will be one as well. ─── 只要孩子的单亲是狼人,他就有机会变成另一个。

8、Lying in wait for him, the soldier shot the werewolf several times as he entered the cavern, chasing him down until the maddened and dying werewolf leapt into the lake and disappeared from view. ─── 士兵藏好等着狼人,当狼人进入洞穴的时候,他开了好几枪,一直把几近疯狂和垂死的狼人追到一个湖边,然后眼看着他消失不见。

9、For you, I have turned into a werewolf, For you, I have contracted madness, For you, I have assumed thick disguise, For you, I have changed my heart and mind. ─── 我变成狼人摸样换了心肠。

10、Is one of the 2 neighbors of the player I indicate a Werewolf? ─── 与我指向的玩家相邻的2个人里有没有狼人?

11、While the spirits pledge to observe all of a werewolf s children carefully, many of them lose their way over the span of years and abandon their charges. ─── 即使灵魂发誓小心照看狼人的孩子,漫长的岁月中他们也会迷失忘记自己的责任。

12、’ An old grey gown was thrown beside the werewolf. ─── 一件灰色的旧袍子扔在狼人身边。

13、theriomorph: A being with the ability to shapeshift at will into an animal (i.e., a werewolf), as distinct from someone who uses magic to shapeshift. ─── 兽化生物:具有随意变形为动物能力的生物(例如狼人),这与通过魔法变形的人类截然不同。

14、Only this may help to find the werewolf. ─── 只有这样,可能有助于找到狼人。

15、The first stop is foothills . 21-24 This is the werewolf and the wolf-class attack power is not high, but the blood a bit more difficult to fight. ─── 狼山的第一站是狼山山麓。这里是21-24级的狼人和野狼,攻击力不算高,可是血比较多打起来有点吃力。

16、Widdershins go when the moon doth wane, and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane. ─── 满月时扬帆起航,高兴地哼起水手歌。月缺时按逆时针方向走,并且扮狼叫。

17、The werewolf can drown the village in blood, but he never kills his ancestors. ─── 可以淹死的狼人村血液中,但他从来没有杀死他的祖先。

18、Effects: While this potion can't cure lycanthropy, it does prevent the extremely dangerous dementia which accompanies the transformation from human into werewolf. ─── 效用:这种药剂不能治愈狼人,而能防止人变成狼所产生的极危险的行为。

19、Fighting a war while remembering to take Wolfsbane Potion to avoid the nastier effects of his monthly transformation into a werewolf will be tricky. ─── 战争年代还得记得喝狼毒药剂以避免一月一度的狼人变形所带来的不良后果,这会是很难办的一件事。

20、Any werewolf can try to live among them, but modern cities are cold and alien places, vast and sterile. ─── 任何的狼人都可以与他们共同生活,但是现代城市是如此的寒冷而怪异、空旷而贫瘠。

21、And that very day, he found the cave where the werewolf lived. ─── 后来,有一天,他发现了狼人住的山洞。

22、How do you stop a werewolf howling in the back of the car? ─── 怎样不让狼人在汽车后面吼叫?

23、werewolf: Lycanthropes who change from man to wolf. Other names include loup garou, beast-men, lupines, vargr, wolfmen. ─── 狼人:能从人形变幻为狼的变狼狂。别称包括:人狼,兽化人,凶狼。

24、A werewolf when transformed is a fearsome beast indeed. ─── 狼人变形之后是一种非常可怕的生物。

25、I am dating a werewolf .I met him on Monster . com! ─── 我正在和狼人约会,我是在怪物网上认识他的。

26、In most cases, the spirit half of the werewolf is not passed on. ─── 在大多数情况下,狼人的那一半灵魂无法传递给下一代。

27、.. He is your creator and you automatically join his or her race (vampire or werewolf) after you succ... ─── 你的帐号将在接下来的三天内被激活 I read and understood the Terms and Conditions and accept the.

28、The lucky ones learn about their werewolf relations, and even help them from time to time. ─── 一些幸运儿了解到了他们和狼人的亲情,甚至经常帮助狼人。

29、He`s a werewolf! That`s why he`s been missing classes. ─── 他是个狼人!这就是那天他让缺课的原因.

30、But even more, Harry has gained the affection and trust of Centaurs (Firenze), giants (Grawp) and half-giants (Hagrid and, probably, Madame Maxime), a phoenix, Thestrals, and a werewolf. ─── 更进一步的,哈利还博得了马人(费伦泽),巨人(格洛普)和半巨人(海格可能还有玛克西姆女士),凤凰,夜骐和一个狼人的喜爱与信任。

31、An American Werewolf In Pairs ─── 夜狼传说

32、No place is safe; the werewolf is an outsider no matter where he travels. ─── 没有地方是安全的;无论到哪里狼人都是外人。

33、A werewolf only comes out when the moon is full. ─── 狼人只在月圆的时候出现。

34、According to the stories, if a wolf had humanlike eyes and a short or missing tail, people could be sure that it was a werewolf. ─── 据说,如果狼长有与人眼相似的眼睛,尾巴很短或没有尾巴,那么可以断定它是狼人。

35、There are 3 new roles in this large extension: The raven blackens his fellow citizens, the firestarter has a heart-warming feeling and the white werewolf is the badness in person. ─── 有3新的角色在扩展板中:乌鸦变黑他的同胞,纵火者有一个燃烧的心和白色狼人是狼群中的坏人。

36、Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune. Widdershins go when the moon doth wane, and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane. ─── 满月时扬帆起航,高兴地哼起水手歌。月缺时按逆时针方向走,并且扮狼叫。

37、The werewolf and vampire are similar in many ways. ─── 狼人和吸血鬼有很多相似之处。

38、I am going to discharge you, and whoever wants to, can continue to fight with me as a Werewolf. ─── 现在大家遣散,但你们有谁想要继续作战,都可以跟我转入地下。’

39、Welsh Green - Werewolf - Wildebeest - Woodlouse - Wood Nymph ─── 普通威尔士绿龙-狼人-野羚羊-土鳖-山林仙女

40、Therefore, a silver bullet might not be the instant kill depicted so often in the movies, but it's an enemy's best chance at taking a werewolf down. ─── 因此,虽然银子弹不能像电影中那样瞬间杀死狼人,但是仍然是把狼人打倒的很好手段。

41、To voluntarily become a werewolf, you had to be a follower of Satan. ─── 若你自愿变成狼人,你必须成为撒旦的信徒。

42、I'm talking about your niece, Bellatrix. And yours, Lucius and Narcissa. She has just married the werewolf, Remus Lupin. You must be so proud. ─── 我说的是你的侄女,贝拉克里特斯。也是你们的侄女,卢修斯和纳西莎。她刚和一个狼人结婚了,就是那个莱姆斯·卢平。你肯定感到很骄傲了。

43、If a werewolf bites a person, that person becomes a werewolf. False. ─── 当一个人被狼人咬伤,他会变成狼人。错。

44、Why did Lupin transform into a werewolf only when the full moon came out from behind the clouds? ─── 为什么卢平只是在满月从云朵后面出来的时候才变成狼人?

45、One is a wizard who has been bitten by werewolf (who Lupin talks to during the Christmas visit), and the other is a witch who won't reveal what she was handling when she sustained her injuries. ─── 其中一个被狼咬伤(即卢平在圣诞节拜访时谈话的那个人),另一个女巫不肯告诉治疗师她被什么咬伤了。

46、TV Guide Magazine: Your characters are murdering their way through America, trying to build a hybrid werewolf-vampire army. ─── 问:你们的角色正在全国到处杀人,想要建立一个吸血鬼狼人混血军团。

47、But when bitten by a werewolf and almost lynched by locals, she has to flee into the howling wilderness. ─── 但当她被狼人撕咬和被当地人私刑处死时,她只有选择逃往空旷的荒野。

48、At heart, a werewolf is a creature of both human and wolf nature, but it is neither fully. ─── 实质上,狼人是自然混合了人和狼的造物,但这样的说明还不够充分。

49、Human Blood, Vampire Blood, or Werewolf Blood is now found in the inventory of ALL units, except for arena units and merchants (which you don't get to loot anyway). ─── 人血,吸血血,或狼人血液中发现,现在的库存的所有单位,除了舞台上的单位和商家(你不要抢劫反正)。

50、The Curse of the Werewolf ─── 狼人的诅咒

51、The world of Werewolf is not our own, although it resembles our world in many ways. ─── 狼人的世界不是现实,尽管很多地方看起来满像的。

52、A werewolf may try to escape into the natural world, but that realm has also been dying steadily. ─── 一个狼人会试图逃到自然中去,但是那个世界也正在稳步消亡。

53、‘No, no, Severus, it's curious.’ The werewolf stood up from the bed. ─── “不是,西弗勒斯。这太奇怪了。”狼人从床上站起来。

54、The laws laid down millennia ago are learned and recounted by each generation until every werewolf knows them by heart. ─── 发布于数千年之前的法令仍然被大家了解,代代流传下来的故事仍然被讲述直到每一个狼人都牢记于心。

55、Therefore, a werewolf is at her greatest risk of frenzy when the moon is full, and more werewolf attacks tend to occur under the full moon. ─── 因此,当月圆的时候狼人极有攻击性,大多数的狼人攻击事件发生在满月的时候。

56、As you can see, the lot of a werewolf is far from an easy one. ─── 就像你看到的,很多狼人再也不单纯。

57、Their relationship is complicated further due to the fact that, unbeknownst to her, she belongs to a family of werewolf hunters. ─── 两人的关系也尤为复杂,而艾莉森还不知道,她的家族是狼人猎手。

58、So there's a chance one of the characters we already know and love will be turned into a werewolf. ─── 这就表示了,也许有个我们喜欢的角色将会变成狼人。

59、Finally, some time after adolescence, a young werewolf undergoes his First Change. ─── 最终,在青春期后的某一天,年幼的狼人将要经历他的第一次蜕变。

60、This event is often brought on by stress or trauma, leading the confused young werewolf to lash out at whatever is hurting him. ─── 这样的事往往是压力或者外伤引导的,这将会导致困惑的幼狼人猛力殴打那个伤害他的家伙。

61、A werewolf has no choice. ─── 但人狼们没有选择.

62、Nobody had witnessed the changing of a man to a werewolf. ─── 从未有人真正亲眼看到人变成狼。

63、Each player is secretly assigned a role - Werewolf, Villager, or special character such as The Captain, The Hunter, the Witch, the Little Girl, The Seer and so on... ─── 游戏将会分成两个阶段来进行-白天和夜晚。夜晚,人狼将秘密地选择一个村民并将他杀死。

64、From that point forward, the young werewolf lives a life of constant danger. ─── 从此以后,幼狼人将在永恒的危险中生活。

65、An American Werewolf In Paris ─── 变种人;夜狼传说

66、A rarely seen movie about a werewolf who prowls around at night but only kills certain members of one family. ─── 一个狼人在夜里徘徊,它只杀死一个家庭的某些成员。

67、Arizona Werewolf ─── 人狼怪谈

68、One of the many exploits Gilderoy Lockhart claimed to have performed was to have defeated the Wagga Wagga Werewolf (CS10). ─── 吉德罗?洛哈特吹嘘的众多英勇传奇中间就有一个他如何击败沃加沃加狼人(密室第十章)。

69、It is virtually impossible to reason with a werewolf in this state. ─── 事实上这个状态的狼人无可理谕。

70、A Werewolf in the Amazon ─── 亚马逊狼人

71、Widdershins go when the moon doth wane,and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane. ─── 月缺时按逆时针方向走,并且扮狼叫。

72、Also, the sad list of the werewolf's victims is known. ─── 此外,不幸的名单狼人的受害者是众所周知的。

73、In modern terms, werewolf blood is inherited. ─── 在现代,狼人之血是血亲继承的。

74、Vrykolakas—Werewolf or Vampire? ─── 尸(本意指狼人)——狼人还是吸血鬼?

75、There are several ways to become a werewolf. ─── 有很多种方法可以变成人狼.

76、The Garou denote a cub's coming of age with a Rite of Passage, a deadly and dangerous quest that tests a werewolf's strength and wisdom to its very limits. ─── 但他们都用成年仪式来标志幼仔的成年,那总是一个无比危险乃至致命的任务,考验狼人力量和智慧的极限。

77、Humanity has managed to grasp the concept of the werewolf only partially. ─── 人类只了解了狼人的一小部分。

78、Even the werewolf seemed cowed.Snape gazed for a moment at Dumbledore, and there was revulsion and hatred etched in the harsh lines of his face. ─── 好象是完成了一件很有成就感的大事,而在合上书页的一瞬间,心却好象被掏空了。

79、Karen irreconcilable werewolf family and ethnic conflicts of the question of how to solve? ─── 克伦不可调和的狼人家族和种族冲突的问题如何解决?

80、And the king of these stories is the story of the werewolf. ─── 而最重头的故事是狼人的故事。

81、A werewolf changes form when the moon is full. Mostly false. ─── 当月圆的时候,狼人会变身。基本上错了。

82、7. Widderhins go when the moon doth wane, and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane. ─── 当月亮逐渐变小时,于魔法圈边逆时钟移动,可带走负面能量。

83、The Werewolf of Fever Swamp ─── 湿地狼人

84、As the light dies, werewolf heroes are willing to sacrifice everything to hold back the darkness. ─── 当光明泯灭时,狼人英雄愿意牺牲一切抵挡黑暗的侵袭。

85、werewolf child? ─── 狼精吗?

86、"werewolf", as Hitler named the installation, was a crude compound of log cabins and wooden huts ─── 希特勒给它起了一个名字“狼人”,“狼人”是由许多简陋的圆木小屋和木板房构成的一个大本营。

87、Two other extremes are crucial to a werewolf's existence: rage and reason. ─── 有一对反义词对狼人至关紧要:愤怒和理智。

88、As the Final Days approach, every werewolf is needed desperately. ─── 末日迫近,每个狼人都如困兽一般。

89、During a full moon, a werewolf will transform from a man into a wolf and go about killing children and devouring infants and corpses . ─── 满月时,狼人会从人形转变成狼形,开始杀害小孩、吞食婴儿和尸体。







狼:是食肉目、犬科的动物。共有11个亚种。体型中等、匀称,四肢修长,趾行性,利于快速奔跑。头腭尖形,颜面部长,鼻端突出,耳尖且直立,嗅觉灵敏,听觉发达。犬齿及裂齿发达。毛粗而长。前足4-5趾,后足一般4趾 ;爪粗而钝,不能伸缩或略能伸缩。尾多毛,较发达。狼的体色一般为黄灰色,背部杂以毛基为棕色,毛尖为黑色的毛,也间有黑褐色、黄色以及乳白色的杂毛,尾部黑色毛较多,腹部及四肢内侧为乳白色,此外还有纯黑、纯白、棕色、褐色、灰色、沙色等色型。

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