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09-19 投稿


militiamen 发音

英:  美:

militiamen 中文意思翻译



militiamen 词性/词形变化,militiamen变形


militiamen 相似词语短语

1、militates ─── vi.有影响;产生作用

2、militiaman ─── n.民兵;民兵组织

3、utility men ─── 跑龙套,杂务工

4、militate ─── vi.有影响;产生作用

5、militia ─── n.民兵组织;自卫队;义勇军;国民军

6、clinamen ─── n.偏见;趋向

7、Politian ─── n.波利提安(意大利15世纪人文主义者安哲罗•波利齐亚诺的笔名)

8、militias ─── n.民兵;国民军;义勇军(militia的复数)

9、militated ─── vi.有影响;产生作用

militiamen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some days before, the county government had managed to break the Kuomintang blockade line between Kwangtai and Suiyeh by infiltrating eighty militiamen past a long row of Kuomingtang pillboxes. ─── 几天前,县政府派八十名民兵偷偷绕过国民党的一系列碉堡,穿越观台和水冶之间的封锁线。

2、then the officers, and after them the soldiers and militiamen ran up with excited faces, pushing each other, and shoving breathlessly forward. ─── 然后是军官们照样做了,在军官之后,士兵和后备军人互相推挤着,践踏着,喘息着,流露出激动的神情在地上爬行。

3、When the Kuomintang came and he retreated, most of the militiamen had deserted him because they did not wish to leave their families or their land. ─── 国民党来的时候,他撤退了,多数民兵离开了地老鼠,因为他们不愿意离开家庭,丢下土地。

4、The militiamen pursued him a good distance before they caught him. ─── 民兵追了他好一阵才抓住他。

5、A number of militiamen rushed with a triumphant yell towards his fallen body. ─── 一批以胜利的呼喊民兵赶往他身体倒下。

6、A levy was decreed, not only of ten recruits for active service, but of nine militiamen for the reserve as well, from every thousand of the population. ─── 不仅规定从千人中募集十名新兵,而且还要募集九名民兵。到处都在诅咒万恶的波拿巴。

7、After the Feb. 22 attack on the Golden Dome shrine in Samarra, shadowy groups of Shiite militiamen with possible ties to Iraqi security forces launched a wave of reprisal attacks against Sunni mosques and neighborhoods. ─── 二月22日萨马拉金顶寺遇袭后,幽灵般的什叶派武装分子有可能依靠伊拉克安全部队发动针对逊尼派清真寺及其邻近的报复性袭击。

8、They seemed healthier than the militiamen and stronger, as if they were particularly well fed. ─── 但是,在我跟他们在一起的全部时间里,我们的伙食无非是小米和萝卜,没有别的东西。

9、The militiamen are looking out for the murderer. ─── 民兵们正在搜寻凶手。

10、In response, militiamen set up heavy security around many mosques in the city, trying to prevent any opposition gatherings. ─── 为了应对,政府的民兵在城里许多清真寺高度戒备,试图阻止反对者的聚集。

11、When the car stopped in the town square it was surrounded by soldiers and militiamen. ─── 当这辆车在城镇广场停下时,它被战士和民兵们包围了。

12、At the same time, the people formed local governments, militiamen to stand sentry duty, Women's associations to fight for women's equality and many other organizations. ─── 同时,人民建立了地方政权,组织了民兵站岗放哨,成立了妇女会为妇女的平等权利而斗争,另外,还成立了其他许多组织。

13、While uncovering the suffering of the villagers, the militiamen also uncovered the names of landlords, dog legs and bandits who were treating the people badly. ─── 在了解到村里老百姓遭受什么苦难的同时,民兵也了解到那些欺凌老百姓的地主、狗腿子和土匪的名字。

14、Diplomats in Khartoum have speculated that local militiamen in Kordofan, the region where the incident took place, may be responsible. ─── 交代目前并不知道绑架幕后策划组织,但是有怀疑方向。

15、As they made their way down to the slum, they found the whole area alive with policemen and militiamen patrolling in pairs, while small knots of factory girls buzzed excitedly by the roadside. ─── 他们一路上看见警察双岗,保卫团巡行,三三两两的丝厂女工在路旁吵闹。

16、The frontier guards together with the militiamen drove out the invaders. ─── 边防战士和民兵一起把入侵者赶了出去。

17、Petraeus was preparing to testify to Congress on progress in the war-torn country as fighting between security forces and Shiite militiamen rocked Baghdad for a third straight day. ─── 在安全力量和什叶派民兵之间震撼巴格达的冲突已经进入第三天的时候,彼得雷乌斯正准备就在这个饱受战火催残的国家的进展向国会作证。

18、" Without saying a word, the militiamen shot and killed him. ─── 民兵们二话不说,开枪把他打死了。

19、In the meantime, Sitze tried to contact his brother who had organized a band of sixty militiamen not three miles outside of Suiyeh. ─── 与此同时,西则没法同他哥哥取得联系。哥哥在离水冶不到十里的地方组织了一支六十人的民兵队伍。

20、During a typical skirmish he observed, Lebanese army soldiers started shooting at some Druze militiamen, who responded by firing on American marines (who were supposed to be keeping the peace). ─── 他经常看到这样的冲突:开始的时候是黎巴嫩士兵向德鲁兹教派民兵开枪,后者做出的反应则是向美国海军陆战队开火(他们应该是在执行维和任务)。

21、British forces claimed Iraqi militiamen fired on their own people to try to quell the rebellion. ─── 英军声称伊拉克军队向他们的人民开火以镇压起义。

22、The militiamen did much to assist the frontier guards' search for the enemy. ─── 民兵大力协助边防军嫂搜索敌人。

23、The militiamen walked in and noticed that two people had been sleeping on the kang. ─── 民兵们第三次到地主家时,地主婆在门口回答民兵说,她男人不在家。

24、Thus, raiding militiamen would free a girl who had been forced into marriage, depose a hated village chief or kidnap a landord. ─── 比如说,执行袭击任务的民兵们会去解救受到强迫婚姻之害的姑娘,推翻人们痛恨的村长以及绑架地主。

25、In the same area, near the oil-rich Abyei region, Arab militiamen not allied with the Darfur rebels abducted four Indian oil workers and their driver in May. ─── 今年5月,同样是在科尔多凡省,在富油的阿卜耶伊地区附近,一些没有与达尔富尔反政府武装结盟的阿拉伯民兵,绑架了4名印度石油工人和他们的司机。

26、The instant the militiamen heard the alarm, they fell in for action. ─── 民兵们一听到警报,就立即集合准备战斗。

27、Tramp, tramp, tramp, columns of militiamen marched by in perfect step. ─── 一队队民兵?H?H地走过去, 非常整齐。

28、A couple of pick-up trucks packed with rocket launchers and Afghan militiamen, hired to provide security to the supply convoys, sped away from the battle leaving a cloud of dust. ─── 被袭击的两辆敞蓬小货车装载着火箭发射器,车上受雇佣的阿富汗民兵负责这次运输的安全,他们很快就从战场撤走,留下飞扬的尘土。

29、While this had been taking place, our guards had been inquiring the conditions of the road from a few stray militiamen who were operating in and out of Kwangtai. ─── 这时,我们的警卫人员正在向过路的民兵打听前边的情况,这些民兵经常出没于观台一带。

30、Despite government assurances that it is trying to disarm Arab Janjaweed militias in Darfur, an African Union monitoring team reports militiamen are continuing to loot villages and kill Darfur's black-African civilians. ─── 尽管苏丹政府保证说在努力解除达尔富尔地区阿拉伯民兵马枪队的武装,但是一个非洲联盟观察小组报告说,马枪队成员还在继续抢掠村庄并残杀达尔富尔的黑人平民。

31、As we would have to thread our way around Kuomintang-held towns, we had a guide avid seven or eight militiamen as a guard. ─── 因为需要绕过国民党占领的城镇,我们除了带有一名向导以外,还有七八个民兵一路护送。

32、The theft was traced to a farmer who revealed that the ex-puppet Chun had promised him a big reward to murder the captain of the militiamen. ─── 不久,偷揭名单的人被抓获,供出那个姓钟的指使他去暗杀民兵队长,许诺事成之后给予重赏。

33、They sent militiamen out to cut their firewood, they ordered villagers to hoe their fields. ─── 他两人还派上民兵给他们自己割柴,拨上民夫给他们自己锄地;

34、The militiamen got among the bushes, but several shots in succession came cracking from the rampart. ─── 民兵在草丛得,但几个镜头先后来到从垒打。

35、Another detachment of militiamen was drawn out to reinforce the main forces. ─── 又派出一支民兵去增援主力部队。

36、The militiamen started off in pursuit of the enemy. ─── 民兵出动了,去追踪敌人。

37、Rwanda invaded DRC territory to go after Hutu militiamen, many of whom were behind the 1994 genocide. ─── 卢旺达入侵刚果领土以打击胡图激进分子,这些激进分子中的很多人参与了1994年的种族屠杀。

38、The militiamen often practise shooting. ─── 民兵们经常练习射击。

39、As we would have to thread our way around Kuomintang-held towns, we had a guide avid seven or eight militiamen as a guard. ─── 因为需要绕过国民党占领的城镇,我们除了带有一名向导以外,还有七八个民兵一路护送。

40、Here and there in the audience one could see militiamen with rifles, some of them equipped with bayonets which glinted fitfully in the light. ─── 观众中夹杂着背枪的民兵,有的还上了刺刀,刀锋在汽灯照耀下闪着寒光。

41、This is the pint - sized Afghan warIord who at just 15 is in command of an army of 300 anti - Taliban militiamen. ─── 这位个头比平常人小的阿富汗军事首领刚刚十五岁,却指挥着一支300人的反塔利班民兵队伍。

42、After the attack at Lake Tensaw, Jackson led 5,000 militiamen in the destruction of two Creek villages. ─── 就在天梭湖攻击事件之后,杰克森率领5千名志愿军,消灭了两个克里克族的村落。

43、Ten years later, Taiwan was ceded to Japan after the ino-Japanese War.Tangxing led the Hakka militiamen to fight the Japanese troops. ─── 来台接收的日本能久亲王和随行军医森鸥外,对台湾的美丽丰饶和台湾人民的奋勇精神,都深受震撼。

44、The militiamen have grown from absolutely nothing to eight hundred thousand. ─── 民兵则从无到有,最后发展到八十万人。

45、In aspect, as well as training, these men were entirely different from the militiamen. ─── 武工队的军容和素质与民兵完全不同。

46、Then when he fell on the dry branches like a bundle of wood, the militiamen were on him in a heap. ─── 接着他像一捆木柴似的倒在干枯的树枝上,许多民兵一拥而上。

47、Along the way, two and three militiamen each village to do propaganda work. ─── 他们沿途在每个村庄都留下两、三个民兵做宣传工作。

48、The militiamen held off the invaders until the reinforcements arrived. ─── 民兵们挡住入侵者,直至援军到来。

49、The militiamen and women, under the command of military organs, perform combat readiness support and defensive operations, and help to maintain social order. ─── 民兵在军事机关的指挥下,担负战备勤务、防卫作战任务,协助维护社会秩序。

50、Several thousand of the militiamen, it is feared, have returned to arms and to crime. ─── 现在所害怕的就是这些军人重新武装起来,走上犯罪道路。

51、The militiamen were banging away at the hand its. ─── 民兵们噼噼啪啪地不断向土匪射击。

52、A year-and-a-half ago, under orders from Baghdad, the Iraqi army retook the city. Hundreds of militiamen were killed. ─── 在一年半以前,在巴格达下达命令,由伊拉克军队接手这座城市,上百名民兵被杀,一些民兵越境到伊朗仍被追踪。

53、So Tehran, the capital, was flooded with police and militiamen. ─── 所以,首都德黑兰布满了警察和民兵。

54、When the three militiamen arrived in Ilium and said that district had arrested Xing and Wang and were sending a clerk to investigate their crimes, the villagers were delighted. ─── 三个民兵回到刘家峧,一说区上把兴旺金旺二人押起来,又派助理员来调查他们的罪恶,真是人人拍手称快。

55、Equipped little better than the local peasant population, these militiamen attempt to defeat their foes not with their questionable axe skills, but instead through sheer strength of numbers. ─── 战斧民兵装备稍优于普通农夫,通常不是凭藉娴熟斧技,而是人多势众蜂拥而上,以此对抗敌军。

56、If the attack were in the mountains, militiamen would take up positions on every peak; if in the plains, in underground tunnels. ─── 如果敌人进攻山区,民兵就在每一座山头上严阵以待;如果敌人进攻平原地区,民兵就打地道战。

57、Since the duty of the militiamen was not in this village, they went on to Weichang and delivered their letter. ─── 因为这些民兵本不是在这个村子执行任务,所以他们继续向卫漳进发,在那里完成了投信任务。

58、Most of the dead were thought to be Hamas militiamen and police, but there were civilian casualties too. ─── 大多数死亡的人被认为是哈马斯的民兵和警察,但也有拼命的伤亡。

59、The operations of militiamen in Kuomintang territory often had a Robin Hood character about them. ─── 民兵在国民党占领区的活动往往带有罗宾汉式的侠义色彩。

60、Beating a hasty retreat, Tang collected a couple of militiamen and set out to capture his would-be assassin. ─── 唐慌忙退出了村子,并召集了几个民兵去抓企图暗杀他的人。

61、After they all had met, the militiamen and the clerk continued on towards the village. ─── 说着就走到跟前,助理员跟三个民兵先走了。

62、The bandits flee into the mountain, pursued by the militiamen. ─── 在民兵们的追击下,匪徒们逃进了深山。

63、We had entered after dark and while some militiamen took up outposts on the heights above the village, the Field Mouse, Mr. ─── 我们天黑时进村,民兵们在村子的一些制高点布了岗。

64、Three militiamen were wounded and their comrades not only hesitated to charge Hadji Murad and his men, but dropped farther and farther back, firing only random shots at long range. ─── 三名民兵受伤,对同志负责,不仅毫不犹豫地和他的Murad阿男子但回降越远,只随机枪射击远程。

65、In order to give the impression that they were regular troops, the militiamen blew several mighty blasts on their bugles. ─── 为了造成他们是正规军的假像,民兵们猛吹了几声军号。

66、A selected group of militiamen under the age of 28, including soldiers discharged from active service and other persons who have received or are selected for military training, shall be regimented into the primary militia; ─── 28岁以下退出现役的士兵和经过军事训练的人员,以及选定参加军事训练的人员,编为基干民兵。

67、Our PLA fighters, with the help of the militiamen, are vigilantly safeguarding our frontiers against any enemies who should dare to encroach on our territory. ─── 我人民解放军战士在民兵的协助下,警惕地保卫着我国的边疆,防御任何敢于来犯之敌。

68、Soon after, a squad of about 30 militiamen arrive. ─── 不久,约有30人的一支民兵队伍到了。

69、Meanwhile, in the distance, Christian Phalangist militiamen “engaged in an artillery duel with another unit that we were unable to identify. ─── 与此同时,在远处,黎巴嫩右翼基督教民兵“正在和一只不明身份的部队展开一场火炮决斗。”

70、She told reporters she knew that the radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr was in Iran and praised the recent Iraqi government military assaults against his militiamen . ─── 赖斯对记者称,她知道激进分子什叶派牧师萨德尔就在伊拉克,同时她称赞了伊拉克政府军近期攻击什叶派民兵的行为。

71、In spite of the presence of the commander-in-chief, which drew the attention of all persons of higher rank, the militiamen and soldiers went on praying without looking at him. ─── 虽然总司令的出现引起了全体高级官员的注意,但是后备军人和士兵却没看他,仍然继续祷告着。

72、The militiamen did much to assist the frontier guards. ─── 民兵大力协助边防军。

73、In front of a crowd of hundreds at an al-Shabab camp in the north of Mogadishu, militiamen cut off the right hand and left foot of the four suspected thieves. ─── 在摩加迪沙北部的激进伊斯兰组织青年党营地内,激进分子在几百人面前砍掉了四名盗窃嫌疑人的右手和左脚。

74、The militiamen hunted down the air-dropped agent and found him hiding in a cabin in the woods. ─── 民兵追捕那个空降特务,发现他藏在林中的一间小屋里。

75、The militiamen rounded up and disarmed a gang of bandits ear the Sino-Burmese border ─── 民兵在中缅边界附近包围了一小撮土匪,并把他们缴械。

76、In a field west of Suiyeh, he drew up two hundred militiamen and forty men of the 52nd Independent Regiment, these last a group of experienced soldiers organized by the county. ─── 他在水冶西边的一个阵地里布置了二百名民兵和第五十二独立团的四十名战士,后者是县里掌握的富有经验的战士。

77、The Shiite Cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has called the militiamen from the Mahdi Army off the streets of Basra and all other provinces. ─── 萨德尔已经召回了部署在巴士拉街道上和其他省市的马赫迪军。

78、The militiamen would not let the landlord get dressed. ─── 天很冷,民兵们不让他穿衣服。

79、Wherever he went, he said, groups of government supporters, sometimes accompanied by plainclothes basiji militiamen, followed him. ─── 他表示,无论到任何地方,一群群政府的支持者,有时是在便衣民兵的陪同下,总是跟着他。

80、Militiamen, crossing the lines at night, would climb over a house wall, knock on a woman's door and ask: "How are you being treated? ─── 民兵们在夜里穿过封锁线,爬过院墙,敲一个妇女的门,问道:“他们怎么对待你?

81、The militiamen searched out the people and delivered a number of speeches. ─── 民兵们召集群众讲话。

82、Tramp, tramp, tramp, columns of militiamen marched by in perfect step ─── 一队队民兵?H?H地走过去,非常整齐。

83、Chechen militiamen hiding around the corner are indifferent to the Russian's fate. ─── 潜伏在附近的车臣民兵对俄罗斯人的命运一点也不关心。

84、The militiamen have all been issued arms by the government. ─── 民兵都由政府发给了武器。

85、The militiamen carried Prince Andrey to the copse, where there were vans and an ambulance station. ─── 后备军人们把安德烈公爵抬到林边,那儿停着几辆大车,救护站就在那儿。

86、the period of training for professional and technical militiamen may be extended appropriately according to actual needs. ─── 专业技术民兵的训练时间,按照实际需要适当延长。

87、Outside the Green Zone, diplomatic convoys are prime targets for insurgents, militiamen and freelance kidnappers. ─── 在绿区外,外交车队是反叛者、武装人员和雇佣绑架者的主要袭击目标。

88、Squire All Peasants and Militiamen in hero's army gain +1 to their offence and defense for every three levels of the hero, starting on first level. ─── 护卫(民兵精通)从英雄等级第一级开始,农民和民兵每三级获得+1攻击力和防御力。

89、The militiamen have caught a spy. ─── 民兵抓着了一个特务。



中文含义:men音同“门”,本义:双扇门,门。就是房屋、车船或用围墙、篱笆围起来的地方的出入口。或指装置在上述出入口,能开关的障碍物,多用木料或金属材料做成。 或宗教、学术思想上的派别:儒门、佛门。




Repo Men 重生男人 ; 追讨人 ; 索命条码 ; 重生曼波Aimer men 爱慕男士 ;

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