luxuriance 发音
英: 美:
luxuriance 中文意思翻译
luxuriance 网络释义
n. 繁茂;丰富;肥沃;华美
luxuriance 相似词语短语
1、luxulianite ─── 电气石花岗岩
2、luxuriancy ─── n.繁茂;多产
3、luxuriate ─── vi.沉溺;繁茂;生活奢侈
4、luxuriates ─── vi.沉溺;繁茂;生活奢侈
5、luxuriated ─── vi.沉溺;繁茂;生活奢侈
6、luxuriances ─── n.繁茂;丰富;肥沃;华美
7、luxuriantly ─── adv.丰富地;繁茂地
8、luxullianite ─── n.电气花岗岩
9、luxuriant ─── adj.繁茂的,浓密的;丰富的,肥沃的,奢华的
luxuriance 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Luxuriance of growth, and the local cultural traditions existing environmental compatibility with the local natural environment.Luxuriance of growth.Things. ─── 地域文化是一种传统,它要比单靠自然环境或改造环境来得更好、更经济。
2、The foliage was in its utmost luxuriance ─── 树叶正处于最茂盛的时期。
3、that little creature, whose innocent life had sprung, by the inscrutable decree of Providence, a lovely and immortal flower, out of the rank luxuriance of a passion. ─── 那个小家伙是秉承着高深莫测的天意而诞生的一个清白无辜的生命,是在一次罪恶的情欲泛滥中开放的一株可爱而不谢的花朵。
4、The dwellers in temperate zones Can have no idea of the luxuriance of tropical vegetation. ─── 温带的居民无法设想苍郁茂密的热带植被。
5、Here the trees are luxuriance, the springs around with bamboo are all clear ─── 云间树色树树满,竹里泉生泉泉明
6、Immerse your body and mind in such an aesthetic atmosphere and enjoy the anti-season spring luxuriance to forget the daily hustle and bustle, as well as the time! ─── 让身心沉浸在SPA的唯美境界,体味无时序的春意盎然,忘记繁忙,忘却时间!
7、while the deep lines on the forehead and face implied an age which the jet-black hair and beard flowing down in indistinguishable luxuriance almost to the waist seemed to belie. ─── 满脸的皱纹表明祂年事已高,可那长及腰部、乌黑稠密的头发和胡须却又让人怀疑。
8、So the game best displays the motion and luxuriance of motor sport thoroughly. ─── 这个游戏最好的体现了摩托车运动的动感和丰富。
9、"WE have as yet hardly spoken of the infant; that little creature, whose innocent life had sprung, by the inscrutable decree of Providence, a lovely and immortal flower, out of the rank luxuriance of a passion." ─── 我们迄今尚未谈及那个婴儿;那个小家伙是秉承着高深莫测的天意而诞生的一个清白无辜的生命,是在一次罪恶的情欲泛滥中开放的一株可爱而不谢的花朵。
10、Then on the higher sandy soil there was the purple ling, or commonest species of heather growing in beautiful wild luxuriance ─── 再往上去是沙土地带,紫石南,或是最普通的各种石南灌木,乱蓬蓬密麻麻长得千姿百态。
11、On the other hand, desire leads to all kinds of excess, extravagance, luxuriance, and abuse of power. ─── 另一个方面来看,欲望导致各类的过度、浪费、豪奢,与权力滥用。
12、A study of Modern Prose Luxuriance ─── 现代散文美浅论
13、This phenomenon is more exhilarating to me than the luxuriance and fertility of vineyards. ─── 这一个现象给我的欣喜,更甚于一个丰饶多产的葡萄园。
14、If the village had been beautiful at first it was now in the full glow and luxuriance of its richness. ─── 如果说村子当初一度很漂亮的话,那么现在则充分展示了它的风采与繁盛。
15、The dwellers in temperate zones can have no idea of the luxuriance of tropical vegetation. ─── 温带的居民无法设想苍郁茂密的热带植被。
16、Charlotte had parties of unimaginable luxuriance, with magicians from London and, the previous year, an ice-cream cake. ─── Charlotte的派对拥有难以想象的奢侈华丽,有来自伦敦的魔术师,早些年还有一个冰淇淋蛋糕。
17、The renaissance of luxuriance in literature in Nanchao Dynasty begins from the time of Liusong. ─── 摘要南朝文学对文学之“丽”的复兴从刘宋文学开始。
18、If the village had been beautiful at first it was now in the full glow and luxuriance of its richness. ─── 如果说春天的乡村景色旖旎,那么,夏天的乡村正展示出它全部的魅力和丰盈。
19、and here and there a daisy grafted on a rose- branch flowered with a luxuriance prophetic of Mr. Luther Burbank's far-off prodigies. ─── 在一些鲜花怒放的玫瑰枝头,嫁接着朵朵雏菊,预告着卢瑟·伯班克先生园艺试验遥远的奇观。
20、Urban projects, luxuri Apartments in Zagreb, Hotel komplex development in mid Dalmatia with total infrastructure. ─── [相关分类:旅游项目,公寓,别墅,房地产经纪人
21、The Aesthetic Analyses on Luxuriance of Faulkner's Novels ─── 论福克纳小说语言艺术的繁复美
22、5, four lane? 1,476 would luxuriance of vegetation, 1.92 million, and free lift fees, which should be completed in the high-grade lower. ─── 5?蔽镆倒芾矸呀?1.92元,并且免收电梯费,这在中高档楼盘中应该算比较低的。
23、The remains of ancient Rome mingled exotically with the half-tropical luxuriance, and excited in her new and subtle emotions. ─── 古罗马的残迹与半热带状的富饶交混在一起,显出一种异国情调,在她的心里唤起新的微妙的情感。
24、the luxuriance of the tropical forest ─── 茂密的热带森林
25、A string of beads not only a luxuriance and levity represent, but also represent individual lifestyle. ─── 手工串珠艺术不仅是华丽多变的生活表现,更是个人生活品位的传达。
26、Luxuriance and floating cannot last long. ─── 华丽和漂浮都不易长久。
27、The remains of ancient Rome mingled exotically with the half-tropical luxuriance, and excited in her new and subtle emotions ─── 古罗马的残迹与半热带状的富饶交混在一起,显出一种异国情调,在她的心里唤起新的微妙的情感。
28、The foliage was in its utmost luxuriance. ─── 树叶正处于最茂盛的时期。
29、"Where no ax has been raised in the luxuriance of the Olympic rain forest, wind-toppled trees provide nourishment for saplings, while moss and ferns feed on the very air. ─── 茂盛的奥林匹克雨林从未被斧子光顾过,这些风吹不倒的树木在苔藓和蕨类植物的帮助下为其它树苗提供了营养物质。
30、Devil means being evil and inhuman which could push one off coast cliff into sea, whereas Parade gives the impression of magnificence and luxuriance. ─── Devil意味着邪恶,不近人情,甚至把你从悬崖边推到海里去。而Parade又给人太多华贵而奢靡的印象。
31、Luxuriance and inobtrusive!! ─── 既华丽又低调!!
32、"It was so artistically done, and with so much fertility and gorgeous luxuriance of fancy, that it had all the effect of a last and fitting decoration to the apparel which she wore;" ─── 这个字母制作别致,体现了丰富面华美的匠心,佩在衣服上构成尽美尽善的装饰
33、We have as yet hardly spoken of the infant that little creature, whose innocent life had sprung, by the inscrutable decree of Providence, a lovely and immortal flower, out of the rank luxuriance of a guilty passion. ─── 我们迄今尚未谈及那个婴儿; 那个小家伙是秉承着高深莫测的天意而诞生的一个清白无辜的生命,是在一次罪恶的情欲泛滥中开放的一株可爱而不谢的花朵。
34、present, the ancient tea plants are still luxuriance. ─── 至今,古茶树林依然葱郁茂密,生机昂然。
35、That country manifests an unbelievable luxuriance of flora and fauna. ─── 该国展示动植物之丰富,令人难以置信。
36、It was a luxuriance of aspect, a fullness of growth, which made her appear more of a woman that she really was. ─── 也正是她丰满的面容和成熟的身体,使得她看起来比她的实际年龄显得更像一个成年妇人。
37、The very luxuriance of the country displeased him ─── 他讨厌这样肥沃的地方。
38、;4 1,476 would luxuriance of vegetation, four times, the confusion ;5.Pitt plays partridge are critical Dr Chin. buildings ammonia standard. ─── 业内人士分析说,纠纷的结果无须预测,可想而知,在地产市场未进入买方市场阶段,这些情况的发生不足为奇。
39、Up to the present, the ancient tea plants are still luxuriance. ─── 至今,古茶树林依然葱郁茂密,生机昂然。
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