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09-19 投稿


leeringly 发音

英:[['lɪərɪŋlɪ]]  美:[['lɪərɪŋlɪ]]

英:  美:

leeringly 中文意思翻译



leeringly 相似词语短语

1、feelingly ─── adv.感动地,充满感情地;衷心地

2、sneeringly ─── adv.嘲笑地;轻蔑地

3、erringly ─── 错误地

4、jeeringly ─── adv.嘲弄地

5、cheeringly ─── adv.令人愉快地

6、fleetingly ─── adv.疾驰地;飞快地;短暂地

7、veeringly ─── 转向

8、loweringly ─── 低沉地

9、fleeringly ─── 毛茸茸的

leeringly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Moment produced by body weight applied at body's center of graity, X, acting on leer arm, B-X, must be counterbalanced by moment produced by abductors, A, acting on shorter leer arm, A-B. ─── 位于身体重心,由体重产生的力矩X作用于杠杆长臂B-X,由外展肌产生的力矩A作用于杠杆短臂A-B,两者必须平衡。

2、a soft glance; an ogle; a leer ─── 媚眼

3、Based on a series of experiments, a new type of laminar entrained flow reactor (LEER) was developed, tested and improved, in which a plasma flow jet was used as the major heating source. ─── 摘要研制了一种以等离子体为主加热热源,配合管壁保温措施的新型层流炉装置。与传统的层流炉相比,该装置具有温度分布均匀,层流区间更宽等优点。

4、Thrawn and slab of leer I hold thee, and yore was 'gal. ─── 我环抱同时投去丑鄙的秋波于你,曾经的少女。

5、Wenzhou Longwan Leer Machinery Casting Factory, founded in 1995, is a professional stainless flange manufacturer inte grated development, production and sales, not far away from Wenzhou airport. ─── 温州市龙湾乐二机械铸件厂创建于1995年,是专业生产不锈钢法兰,集开发、生产、销售为一体的法兰制造商。

6、Don't make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to leer yourself up. ─── 别交那些在一起让你舒舒服服的朋友。交那些让你不得不长进的朋友。

7、They leer , they simper at her shame: Gay. ─── 他们斜视着这个乞丐;他在别人的斜视中抬起了头。

8、Por la noche,si no tenemos clases,vamos a la biblioteca a leer o repasar las lecciones. ─── 晚上如果没有课,我们就去图书馆读书或者复习功课。

9、Oed' und leer das Meer. ─── 荒凉而空虚是那大海.

10、Leer nu alles over de tijd met Internet Polyglot! ─── 现在开始学习时间在国际互联网的Polyglot!

11、leer pan ─── 退火盘

12、Leer arm A-B may be shorter than normal in arthritic hip.Centralization of head shortens leer arm B-X, and lateral reattachment of trochanter lengthens leer arm A-B. ─── 在炎性病变的髋关节A-B可能比正常情况短,股骨头中心化可缩短B-X,而将大粗隆外移重固定可加长A-B。

13、(Verspeel geen tijd!Leer nieuwe woorden. ─── 不要浪废您的时间!

14、I blow him out about you, Buck Mulligan said, and then you come along with your lousy leer and your gloomy jesuit jibes ─── “我对他把你大吹了一通,”勃克·穆利根说,“可你却令人不快地斜眼瞟着,搬弄你那套耶酥会士的阴郁的嘲讽。”

15、 双语使用场景

16、The content of this page is from the LEER port or LEER customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自LEER港口或LEER海关的进出口公司目录;

17、Preious research already had fingered increased leels and actions of one particular enzyme, AMPK, in brain cells as a control leer for appetite in mice and presumably humans. ─── 以前的研究也曾指出某种特定的酶---AMPK水平的增加和活性的提高,AMPK在鼠和人体脑细胞中代表了食欲调控水平。

18、Por la noche, si no tenemos clases,vamos a la biblioteca a leer o repasar las lecciones.A las diez, nos acostamos.Dormimos ocho horas diarias. ─── 晚上,我们没有课,我们去图书馆读书或者复习课文.到了十点,我们上床睡觉,我们每天睡八个小时(真羡慕这样的生活啊!

19、Figure 7-2 Leer arms acting on hip joint. ─── 图7-2,作用于髋关节的杠杆臂。

20、The Emperor of China agrees to release unconditionally all Subjects of leer Britannic Majesty (whether Natives of Europe or India) who may be in confinement at this moment, in any part of the Chinese Empire. ─── 八、凡系大英国人,无论本国、属国军民等,今在中国所管辖各地方被禁者,大清大皇帝准即释放。

21、He looked at her with an evil leer. ─── 他不怀好意地看着她。

22、Lax, and Bram van Leer; ─── 作者:Amiram Harten, Peter D.

23、Always with a leer on his face and a beautiful woman at his side, Benny Hill has charmed millions if not billions of people in more than 140 counties around the world. ─── 他总是面露淫笑并且总有美女相伴左右,班已经让全球140多个国家的上亿人为之着迷。

24、It is important to understand the benefits deried from centralizing the head and lengthening the abductor leer arm;howeer, neither technique is currently emphasized. ─── 认识股骨头中心化及外展肌杠杆臂延长的作用非常重要,然而目前已不再强调这两项技术了。

26、Double lubricious leer makeup: Glaucous eye shadow is tie-in, already relaxed do not break charm again, gao Guang uses green partly, make eye makeup stereoer! ─── 双色媚眼妆: 蓝绿色的眼影搭配,既清爽又不失妩媚,高光部分用绿色,让眼妆更立体!

27、Bleicker EMA,Leer JH,Ader HJ.Psychological distress two years after diagnosis of breast cancer:frequency and prediction[J].Patient Education Counseling,2000 ;40:209-17. ─── 徐晏,刘士荧,章志翔.老年癌症患者的心理障碍及治疗[J].天津医科大学学报,2000;6(3):312-3.

28、Wieso sind deine Augen leer? ─── 为什么你的眼睛这么无神?

29、Tienes que leer mucho. ─── 你一定要多读书。

30、He has a most unpleasant leer. ─── 他目光猥亵,十分讨厌。

31、"The Devil . . . with jealous leer malign/Eyed them askance" (John Milton). ─── “魔鬼用那邪恶与嫉妒的目光瞟着他们” (约翰·密尔顿)

32、Wenn sie in einem Jahr, bei aufgehenden Blumen, wieder herfliegen, wird kein Mensch zu sehen, das Nest schon gefallen und das Dach leer sein. ─── 明年花开的时候燕子们又可以来啄泥垒窝,但可能那时人已走尽,旧时的窠已落地,梁上也是空的了。

33、leer vi. ─── 送秋波, 斜视;

34、dat is de traditionele leer die de architectuur aanpast aan de onzichtbare stromingen en geesten van een plek. ─── 根据这样的知识,入口和出口处不可相对,否则就会有访客进入大楼后又立刻出门的风险。

35、An Investigation of Temperature Uniformity in Fine Annealing Leer for Optical Glasses ─── 光学玻璃精密退火炉的炉温均匀性研究

36、a sinister leer ─── 阴险的目光

37、Numerical solution of three-dimensional Euler equations using multi-block and multi-grid computational methods was studied with finite volume method. Modified Van Leer upwind flux-vector-splitting method and MUSCL scheme were used. ─── 全机三维复杂形状绕流数值求解只能采用分区求解的方法,本文采用可压缩Euler方程有限体积方法以及多重网格分区方法对流场进行分区计算。

38、Either they leer at a woman like a deranged rabbit, or they're lip-wrapping their teeth like those pearly whites are purple and green. ─── 要么他们视女人为惊慌的兔子,要么他们用嘴唇紧紧裹住牙齿,就仿佛它们并非雪白如珍珠,而是又青又紫的。

39、Howeer, Leer neer feers; neertheless, he is cleer foreer. ─── 无论如何,杠杆从未发烧;尽管如此,他始终机灵。

40、A direct attack,a positive leer,blatant ugliness to her face-these never touched her. ─── 译文:她从来没有受到别人明目张胆的完全不怀好意的直接攻击.

41、In addition, pupil deflection upper part, seem to blame the below 3 supercilious look of the eye, or make leer the female also can make a man be overwhelmed with sorrow or joy. ─── 此外,瞳偏向上方,好象怪眼的下三白眼,或使媚眼儿的女性也会令男人销魂。

42、Zhu Xiaolin interpretations singing sweet, to sing the yearning for her mother's kiss of love, bring us back to an era when the Dao Leer, childhood scenes seemed to have in front of a mark. ─── 朱晓琳的演绎歌声甜美,唱出了对妈妈的吻的思念之情,把我们带回到了儿时的年代,儿时的情景仿佛就在眼前,历历在目。

43、Me encanta leer los proverbios inteligentes. ─── 我喜欢读智慧的格言。

44、Friction locks cause throttle leer to stick. ─── 摩擦锁导致油门杆不能移动。

45、The rest of the week passed without his watchful eyes. But on the following Monday he was back, looking at her with an expression that stopped just short of a leer ─── 这一周的其余几天,他没再盯着她看,但是第二周的星期一,他又故态复萌,又不住地看着她,脸上的表情就差没向她频送秋波了。

46、Book online the cheapest hotels in Leer - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Leer 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

47、Polteed would not know, at first at all events, whose wife she was, would not look at him obsequiously and leer behind his back ─── 包尔第得在一开头决不会知道她是哪一个人的妻子,至少在一开头决不会那样诌媚地望着他,而在背后嗤笑他。

48、A stare or leer. ─── 凝视或睨视

49、Her smile is sweetly natural, she is coquettish and she speaks terrific English, so stand by for Sharapova mania, the annual tabloid feast and leer. ─── 她有著自然的甜美笑容,很有魅力,英文相当好,堪称是莎娃狂热,更是小报猎豔的目标。

50、leer at ─── v. 送秋波

51、Bernard van Leer Foundation ─── 伯纳德·范里尔基金会

52、The abductor leer arm may be shortened in arthritis and other hip disorders in which part or all of the head is lost or the neck is shortened ( Figs. 7-2 , 7-3 , 7-4 , and 7-5 ). ─── 在关节炎和其它髋关节病变时,股骨头部分或完全缺失或股骨颈缩短,均可致外展肌杠杆臂缩短(图7-2至7-5)。

53、Guo Jijun's daughter is particularly lovely, did not see her regrettablly how leer, crossed graph king husband and wife a little while to also arrive, have dinner together prattle; ─── 郭吉军的女儿非凡可爱,可惜没看到她如何抛媚眼,过了一会图王夫妻也到了,一起吃晚饭闲聊;

54、LEER (Low Energy Electron Reflection) ─── 低能量电子反射

55、Ledger, his body tightly wound but limbs jangling, all but disappears under the character’s white mask and red leer. ─── 莱杰先生身体受伤,但是观众只留心他的白色面具和红色斜眼。

56、Leer He has a most unpleasant leer. ─── 他目光猥亵,十分讨厌。

57、he asked, with a kit of leer. ─── 他斜着眼睛问。

58、Nett aber leer, nett aber leer. ─── 心情: 眩晕 31 分钟前发布。

59、This mimics a more physiologic situation than to apply a cyclic load at the center of the ertebra or with a constant leer arm at a certain point. ─── 这与在椎体中心加载一个循环负荷或在某个定点上加载一个恒定不变的杠杠力臂相比,这种模仿更加接近生理状况。

60、King Leer said he would accept necessity's sharp pinch. He means he would have to do without many of the things he always had. ─── 李耳王说,手头紧点不没问题。他的意思是说,失去了很多他以前拥有的,他也可以存活。

61、Ploetzlich ist das Licht aus, die Stimme weg und die Buehne ist leer, ich stand dort ohne Sprache in einer einsame Szene. ─── 突然灯灭了,所有的声音都消失了,舞台空了,我就这样默默无语地站在一处寂寞的场景里。

62、The Devil.with jealous leer malign / Eyed them askance(John Milton. ─── 魔鬼用那邪恶与嫉妒的目光瞟着他们(约翰 密尔顿)

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