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09-19 投稿


lamarckism 发音


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lamarckism 中文意思翻译



lamarckism 短语词组

1、Neo-Lamarckism n. ─── 新拉马克主义

lamarckism 词性/词形变化,lamarckism变形

异体字: Lamarckianism |

lamarckism 相似词语短语

1、Lamarckians ─── 拉马克人

2、lampukis ─── 灯

3、Lamarckism ─── n.拉马克学说(由拉马克最早提出的生物进化学说)

4、Neo-Lamarckism ─── 新拉马克主义

5、lambdacism ─── n.把/l/读作/r/的错误发音

6、narcism ─── n.恋已癖

7、Lamaism ─── n.喇嘛教(藏、蒙等地区信奉的佛教)

8、Lamarck ─── n.拉马克(法国的博物学家)

9、Lamarckian ─── adj.拉马克的;拉马克学说的;n.拉马克主义者

lamarckism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Chicoreus palmarosae Lamarck ─── n. 玫瑰千手螺(骨螺超科,骨螺科)

2、It is a continually evolving theoretical sequence about evolution phenomenon in universe from Lamarck's evolutionism,Darwinism, ID theory to life information evolutionism. ─── 从拉马克进化论、达尔文主义、ID论,到生命信息进化论,是一个不断“进化着”的关于宇宙中进化现象的理论序列。

3、Peristernia nassatula Lamarck ─── n. 紫口旋螺(骨螺超科,旋螺科)

4、The theory, based on Lamarckism, that response to environmental influence can be inherited and transmitted through the action of natural selection. ─── 新拉马克主义以拉马克主义为基础的理论,认为环境影响的结果会通过大自然的选择遗留和传递下来

5、A new aquaculture species--Octopus vulgaris Lamarck ─── 水产养殖新品种--真蛸

6、The effects of temperature and moisture on the survival for Bay Scallop Argopecten irradians Lamarck juvenile have been studied in the lab. ─── 在实验室条件下,研究了温度和湿度对海湾扇贝苗存活的影响;

7、The advantages of Lamarckism are awesome. ─── 拉马克式进化能带来的现实利益很是可畏。

8、Phasianella variegata Lamarck ─── n. 多变雉螺(钟螺超科,雉螺科)

9、Distorsio clathrata Lamarck ─── n. 大西洋扭法螺(鹑螺超科,法螺科)

10、Iris pallida Lamarck ─── [医] 淡香菖

11、of or relating to Lamarckism. ─── 拉马克主义的或与之有关的。

12、Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck) is one of the sixteen invasive species firstly published in China. ─── 摘要福寿螺是中国首批公布的16种重要外来入侵物种之一。

13、Lamarck thought there was an inherent progressive tendency driving organisms continuously towards greater complexity, in parallel but separate lineages with no extinction. ─── 拉马克认为有一种内在的进步倾向驱使生物体不断向更大的复杂性发展,以平行但是分离的谱系向前发展,不会绝种消亡。

14、P. de Candolle, in Lamarck & A.P. de Candolle, 1815) H.G.L.Reichenbach, 1828, nom. corr. ─── 听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 Genus Chaenorhinum (A.


16、Lamarck, whose writings on evolution predated Charles Darwin's, believed that evolution was driven in part by the inheritance of acquired traits. ─── Lamarck,他比CharlesDarwin还要早的提出进化论,认为生物进化是由它们后天获得遗传特征所推动。

17、Scabricola fissurata Lamarck ─── n. 网纹笔螺(骨螺超科,笔螺科)

18、Preliminary studies on artificial propagation and biology of the seed of Babylonia lutosa(Lamarck) ─── 台湾东风螺人工繁殖及苗种生物学的初步研究

19、Lamarck rs law ─── 拉马克氏法则; 用进废退法则

20、It searches for the advantages of Lamarckian evolution without realizing it because Lamarckism is a crack of less resistance and more evolvability. ─── 它搜寻着拉马克进化的优势而不自知,因为拉马克进化是缺乏抗病性,更多可进化性的一个尝试。

21、Lamarck theory ─── 拉马克学说(认为后天特性可能遗传的学说)

22、What begins as vague desire can skate dangerously close to the edge of classical Lamarckism when it reaches individual learning. ─── 如果扩展到个人学习,那模糊的愿望就有滑入古典拉马克学说边缘的可能。

23、The superiority of Lamarckism surprised Ackley because he felt that nature did things so well: "From a computer science viewpoint it seems really stupid that nature is Darwinian and not Lamarckian. ─── 拉马克学说的优越性使艾克利惊讶,因为他感到大自然做得已经很好了:“从计算机科学的角度看,自然属于达尔文主义者,而不属于拉马克主义者,看来真的很愚蠢。

24、Lamarck's Frog Shell ─── n. 黑口蛙螺(鹑螺超科,蛙螺科)

25、Since there wasn't a shred of scientific evidence to support Lamarck's claims at the time, his observations were not influential. ─── 但因为当时没有一丝一毫的科学根据的支持,拉马克的言论并不具有影响力。

26、As a biologist, Lamarck was equal to Darwin. ─── 作为生物学家,拉马克与达尔文旗鼓相当。

27、Busycon spiratum Lamarck ─── n. 梨形香螺(骨螺超科,香螺科)

28、Hemifusus colosseus Lamarck ─── n. 长香螺(骨螺超科,香螺科)

29、Scaphella junonia Lamarck ─── n. 女神涡螺(骨螺超科,涡螺科)

30、Lamarck, suggesting that species modified themselves by adapting to their environment in an intentional way. ─── Lamarck)相似的演化观点,认为物种演变是有目的地适应环境的结果。

31、Farming Technique for Babylonia areolata (Lamarck) in Outdoor Tank ─── 方斑东风螺Babylonia areolata (Lamarck)室外水泥池养殖技术

32、Lamarck rs theory ─── 拉马克学说

33、Lamarck law ─── 拉马克定律(获得特性是可以遗传的学说)

34、of or relating to a modern version of Lamarckism ─── 属于或关于对拉马克学说的现代解释的

35、Lamarck's Cowrie ─── n. 拉马克宝螺(宝螺超科,宝螺科)

36、Keywords dimethoate;triazophos;Sinonovacula constricta (Lamarck);digestive gland;ultrastructural lesions; ─── 关键词乐果;三唑磷;缢蛏;消化腺;超微结构;

37、Pyrene scripta Lamarck ─── n. 花麦螺(骨螺超科,麦螺科)

38、Columbella strombiformis Lamarck ─── n. 陀螺形麦螺(骨螺超科,麦螺科)

39、Could we outline a working biological Lamarckism as a thought experiment? ─── 我们能把运行拉马克的生物学说概述为思想实验吗?

40、As a biologist, Lamarck was particularly interested in single-celled organisms and invertebrates. ─── 作为一名博物学家,拉马克对单细胞生物和无脊椎动物尤为感到好奇。

41、the theory,based on Lamarckism,that response to environmental influence can be inherited and transmitted through the action of natural selection ─── 以拉马克主义为基础的理论,认为环境影响的结果会通过大自然的选择遗留和传递下来

42、A supporter of Lamarckism. ─── 拉马克主义的支持者

43、Neotrigonia margaritacea Lamarck ─── n. 澳大利亚三角蛤(三角蛤超科,三角蛤科)

44、" He accepted a version of the inheritance of acquired characteristics (which after Darwin's death came to be called Lamarckism), and Chapter V discusses what he called the effects of use and disuse; ─── 他接受的一个形式是获得性状遗传(在达尔文去世后被称为拉马克主义)。第五章讨论他所说的使用或废弃的影响;

45、Could we outline a working biological Lamarckism as a thought experiment? ─── 我们能进行一次思想实验[4],从而勾勒出一种可行的关乎生物的拉马克学说吗?

46、Erythroxylon coca Lamarck ─── [医] 古柯树

47、gleditsia sinensis lamarck ─── 明花珠

48、Keywords Spirastrella purpurea Lamarck;chemical constituents;structure elucidation; ─── 化学成分;结构鉴定;

49、Melilotus officinalis Lamarck ─── [医] │黄香草木犀, 熏草

50、Demoulia ventricosa Lamarck ─── n. 大肚织纹螺(骨螺超科,织纹螺科)

51、Keywords singularly frozen;Octopus vulgaris Lamarck;technological research; ─── 单冻;章鱼;工艺研究;

52、Preliminary study on the cultivation method of Babylonia areolate Lamarck ─── 方斑东风螺养殖方式的初步研究

53、Patella logicosta Lamarck ─── n. 大星笠螺(笠螺超科,笠螺科)

54、Lamarckism is very appealing. ─── 拉马克学说是很有吸引力的。

55、Shall We Reappraise Lamarckism ─── 是否要重新评价拉马克

56、Controlling golden apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck for no-tillage cultivation in rice ─── 免耕稻福寿螺防除技术

57、Keywords dimethoate;triazophos;Sinonovacula constricta(Lamarck);gill;ultrastructural lesions; ─── 乐果;三唑磷;缢蛏;鳃;超微结构;

58、Babylonia areolata (Lamarck) ─── 方斑东风螺

59、Impacts and Toxic Mechanism of Dinoflagellate Alexandrium Species on Egg-hatching Success of Argopecten irradians Lamarck ─── 亚历山大藻对海湾扇贝受精卵孵化的影响及致毒机制研究

60、Varicospira cancellata Lamarck ─── n. 网纹长鼻螺(凤凰螺超科,凤凰螺科)

61、Terebra babylonia Lamarck ─── n. 巴比伦笋螺(芋螺超科,笋螺科)

62、Mazatlania aciculata Lamarck ─── n. 竹笋麦螺(骨螺超科,麦螺科)

63、Keywords dimethoate;triazophos;Sinonovacula constricta (Lamarck);GC;microstructual lesions;toxic effect.; ─── 乐果;三唑磷;缢蛏;气相色谱;显微结构;毒理效应;

64、Mitra puncticulata Lamarck ─── n. 金网笔螺(骨螺超科,笔螺科)

65、Naquetia trigonula Lamarck ─── n. 三角状骨螺(骨螺超科,骨螺科)

66、neo lamarckism ─── 新拉马克皱

67、If there is any Lamarckism in earthly biology it is buried deep. ─── 如果俗世生物学中存在任何拉马克学说,那么它一定隐藏得很深。

68、Keywords biphase electrophoresis;image analysis;Sinonovacula constricta (Lamarck);basic protein in hemolymph;high temperature and low salinity; ─── 双相电泳;图像分析;缢蛏;血淋巴碱性蛋白;高温低盐;

69、A New Way to Increase Production of Argopecten irradians Lamarck Farming ─── 养殖增产的新途径

70、of or relating to a modern version of Lamarckism. ─── 属于或关于对拉马克学说的现代解释的。

71、What begins as vague desire can skate dangerously close to the edge of classical Lamarckism when it reaches individual learning. ─── 如果扩展到个人学习,那模糊的愿望就有滑入古典拉马克学说边缘的可能。

72、In addition to Darwin's Theory, students are encouraged to explore other explanations on evolution such as that of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and Sir Alfred Russel Wallace. ─── 但美国例子显示,智慧设计论者并不会就此罢手。

73、Cancellaria spirata Lamarck ─── n. 高塔核螺(核螺超科,核螺科)

74、Keywords Harmful Algal Bloom(HAB);Alexandrium spp;Argopecten irradians Lamarck Early development;Brachionus plicatilis; ─── 有害赤潮;亚历山大藻;海湾扇贝;早期发育;褶皱臂尾轮虫;

75、Latirus cariniferus Lamarck ─── n. 美东棱旋螺(骨螺超科,旋螺科)

76、Malleus albus Lamarck ─── n. 丁蛎(珍珠蛤超科,丁蛎科)

77、It may seem like a textbook example of Lamarckism, but giraffes who can evolve the most stretch in their necks can stake out an adaptation with their bodies long enough for their genes to catch up. ─── 这似乎有点像拉马克教科书中的例子,能演化出最长脖子的长颈鹿,通过足以帮助捕食基因的身体长度设立了适应性的标志。

78、Myristica malabarica Lamarck ─── [医] 印度肉豆蔻

79、Plagiocardium pseudolima Lamarck ─── n. 巨鸟尾蛤(鸟尾蛤超科,鸟尾蛤科)

80、Agaronia nebulosa Lamarck ─── n. 云斑假榧螺(骨螺超科,榧螺科)

81、A Study on Increasing OverwinteringSurvival Rate of Sinonovacula constricta(Lamarck)in Sea Water Pond ─── 关于提高海水池塘养殖缢蛏Sinonovacula constricta(Lamarck)越冬成活率的探讨

82、Agaronia testacea Lamarck ─── n. 巴拿马假榧螺(骨螺超科,榧螺科)

83、Coralliophila neritoidea Lamarck ─── n. 紫口珊瑚螺(骨螺超科,珊瑚螺科)

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