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09-22 投稿


levin 发音

英:['levɪn]  美:['levɪn]

英:  美:

levin 中文意思翻译



levin 词性/词形变化,levin变形


levin 短语词组

1、corolla levin ─── 卡罗拉莱文

2、robert levin ─── 罗伯特·莱文

3、Kleine-Levin syndrome ─── [医] 克-列二氏综合征(周期性瞌睡等)

4、ken levin n ─── 莱文

5、Levin's tube ─── [医] 列文氏管(经鼻胃肠管)

6、Levin's tmbes ─── [医] 列文氏管(经鼻胃肠管)

7、frank levin ─── 法国莱文

8、mark levin ─── 马克·莱文

9、calvert levin ─── 卡尔弗特·莱文

10、Levin evaporator ─── [化] 列文蒸发器

11、life liberty and levin ─── 生命自由与莱文

12、jonathan levin ─── 乔纳森·莱文

levin 相似词语短语

1、levulin ─── 多缩左旋糖

2、Cervin ─── n.(Cervin)人名;(瑞典)塞尔温

3、alevin ─── n.小鲑鱼;刚孵化的小鱼

4、Kevin ─── n.凯文(男子名)

5、Bevin ─── n.贝文(姓氏)

6、Sevin ─── n.西维因(杀虫剂胺甲萘的商标名)

7、levying ─── 征收

8、levis ─── n.利维斯牌牛仔裤

9、Kelvin ─── n.绝对温标;凯尔文(男子名);[热]开尔文(英国物理学家,数学家);adj.开氏度的(常作K-)

levin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mr. Levin said, in addition to political steps, coalition forces must also speed the process of turning over security to newly trained Iraqi forces. ─── 莱文参议员说,除了政治措施以外,联军还必须加快把安全防务工作移交给新培训的伊拉克部队的进程。

2、Sincerely yours, Harry Levin ─── 哈里 - 莱文启

3、Levin is gone now, and his replacement, Richard Parsons, has brought Turner back into the fold in a new vice-chairman position. ─── 如今莱文已经离开了,接替他的理查德·帕森斯把特纳接了回来,安置在一个副董事长的新位置上。

4、Your friend Dr. Levin helped straighten my thinking. ─── 你的朋友莱文大夫帮助我把思想澄清了。

5、President of the Levin Graduate Institute of International Relations and Commerce, The State University of New York ─── 纽约州立大学莱温国际关系和商务研究生院院长

6、"Everything we do on the site is proper and lawful, " said Levin, noting that the yard, ... is under constant scrutiny. "It's in a fishbowl, " he said. ─── "我们在场地上做的一切都合情合法,"莱文说,并指出 ... 场地经常受到检查。他说,"场地上一切都是一目了然。"

7、I went back to Alexandria several months ago. I stopped in front of your old house on Levin Street ─── 几个月以前我回了一趟亚里山大。我在莱文街你的故居前,停了一会儿。

8、On Dec. 1, the courts began an experimental program allowing cameras in courtrooms with judges' approval, but Bell refused to go along in the trial of Robert Chambers for the murder of Jennifer Levin, 18. ─── 12月1日各法院开始试验在法官认可下,准许在法庭内使用摄影机。可是在钱伯斯因谋杀18岁的莱文而受审时,贝尔拒不同意。

9、S. competitive in the 21st century.Senator Carl Levin of Michigan and National Science Foundation director Arden L. ─── 去年秋天,密西根州的参议员李文(CarlLevin)及国家科学基金会的主任班明特(ArdenL.

10、Michigan Democrat Carl Levin says Iraqi leaders need to start leading. ─── 密歇根民主党人卡尔列文说伊拉克领导人是时候学会领导了。

11、Dear Professor Levin: ─── 尊敬的莱文教授:

12、Levin, B. "Objecthood: An Event Structure Perspective." CLS 35, The Main Session 1 (1999). ─── 受词性质:事件结构的看法〉加拿大图书协会35《主要会议》第一期(1999)。

13、Levin has consistently defended the company's rap music on the grounds of expression. ─── [参考译文]人们对说唱音乐的焦虑并没使他的日子变得好过。莱文一向以它是一种富于表现力的演唱方式这个理由来为公司的说唱音乐辩护。

14、Amir Levin, Canadian, graduated from Israel Technology University, once was Engineering Director in Bombardier Transportation Europe, now is working as the General Manager of Bombardier-Sifang-Power( Qingdao) Transportation Ltd. ─── 艾乐文,加拿大籍,以色列科技大学航空宇宙专业硕士,曾任庞巴迪运输公司工程部部长,现为青岛四方-庞巴迪-鲍尔铁路运输设备有限公司总经理。

15、Playing games can lead people to achievements,like Levin and Huke,the inventors of microscope. ─── 翻译:玩游戏也能玩出大名堂,就像显微镜的发明者列文。胡克一样。

16、It gives me great pleasure to invite you and Mrs. Levin to attend a conference in memory of Professor Mi Wu to be held in Si'an, Shensi province in the People's Republic of China from July 19 to 22, 1990. ─── 我非常高兴向您和您的夫人发出邀请,特请你们参加纪念吴宓教授的学术讨论会。 这个讨论会定于1990年7月19日至22日在中华人民共和国陕西省西安市举行。

17、As Ying-feng of the North, South Wang Hongyan top Qianyanwanhe in Baiyun Ranran rise, the vast sea of clouds, the clouds, Zhu Feng, like canopies Levin Xiandao; ─── 北视蓥化峰,南望红岩顶,千岩万壑中白云冉冉上升,云海茫茫,云上诸峰,宛若篷莱仙岛;

18、They are all providing loans to those industries," said Levin. ─── 他们都向这些汽车行业提供贷款。

19、Al-Maliki says Democratic Senator Hilary Clinton and Carl Levin need to “come to their senses”. ─── 他说:民主党参议员希拉里.克林顿和卡尔.利文必需恢复理性。

20、Her denunciation of Communism was itself denounced by Bemard Levin as a means of getting a "cheap cheer". ─── 她对共产主义非难这件事遭到伯纳德?莱文谴责,说这是搏

21、My company is a professional computer headset manufacturers, to build a successful "Levin ofu" brand, in the same industry and the vast majority of consumers have set a good impression and visibility. ─── 我公司是专业的电脑耳机制造商,成功的打造了“奥富莱”品牌,在同业和广大消费者心中树立了良好的印象和知名度。

22、I was in Yunnan, China, the United States and the United States Levin do not know what hospital you good over there, on her own it! ─── 我是在云南华美美莱做的,不知道你们那边什么医院好,自己琢磨吧!

23、The mission's scientists have all agreed that if Levin's instruments on board the landers detect emissions of carbon-14-containing methane from the soil, then there must be life on Mars. ─── 执行这次任务的科学家们都一致认为:如果列文在登陆舱上安装的仪器从土壤中发现含有碳14的沼气,那么,火星上就一定有生命。

24、COM]Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C. ─── 流量排名数据信息:Traffic Rank for [MINTZ.

25、"A lot of people who have no business doing cosmetic surgery are doing it anyway," Levin said. "This is lucrative stuff for a doctor. ... ─── 很多非整形外科专业的医生正在从事这一职业,他们有着丰厚的利润。

26、According to Denis Simon of the State University of New York's Levin Institute, who advises the Chinese government on science policy, this move comes just in time. ─── 中国政府科学政策顾问、约州立大学列文学院的丹尼斯西蒙认为,这一举措来的正是时候。

27、Levin sat there, an expression of sadness on his face. ─── 莱文坐在那里,神情忧伤。

28、But then came AOL, and Gerald Levin, the chief executive of the new giant, decided he didn't need Turner -- or perhaps couldn't tolerate his unpredictability. ─── 但是随后美国在线又加入了,而这个新巨头的总裁杰拉尔德·莱文认为自己不需要特纳--也可能是他无法容忍特纳的变幻莫测。

29、(Quirk, Paul. "Policy Making in the Contemporary Congress." Chap. 9 in Landy &Levin, The New Politics of Public Policy, 1995. ─── 保罗·奎克:“当代国会的政策制定”,兰迪与莱温:《公共政策的新政治学》,1995年版,第9章。

30、Levin ME,et al.Effects of diabetes mellitus on bone mass in juvenile and adults onset diabetes[J].New Engl JMed 1976;294:241. ─── 刘国良,等,糖尿病骨质疏松症及其治疗操作与评价[J].实用糖尿病杂志2006,2(4):4.

31、Levin belonged to the latter sort. ─── 列文就属于后一种人。

32、Recent incident shows problems linger By Alan Levin, USA TODAY ─── 最近事故表明问题仍然存在

33、The CFTC and Mr Levin's office did not return calls. ─── CFTC和莱文的办公室未回复记者电话。

34、INSIDER TRICK: Levin brushed Chanel Lift Lumiere foundation in Beige over Aniston's moisturized skin. ─── 内幕把戏:安吉拉用米色的香奈儿粉底(用于安妮斯顿的皮肤)。

35、1, "Philippine Knopp capsule, the capsule gold Seoul Ti, O God Levin paste" combination of direct sales by Party B, without any division of the mainland. ─── 1、“菲诺普胶囊, 安缇尔黄金胶囊, 澳莱神贴”组合由乙方直接销售,大陆地区无任何分部。

36、Brook Levin heads a preschool in Broomall, Pennsylvania. ─── 布鲁克是宾夕法尼亚布鲁莫一所幼儿园的园长。

37、One black hole hunter is Janna Levin. ─── 简娜列文是这些黑洞搜寻者中的一员。

38、Hill didn't respond to a request for comment, but its CEO David Levin told the Financial Times in August that "in higher education, the era of the printed textbook is now over. ─── 希尔没有回应记者的置评请求,但其首席执行官戴维·莱文在8月份告诉英国《金融时报》:“在高等教育领域,纸质版教科书的时代已经结束。”

39、Rick Levin: The youngest is 20. ─── 理查德·莱温:最小的20岁。

40、Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs, the Levin Graduate Institute of International Relations and Commerce, The State University of New York ─── 纽约州立大学莱温国际关系和商务研究生院教务长及负责教务的副院长

41、There seemed to be nothing striking in her dress or attitude, but it was as easy for Levin to recognize her in that crowd as to find arose among nettles. ─── 然而对列文说来,仍能轻易地从这一群人当中认出她来,如同在蓖麻丛中找出一朵月季花一样。

42、Carl Levin ─── 卡尔·列文

43、Jiqinggaosu Jiaoji Railway and highways across the East and West, the foreshore (Island) Levin (Wu) north-south highway through. ─── 胶济铁路和济青高速公路东西穿越,滨(洲)莱(芜)高速公路南北贯通。

44、Levin would not comment on the debate last week, but there were signs that the chairman was backing off his hard line stand, at least to some extent. ─── 莱文不愿对上周的评论做出评论,但有迹象表明这位董事长的强硬立场起码在一定程度上有所松动。

45、China 2007 Expo exhibition glasses-optical Levin Hall ─── 2007中国眼镜展展会莱宝光学展厅

46、Sander Levin, chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, said the US may have to consider retaliatory sanctions. ─── 美国众议院筹款委员会主席桑德·莱文表示,美国不得不考虑采取报复性措施。

47、Parents should analyze the content of calls, said Karen Levin Coburn of Washington University in St. Louis. ─── 圣路易市的华盛顿大学的凯伦.拉汶.科本也提醒父母应该分析手机谈话内容。

48、Mrs. Levin disdains speaking ill of others. ─── 李文夫人不屑于说别人的坏话。

49、"That's pretty irresistible to your boss," Levin says. ─── “这种情况下,对你的老板来说,给你晋升变得不可抵抗。”列文说。

50、I want to say a special word of thanks to Congressman Levin and Bereuter. ─── 我想对国会众议员莱文和贝罗伊特表示特别感谢。

51、I wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to you, Mr. Levin, and Yale for the efforts you have made to promote exchanges between our two peoples. ─── 借此机会,我对莱文校长和耶鲁大学为增进中美两国人民的交流所做的积极努力表示赞赏。

52、Levin, Nancy Carlsson-Paige. ─── 作者声明: Diane E.

53、Rick Levin: Well, he himself has spoken on this subject. ─── 理查德·莱温:他自己提到过这件事。

54、Gastric lavage with lime water maybe performed by a physician. Extreme caution must be observed when passing the Levin tube. ─── 可以由医生来用石灰水洗胃。通过电闪管时必须十分小心。

55、Levin said she'd suffered from an eating disorder during a part of her life, and that placing calorie contents on menus at restaurants could fuel the calorie-obsessive behaviour that some people with eating disorders have. ─── 乐凡说,她曾经因为饮食失调而受苦,如果餐厅的菜单上都标明了卡路里,这会引发很多饮食失调的人疯狂的计算卡路里。

56、Levin [and] Charles A.Kirkpatrick. ─── 作者声明: [by] Richard I.

57、Methodologies and Algorithms for Group-Rankings Decision By: Dorit S. Hochbaum, Asaf Levin ─── 群排序决策的方法与算法

58、"The bank said the markings complied with the standards of the industry, " Mr. Levin said. "We don't think that's true. " ─── “银行称这些估值与行业规范相符,”莱文说。“但我们认为这种说法不对。”

59、Levin would not comment on the debate last week, but there were signs that the chairman was backing off his hard-line stand, at least to some extent. ─── 莱文不愿对上周的辩论做出评论,但有迹象表明这位董事长的强硬立场起码在一定程度上有所缓和。

60、John H. Klote、Bernard M. Levin and Norman E. Groner,1995,Emergency Elevator Evacuation Systems,American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME),Baltimore,MD,pp.131-149。 ─── 王鹏智,2001,升降机配置对建筑物的防火区划及避难安全之影响,电机月刊第十一卷第七期,页246-256。

61、Rick Levin: No, small problems but we get along pretty well. ─── 理查德·莱温:谈不上争论,都是小问题,但我们很和谐。

62、Levin evaporator ─── [化] 列文蒸发器

63、Levin's tmbes ─── [医] 列文氏管(经鼻胃肠管)

64、a soothing drink together created a relaxing pause," says Levin, whosetwo children, now in their 20s, still request teatime when they comehome. ─── 莱文博士的两个孩子现在都已经是20岁的成年人了,回家时还是会主动提议大家一起喝点什么。

65、Levin, Charles A.Kirkpatrick. ─── 作者声明: Richard I.

66、In the preface to her book, Levin suggests a counterfactual history, a history with a League of Nations that included the United States. ─── 莱文在书的前言中提出一个反事实的历史,一个有包括美国在内的国际联盟的历史。

67、At the core of this debate is chairman Gerald Levin, 56, who took over for the late Steve Ross in 1992. ─── 于1992年接替已故董事长斯蒂夫·罗斯的56岁的现任董事长杰拉德·莱文是争论的焦点人物。

68、Following a visitor to Iraq this week, Senator Levin said the autarchy Maliki government cannot achieve chiefa political settlement because it is too bound by its owned sectarians prejudices. ─── 参议员 Levin 在本周访问过伊拉克后表示 Maliki 政府不可能实现政治和解,因为他被自身的宗派偏见束缚的太重了。

69、Correspondence between Professor Li Funing and Professor Harry Levin on the Conference in Memory of Professor Mi Wu ─── 为纪念吴宓教授学术讨论会李赋宁教授与哈里 - 莱文教授之间的通信

70、Al-Maliki says Democratic Senators Hillary Clinton and Carl Levin need to come to their senses. ─── 按奥马里基的说法,民主党参议员希拉里克林顿和卡尔莱温应该恢复理性思考了。

71、But senior Democrat Carl Levin wants the Armed Services Committee of which he is a member to also investigate . ─── 但是,民主党长老卡尔希望三军委员会(清楚),他也是调查人员之一。

72、Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs Research Centers ─── 克利夫兰州立大学城市事务学院研究中心

73、US Senator Carl Levin said the latest extra troops could be deployed in June. ─── 美国参议员卡尔。莱文说新额外增援部队可在六月部署。

74、During the discussion of rock singing verses at last month's stockholders' meeting, Levin asserted that"music is not the cause of society's ills" and even cited his son. ─── 在上个月的股东大会上关于摇滚歌词的讨论中,莱文宣称说:“音乐不是社会问题的原因”,他甚至还以他的儿子为例。

75、Rick Levin: The oldest is 32. ─── 理查德·莱温:老大32岁。

76、For Harry Levin the special, subtle characteristic of American literature has been its dwelling upon darkness. ─── 就哈里·莱文而言,美国文学特别而细微的特征在于它念念不忘黑暗面。

77、Levin says it is inexcusable that U.S. taxpayers are continuing to pay for projects that Iraqis are fully capable of funding themselves. ─── 拉维说,美国纳税人将继续支付这些伊拉克人自己完全有投资能力的工程,真是无法原谅。

78、Mr. Gerald M. Levin, ─── 李文先生,

79、Senator Carl Levin of Michigan told CNN's Late Edition that, once the situation in Fallujah is under control, efforts must be made to get the Sunnis involved in the political process. ─── 来自密西根州的参议员莱文在有线电视新闻网CNN的晚间新闻专访节目上说,一旦费卢杰的局势得以控制,必须要设法让逊尼派穆斯林参与政治进程。

80、Keywords Levin evaporator;the calefaction chamber;design of structure;check of intensity; ─── 列文蒸发器;加热室;结构设计;强度校核;

81、Simon A. Levin, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University ─── 普林斯顿大学生态学与进化生物学系

82、the focus ought to be on whether a court should review it. See Levin, Understanding Unreviewability in Administrative Law, 74 Minn.L.Rev. 687 (1990). ─── 焦点理应是法院是否"应该"作出复审[参见利文著:《了解行政法中的不可复审性》,载于《明尼苏达法律评论》第74期,第689页(1990)]。

83、Levin, Beth. English Verb Classes and Alternations: A Preliminary Investigation. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, Part One, 1993. ─── 《英语动词类别与交替:初步调查》芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版,第一部,1993。

84、Since levin gschool, I have attended the Typewritingand_ Shorthand casses, and hve now attained a speed of fifty and ninety words r spectvely. ─── 本人刚满24岁,两个月前离开校门,求学期间努力于速记与打字,现在速记及打字各为每分钟90字与60字。

85、Rick Levin: No not a bit. ─── 理查德·莱温:没有,一点都没有。

86、"The bottom has fallen out for the unskilled manufacturing worker, " says Andy Levin, the state's director of workforce development. ─── “没有技术的制造业工人遇到了最糟糕的情况,”州人力开发主任安迪·利文说。

87、My company was established in 2006, operating combo Levin slimming, whitening products. Nutrient-depth human body can each cell, for balanced nutrition, health, safety. ─── 我的公司成立于2006年,经营康宝莱减肥,美白产品.能把养分深入人体每个细胞,用以均衡营养,健康,安全.

88、Levin's disease ─── 列文(氏)病:肱骨头缺血性坏死

89、'China is not the only country with a predatory exchange rate policy, ' Mr. Levin said. He called Japan's move 'deeply disturbing. ' ─── 日本在9月15日采取干预措施后不久,列文就说,中国并不是唯一一个实施掠夺性汇率政策的国家,日本此举“让人深感不安”。

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