kohl 发音
英:[kəʊl] 美:[kol]
英: 美:
kohl 中文意思翻译
kohl 网络释义
n. 眼影粉;化妆墨n. (Kohl)人名;(德、英、罗、匈、葡、瑞典、捷)科尔
kohl 相似词语短语
1、koha ─── n.隐花青
2、kosha ─── 鞘(=Kosa)
3、kogal ─── n.拜金女郎
4、koels ─── n.噪鹃(产于印度、东印度群岛及澳大利亚的一种类似杜鹃的鸟);长尾噪鹃
5、koala ─── n.树袋熊,无尾熊(产于澳大利亚,又名考拉)
6、Kohl ─── n.眼影粉;化妆墨;n.(Kohl)人名;(德、英、罗、匈、葡、瑞典、捷)科尔
7、kophs ─── n.希伯来语第十九个字母
8、koel ─── n.噪鹃(产于印度、东印度群岛及澳大利亚的一种类似杜鹃的鸟);长尾噪鹃
9、kohas ─── 在
kohl 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、They used black kohl eyeliner to line their eyes and darken their eye lashes and eye brows. ─── 他们用黑色眼线排队科尔他们的眼睛和睫毛变暗的眉毛和眼睛。
2、That was a victory for Jacques Chirac, then French president, over German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who wanted the fines to be automatic. ─── 这对时任法国总统希拉克(JacquesChirac)是一个胜利,而对希望罚款自动生效的时任德国总理科尔(HelmutKohl)是一个失败。
3、Fughr said, German Chancellor Kohl and Russian President Yeltsin hoped "to smoothly investigate the smuggling of nuclear materials that have already been discovered, and stop new smuggling activities of nuclear materials in time". ─── 福格尔说,德国总理科尔和俄罗斯总统叶利钦希望“能顺利查清已发现的核材料走私,并及时阻止新的核材料走私活动”。
4、It is surprising and somewhat ironic that Kohl and Mitterrand achieved one of the greatest feats in the history of money. ─── 有点讽刺的是科尔和密特朗竟意外地成就了货币史上的一次伟业。
5、But if she wants to measure up to Adenauer or Helmut Kohl, she must persuade Germans of the case for change. ─── 但是如果她想与阿登纳或者科尔比肩,那么她必须说服德国民众接受变革。
6、Dab some black eye shadow on the lower line on the kohl. ─── 民建联一些黑色眼影就较低的线对科尔。
7、”Suns Manager Stever - Kohl briefs the Studd Meyer's situation. ─── 太阳队经理斯蒂夫-科尔介绍起斯塔德迈尔的情况。
8、“looked like for 99 years, York and Kohl has composed the very good partner, but Suoersikeya and Xielinhanmu have also sneaked in the important goal, because we took turns to be able to complete. ─── “就像99年,约克和科尔组成了很好的搭档,不过索尔斯克亚和谢林汉姆也打进了很多重要的进球,因为我们的轮换做得好。
9、It is a great honor for me to share this stage with the Lord Mayor, chief executive of Hannover, with Mr. Yang, and in a few minutes with Chancellor Kohl. ─── 非常荣幸能够与汉诺威市市长、Yang先生共同出席今晚的会议,非常荣幸能与科尔总理共同度过这个美好的夜晚。
10、"We're going to try to establish personal contact with him and his family," Bucks owner Herb Kohl told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's Web site (www.jsonline.com). ─── 雄鹿队老板赫伯·科尔在接受《密尔沃基新闻卫报》网站的采访时说,"我们将试图与他和他的家庭建立私人联系。"
11、Kohl held that the ultimate complete withdrawal of Russian troops from Germany is "the end of European post-war history". ─── 科尔认为,俄罗斯军队最终全部撤离德国是“欧洲战后历史的终结”。
12、Yemeni therapist applies Kohl to the eyes of a youth, in line with local tradition on the second day of the holy month of Ramadan at a Zaidi (Shiite) mosque in Sanaa's Old City on August 23, 2009. ─── 一名也门治疗适用于科尔的青年的眼睛,在对斋月的第二天,当地的传统在扎伊迪(什叶派线)于2009年8月23日在萨那老城区清真寺。
13、Scheduled to meet with the Bucks is Chen, who received a letter two weeks ago from Kohl, paving the way for this Yi summit. ─── 按照安排,与雄鹿进行会谈的将会是陈海涛,早在两个星期之前他就已经收到了科尔希望易建联加盟的信件。
14、, Kohl, H.W., 3rd. &Blair, S.N. (1999).Comparison of lifestyle and structured interventions to increase physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness, a randomized trial. ─── 台湾地区成人的健康行为探讨-分布情形、因素结构和相关因素。
15、Exclusively available at Kohl's, Candies features everything from original tops and sleepwear to handbags and accessories that are sure to catch eyes. ─── 完全可以在科尔的,糖果的功能从原来的上衣和睡衣的手袋及配饰一定会赶上眼睛一切。
16、Chancellor Angela Merkel, an eastern German physicist, entered national politics in 1994, when Helmut Kohl, then the chancellor, named her environment minister. ─── 默克尔总理就是一位东德的物理学家,她在1994年开始从政,当时的科尔总理任命她为环境部长。
17、The Research on Capitalist German Trade with China from the Regime of Weimar to Kohl ─── 资本主义德国从魏玛政权到科尔政府的对华贸易研究
18、Also I'd like to thank Ms. Kay Kohl who responded to our proposal immediately and made great efforts to prepare for the forum. ─── 美国大学继续教育学会的凯。科尔女士对于我们的提议给予了积极的响应并进行了周到细致的筹备,对此我也深表感谢。
19、Will Yi's representatives allow him to visit Milwaukee later this month for a first-hand look at the city and the organization, and a chance to meet with Bucks owner Herb Kohl? ─── 易建联的经纪人们会让他本月晚些时候亲临密尔沃基看看这个城市、看看(他的)东家吗?是否有机会与老板库珀.科尔谈一谈呢?
20、They used Egyptian kohl for darkening the eyelids, powdered chalk for whitening the skin, and a red colouring matter for the cheeks. ─── 她们用埃及化妆油膏来把眼睑涂黑,用粉来使皮肤洁白,双颊使用红色的物质。
21、4. Helmut Kohl, the former head of the opposition Christian Democrats criticized Schroeder's program as empty rhetoric. ─── 反对派督教民主党前领导人科尔批评施罗德的计划是空洞的口号。
22、Brief Account of German Administrative Reforms during Kohl's Period ─── 科尔时期德国施政改革略论
23、Barela, Lu Xin, Kohl Sa, Oscar - Sailanuo; ─── 巴雷拉,卢辛,科尔萨,奥斯卡-塞拉诺;
24、Local time Tuesday, Studd Meyer went to Los Angeles to accept the inspection, ankle area specialist Richard - has spent Kohl to inspect 90 minutes for this Suns star players. ─── 当地时间周二,斯塔德迈尔前往洛杉矶接受了检查,脚踝专科医生理查德-费科尔为这位太阳队球星检查了90分钟。
25、April 1990, French President Francois Mitterrand and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, in a joint initiative of the end of the convening of the political alliance of the intergovernmental meeting. ─── 1990年 4 月,法国总统密特朗和联邦德国总理科尔联合倡议于当年底召开关于政治联盟问题的政府间会议。
26、Ms Merkel is less impatient at EU summits than Mr Schröder.But, unlike Mr Kohl, she brings no retinue of smaller countries as allies to every meeting. ─── 默克尔在欧洲的峰会上表现得比施罗德更缺乏耐心,然而她又不像科尔那样,每次参加会议时都要带上一些小国作为盟军。
27、Helmut Kohl ─── 赫尔穆特·科尔
28、Yi will play, because Kohl will have given an assurance he will play. ─── 易建联将会有更多的上场机会,因为科尔已经做出了这方面的保证。
29、General manager Larry Harris and two lawyers representing the team also will be there, but Kohl's involvement in the negotiations is expected to be the key to unlocking the Yi stalemate. ─── 总经理哈里斯和球队的两名律师代表也将出席会谈,不过科尔的参与将会成为会谈过程中解决易建联加盟问题的关键。
30、Respected Primier ministre Dr.Helmut Kohl, I am a Chinese retired employee as well as a philatelist for many years. ─── 如果从发信的时间排序,德国总理科尔是我的第一位对外国首脑的求签的对象,从明信片背面的信文中,你可以看出是相当粗糙。
31、Kohl A L,Riesenfeld F C.Gas Purification.Third ed,Gulf Pub. Co.,Book Division,Houston:1979 ─── 朱世勇.环境与工业气体净化技术.北京:化学工业出版社,2001
32、Helmut Kohl took us to visit his hometown, Ludwigshafen, before I flew to Ramstein Air Base to see our troops, many of whom would soon be leaving the military in the post-Cold War downsizing. ─── 赫尔穆特.科尔带领我们参观了他的家乡路德维希港,然后我们飞往拉姆斯坦空军基地,看望我国驻在那里的军队。
33、"This is going to be al landmark study," said Harold Kohl, an epidemiologist who helped perform some of the best-known studies demonstrating the benefits of exercise. ─── 曾就锻炼的益处作过一些重要研究的流行病学家哈罗德 - 科尔说:“这是一项划时代的研究。
34、The city's mayor laid a wreath, while the chancellor when the wall fell, Helmut Kohl, took part in a public debate. ─── 柏林市长(在柏林墙前)献上了花环,柏林墙倒塌时在位的前联邦德国总理赫尔穆特·科尔参加了公开讨论。
35、He had a point: Mr Kohl pushed through the single currency even though most German voters opposed it, and nasty EU rows about money usually ended with Mr Kohl pulling out Germany's chequebook. ─── 他的观点是,虽然遭到了多数选民的反对,然而科尔还是推动了单一货币政策的实行,并慷慨解囊,解决了欧盟关于资金问题的无尽争吵。
36、78-year-old former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl will marry his girlfriend Maike Richter, 43,an economist from Germany's finance ministry. ─── 78岁的德国前总理科尔将同43岁的女友里希特结婚,这是科尔的第二段婚姻。科尔的原配妻子于7年前厌世自杀,年轻貌美的经济学家里希特后来走进科尔的生活。
37、Mitterrand's offer was well framed -- Germany would get a currency union largely on its terms, but Kohl would have to compromise on timing. ─── 密特朗所提供的一切都是计谋好的--基本上依靠德国本身就可取得货币联盟,但是科尔必须在时间的安排上做出让步。
38、Around the room sat his men, their faces contorted by years of fighting and poverty, dressed in shalwar kameez and magazine pouches, eyes dark as the kohl lining them. ─── 屋子里都是他的下属,他们背着弹夹袋,身着纱丽布(一种巴基斯坦民族服装,译者注),面容已经被战乱和贫穷扭曲,眼睛周围像是涂了深色的眼影。
39、Using kohl end of Bronze Dusk Effortless Eye Pencil, line upper lid and then smudge kohl from centre to outer corner of eye. ─── 面颊:在颧骨至太阳穴位置用亮棕色(7761)胭脂,令面部泛起自然光泽。唇:涂上蜜枣色彩润唇膏(1033)。
40、We've talked about Kohl on acceptance vs. freedom. ─── 我们讨论了科尔的接受和自由。
41、Swallows the egg after Hull city's, Zola will perhaps reconsider his vanguard combination, Mikailai or west Yaaz change Bellamy and Assheton. Kohl one of two people. ─── 在赫尔城的中吞蛋之后,佐拉也许会重新考虑他的前锋组合,迪米凯莱或者西亚斯将轮替贝拉米和阿什顿.科尔二人之一。
42、Two contingents are scheduled to be at the meeting.One will be from the Bucks and will notably include Kohl, the team's owner. ─── 参加双方见面会的将会有两路人马,雄鹿带队的是球队老板、参议员科尔。
43、In 1999, Manchester United captured three crown kings, under the Fergusson account had York, Kohl, Xielinhanmu, the Suoersikeya four vanguards. ─── 在1999年,曼联夺得了三冠王,弗格森帐下拥有约克、科尔、谢林汉姆、索尔斯克亚四名前锋。
44、It was the miscalculation concerning East German reconstruction on Kohl's part that has led to the present day economic and social crises that Germany faces. ─── 德东重建问题之所以引发当前德国严重的经济及社会危机,柯尔恐难辞其咎。
45、The kohl around your eyes and the faded henna designs on the back of your hands, they make you look like you never take a bath. ─── 你眼眶周围的黑色眼影,和手背上的褪色指甲花图案,都让你看起来像是从来没洗过澡一样。
46、In a focus group of a war, with Chelsea Frank Lampard, Joe - Kohl, Ma Luda and Anelka's goal, the home 4-0 upset of Bordeaux. ─── 在a组的一场焦点战中,切尔西凭借兰帕德、乔-科尔、马卢达和阿内尔卡的入球,主场4比0大胜波尔多。
47、(Excerpt from a talk with Chancellor Helmut Kohl of the Federal Republic of Germany.) ─── (这是邓小平同志会见联邦德国总理科尔时谈话的一部分。)
48、During his campaign, Mr Schröder accused Mr Kohl of putting European interests ahead of German ones. ─── 在施罗德的竞选中,他指责科尔将欧洲的利益置于德国利益之前。
49、Qiao - Kohl in training muscle slight pulling injury, but, now under Sikelali hand's military strength still obviously extravagant. ─── 乔-科尔在训练中肌肉轻微拉伤,不过,如今斯科拉里手底下的兵力仍显阔绰。
50、I pour also thought that Jordan is the very good teammate, also has had many splendid passing a ball, for instance 97 year finals pass to Kohl's that ball. ─── 我倒也认为乔丹是位很棒的队友,也有过许多次精彩的传球,比如97年总决赛传给科尔的那一球。
51、Muller Martini, in foreign countries such as Kohl, domestic enterprises such as the beiren group, Shenzhen, Shanghai precision up to violet, zhejing lanbao, etc. ─── 国外企业如马天尼、柯尔布斯,国内企业如北人集团、深圳精密达、上海紫光、浙江蓝宝等。
52、Public sentiment in China is running on the Bucks' side. Harris and Kohl are in a good position to keep it there. ─── 在中国,公众的情感是站在雄鹿队一边的。相信哈里斯和科尔能够把这种情感保持下去。
53、The last round of League Cup, Joe - Kohl does not get the opportunity to play, continue to rest this weekend. ─── 上轮联赛杯的比赛,乔-科尔没有获得出场机会,本周末将继续休息。
54、kohl emphasized that without the co-operation of the USSR, German unification would be impossible to realize ─── 科尔强调,没有苏联的合作,德国统一是不可能实现的。
55、At the same time, the Company Fishpond Using Netted Boxes important timber polymer, "Kohl film" Acting on the key state enterprise products, "Kohl polymer membrane. ─── 同时,本公司在网箱养鱼重要用材高分子“科尔膜”上代理国家重点企业产品“高分子科尔膜”。
56、Both Kohl and I told Izetbegovic we were doing our best to get the Europeans to take a stronger stand to support him. ─── 我和科尔都对伊泽特贝戈维奇说,我们正尽力使欧洲的立场更加坚定来支持他。
57、The apparatus in the Washington and Jefferson collection is by Max Kohl of Chemnitz. ─── 该仪器在华盛顿和杰弗逊的收集是由Max科尔的克姆尼茨。
58、kohl rabi ─── 苤蓝
59、When Kohl wants to do things behind the scenes he's pretty good at it. ─── 当Kohl想要在幕后做事时,他总是做得非常好。
60、Russian President Yeltsin and German Chancellor Kohl chaired the troop withdrawal ceremony and delivered speeches. ─── 俄罗斯总统叶利钦和德国总理科尔出席撤军仪式并发表了讲话。
61、Looked like in 1999, York and Kohl is the main force partner, but Suoersikeya and Xielinhanmu also old could the accomplishment, this was because my effective taking turns. ─── 就像1999年,约克和科尔是主力搭档,但索尔斯克亚和谢林汉姆也老能建功,这是因为我有效的轮换。”
62、In 1993, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl's first visit to China, Bertelsmann as a delegation on behalf of the members to come to China. ─── 1993年,德国总理科尔首次访华时,贝塔斯曼公司的代表就作为访华团成员来到中国。
63、Spears will appear in the Candie's only at Kohl's 2009 print, television and online marketing campaigns. ─── 龚怡萍和科尔的也将是一个准赞助布兰妮即将访问。
64、Does the factory have an equipment and machinery list? Please send to Kohl's for reference. ─── 有设备和机器清单吗?
65、Analysis of Kohl's Views on "the Huge Polyversity" ─── 科尔的"多元化巨型大学"观解析
66、Senator Herb Kohl, a Democrat from Wisconsin who is chairman of the Senate antitrust subcommittee, said his committee would closely examine the venture. ─── 威斯康星州参议员HerbKohl是参议院反垄断委员会的长远,他说委员会将密切关注这一交易。
67、I just looked through kohl's and sears website, and didn't find any either. ─── 真的很急,可以去换班求购,网站上不是所有的店里都有的。
68、The kohl around your eyes and the faded henna designs on the back of your hands, they make you look like you never take a bath. ─── 你眼眶周围的黑色眼影,和手背上的褪色指甲花图案,都让你看起来像是从来没洗过澡一样。
69、Kohl is the first European leader to visit the President since the Reykjavik summit. ─── 自雷克雅末峰会以后,克勒是第一位访问里根总统的欧洲领导。
70、Sitting in his wheelchair, Kohl spoke in a faint voice. ─── 科尔坐在轮椅里,说话声音很微弱。
71、February 9, Helmut Kohl came to see me. ─── 2月9日,赫尔穆特·科尔来会见我。
72、US officials say Kohl expressed support for the President's SDI program. ─── 美国官方称克勒表示支持里根总统的SDI计划。
73、and hair dyes and eyeliners, such as kohl and surma, that contain toxic lead compounds. ─── 染发和眼线笔如kohl和surma,还含有有毒的化合物。
74、Frank Lampard finally, Joe - Kohl, Ma Luda, Anelka in the second half with four cities to help harvest the blue force at home easy three points. ─── 最终兰帕德、乔-科尔、马卢达、阿内尔卡在上下半场连下四城,帮助蓝军在主场轻松收获3分。
75、Kohl and Yeltsin also discussed the issue of Bosnia-Herzegovina after attending the ceremony for the withdrawal of the last group of Russian troops from Germany. ─── 科尔和叶利钦在出席最后一批俄罗斯军队撤离德国的仪式后,还讨论了波黑问题。
76、Helmut Kohl, who as German chancellor was one of the midwives of the Maastricht treaty, thought a single currency could not survive without political union; ─── 德国前总理赫尔穆特-科尔是马斯特里赫特条约的促成人之一,他认为离开了政治联盟单一货币挺不下去;
77、The top 5: Federated, Sears, JC Penney, Kohl's, and Nordstrom accounted for 66% of that total and account for 54% of the total of 6,900 stores. ─── 最大五家百货连锁店:联邦百货、西尔斯、潘尼、柯尔及诺斯崇。占总销售额66%,占总共6900家商店的54%。
78、In addition to Spears and Avril Lavigne, Mudd Jeans' collection is also due to be available in Kohl's this fall. ─── 除了布兰妮和艾薇儿,穆德牛仔裤'收集也是由于在科尔总理今年秋季推出。
79、A source said Kohl did pay the max. ─── 但有消息来源说他将会那么做。
80、Excerpt from a talk with Chancellor Helmut Kohl of the Federal Republic of Germany. ─── 这是邓小平同志会见联邦德国总理科尔时谈话的一部分。
81、But if she wants to measure up to Adenauer or Helmut Kohl, she must persuade Germans of the case for change. ─── 但是如果她想与阿登纳或者科尔比肩,那么她必须说服德国民众接受变革。
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