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09-22 投稿


mathematic 发音

英:[ˌmæθəˈmætɪk]  美:[ˌmæθəˈmætɪk]

英:  美:

mathematic 中文意思翻译



mathematic 常用词组

mathematic model ─── 数学模型

mathematic 相似词语短语

1、mathematical ─── adj.数学的,数学上的;精确的

2、athematic ─── adj.无词干之音的;无主旋律的;外加的

3、mathematise ─── 数学

4、mathematicise ─── 数学家

5、mathematize ─── v.使数学化

6、mathematics ─── n.数学;数学运算

7、mathematician ─── n.数学家;善作数字计算的人

8、mathematicism ─── 数学家

9、thematic ─── adj.主题的,主旋律的;题目的;语干的

mathematic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Based on those experiments, a mathematic model of process of intumescence was established with the neglect of the transfer motion of the bubble. ─── 在实验基础上,忽略气泡的迁移,建立了膨胀过程的数学模型。

2、A more reasonable mathematic & physical model of dual laterolog system has been developed on the basis of previous models. ─── 在以往双侧向电极系数学物理模型的基础上,本文提出了新的更符合实际测井情况的双侧向电极系数学物理模型。

3、Thieme, there should be a periodic solution after some time.But when using Mathematic software, I never found this solution. ─── 我画了,但是没有周期解,很奇怪,觉着软件的算法可能有问题。

4、After regression,the mathematic relation between oxygen transfer coefficient and up-flow speed of the air in the reactor is clarified. ─── 并对试验数据进行回归,得到了氧传质总系数与螺旋升流反应器内表观气速的数学关系。

5、A nonlineared mathematic model for 300 MW reheat condensing turbine is presented. ─── 应用理论分析法建立了300mw再热凝汽式汽轮机组非线性动态数学模型;

6、A mathematic equation is erected for calculating the octanol/water partition coefficients of polychlorobiphenyls. ─── 建立了计算多氯联苯辛醇/水分配系数的数学表达式。

7、The mathematic model of the convective drying of pulp mold was built and the drying mechanism was discussed. ─── 对流干燥是国内纸浆模塑制品生产工艺中主要运用的干燥方法。

8、Some non-professional mathematic researchers should not do the same? ─── 中国并非专攻数学的某些业余研究者,不更应当这样吗?

9、According to Godel Incomplete Theorem, it is impossible for man to establish a completely self-governed, unassailable mathematic system. ─── 五、在大平衡看来,“凡物,理同形异”。神学、哲学、科学实际上是一回事。

10、Then mathematic model for vulnerability assessment of hill slope debris flow is put forth, which has been applied to Beibei District of Chongqing City. ─── 在此基础上,提出了山坡泥石流场地易损性评价模型,并给出了评价实例。

11、A mathematic model of a joint with clearance is important for the dynamic study of the mechanisms. ─── 为了研究含间隙机构的动力学特性,首先要建立运动副的间隙模型。

12、The paper using Fuzzy mathematic analysis method to give a synthetic measurement to codre's function to decide cadre function's grade. ─── 利用模糊数学的分析方法对干部功能进行综合测评,确定干部的功能等级。

13、According to mathematic model of these arithmetic, the arithmetic programme was designed and the result was validated. ─── 并根据这些算法的数学模型设计了计算程序,对实际计算结果进行了验证。

14、We use least squre method to form conicoid mathematic model and fit the point cloud which has been grouped by octree subdivision method. ─── 应用最小二乘法建立二次曲面的数学模型,对于已用八叉树分组的点云数据实现隐函数拟合。

15、This paper obtained mathematic model able to calculate liquid circulation velocity with total energy balance for airlift reactor. ─── 对气升式反应器进行总的能量衡算,从理论上得到计算液体循环速度的解析式。

16、Subscript: Small character printed below the base line as part of mathematic equation. Also called Inferior character. ─── 下标字符:在数学公式内,放在基线下的细字。

17、This paper describes the classical mathematic model of bolometer, the effect of thermal isolation and noise on detector performance are also discussed. ─── 总结了非制冷测辐射热计的经典数学模型,并分析了探测器热绝缘结构和噪声对性能的影响,指出了性能改进和优化的基本途径。

18、When the mathematic mode was applied to the factual samples, the analytical results found by OPA were accordance with those measured by ICP-AES. ─── 把该数学模型应用到实际钢铁材料中,测得结果与ICP-AES法分析结果一致。

19、On the basis of error probability analysis, a mathematic modelfor the optimization synthesis of accuracy probability of robotic mechanism is established. ─── 在误差概率分析的基础上,建立了机器人机构精度概率优化综合的数学模型。

20、As the evolution process of the drainage channels on the scarp slope is concerned, the construction of their mathematic models and the visualization methods are discussed. ─── 对断层崖上的沟谷演化过程,我们也对其数学模型的构造和可视化方法进行了探讨。

21、Not only the principle and arithmetic of RC are detailed,but also the mathematic model of PMSM and the design process are included. ─── 介绍了重复控制的原理、算法以及永磁同步电机数学模型的建立,并给出了重复控制器设计的思路。

22、Arps decline curve is basic mathematic model used for studying oil/gas production decline regularity at present, but it has some defects. ─── Arps递减曲线是目前用于研究油气产量递减规律的基本数学模型,但该模型仍有一些不足之处.

23、wrong mathematic methods play their roles in this field. ─── 错误的数学方法在这个领域内起着作用。

24、Derives the mathematic formula of static characteristics of coils. ─── 推导了盘管静态特性的数学表达式。

25、New progresses of mathematic models, section profiles and engineering application for lapel shaper were introduced. ─── 介绍了国内外在翻领成型器的数学模型、截面形式和应用研究等方面的进展。

26、It would be a very useful mathematic tool for the description and analysis of structural deformation. ─── 这将为我们对具有任意形状的构造标志体变形的描述和分析提供方便和有用的数学工具。

27、Mathematic function that returns the trigonometric cotangent of the specified angle, in radians, in the given float expression. ─── 在给定float表达式中以弧度形式返回给定角度的三角余切的数学函数。

28、Develops the mathematic model and program for the optimization design of insulation layer thickness. ─── 建立了保温层厚度优化设计数学模型,并编制了优化程序。

29、A mathematic model for fatigue reliability of contact wires was presented based on statistical principle. ─── 应用数理统计原理建立了接触线疲劳可靠性分析的数学模型。

30、The structure and mathematic modeling of developed coaxial two-wheeled electric scooter were described. ─── 叙述了制作的平行双轮电动车的系统构成和数学模型的建立。

31、The optimal vertical design target in the balance of earthworks has been obtained by the use of a mathematic modeling analysis. ─── 利用数学模拟分析的方法进行土石方平衡,获得最佳竖向设计目标;

32、My son Sam has gotten B+ at Piano exams and school report is outstanding, mathematic has gotten "A" grade. well done! cheers! ─── 我的儿子山姆已经得到的B+在钢琴考试及学校报告是优秀,数学得有“A”级。做得很好!干杯!

33、A residence time distribution mathematic model by continuous-time Markov chain was built up. ─── 将连续时间马尔科夫链与多级全混流串联模型结合建立停留时间分布数学模型。

34、When communicating with others, students should be able to use mathematic language to discuss and make critic. ─── 在与他人交流的过程中,能运用数学语言合乎逻辑地进行讨论与质疑。

35、There are successive interests in developing the mathematic models for the solid drying process. ─── 固体干燥的建模一直是干燥技术研究的主要课题之一。

36、The development of a new auto-buckled universal wrench is presented, and the precise design with mathematic model is also introduced. ─── 介绍了一种新型自扣式通用扳手的设计过程及利用数学模型进行精确设计的方法。

37、We also have Montessori Program, that includes language, sensorial, mathematic, practical life, music. ─── 我们相信只有通过观察发现孩子们的兴趣点,及诱导他们主动参与,才会有事半功倍的效果。

38、A general mathematic model for evaluating the spectral bandwidth of optical parametric amplification (OPA) is developed. ─── 提出了估算光学参量放大(OPA)光谱带宽的一般性方法。

39、To calculation how many units of stock to short we need a mathematic model, see CQF lectuer. ─── 我们需要一个数学模型来计算到底要卖空多少标的资产来抵消投资该期权的风险。技术上的细节请看CQF讲课。

40、To improve measuring precision of bruising area, a mathematic model for calculating bruising area was put forward according to pear appearance and the characteristics of bruising. ─── 为提高碰压伤面积的测量精度,根据梨的外形及碰压伤的特征,建立了碰压伤面积测量的数学模型。

41、The tentative idea I have is that there are some nodes in time which is fixed by some sort of Mathematic invariant, which is unchangable whatsover. ─── 它们在什麽时间合作无间,什麽时侯会有冲突?13.中国文化中道家思想和儒家思想的张力,前者主张自然无为,而后者相当入世及功利。

42、The mathematic principle of principal component analysis method (PCA) lies in coordinate conversion. ─── 主分量分析法(PCA)的数学原理是坐标转换,它将原变量变换成互不相关的变量。

43、This thesis gives up the complicated mathematic models which are based on the kinetics of pelletization during the investigating. ─── 在研究过程中,放弃了复杂的以造球动力学为理论基础的数学模型。

44、The mathematic model of humanoid pneumatic muscle was established by theoretical and experimental methods. ─── 在理论分析和实验的基础上,建立了人工气动肌肉的数学模型。

45、The results showed that this mathematic model could reflect the average temperature change of fruit-vegetable in box better. ─── 试验结果表明,这种数学模型可以较好地反映箱体内果蔬平均温度的变化。

46、It sets up the mathematic model of affecting the jacquard.This paper simulates the pattern with practical effect. ─── 建立了考虑提花纹织工艺的数学模型,并能在计算机上模拟出具有实物效果的外观图案。

47、Romberg integration algorithm: a method for integrating mathematic functions, in MATLAB. ─── (译):龙贝格积分算法:一种方法,把数学函数,在MATLAB环境中。

48、The mathematic model between molecular weight and benzene amine point of the coker gatch was presented in the paper. ─── 提出了焦化蜡油分子量与苯胺点之间的数学模型.

49、Based on the establishment of mathematic model, this paper analyses dynamic behavior of the PMA. ─── 在建立了永磁操动机构动态特性数学模型的基础上,分析了永磁机构的运动特性。

50、Based on the linear time-varying MIMO mathematic model of the brushless DC motor, this paper proposed a method to design a speed observer. ─── 基于无刷直流电机的线性时变多输入一多输出(MIMO)模型,提出一种速度观测器的设计方案。

51、The swelling curves of natural rubber sulphidizing were fitted by a hyperbola(1/Y=A+B/X) mathematic model. ─── 探讨采用1/Y=A+B/X数学模型拟合硫化天然橡胶溶胀曲线。

52、So as to mathematic teaching, requiring students study overpasstheir thinking, this is chiefly leaching aim and request of liberal education. ─── 在数学教学中,要求学生通过自己的思维来学习,这是普通教育首要的教学目的和要求。

53、The comparison with experimental results shows that calculating results are reliable and its mathematic model can be applied to transient analysis of the same kind system. ─── 与实验结果的对比表明:本计算结果是合理的,其数学模型可用于同类系统的瞬态分析。

54、Based on the fundamental analysis of the principles,a non-equilibrium dynamic mathematic model (NDMM) of atmospheric fractionator (A. ─── 从机理分析的角度出发,利用虚拟组分的概念,建立了分馏塔的动态数学模型。

55、Thermal performance analysis of a number of towers shows that this mathematic model and its calc... ─── 对若干塔的热力性能计算分析表明,采用本文的数学模型与计算方法所开发的计算程序具有良好的工程应用前景。

56、People's studying mathematic process is also the process which fosters an ability. ─── 人们学习数学的过程也就是培养能力的过程.

57、A mathematic model for the liquid chromatography determination of clopidol residues in poultry meat was established in this experiment. ─── 建立了液相色谱法测定鸡肉中二氯二甲吡啶酚残留量的数学模型;

58、The mathematic describe of any stage of the shifting progress is done, and the dynamic models of synchronizer and actuator are built. ─── 对换挡过程的各个阶段分别做了数学描述,同时建立了同步器和执行机构的动力学模型;

59、Six features of some mathematic models are compared breadthwise. ─── 从6个特徵方面横向比较了部分优化数学模型的研究成果;

60、Simulation, mathematic proof and real system practice are used to prove the correction of these architectures, methods and algorithms. ─── 通过数学证明和模拟实验结合的方式,证明了架构设计和算法设计的可行性和有效性。

61、Through the argumentation and analysis,an optimal mathematic model about rapidity and maneuverability of a high-speed monohull ship is established. ─── 以高速单体船为研究对象,通过了综合论证及分析,建立了以快速性和操纵性为目标函数的综合优化数学模型。

62、The mathematic expressions of thermodynamic flow density and thermodynamic force are denned. ─── 基本广延量的传递过程也同时是与之对应的能和(火用)的传递过程。

63、It presents the characteristics of transmissive laser Moire signals and builds mathematic model of two grating diffraction. ─── 介绍了透射式激光莫尔信号的特性,并建立了双光栅衍射的数学模型。

64、The mathematic model of concentricity error and a advanced optimal method -"cosine shift plus" are put forward. ─── 提出了同轴度误差的数学模型,其中给出一种高效的优化方法一余弦移位相加法。

65、As application of the research, we have designed the ADRC for a table control system based on the mathematic description. ─── 在建立了自抗扰控制系统数学模型的基础上,作为理论研究的应用,进行了自抗扰控制转台系统的设计。

66、A new method applying LCC analysis to optimize AT of chilled water system was presented, and relative mathematic model was established. ─── 提出了应用LCC分析优化供回水温差的方法,建立了相关的LCC费用优化的数学模型;

67、Subscript Small character printed below the base line as part of mathematic equation. Also called Inferior character. ─── 下标字符在数学公式内,放在基线下的细字。参阅上文。

68、In mathematic teaching, the contrastive teaching has special function. ─── 在数学教学中,比较法具有特殊的功效和作用。

69、This paper performs mathematic and physical modeling of a general material handling system and completes simulation of the system with VC++. ─── 本文通过数学和物理建模,并得用VC++编程,实现了物流系统的仿真。

70、The mathematic problem must be solved by complex QR decomposition algorithm. ─── 这个数学题必须用复数QR分解算法解答。

71、GIS was not only a memorizer of date processor, but also have a mass of the function of spatial analysis mathematic statistics. ─── GIS不仅是一个数据处理存储工具,还具有大量的空间分析和空间统计功能。

72、Finally, the mathematic model on inerting,cooling and re-liquefying is aslo established. ─── 另外还对液货的惰化、冷却和再液化过程进行了数值建模。

73、The mathematic model was built to optimize the inplane geometry and bend factors. ─── 以层合板的面内几何因子和弯曲因子为优化对象,建立遗传算法的优化模型。

74、The system structure and the mathematic model of least square method to evaluate the straightness er2 rors are introduced. ─── 介绍了系统结构原理以及空间直线度误差的最小二乘评定法数学模型。

75、The thesis makes an accurate quantity analysis with mathematic mold, which makes the perceptual knowledge ascend to rational knowledge. ─── 引入数学模型对累积投票制做精确的数量分析,使得感性知识进一步上升为理性知识;

76、The predict mathematic model of the descent style group was 1/3(40HzAERP) +2/3ABR and the model of the ascent style group was 2/3(40HzAERP) +1/3ABR. ─── 下降型,平均听阈=1/3(40HzAERP)+2/3ABR; 上升型,平均听阈=2/3(40HzAERP)+1/3ABR。

77、Existing mathematic theory couldn't explain it. ─── 现存的数学理论无法解释它。

78、Some mathematic methods developed in recent years to evaluate the biodiversity were introduced and analyzed. ─── 同时,还对近年来一些新提出的有关多样性度量的数学方法进行了分析介绍。

79、H. &Leou, S. (2005).A Kindergarten Teacher's Growth in Mathematic knowledge : A Narrative Study. ─── 后现代思潮中一位中学数学教师专业知能发展之叙说研究。

80、Based on the idea of expert system (ES) and combined with mathematic method, a search frame of ECG automated diagnose is proposed. ─── 借鉴专家系统的基本思想,结合数学分析手段,提出一种新的医师经验与工程分析手段结合的心电自动诊断研究框架,并首次对这一框架进行了真正的实践性探索。

81、To mitigate the risks,this paper presents a concept of interruptible options and corresponding mathematic model based on the option theory. ─── 为了规避这种风险,基于期权理论,提出了断电期权的概念,并建立了相应的数学模型。

82、A new mathematic model of fluid-soild coupled flow is established to solve flow field of bucket foundation during suction penetration. ─── 建立了新的流固耦合渗流的数学模型,求解筒型基础沉贯渗流场分布。

83、The mathematic model of the braking pressure characteristics is set up considering factors concerned such as the temperature and pipeline length based on the VABCO ABS. ─── 基于VABCO压力调节器气制动ABS系统,综合考虑温度、管路长度等影响因素建立了制动气室压力变化数学模型;

84、The negative example and reductio ad adsurdum Proof obtain an interesting application in statistical mathematic. ─── 反例和反证法是数学中常用的方法,在统计数学中也有许多有趣的应用。

85、To analyze and judge the condition of GG conductors, a mathematic model based on electric circuit and matrix theory is established. ─── 为了掌握接地网导体的腐蚀和断裂情况,利用电网络和矩阵理论,建立了接地网在土壤中腐蚀、断裂点诊断的数学模型。

86、A selective program of change gears for various hobbling machines is proposed based on the mathematic theory of the differential change gears. ─── 基于差动挂轮计算方法,介绍了一种适合各种型号滚齿机的挂轮选择程序。

87、The concept design theory of this flexure hinge was analyzed, and a mathematic model was established to analyze its performance. ─── 针对这种柔性铰链的设计进行了概念性研究,建立了铰链的数学模型,研究了这种新型柔性铰链的性能。

88、A Preliminary Study on the Mathematic Model of Leaf Area of Ulmus pumila Linn. ─── 与相似的文献。

89、The concrete calculation method and mathematic model are studied, the program flow blockdiagram is given. ─── 对具体的算法进行了探讨。









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