laxation 发音
英:[lækˈseɪʃən] 美:[lækˈseɪʃən]
英: 美:
laxation 中文意思翻译
laxation 词性/词形变化,laxation变形
形容词比较级: laxer |副词: laxly |形容词最高级: laxest |名词: laxation |
laxation 同义词
lenient | slack | careless | remiss |loose | vague | lazy
laxation 反义词
raise |tense
laxation 相似词语短语
1、lactation ─── n.哺乳;哺乳期;授乳(形容词lactational);分泌乳汁
2、malaxation ─── n.揉捏法
3、lavation ─── n.洗涤;洗涤用的水(等于lavage)
4、latration ─── 厕所
5、taxation ─── n.课税,征税;税款
6、relaxation ─── n.放松;缓和;消遣
7、lallation ─── n.喃语;言语不清
8、luxation ─── n.脱臼
9、clavation ─── 钉
laxation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Inflorescences terminal or axillary, paniculate cymes, 6-7 cm, branches lax and long. ─── 圆锥花序顶生或腋生,圆锥状聚伞花序,6-7厘米,枝疏松的和长。
2、Many of the problems are attributed to lax safety procedures and negligence. ─── 人们把这些问题都归咎安全管理方面松散,执法不严上。
3、Father and do not have laugh or laugh and lax cannot take. ─── 严而无笑或笑而不严都是不可取的。
4、Education should be gentle and stern, not cold and lax. ─── “教育应该是恩威并重,而不是冷漠散漫。”
5、They wanna see our proposal for the lax security upgrades. ─── 他们想看到我们关于保安系统升级的计划。
6、Plus domestic gesso item category lax, so product of consumer preference brand is become necessary. ─── 再加上国内石膏产品等级不严,所以消费者选择品牌产品成为必要。
7、They seemed to him so lax, so nearly worldly. ─── 他们在他的眼里是那样随随便便,那样近于世俗。
8、Basically infect means to pass tub, bath the medium, medical apparatus and instruments that disinfects lax case or make love filthily and infect. ─── 主要传染方式通过浴盆、浴中、消毒不严格的医疗器械或不洁性交而传染。
9、Can contend for warm, lax spread, lazy ocean ocean, say is take a sunbathe. ─── 可争暖,松散散、懒洋洋,说是晒太阳。
10、Compares with Thailand, this national army equips is very bad, lacks the training, the organization is lax. ─── 与泰国相比,这个国家军队装备很差,缺乏训练,组织涣散。”
11、To the outside globle,our custom may be interpreted as a singn of flippancy or lax discipline. it? ─── 对外人而言,咱们的习惯估计会是轻率的和纪律松懈的表现。明白吗?
12、F: To the outside world, our custom may be interpreted as a sign of flippancy or lax discipline. Get it? ─── 对外人而言,我们的习惯可能会是轻率的和纪律松懈的表现。明白吗?
13、F: To the outside world, our custom may be interpreted as a singn of flippancy or lax discipline. ─── 对外人而言,我们的习惯可能会是轻率的和纪律松懈的表现。
14、Two screws of a sample is lost, and two screws of the other sample is lax. ─── 一个样品的两颗镙丝脱落,另一个样品的两颗镙丝松动。
15、Stick with dispatch of the canal lax, can send a link madly. ─── 和讯贴吧管的不严,可以狂发链接。
16、Laparoscopy Adhesion Laxation treat for Adhesive Ileus (28 Cases Report) ─── 腹腔镜粘连松解术治疗粘连性肠梗阻(附28例报告)
17、Concerns about lax production standards in China mean most consumers would prefer to know where their chocolate comes from. ─── 因为中国制造黑心产品的消息时有所闻,让人担心这些巧克力会不会也有问题?
18、Legislators in the territory upbraided the government for lax safety standards on July 4th. ─── 7月4号,香港特区立法会谴责特区政府放松安全标准。
19、Only the people's oversight can prevent the government from being lax in its duties. ─── 只有人民监督政府,政府才不会懈怠。
20、Ayres Hotel, Hawthorne / Manhattan Beach / LAX Wayfarers Chapel, Racho Palos Verdes, California. ─── 婚礼当天早上的准备、还有婚礼前大家到达教堂准备入座。
21、Step up the professional cleaning schedule if you know you tend to be lax about home care. ─── 如果你知道你在家护理可能会不严格,就应该按专业清洁的步骤清洁.
22、However, there's a saying that can offer a teacher some help, “Education should be gentle and stern, not cold and lax. ─── 不过,有句谚语倒是可以提供老师一些帮功:“教育应该是恩威并重,而不是冷漠散漫。”
23、After an in-depth examination of the relevant procedures, he concluded that management controls were lax and loopholes were aplenty. ─── 他花了一段时间观察整个收集和处理车资程序,发现巴士公司的管理松散,工序亦存在相当多而明显的漏洞。
24、Miss Early's always saying we're too lax in the terms we quote our buyers. ─── 厄尔利小姐说我们报给买方的条件太宽了。
25、The IMF says lax regulation and a failure to recognize the risks of highly leveraged loans contributed to the credit crisis. ─── 国际货币基金组织说,管理松弛和对高度杠杆借贷的风险缺乏认识导致了目前的信贷危机。
26、Second, by taking advantage of people's lax, credulous psychological crime. ─── 二是利用人们麻痹、轻信的心理作案。
27、For banking, such lax security measures would be laughable. ─── 对于银行业来说,采用这样松懈的安全措施会很可笑。
28、There are quite a few leading military bodies that are lax or lazy, and probably even more that are weak. ─── 军队有相当多的散班子,也有相当多的懒班子,恐怕软班子占得更多。
29、The pathological changes were paralysis of pelvic floor muscles, ptosis ofpelvic floor and anus laxation. ─── 均采用改良的髂腰肌加强盆底、直肠悬吊术进行治疗。
30、He realized that he'd lost the race only because he had been overconfident, careless and lax. ─── 兔子很清楚,失败的原因只是牠太有信心、粗心大意以及过份散漫。
31、When they set to work, not one of them is lax. ─── 他们干起活儿来,哪个也不稀松。
32、In the USA, that figure fell to 0%(!!). Both are now paying the ultimate consequences of America's lax standards, not Germany's. ─── 在美国,这个数字跌到了0%!!现在两者都在为美国的、而不是德国的不严格的标准的后果付出代价,
33、Such lax and slipshod ways are no longer acceptable. ─── 如此松懈、漫不经心的作风不会再被接受了。
34、China is distinct because of economics and relatively lax regulation. ─── 中国的情况最为独特,除了经济方面的原因以外,还受法规不严的影响。
35、KOREAN AIR HANGZHOU OFFICEU1U.S.A.ON-LINEANC、HNL、LAX、SFO,SEA... ─── 宁波腾欣国际物流有限公司>>类别:空运浙江省-宁波市2008-12-2510:23
36、Saturday afternoon he foiled a hijacking at LAX. ─── 周六下午,他挫败一劫机在宽松。
37、Leaves several, all basal, tufted or arranged in a lax rosette, narrowly linear to linear-oblanceolate. ─── 叶数个,全部基生,丛生或排列在疏松莲座丛中,狭线形到线形倒披针形的。
38、He realised that he'd lost the race only because he had been overconfident, careless and lax. ─── 它很清础,失败是因它太有信心,大意,以及散漫。
39、Comparative Study on the Change of Peroxidation-Antioxidation in Spleen Deficiency Mice Modeled by Rhubarb Root Laxation or Over-Exertion ─── 大黄泻下与劳倦过度单、复因素造模脾虚小鼠过氧化与抗氧化改变的比较研究
40、He realised that he'd lost therace only because he had been overconfident, careless and lax. ─── 牠很清楚,失败是因牠太有信心,大意,以及散漫。
41、Sealing strip closes lax can cause lampblack, dirt, insect to enter. ─── 密封条封闭不严可造成油烟、灰尘、昆虫进入。
42、They are lax about their appearance. ─── 他们不修边幅。
43、Like persistent poverty, lax environmental standards are ultimately a domestic policy or institutional failure. ─── 和持续存在的贫穷问题一样,宽松的环境标准,也是国内政治或制度的失败所造成。
44、On the objective aspect, lax laws and regulations, existence of loopholes, lack of striking power encourage the criminals' arrogance. ─── 客观方面法规不严、存在漏洞,打击不力等也助长了犯罪分子的嚣张气焰。
45、In Toxin, Alistair Lax reveals the panoply of ways in which bacterial toxins overcome the defences of our cells. ─── 在毒素内,疏忽的阿利斯泰尔显示细菌的毒素克服我们的细胞的辩护的路的全胃甲胄。
46、Expert: Security in America is putting it probably lightly as lax. ─── 专家: 在美国,安全防卫措施说得轻一点是不够严密的。
47、Inflorescence umbellate, lax, 5- or 6-flowered, rachis ca. 20 mm, densely shortly glandular-hairy. ─── 伞形的花序,疏松,花5或6,轴约20毫米,密被短腺毛。
48、Adhere to the principle of democratic centralism; do not act arbitrarily or stay feeble and lax. ─── 坚持民主集中制,反对独断专行、软弱涣散
49、In 1985, the Noise Control Act was enacted; however, the law is too lax and is seldom adequately enforced. ─── 1985年颁布了噪音控制条例;然而,由于法律太宽松了,人们基本上不会严格执行。
50、During a certain period of time in history, severe punishments were much more effective that lax policies. ─── 在一定的历史时期,使用严刑峻法比宽松政策更有效。
51、According to ASTM E328-78, uniformly stressed plate specimen and the apparatus for stress-re-laxation testing are designed. Stress-relaxation test are carried out accordingly. ─── 根据ASTM E328—78设计了等应力的片形应力松弛测试试样,对其应力松弛测试装置进行了初步探索,并进行了应力松弛测试试验研究。
52、For example, I was taking a flight from Reno, Nevada, USA to Chengdu with transfers at LAX, Seoul and Beijing. ─── 举例来说,我正在飞机从内华达州,美国到成都与转移的宽松,汉城和北京。
53、You look bloody awful. What are you doing here? -You hired me. I can't help it if your standards are lax. ─── 你看起来真糟,你在这干吗?-你雇了我,你的标准。
54、The episode comes at a time of rising environmental degradation in China brought on by decades of heady growth and lax pollution controls. ─── 中国由于十几年来迅速增长却疏于污染防控,带来环境状况恶化的加剧,该事件的发生也恰逢此时。
55、Leaves and calyx lobes with an herbaceous apiculate or cuspidate tip; flowering branches long, spreading, lax. ─── 叶和萼裂片具一草质的具细尖的或骤尖端部;花枝长,平展,疏松。(35
56、That of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry is weak, though we can't as yet go so far as to say it is lazy and lax. ─── 冶金部的领导班子就是软的,当然还不能说是懒的、散的。
57、In his earlier writings he was indeed lax on this matter. ─── 在他早期著作中,对这方面他的确是不清楚的。
58、When I got to LAX, I approached the uniformed Transportation Security Administration agent nearest the entrance to the security screening area. ─── 在洛杉矶国际机场,我找到离安检处最近的一位身着制服的运输安全局工作人员。
59、To ardent pro-lifers, the law today is immorally lax. ─── 在反堕胎人士来看,现在的法律在道德上太宽松了。
60、Lane's views on marriage seem somewhat lax. ─── 勒天看待婚姻的态度好象不大正派。
61、You hired me. I can't help it if your standards are lax. ─── 你雇了我,你的标准变得这么低我也没办法。
62、Promote the blood circulation, and accept the gight and lax skin, clean skin. ─── 促进血液循环,紧致松驰肌肤,清洁肌肤。
63、The decolor-ation rate is over 91% about 0.75 hour and Lax Sr1-x Fe1-y Coy O3 system kinetic reaction is pseudo-first order. ─── 同时,对5种染料进行紫外光解,在0.75h,脱色率大于91%,并为动力学一级反应。
64、But this was scuppered by generous new benefits for workers and lax payments to the funds themselves. ─── 但一方面由于新的工人福利的慷慨政策,另一方面又未严格拨款至养老金基金,致使这一计划告吹。
65、Local governments deny they are becoming lax, yet complaints against employers languish in huge backlogs as many are simply shuttering their factories. ─── 地方政府否认管理松懈,但对雇主的大量申诉却无人理睬,很多雇主只是将工厂关闭了事。
66、Although Laogong and child sympathize with the ground to look at you, not lax also, must fall cruel-hearted. ─── 即使老公和孩子同情地看着你,也不要松懈,一定要下狠心。
67、Third, Zhou Xiaochuan said that the bloating decelerated but Central Bank still not to be able to be lax. ─── 三是周小川称通胀已减速但央行仍不能松懈。
68、To the outside world, our custom may be interpreted as a?sign of flippancy or lax discipline. Get it? ─── 对外人而言,我们的习惯可能会是轻率和纪律松懈的表现。明白吗?
69、Other seemingly breezy victories against New Orleans, San Antonio and Golden State also turned tense when the Lakers turned lax late. ─── 其他有对阵新奥尔良,圣安东尼奥,金州勇士的比赛,看似可以轻松地拿下最终胜利,但是每每在领先状况下出现的松懈导致比赛最后还是紧张收场。
70、Before one of them called the leak within leakage, which is what is commonly known as Guan lax, it will affect the ability of medium cut off valve. ─── 其中前一处的泄漏叫做内漏,也就是通常所说的关不严,它将影响阀门截断介质的能力。
71、To the outside globle,our custom may be interpreted as a singn of flippancy or lax discipline.Get it? ─── 对外人而言,我们的习惯可能会是轻率的和纪律松懈的表现。明白吗?
72、To the outside world, our custom may be interpreted as a sign of flippancy or lax discipline. Get it? ─── 对外人而言,我们的习惯可能会是轻率和纪律松懈的表现。明白吗?
73、Don't be lax about fulfilling your obligations. ─── 完成你的职责不要松懈。
74、F:To the outside world,our custom may be interpreted as a singn of flippancy or lax discipline. ─── F:对外人而言,我们的习惯可能会是轻率的和纪律松懈的表现。
75、There has been a parallel argument about the lax stock-taking procedures for plutonium. ─── 与此同时,还有一种关于钚的仓库盘点程序不严的观点。
76、He's too lax with his pupils. ─── 他对小学生管教太松。
77、Feedback from our staff indicates some customers think our quality control is lax. ─── 从我们职员那里得来的反馈也表明顾客认为我们对商品质量把关不严。
78、CAUSES: The activity of cells is decreased due to ageing that leads to skin ageing and laxation. ─── 成因:肌肤因自然衰老或保养不当而致使细胞失去活力,皮肤老化、松弛。
79、Compared with the Saline control groups, the gene expression of glucokinase in the liver on model rats of the senna leaf laxation group remarkably decrease (P0. 01). ─── 肝脏中葡萄糖激酶基因表达情况:番泻叶泻下脾气虚组大鼠肝脏中葡萄糖激酶鑫因表达与生理盐水对照组比较显著降低(P
80、After tea Shirley reads and she is just about as tenacious of her book as she is lax of her needle. ─── 喝过茶后,谢利就看书,她对于书本的锲而不舍,大概正如她对针线的锲而不舍一样。
81、See also: "limber", "lax", "supple". ─── 也见到: " 使柔软 "," 松的 "," 柔软的 ".
82、Maenl naih yuh dah sids gax waip gueec lax, Gaoml daol naih lis nyenc liangp dah eis? ─── (今天又过洋节了,我们侗族有人喜欢过吗?) Zhuc daol daengc doux dah si...
83、Mr Rogoff cites the low value of official short-term rates, the" unusually lax stance of fiscal policy" and global imbalances. ─── 作为例证,罗戈夫先生援引了低值的官方短期利率,“宽松得异乎寻常的财政政策”以及各种全球性失衡状况。
84、Leaves linear, triangular-sagittate, or narrowly sagittate, 0.2-1 cm wide; inflorescence a dense or lax filiform terminal spikelike panicle. ─── 叶线形,三角形,或狭箭头形,0.2-1厘米宽;花序一紧密或疏松丝状顶生穗状圆锥花序。(9
85、You will not find security so lax at Stalag Luft, Captain. ─── 上校,在史塔拉格 洛福特守卫就没有那么松了。
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