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09-22 投稿


defamation 发音

英:[ˌdefəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n]  美:[ˌdefəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n]

英:  美:

defamation 中文意思翻译



defamation 短语词组

1、defamation law ─── 诽谤法

2、defamation insurance ─── 诽谤保险

3、defamation of character ─── [法] 毁损名誉, 中伤

4、crime of defamation ─── [法] 诽谤罪

5、public defamation ─── [法] 公开地毁坏人名誉

6、character defamation ─── [法] 诽谤名誉的侵权行为

7、indemnity for defamation ─── [经] 毁坏名誉的赔偿

8、unintentional defamation ─── [法] 非故意的毁损名誉

9、defamation suit ─── 诽谤诉讼

10、defamation claim ─── 诽谤诉讼

11、defamation lawsuit ─── 诽谤诉讼

12、defamation act ─── 诽谤法

13、defamation trial ─── 诽谤审判

14、defamation of personality ─── [法] 毁损人格

15、defamation action ─── [法] 破坏名誉的诉讼

defamation 词性/词形变化,defamation变形

形容词: defamatory |

defamation 相似词语短语

1、deflation ─── n.通货紧缩;放气

2、defecation ─── n.排便;澄清,净化

3、defamations ─── n.诽谤;中伤

4、decimation ─── n.大批杀害;每十人杀一人;大量毁灭

5、defaecation ─── n.澄清;通便

6、defalcation ─── n.挪用公款;亏空

7、declamation ─── n.雄辩;朗诵

8、deformation ─── n.变形

9、datamation ─── n.资料处理设备产销公司;自动化资料处理

defamation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Privilege which protects a person from being sued for defamation ( such as an MP speaking in the house of commons, a judge making a statement in judicial proceeding ) ─── 为保护某人,如在下院演说的议员和在诉讼过程中发言的法字,使他不被他人进行破坏他名誉的诉讼

2、To accuse an honest man of stealing is a defamation of his character. ─── 控告诚实的偷窃是对他人格的一种中伤。

3、defamation of personality ─── [法] 毁损人格

4、Character defamation can be either oral or written. ─── 人格诽谤既可以是口头的也可以是书面的。

5、Recalling past incidents, we should be happy to discover our detachment for all earthy possessions, honors and defamation! ─── 回忆过去的故事,我们应该高兴发现自己能够放下所有世俗的财产和毁誉!

6、The Court seemed to be motivated by a desire to keep the federal judiciary from absorbing too much of the business of state courts, which have historically protected reputation through defamation actions. ─── 最高法院的动机似乎是希望使联邦司法系统不要承担太多的州法院的业务,后者在历史上始终是通过诽谤诉讼来保障名誉的。

7、SHANGHAI, China (AP) - A Chinese supplier of Apple Computer's iPod has withdrawn a defamation lawsuit it filed against two Chinese journalists over claims of labor mistreatment. ─── 基本上只是标题的一个更具体的翻版,并且正文也有苹果公司对这一进展的表态。

8、The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation ─── 反诽谤同性恋者联盟

9、Lutfi denied that claim in a defamation lawsuit filed against the Spears family in February. ─── 卢特否认这种说法在诽谤诉讼的布兰妮家庭在2月。

10、He was granted amnesty only to be sued later in 2008 by a senior minister for defamation. ─── 他获得赦免,只在2008年后期被一名资深部长以诽谤罪名起诉。

11、A man was sued by a woman for defamation of character. She charged that he had called her a pig. ─── 一个女人起诉一个男人诽谤。她指控这个男人骂她是头猪。

12、defamation act ─── 反诽谤法

13、Civil matters are usually tried by Court of First Instance Judges sitting without juries,although there is a rarely used provision for jury trials in certain cases,including defamation. ─── 在审理民事案件时,通常不设陪审团,只由原讼法庭法官审理。某些案件如诽谤案的审讯,则可援引法律条文设立陪审团,但这项条文甚少引用。

14、Lawyers say students could be sued for defamation, even if a teacher was not named. ─── 律师表示,就算没有写出老师的名字,(在网路日志中)污衊老师的学生也可能被控诽谤。

15、A man was sued by a woman for defamation of character. She charged that he had called her a pig. The man was found guilty and fined. ─── 一个女人起诉一个男人诽谤。她指控这个男人骂她是头猪。男人被叛有罪并受到处罚,英语学习。

16、However, this by no means indicates that some people may launch defamation on China and a blatant racial attack on its people irresponsibly. ─── 但是这并不意味着某些人可以不负责任、口无遮拦地攻击中国以及中华民族。

17、Defamation and contempt of those absurd attempt to fight her to re-ignite the fire of love. ─── 这些轻蔑诽谤及无稽之谈试图扑灭她重新点燃的爱情之火。

18、Following the suicide of Choi Jin-sil, police in South Korea said that online defamation will be targeted, UPI reported. ─── 据美国合众国际社报道,崔真实死后,韩国警察表示将严查网络谣言。

19、Famous comedian Zhao Benshan is suing Beijing Sina Internet Information Service Co Ltd for defamation in Beijing Haidian District Court, according to chinacourt.org. ─── 据中国法院网报道,日前,北京市海淀区人民法院受理了赵本山起诉北京新浪互联信息服务有限公司侵犯肖像权案。

20、Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation ─── 同性恋者反诽谤联盟

21、In the memonir, Wen mentioned some unfamous event in Chiang’s family, which Chiang’s daughter regarded as nonsense and filed a criminal defamation suit againt General Wen. ─── 在这本书中,温将军提到了蒋经国家里的一些不太名誉的事件,蒋经国的女儿认为该书所言根本是子虚乌有,因而对温将军提起了诽谤罪的刑事诉讼。

22、If we compare defamation defenses to the principle provisions of freedom of expression and supervision by public opinion, we can find them are intuitionistic and exercisable. ─── 比起对表达自由和舆论监督进行原则性规定而言,抗辩事由具有直观和可操作性强的特点。

23、The world tend to be good to listen to calumny, because defamation is beautiful, while forgetting This ancient saying, until the time of their failure, all as superficial, and vanished into thin air. ─── 世人往往善于听信谗言,因为谗言是美丽的,而忘了这句古话,待到自己失败时,一切如过眼云烟,烟消云散。

24、Is defamation criminally punishable according to Chinese law? ─── 根据中国法律,破坏名誉会受到刑事处罚吗?

25、press defamation lawsuits ─── 新闻诽谤诉讼

26、In this second battle, our objective is to force CNN's public apology for its defamation of Chinese government and the firing of Jack Cafferty for his discrimination of Chinese people. ─── 我们的目的是迫使CNN电视台为其对中国政府的中伤作公开道歉,并解雇有辱华行为的节目主持人卡佛蒂。

27、" That' s right. Generally, libel refers to defamation in print, picture or any other visual symbols, while slander is spoken defamation." ─── 是这样的。一般地说,文字诽谤是指用印刷品、图画和其官任何有形标记来破坏名誉,而口头诽谤是用言语破坏名誉。

28、If a website posting makes allegations against a businessperson in the community without directly naming the person, are the poster and the website liable for defamation? ─── 如果一个网贴谴责社区一名生意人而未指名道姓,从发帖者到网站是否要对诽谤负有法律责任?

29、In another word, it corresponds to viewpoint of decriminalization of defamation by limiting scope of defamation. ─── 换言之,虽未将其宣告违宪,但以限缩诽谤罪的方式,来回应诽谤罪除罪化派的观点。

30、1.LONDON: Bloggers must be responsible for what they write on the Internet as there are laws on defamation and sedition, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said. ─── 伦敦:拿督阿都拉阿玛巴达依(马来西亚现任首相)说博客们一定要为他们在网络上写的负责人因为毁谤和煽动法律是存在的。

31、The most feared punishment is the defamation lawsuit which can result in permanent financial ruin. ─── 最令人惧怕的是会造成永久破财的毁谤官司。

32、She sued the magazine for defamation of her character. ─── 她控告该杂志诽谤她的人格。

33、The company sued for defamation. ─── 这个公司因受到诽谤而提起诉讼。

34、The newspaper report fall within the category of defamation. ─── 报纸的报导属诽谤性的文章。

35、The continent law regards it as common tort, it has profound theories about burden of proof. While the Anglo-American law has a special defamation act. ─── 大陆法系将媒体侵害名誉权行为作为民法中侵权法的一般侵权来对待,在证明责任制度上具有深厚的理论作为指导,英美法系则有专门的诽谤法对其进行调整。

36、Defamation and insult are legally defined speech events. ─── 污辱、诽谤是由法律所规定的两种侵害名誉权的言语事件。

37、But the internet ensures that the law of defamation now threatens anyone who stands up for what he believes to be right. ─── 但是,互联网确保了诽谤法现在威胁到每一个坚持自己信念的人。

38、The Defendant maliciously and falsely imputes to the Plaintiff a want of integrity in the conduct of his political activities in Chinese opposition movement and is actionable defamation under the law. ─── 二十、被告恶意并虚假地诬蔑原告在中国反抗运动中行为的正直诚实性,是一种实质性的诽谤中伤。

39、Her death prompted an outpouring of vitriol against the husband, Wang Fei, who has sued two Chinese online companies and an individual for defamation and privacy violations. ─── 她的死激起了公众对其丈夫王菲的猛烈炮轰,目前王菲已经起诉两家中国互联网公司和一名自然人诽谤和侵犯隐私。

40、He sued for defamation. ─── 他因诽谤而起诉。

41、the world will never be without a people for defamation, nor a person will always be amazing. ─── 世界上没有一个永远不被毁谤的人,也没有一个永远被赞叹的人。

42、The newspaper report fall within the category of defamation ─── 报纸的报导属诽谤性的文章

43、civil defamation ─── 民事诽谤

44、Civil matters are usually tried by Court of First Instance Judges sitting without juries, although there is a rarely used provision for jury trials in certain cases, including defamation. ─── 在审理民事案件时,通常不设陪审团,只由原讼法庭法官审理。 某些案件如诽谤案的审讯,则可援引法律条文设立陪审团,但这项条文甚少引用。

45、1.slander; defamation; slur; dispraise; calumniation; 2.to slander; to calumniate; to abuse; to disparage ─── 毁谤

46、indemnity for defamation ─── 名誉损害赔偿赔偿名誉

47、If the Committee is not satisfied that there is real truth to these allegations, then Capobianco risks severe punishment for defamation ? with Juventus already announcing they will seek legal advice. ─── 如果委员会认为这些指控不是真实存在在,那么会严惩电话门中对尤文图斯的严重诽谤的始作俑者,尤文图斯已经宣布他们将寻求法律咨询。

48、One of these exceptions denies tort liability for a wide variety of intentional torts, including defamation, misrepresentation, deceit, and interference with contract rights. ─── 例外之一是拒绝对各种各样的故意侵权(包括诽谤、错误陈述、欺骗和干预契约权利)所承担的侵权责任。

49、Now he's suing for a variety of reasons, including defamation and reckless infliction of emotional distress. ─── 现在他要以数种理由提出告诉,包括诽谤以及鲁莽造成其精神上的痛苦。

50、Last year, they repeated the stunt, prompted by a new media law that allows politicians to use defamation proceedings to curb critics. ─── 去年,他们又再次重演这一幕,事发原因是允许政客使用弹劾诉讼来扼制打击新闻自由的法律。

51、However, the person who gives out the name through a private email would probably be liable for defamation, said Wong. ─── 不过,通过个人邮件透露姓名者则有可能负有诽谤之责。

52、All users are responsible to their messages contents and pasted images for no defamation, bias discrimination and personalities attack. This forum would not endorse user's expressions of any form. ─── 本讨论区会员必须负责自己所发出任何讯息内容及贴图并无含有诽谤,偏见地歧视或人身攻击成份。一切会员言论与本讨论区无关。

53、Defamation Punishment ─── 申诫罚

54、Defamation Lawsuit and Freedom of Speech: the Rights and Wrongs in the Xuan Ke's Case ─── 名誉权与言论自由:宣科案中的是非与轻重

55、Rhonda Miller claims she was sexually harassed by Mr Schwarzenegger, and filed a lawsuit alleging defamation by the Governor and his campaign staff. ─── 上个世纪70年代以来曾与施瓦辛格打过交道的6名妇女对他做出了相同的指控,此外还有10人在接受调查。

56、Ways of Avoiding the Defamation of News Media ─── 新闻媒体避免名誉侵权应注意的几个问题

57、Chinese paper vows to support staff in defamation case ─── 中国报纸誓言支持名誉侵权案中的职员

58、The court takes the view that the defendant do not publish the defamation maliciously. ─── 法院认为被告没带恶意地发表了诽谤言论。

59、defamation suit ─── 名誉权官司

60、I think defamation is one kind of tort. ─── 我认为破坏名誉是一种侵权。

61、Win a defamation suit ─── 打赢一场名誉权官司

62、seditious defamation ─── 煽动性诽谤

63、These discourses and practices not only help sex workers maintain better control of their work condition, but also provide images of professionalism for the purpose of self protection from physical harm and social defamation. ─── 在另一方面,这样的培力壮大并非个人的存活措施而已;相反的,它同时也是性工作专业的自我转化。

64、This is pure slander and I'll Sue him for defamation if he doesn't apologize. ─── 这纯属污蔑,如果他不向我道歉,我就控告他诽谤。

65、Despite online vilification and real-life harassment, he is trying to sue internet sites for defamation. ─── 之后网络出现了各种诽谤,这些诽谤对他的生活产生了极大的干扰,该男子正准备起诉网站。

66、And pitiful old Abe Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League, decides that discrimination on the basis of religion is all right after all. ─── 可怜的老亚伯福克斯曼,反毁谤联盟的领袖,认为以宗教为基础的歧视毕竟是正确的。

67、The Plaintiff suffered damages as a result of the Defendant's defamation, therefore is entitled to monetary damages, injunctive relief,?and other available remedies. ─── 原告因被告的诽谤中伤深受伤害,因此有权要求对其承受的损失对被告提出经济赔偿和其它可能的赔偿。

68、"So curious, that I think you are running a great risk of a prosecution for defamation of character." ─── “我认为你冒着很大的危险,因为很有可能被控为破坏名誉罪。”

69、The Work does not infringe the copyright, trademark, publicity rights, common law rights or any other right of any third party or constitute defamation, invasion of privacy or other tortious injury to any third party. ─── 本著作并未侵害著作权、商标权、民事法权利、任何第三人之任何权利或对任何第三人构成诽谤、侵犯隐私权或其他侵权之损害。

70、72, silence is the best answer defamation. ─── 沈默是毁谤最好的答覆。

71、This does seem to make a mockery of the protection of reputations that the laws of defamation are designed to ensure. ─── 这次事件确实看起来是对诽谤法设计原因(是为了确保名誉得到保护)的嘲弄。

72、To the extent that I take happiness from success and praise, so accordingly, I will become low because of defeat and defamation. ─── 我在多大程度上从成功和赞扬中得到喜悦,我也会在相应程度上从失败和诋毁中感到失落。

73、"Of course. In some countries the different forms lead to different liabilities. Libel lawsuits undertake redress for all injurious consequences of the defamation, including damages for loss of reputation and specific economic loss." ─── 当然有。在某些国家里,不同的诽谤形式导致不同的法律责任。文字诽谤诉讼要求赔偿因破坏名誉而造成的一切有害后果,包括对名誉损失和特定经济损失的赔偿。

74、He needs to speak to his divorce lawyer immediately about this defamation of character. ─── 你们的儿子要马上和他的离婚律师谈谈这个人身诽谤。

75、In the past, the JSA sued publications for defamation following articles that alleged match-fixing.Now they have a lot more on their hands. ─── 在过去,要是有出版物撰文指称其操纵比赛,该协会就会以诽谤罪向这些出版物提起诉讼,而现在它必须多加反省了。

76、Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. ─── 大多数司法,让法律行为,民事和/或刑事责任,以遏止各种诽谤和打击报复毫无根据的批评。

77、Maybe I always sway in this awesome environment that full of defamation and envy. ─── 也许我总是在这充满中伤与嫉妒的恶劣环境中摇摆不定。

78、“From a defamation standpoint, if you repeat a defamatory rumor, you may expose yourself to a defamation claim. ─── Wong律师表示:“从诽谤角度讲,如果你传播带有诽谤性质的谣言,你可能会受到诽谤起诉。

79、His willful distortion, defamation and utilization of Buddhism caused the attention as well as great dissatisfaction of the Buddhist circle long before. ─── 他肆意歪曲、诬篾、利用佛教,很早就引起了佛教界的注意和强烈不满。

80、Youku has counter-sued for defamation. ─── 对此,优酷则反诉诽谤中伤。

81、He needs to speak to his divorce lawyer immediately about this defamation of character. ─── 他需要立即和他离婚律师谈谈这些诽谤的事情。

82、public defamation ─── [法] 公开地毁坏人名誉

83、Typically, it is limited by prohibitions against libel, defamation, obscenity, judicial or parliamentary privilege and the like. ─── 典型意义上,诽谤、言论中伤、淫秽、司法言论或者议会权限等方面言论自由是受到限制的。

84、Privilege which protects a person from being sued for defamation ( such as an MP speaking in the house of commons,a judge making a statement in judicial proceeding ) ─── 为保护某人,如在下院演说的议员和在诉讼过程中发言的法字,使他不被他人进行破坏他名誉的诉讼。

85、"Defamation",,,"Publishing libel known to be false" ─── "诽谤条例",,5,"发布明知虚假的永久形式诽谤"

86、It also called the relevant parties to "make utmost efforts to eliminate the article concerning defamation in the Criminal Code of Indonesia." ─── 它也呼吁各方为“消除印尼刑事法典中的诽谤条款尽最大的努力。”

87、Fame and defamation are a natural part of life . Remain unattached to them and always maintain inner peace . ─── 毁辱荣誉自然有之,一切要自我淡化,怡然自得。

88、I think if there is a precedent for issuing a warrant for defamation, then this could happen to any journalist. ─── 我想,如果对诽谤发拘传成为先例,这可能会发生在每个记者身上。

89、Two methods of improving precision for thermal defamation experiments ─── 提高热变形实验精度的两种方法

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