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09-21 投稿


leamer 发音


英:  美:

leamer 中文意思翻译



leamer 短语词组

1、fast leamer ─── 固体leamer

2、leamer driver leamer ─── 驱动程序

3、leamer triangle ─── 利默三角形

leamer 相似词语短语

1、leaner ─── adj.更精瘦而且健康的,脂肪更少的;更贫乏的,更不足的;更精干的,效率更高的;更低报酬的

2、Beamer ─── n.投影机,整经机;n.(Beamer)人名;(英)比默

3、leader ─── n.领导者;首领;指挥者;n.(Leader)(英)利德(人名)

4、lamer ─── n.跛足的人;傻瓜;无能的人(非正式);adj.更跛脚的;更没有说服力的;更无能的;n.(Lamer)(美、加、法、德、俄、英)拉梅(人名)

5、leaker ─── n.水压试验时出汗;有漏元件;渗水铸件;走漏消息者

6、lealer ─── 利勒

7、leaper ─── n.跳跃者

8、leamed ─── 利米德

9、gleamer ─── 拾荒者

leamer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、UCLA economist Ed Leamer contends the recovery — the process in which output rises faster than trend, closing the gap that opened up during the recession — ended last summer. ─── 加州大学(ucla)经济学家爱德•里默认为经济复苏这一轮复苏(产出的增速大于常规,逐渐填补了危机期间两者的差距)已于去年夏天结束。

2、Mr Leamer's work on capital punishment demonstrated that the choice of controls matters hugely. ─── 利默教授对于死刑的研究显示,对辅助变量的选择能够极大的影响分析结果。

3、Leamer takes us from the untold story of his traumatic relationship with his father, to how his first mentor, a Jewish partisan in the Second World War helped shape him; ─── 但是,作者已经把这些事情的大概情节和分析的理论说清楚了,大家一定也已经明白其中的道理了。

4、Leamer autonomy ─── 学习自主性

5、Arrow, K., Solow, R., Portney, P. R., Leamer, E. E., Radner, R., and Schuman, H., “Report of the NOAA panel on contingent valuation,” Resources for the Future, Washington, 1993. ─── 萧代基、钱玉兰,曾文溪流域游憩与景观价值之评估研究,行政院国家科学委员会研究报告,民国84年7月。

6、distance leamer ─── 远程学习者

7、She had never seen such emotion,” said Leamer. ─── 她从来没有见过这样的情景,” 利默说道。

8、Reading aloud differs from silent reading in that a leamer receives only visual+stimuli when he reads silelltly while he will receive visual, auditory and oral stimuliwhen he reads aloud. ─── 朗读与默读的主要区别在于学习者在默读时只能够接收到视觉刺激而朗读时可以接收到视觉刺激、听觉刺激和自身发音器官的刺激。

9、That was Edward Leamer's uncharitable description of his profession in 1983. ─── 1983年,爱德华利默对自己所在行业进行严厉批评时如是说道。

10、“It spread like wildfire,” Laurence Leamer, author of Madness Under the Royal Palms, told me, singling out one of his early callers, a business titan who had lost $50 million overnight. ─── 他说之前给他来电的一个商业巨头,一夜之间他的5000万美元成了过眼云烟。

11、Hsiao wang is a good leamer. ─── 小王善于学习。

12、” Leamer got a frantic call from a woman who was at the annual ball of a Jewish charity. ─── ” 利默接到了一个狂躁的电话,来电的女人正在出席一个犹太慈善机构的年会。

13、Mr Leamer's work on capital punishment demonstrated that the choice of controls matters hugely. ─── 利默教授对于死刑的研究显示,对辅助变量的选择能够极大的影响分析结果。

14、language leamer ─── 语言学习者

15、I'm a quick leamer, Mr. Jenkins. ─── 我学东西很快的,詹金斯先生。

16、Using cross-section data of 61 countries, based on Leamer's and Peterson's tests, A full analysis is made of comparative advantage of world agricultural trade. ─── 摘要本文在利莫尔、皮特森检验的基础上,利用61个国家的截面数据,对主要农产品谷物、棉花、油料、肉类、糖以及全部农产品的国际贸易是否符合比较优势原理进行了计量检验。

17、leamer model Ontology ─── 学习者模型Ontology

18、In this major new biography, acclaimed author Laurence Leamer tells the inside story of Arnold's remarkable rise to fame and power. ─── 怎么结束美国资本集团玩弄世界经济和无偿掠夺世界财富的局面?这些都是很值得大家共同深究的问题。

19、Arrow, K., R. Solow, E. Leamer,P. Portney, R. Randner, and H. Schuman,1993, Report of the NOAA Panel on Contingent Valuation, Federal Register,58:4600-4614. ─── 陈章瑞,2001,近山地区谷津田型农业景观生态环境保全-以东京与台北都会地带为例,农业工程研讨会,页925-931。

20、Leamer characteristic ─── 学习者特征

21、Leamer says the recession permanently wiped out 2.5 million jobs. ─── 利默说,经济衰退彻底摧毁了250万个工作岗位。

22、Leamer got a frantic call from a woman who was at the annual ball of a Jewish charity. ─── 利默接到了一个狂躁的电话,来电的女人正在出席一个犹太慈善机构的年会。

23、” That was Edward Leamer's uncharitable description of his profession in 1983. ─── 1983年,爱德华利默对自己所在行业进行严厉批评时如是说道。

24、leamer's belief ─── 学习信念

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