japanned 中文意思翻译
japanned 词性/词形变化,japanned变形
japanned 短语词组
1、japanned box ─── 日本箱
2、japanned faries ─── 日本法罗
3、japanned leather ─── 漆皮
4、japanned lamp ─── 日本灯
japanned 相似词语短语
1、japanized ─── v.使日本化;置于日本影响下(japanize的过去式和过去分词)
2、deadpanned ─── 面无表情地表达;不带感情色彩的;面无表情的人
3、trapanned ─── 特拉潘
4、japanners ─── n.油漆工
5、panned ─── n.平底锅;盘状的器皿;淘盘子,金盘,秤盘;[计]平移;vt.淘金;在浅锅中烹调(食物);[非正式用语]严厉的批评;vi.淘金;在淘洗中收获金子
6、japanised ─── 日本人
7、spanned ─── adj.生活期有限的
8、japanner ─── n.油漆工
9、-panned ─── n.平底锅;盘状的器皿;淘盘子,金盘,秤盘;[计]平移;vt.淘金;在浅锅中烹调(食物);[非正式用语]严厉的批评;vi.淘金;在淘洗中收获金子
japanned 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Have you ever been to Japan? ─── 你去过日本吗?
2、The President is to visit Japan next week. ─── 总统将於下周访问日本。
3、If you are going to get a job in Japan, you had better bone up on the language. ─── 如果你打算在日本打工,你最好刻苦学习日语。
4、The corollary in Japan is "He doesn't belong" . ─── 在日本的必然结果是“他无所归属。”
5、They took a trip to Japan last year. ─── 他们去年去日本旅行。
6、He went to Japan on a special mission. ─── 他去日本负有特殊使命。
7、Why did the troops kill fighters against Japan? ─── 军队为什么杀死了抗日战士?
8、It's an intestinal medicine from Japan. ─── 它是一种日本制的胃肠药。
9、They supported Japan's taking over of all the former German interests in Shandong Province. ─── 他们支持日本接管德国以前在山东省的所有权益。
10、A terrific earthquake shook Japan. ─── 可怕的地震震撼了日本。
11、yellow japanned sheepskin of painting ─── 黄色印花羊漆
12、The World Cup Final was beamed live from Britain to Japan. ─── 世界杯决赛从英国向日本作了实况转播。
13、In 1927 he fled to Japan. ─── 1927年他逃亡日本。
14、Electronic products are the major import from Japan. ─── 从日本进口的主要物品是电子产品。
15、The kimono is part of the national costume of Japan. ─── 和服是日本民族服装的一部分。
16、Our relations with Japan needed a reappraisal. ─── 我们与日本的关系需要重新作出评价。
17、The Asian countries along the coast of the Pacific all came out against the US new military base in Japan. ─── 太平洋沿岸的亚洲各国都宣布反对美国在日本的新军事基地。
18、He may have gone to Japan,to China,or wherever. ─── 他或许已经到日本,中国或什么地方了。
19、The volume of business with Japan has increased. ─── 与日本的贸易额增加了。
20、He was asked to demonstrate his talent to Japan. ─── 他应邀去日本献艺。
21、Osaka is the second largest city in Japan. ─── 大阪是日本的第二大城市。
22、Around midnight he would be on the phone to Japan. ─── 大约在午夜的时候,他要打电话到日本。
23、He departed for Japan with his brothers in1991. ─── 年,他与兄弟们前往日本。
24、In Japan it's the actors who set the fashion. ─── 在日本,时尚的式样正是演员们首创的。
25、Do you know what the population of Japan is? ─── 你知道日本人口有多少吗?
26、We heard a most interesting talk about Japan. ─── 我们听了一个关于日本的非常有趣的谈话。
27、He wirelessed his mother on the way to Japan. ─── 他在去日本的路上给他爸爸拍了电报。
28、The delegation left for Japan towards ten a. m. ─── 代表团出发去日本时,已将近上午十时了。
29、Baseball is more popular than any other sport in Japan. ─── 在日本,棒球比其他任何运动都受人欢迎。
30、We import thousands of cars from Japan. ─── 我们从日本进口数千辆汽车。
31、We broke our journey at Japan for one night. ─── 我们中途在日本停留了一夜。
32、We import a lot of cars from Japan. ─── 我们从日本大量进口汽车。
33、I have an aunt in California and one in Japan. ─── 我一个姑姑在加利福尼亚,一个在日本。
34、But what is Japan's stake in Hong Kong's future? ─── 但日本与香港的未来有何重大关系呢?
35、I am not following Japan,but some other country. ─── 我不跟日本走,单跟别国走。
36、They contracted a trade agreement with Japan. ─── 他们和日本订立了一项贸易协定。
37、Carnegie wrote to me that you'll go to Japan. ─── 卡内基先生写信告诉我你要到日本来。
38、We set sail from China for Japan. ─── 我们从中国启航驶往日本。
39、He is the leader of a trade mission to Japan. ─── 他是赴日本贸易代表团的领队。
40、The engine was made in Japan and the body in Scotland, and the car was assembled in France. ─── 发动机由日本制造,车身由苏兰生产,而小汽车在法国装配。
41、Hello. I'd like to make a collect call to Japan. ─── 喂,我要打对方付费的电话到日本。
42、Is it as fast as the bullet train in Japan ? ─── 它是不是跟日本的子弹列车一样快?
43、We got to Japan in time for the cherry blossoms. ─── 我们到达日本,正好赶上樱花开放。
44、He may have gone to Japan, to China, or wherever. ─── 他或许已经到日本,中国或什麽地方了。
45、Germany and japan is disarm after their defeat. ─── 德国和日本打败后,被解除武装。
46、It defeated Hungary 3:0, but lost to Japan 2:3. ─── 它以三比零打败了匈牙利队,但以二比三输给了日本队。
47、He tried to smuggle diamonds into Japan. ─── 他企图把钻石偷运进日本。
48、How long does it take to fly from here to Japan? ─── 从这里飞到日本要多久?
49、She works for a software company in Japan. ─── 她在日本的一家软件公司工作。
50、She flew to Japan the month before last. ─── 前个月她乘飞机去了日本。
51、He is to be the new ambassador to Japan by decree of the government. ─── 他受政府之命将担任驻日本的新大使。
52、He was appointed the general consul of Japan. ─── 他被任命为驻日本的总领事。
53、He was appointed Chinese Minister to Japan. ─── 他被任命为中国驻日本公使。
54、We're going to Japan at the beginning of July. ─── 我们七月初要去日本。
55、The southernmost of the major islands of Japan, in the southwest on the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. ─── 九州日本最南端的主要岛屿,在西南部,位于东中国海和太平洋上
56、Britain is behind Japan in developing modern technology. ─── 在发展现代技术方面英国落後於日本。
57、He passed up the opportunity to visit Japan. ─── 他错过了这次访问日本的机会。
58、His marriage caused him to return to Japan. ─── 因为结婚,使得他重返家乡日本。
59、In the November2,19- issue of the Japan trade bulletin, you advertise fountain pen, pencil, etc. ─── 从19—年11月2日《日本贸易公报》看到贵公司有关钢笔和铅笔等广告。
60、How did you like Japan(= did you find it pleasant)? ─── 你觉得日本怎么样?
61、He hopes to find the money to produce a film about Japan. ─── 他希望筹集到资金以便拍一部关于日本的影片。
62、He spent the remainder of his years in Japan. ─── 他在日本度过了余生。
63、We will pay a visit to Japan this winter. ─── 今年冬天我们要去访问日本。
64、If I can return to Japan, I'd be tickle pink! ─── 如果我能回到日本的话,我一定非常高兴!
65、Visitors to Japan always admire Mt. Fuji. ─── 到日本的观光客总会赞叹富士山。
66、People from ot her countries often connect Japan with Mt. Fuji. ─── 外国人时常将日本兴富士山联想在一起。
67、The rot set in when we lost that important customer in Japan. ─── 我们失去了日本的那家重要客户後,情况越来越糟了。
68、He was appointed ambassador to Japan. ─── 他奉派为驻日大使。
69、Dainichi is the second largest car maker in Japan. ─── 大日是日本第二大汽车制造公司。
70、Do you remember taking a trip to Japan with him? ─── 你记得曾经和他到日本旅行吗?
71、In Japan, waiters are used to bowing visitors in and out at the restaurants. ─── 在日本,饭店服务员在迎送顾客时总是要给客人鞠躬。
72、Germany's defeat was bound to drag down Japan. ─── 德国的溃败势必要拖垮日本。
73、I want to send this to Japan, please. ─── 劳驾,我想把这个寄往日本。
74、Japan lies third in the quarter-final. ─── 在四分之一决赛时日本排第三。
75、If I had a change to go to Japan, I' d jump at. ─── 如果有机会到日本去,我一定抓住不放。
76、Earthquake shocks are often felt in Japan. ─── 在日本常常感觉到地震引起的震动。
77、A war broke out between China and Japan. ─── 中、日两国(当时)爆发了战争。
78、single action black japanned spring hinge ─── 黑漆单弹簧铰链
79、In Japan this custom is slowly fading out. ─── 在日本这个习俗正逐渐消失。
80、They lived in the small village of Japan. ─── 他们曾住在日本的一个小村庄。
81、I have never been to Japan. ─── 我从来没有去过日本。
82、Japan has taken the lead in car production. ─── 在汽车生产方面日本占首位。
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