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09-20 投稿


lingered 发音

英:[ˈlɪŋɡəd]  美:[ˈlɪŋɡərd]

英:  美:

lingered 中文意思翻译




lingered 反义词


lingered 词性/词形变化,lingered变形

名词: lingerer |动词过去式: lingered |动词过去分词: lingered |动词现在分词: lingering |副词: lingeringly |动词第三人称单数: lingers |

lingered 同义词

stay behind |stay | mill about | lurk | dawdle | mill around | lollygag | loaf | remain | delay | tarry | mess about | loiter | lounge | hang around | dillydally | dally | lallygag | hang back | wait | hang on | lag | stick around | footle | hover

lingered 常用词组

linger over ─── 在…上拖延;细细思考;仔细欣赏;慢吞吞地做某事

lingered 相似词语短语

1、clinkered ─── n.渣块;炼砖;vi.炼成渣;vt.使炼成渣

2、langered ─── 长红

3、blinkered ─── adj.心胸狭隘的;思路狭窄的;v.给…戴眼罩;打闪光信号表示;蒙蔽(blinker的过去分词)

4、slinkered ─── 活脱脱的

5、malingered ─── v.装病,夸大病情(以逃避职责)

6、fingered ─── adj.指状的;有指的;v.用手指触摸;指出;谴责;用指弹奏(finger的过去分词)

7、flindered ─── 弗林德里德

8、gingered ─── n.姜;姜黄色;精力;有姜味;vt.用姜给…调味;使某人有活力;adj.姜黄色的;n.(Ginger)人名;(法)然热;(英)金杰

9、lingerer ─── 徘徊者

lingered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do not linger to gather flowers to keep them, but walk on, for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your way. ─── 只管走过去,不必逗留着采了花朵来保存,因为一路上花朵自会继续开放的。

2、He lingered several days after the car accident. ─── 他在车祸后拖了几天才死去。

3、Though desperately ill he could linger on (ie not die) for months. ─── 他虽病入膏肓,却尚能苟延数月。

4、Henry lingered on and on, and even treated himself to a third half-pint. ─── 亨利逗留不去,甚至喝上了第三杯。

5、He lingered in pain for a long time, and then died, bewailing his lost youth. ─── 他在痛苦中苟延残喘了很长一个时期,最后痛惜他那失去的青春而死去。

6、civil war lingered on well into the 1930s. ─── 内战到20世纪30年代还拖了好几年。

7、Formerly he often lingered around a park, with nothing to do. ─── 从前他时常在公园里逛荡,无所事事。

8、Your hair is linger than mine. ─── 你的头发比我的长。

9、His tone lingered in the air, almost like the tone of a musical instrument. ─── 他的声音留连在空中,几乎好象一种乐器的音调。

10、She lingered for a few minutes to talk to Nick. ─── 她多呆了几分钟,想跟尼克谈一谈。

11、You listen, Sauvignon Blanc songs linger a long time in my ear. ─── 你听,长相思的歌曲久久萦绕在我耳旁。

12、You may want to avoid caffenie even during the day because its stimulative effects linger long after consumption. ─── 即使在白天也要尽量避免摄入加啡因,因为它的刺激作用在饮用后延续很长时间。

13、Her eyes lingered on his tall, broad-shouldered form warmly, loving the strength and size and authority of him. ─── 她的眼睛勾勒着他高大的体魄和温暖宽阔的肩膀,爱慕他的健壮、他的体型、他的威严。

14、She lingered in the jewelry department. ─── 只要她能拿定主意,她现在就可以买上一件。

15、She lingered for a long time in the room where mamma was sitting. ─── 她很久都没有从妈妈坐着的房间里走出去。

16、He lingered on for several months after the heart attack. ─── 他心脏病发作后又拖了几个月才去世。

17、Be ready to launch forth, my heart! And let those linger who must. ─── 准备起程吧,我的心!让那些必须徘徊的去徘徊吧。

18、We lingered over breakfast on the terrace. ─── 我们在平台上慢条斯理地吃着早餐。

19、He lingered on outside the school after everyone else had gone home. ─── 别人都回家了,他还在校外徘徊。

20、Those sweet memories will always linger in my mind. ─── 与实况之外。这些甜蜜的记忆会永远伴随着我。

21、The tradition of the Chaldean priests still lingered. ─── 但是迦勒底祭司的传统依然苟延不废。

22、Do you have to let it linger? ─── 你一定要让它徘徊吗?

23、Whether he had died or still lingered in the dungeons of Austria was not known. ─── 他究竟是已离人世,还是仍被关在奥地利的地牢里,谁也不知道。

24、He lingered on his happy childhood in the countryside. ─── 他不断地想着他在农村渡过的美好童年。

25、Elisabeth did not enter the museum at once, but lingered in the courtyard. ─── 伊丽莎白没有立即进入博物馆,而是逗留在院子里。

26、Unguarded, some fragments of light linger in your sky. ─── 光的碎片漫然地萦萦留连于你的天空。

27、She lingered for a few minutes to talk to Nick. ─── 她多待了几分钟,想跟尼克谈一谈。

28、Do not linger too long over your books (your dinner/your game). ─── 不要花太多时间看书(吃饭/玩游戏)。

29、How long will you linger here? ─── 你打算在这里逗留多长时?

30、A hungry dog lingered around the dustbin and looked for food. ─── 一只饿狗在垃圾箱附近徘徊,寻找着食物。

31、They lingered over tea and missed the flight. ─── 他们慢慢地品着茶,结果误了航班。

32、The children lingered at the zoo until closing time. ─── 动物园关门时,孩子们才恋恋不舍地离去。

33、She lingered, watching them bundle up and go out the door. ─── 她慢慢地走在后面,看着大家拥挤着走出门外。

34、Always linger in the depth of my heart. ─── 在我的心头荡漾。

35、You can see at a glance the few places other readers lingered over. ─── 你一眼就可以看到其他读者流连的少数几个地方。

36、A couple had lingered purposely to watch the maid serve the chop to Princess Thingumabob. ─── 一对夫妇故意拖拖拉拉想见识女招待伺候西哥玛勃公主。

37、He lingered outside the school after everyone else had gone home. ─── 别人都回家后,他仍在学校外面徘徊.

38、His eyes lingered on the diamond ring on her finger. ─── 他的目光滞留在她手指上的钻戒上。

39、He lingered outside the school after everybody else had gone home. ─── 别人回家后,他仍在学校外面徘徊。

40、He lingered in the garden until it was dark. ─── 他在花园里一直徘徊到天黑。

41、They lingered long over his letter. ─── 他们用了好长时间反复研究他的来信。

42、Cran admits that the wartime mentality lingered in other strange ways. ─── 克伦承认战时的心理以其他奇特方式残留下来。

43、Days in summer, Basil, are apt to linger. ─── 夏日悠悠,贝西尔。

44、He lingered lovingly over the account of his exploits. ─── 他津津乐道地讲述着自己的业绩。

45、If nothing is done, this recession could linger for years. ─── 假如什么也不做,经济上衰退可能持续数年。”

46、Caspar lingered near the chimneypiece. ─── 卡斯帕在壁炉架附近徘徊。

47、A band of cumulus lingered over the Great Hall of the People. ─── 一条积云带在人民大会堂上空徘徊。

48、Formerly he often lingered around a park doing nothing. ─── 从前他一直在公园闲荡, 无所事事。

49、Linger in your heart all the year! ─── 圣诞快乐!愿圣诞的喜悦整年萦绕你心间。

50、They would linger at the jamb of the door. ─── 他们就在门旁侧壁那呆着不走。

51、They meet last night to clear up any linger doubt. ─── 他们昨晚会面,消除一切滞留的疑点。

52、The girl lingered by the lake until it was dark. ─── 女孩在湖畔一直徘徊到天黑。

53、Then Joab said, I will not linger here with you. ─── 14约押说,我不能这样与你留连。

54、The music lingered in the air long after the performance ended. ─── 余音袅袅。

55、Oliver lingered no longer, but meekly followed his new mistress. ─── 奥立弗不再迟疑,乖乖地跟着他的新主人走去。

56、He lingered about the school. ─── 他在学校附近徘徊。

57、His last words still linger in our ears. ─── 他的临终嘱咐仍萦绕在我们耳际。

58、Rattin lingered, infuriated, the match was decided by Geoff Hurst's second-half header, and a World Cup classic that might have been wasn't. ─── 比赛最终在下半场,由吉奥夫-赫斯特头球锁定比分,成为世界杯的经典对局之一。

59、She linger outside the theater to waylay him after the show. ─── 她在戏院外面徘徊想在演出之后拦住他说话。

60、After school the children left in little groups, but she lingered, watching them go out the door. ─── 放学后,学生们三三两两地离开了,但她磨磨蹭蹭,看着大家走出门外。

61、The music lingered in the air. ─── 余音缭绕。

62、Questions lingered in the minds of the Massachusetts authorities and of the general public. Why was the car on an isolated road? ─── 马萨诸塞州当局及普通民众对此一直疑虑重重:他的车为何会开到一条荒凉的小道上?

63、They lingered away the whole evening at the tea-house. ─── 他们在茶馆消磨掉整整一个晚上。

64、She lingered long after the others left. ─── 其他人都离去很久以后她仍逗留徘徊。

65、Henry lingered on, and even treated himself to a third half-pint. ─── 亨利留下不走,甚至喝上了第三杯。

66、Formerly he often lingered about [around] a park, doing nothing. ─── 从前他时常在公园里逛荡, 无所事事。

67、Don't linger away your holidays.Try to find something useful to do. ─── 不要虚度假日。尽量找些有意义的事情做。

68、I feel life is taunting me with having over lingered my welcome. ─── 万一,万一有点什么,那种感觉,绝对是生不如死。

69、His hands lingered on the soft material for a moment, and then he slammed the drawer shut and turned to me. ─── 他双手划过那轻柔的面料,然后猛地将抽屉关上,转向了我。

70、Yet, the lingered flies in the pavilion and fragmentary remains on the road make everything around seem to be out of the common in October. ─── 可是周围一切都异乎寻常,十月份在凉亭门廊上苟延残喘的苍蝇及公路上零碎的尸体。

71、Though desperately ill he could linger on for months. ─── 他虽病入膏肓, 却尚能苟延数月.

72、She lingered outside the theater to waylay him after the show. ─── 她在戏院外面徘徊想在演出之後拦住他说话。

73、What kind of memories lingered? ─── 会留下什么样的记忆?

74、Phrase, linger away the whole summer. ─── 呵呵。消磨掉整个夏天。

75、She lingered on outside the school after everyone else had gone home. ─── 在别的人都已回家之后,她仍旧逗留在学校外面。

76、But I languidly lingered awhile lost in the midst of vague musings. ─── 但我仍缱绻留连,沉浸在恍惚的冥想中。

77、Formerly he often lingered about a park, doing nothing. ─── 从前他总是在公园里闲荡,无所事事。

78、Things do change, only our feelings linger. ─── 及其所之既倦,情随事迁,感慨系之矣。

79、But he did linger, debating, over a squat moose-hide sack. ─── 不过,他仍然踌躇了一下,在那儿一个劲地盘算,这次是为了一个厚实的鹿皮口袋。

80、But the scenes of them hugging goodbye have lingered in my mind. ─── 但是那一幕幕拥抱离别的场景,永远历历在目。

81、They lingered a moment at the foot of Doctor Sloper's white marble steps. ─── 他们在斯洛泼医生家白色大理石台阶前又踯躅了一会儿。

82、He made excuses to linger on the stairs. ─── 他找借口故意在楼梯口上磨磨蹭蹭。

83、They lingered about in the garden after dark. ─── 他们天黑之後留在花园徘徊。

84、She still lingered on after everyone else had left . ─── 她在别人都离去后还在逗留。

85、He was a tenacious beast. On the very ladder he lingered. ─── 他这死不甘心的家伙,在舷梯上踌躇不前了。

86、Don't you fed that newspaper accounts of these disasters tend to linger nastily over the detail? ─── 你不认为报纸对这些灾难的报导有反复赘述其细节的倾向吗?

87、They lingered over coffee and missed the train. ─── 他们慢吞吞喝著咖啡,结果误了火车。

88、He lingered in the greenhouse for some time before he left. ─── 他在暖房里盘旋了半天才离开。

89、The best of his melodies linger hauntingly in the mind and heart. ─── 他那最动人的旋律索绕在人们的心头久久不能忘怀。


“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”的英文翻译是:\"Gifts of roses, hand there are lingering fragrance.\" 部分单词解释:

1、gift 英 [gɪft] 美 [ɡɪft] n.赠品,礼物; 天赋; 赠送; 天资 vt.赋予; 向…赠送; 天赋权力(或才能等); 授予 复数: gifts

2、rose 英 [rəʊz] 美 [roʊz] n.玫瑰; 粉红色; 蔷薇(花); 粉红色的葡萄酒 adj.玫瑰花的; 玫瑰色的; 粉红色的; 带有玫瑰香味的 vt.使成玫瑰色,使(面颊)发红; 使有玫瑰香味; v.起义( rise的过去式); 升起; (数量)增加; 休会 复数: roses

3、linger 英 [ˈlɪŋgə(r)] 美 [ˈlɪŋɡɚ] vi.逗留,徘徊; 缓慢消失; 过去式: lingered 过去分词: lingered 现在分词: lingering 第三人称单数: lingers

4、fragrance 英 [ˈfreɪgrəns] 美 [ˈfreɪgrəns] n.芳香,芬芳; 浓馥,香气; 香水,常用于**语; 复数: fragrances

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