lavatories 发音
英:[ˈlævətɔːriz] 美:[ˈlævətəriz]
英: 美:
lavatories 中文意思翻译
lavatories 词性/词形变化,lavatories变形
名词复数: lavatories |
lavatories 相似词语短语
1、lavatorial ─── adj.厕所的;盥洗的;低级粗俗的
2、raspatories ─── n.骨刮;骨锉
3、Oratories ─── 演说家
4、laboratories ─── n.实验室(laboratory的复数)
5、vavasories ─── n.封臣领地
6、castories ─── 城堡
7、mandatories ─── n.指定;命令;受托人(mandatory的复数形式)
8、salvatories ─── 救助者
9、gradatories ─── 梯度
lavatories 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Technical measures against leakage of subsided lavatories ─── 防止下沉式卫生间漏水的技术措施
2、And, of course, its lavatories were unremarkable. ─── 当然,它的厕所也是稀松平常的。
3、The room had two mattresses on the floor, a TV set on a cardboard box and a strong stench from the lavatories next door. ─── 房间底板上有两个床垫,一个纸板箱上放着电视机,从隔壁的厕所里还飘出阵阵臭气。
4、in the main treasury building in separate lavatories in the basement; ─── 在财政部总部大楼,非裔美国男雇员的洗手间被隔离在地下室。
5、Improving drinking water and lavatories ─── 改水改厕
6、The men's lavatories will have glass artwork portraying a flower-filled Swedish meadow around and above the men's urinals, with a view through a glass facade onto the tarmac below. ─── 在男厕所的便池周围和上方安放的玻璃艺术品,描绘出一幅鲜花盛开的瑞典草原场景,透过艺术品的表面可以看到沥青地面。
7、there are two lavatories in the house , oneis for hostand the other for guests. ─── 主人有两个洗手间,一个主人用,一个客人用。
8、Exnisting Discharge Condition and Water Environmental Management of Public Lavatories in Suzhou City Proper ─── 苏州市区公厕排污现状与水环境治理
9、Baldy Li’s father used to spy on women in public lavatories until a nasty accident put an end to this habit; ─── 秃子李的父亲曾经喜欢在公共澡堂偷看妇女,直到某次恶劣的事故发生这种习惯才得以停止;
10、Built in the form of a harp, a chessboard, a pile of books (see photo) and a painting respectively, the lavatories are bestowed with cultural elements while maintaining their utility. ─── 这4座公厕分别被赋予了"琴"、"棋"、"书"(见图)、"画"的独特形象,不仅保留了公厕的实用功能,同时又增加了文化元素。
11、8.Others, desperate to leave the cramped barrack-like buildings, where kitchens and lavatories are often shared between families, are happy to take it. ─── 而还有一些人则欣然同意,他们巴不得赶紧离开这厨房、厕所公用,狭小拥挤的军营式建筑物。
12、Dwellings are kept cold in winter, so a warm seat is priceless.And lavatories like the Washlet appeal to Japanese fetishes for both gadgets and cleanliness. ─── 而像卫洗丽这样的卫浴产品则因为其体积小和干净迎合了日本的购物标准。
13、Lavatories are located in the front of the cabin and in the rear. Please do not smoke in the lavatories. ─── 洗手间在飞机的前部和后部.在洗手间内请不要吸烟。
14、The scheme, endorsed by the government, has been taken up by other councils against a backdrop of decline in Britain''''s once admirable public lavatories. ─── 这份由政府签署的计划已被别的议会所接管,用以治理英国曾引以为豪公厕日减的情况。
15、A room equipped with toilets and lavatories for public use. ─── 公共厕所:配备有便池与洗手池供公众使用的房间。
16、The lavatories are at the rear of the cabin. ─── 盥洗室在机舱的尾部。
17、The lavatories are in the rear of this section. ─── 洗手间在体舱的后面。
18、In the navy department there is herding at desks and separation in lavatories. ─── 在海军部,他们也被赶到隔离的餐桌和隔离的洗手间去。
19、With the opening of the centre, sightseers will pass through metal detectors and queue up for tours amid air conditioning and plentiful lavatories. ─── 在访客中心开放后,游客们将在有游客空调和很多洗手间的地儿,排队等候通过安检门。
20、tourist lavatories ─── 旅游厕所
21、There shall be a sufficient number of school facilities, including classrooms, offices, library, sports fields, health center, armory, lavatories and auditorium (or student activity center). ─── 第五条职业学校应聘请足额之合格师资,并应依本法第十条之三设各单位及置行政人员;
22、But Toto has developed a fix for that as well: its lavatories boast software that “learns” what the typical pattern of use is in each household, so it can power down during quiet periods. ─── 不过东陶对此也有已经有了对策:卫浴产品上安装一种软件,可以知道每个家庭的典型使用模式,因此在不使用的时候能自动节约能源。
23、in the interior department separate lavatories, which were specifically pointed out to you at our first hearing; ─── 在内政部,也有隔离的洗手间,我们的第一次申诉还特别对你提到这点。
24、Water has been commandeered from surrounding provinces to flush the city's modernised new public lavatories and to provide a seductive - andmisleading - display of water plenty. ─── 从外省征用来的水被用来冲洗公厕,造成水量丰富的假象。
25、toilet; W. C; lavatories; rest room ─── 厕所
26、Sorry that we need to keep all the Lavatories locked 5minutes for the platform's sanitary before (the train) pulling in , Would you please just hold it for now? ─── 抱歉,到站前5分钟要锁闭厕所,因为要保持站台卫生和防止逃票(这段其实可以不说,逃票,对老外来说影响不好).请你忍耐一下.
27、So enthusiastic are the studentsthat they have established the Leicester University Library ToiletsAppreciation Society on Facebook, where they wax lyrical about thebeauty of the new lavatories。 ─── 难怪活跃的学生会在社交网站“Facebook”上建立了“莱斯特大学图书馆厕所鉴赏社团”,互相赞赏和抒发“厕所之美”。
28、(of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability; ('engaged' is a British term for a busy telephone line). ─── (关于设施如电话或厕所)难以被任何人使用或说明无效的;('engaged'是英国用于形容电话线忙的术语)。
29、Lavatories are always too small. ─── 厕所总是太小。
31、Japanese high-tech lavatories have a built-in temperature-controlled nozzle that squirts water to wash your bottom, then dries it with warm air, delivering a “hands-free clean”. ─── 日本高科技盥洗室已经安装有内嵌温控式喷头,它通过喷水来清洗屁股,然后再以暖风烘干,实现了“无手清洁”。
32、in the state and other departments separate lavatories; ─── 在国务院及其它部门也有隔离的洗手间。
33、With the opening of the visitor centre, sightseers will pass through metal detectors and queue up for tours amid air conditioning and plentiful lavatories. ─── 在访客中心开放后,观光者们将在有空调和很多洗手间的地方,通过金属探测器、排队等候参观。
34、the potable water system supplies potable water to the galleys and lavatories. ─── 饮用水系统为机上厨房及卫生间提供饮用水。
35、Even the lavatories were specially equipped. ─── 连厕所的设施都很特别。
36、Evaluation of a long-term effect on improving drinking water and lavatories in rural areas for prevention of diseases ─── 农村改水改厕远期卫生防病效果评价
37、in the war department in separate lavatories: in the postoffice department building separate lavatories; ─── 在军事部有隔离的洗手间。在财政部大楼有隔离的洗手间。
38、Shortly after Mr Ouattara's departure, a bedraggled string of them are led out across the hall to the lavatories. Many are women. ─── 在奥阿塔拉离开后不久,一大群满身污泥的人从会堂被赶到了厕所,其中大部分是妇女。
39、The rural water improvement project completed in 2000 has benefited 92.38 percent of the rural population, and hygienic lavatories are available in 44.84 of the rural households. ─── 2000年农村改水受益人口覆盖率达到92.38%,农村卫生厕所普及率达到44.84%。
40、No smoking is allowed in the lavatories. ─── 洗手间内禁止任何人吸烟。
41、The Trades Union Congress (TUC) "Gotta Go" campaign is targeting a legal loophole that says bosses must provide lavatories for staff, but aren't bound to let them go when they need to. ─── 英国的有关法律要求雇主必须向员工提供厕所,但没有规定雇主必须允许员工在有需要时可以如厕,结果一些雇主以员工上厕所为由扣减工资。
42、” He pointed to chronic overcrowding, unsanitary cells, dirty lavatories, broken showers and mattresses on the ground. ─── 他指出了长期的过度拥挤、不卫生的牢房、肮脏的厕所、破败的浴室还有扔在地上的床垫等问题。
43、Lavatiories are located in the front of the cabin and in the rear.Please do not smoke in the lavatories. ─── 为了方便其他旅客,在供餐期间,请您将座椅靠背调整到正常位置。谢谢!
44、The room had two mattresses on the floor, a TV set on a cardboard box and a strong stench from the lavatories next door. ─── 房间底板上有两个床垫,一个纸板箱上放着电视机,从隔壁的厕所里还飘出阵阵臭气。
45、For a while, she eked out enough to pay for her language course by cleaning lavatories in railway stations. ─── 有一段时间,她清扫火车站的卫生间,所得勉强够维持其语言课程费用。
46、It is the Lamborghini of lavatories, the Cadillac of commodes. ─── 这是卫浴产品中的兰博基尼,衣柜中的卡迪拉克。
47、Some travellers, perhapsbelieving that they need to get their money's worth, have resorted tostealing the taps from the carriage lavatories. ─── 一些旅客从洗脸盆上卸下并且偷走水龙头,也许他们认为这样才价有所值。
48、The convicts live in well-designed single rooms with floor-to-ceiling windows, private lavatories and share a public kitchen. ─── 每名囚犯都住着带有独立卫生间的单间牢房,每间都有落地窗。
49、The reality was decaying, dingy cities where underfed people shuffled to and fro in leaky shoes, in patched-up nineteenth-century houses that smelt always of cabbage and bad lavatories. ─── 他们住的一例是上个世纪千疮百孔的房屋,身边一例是烂白菜跟脏茅坑的臭味。
50、The country's public lavatories are often open-plan affairs where locals unabashedly squat elbow-to-elbow as they tend to their business. ─── 在中国的公共厕所里,肘碰肘地并排蹲下如厕并没有让人感到难为情。
51、When it comes to the lavatories, used toilet paper is usually flushed down the drain in Japan, not collected into a separate trash bin. ─── 另外,洗手间的使用方法各个国家都有所不同。使用过的卫生纸,在日本都是丢进马桶跟水一起冲掉的。
52、The only lavatories are foul-smelling public ones. ─── 仅有的洗手间是臭气熏天的公共厕所。
53、The Washlet's highly engineered tornado-style flush uses 4.8 litres of water, compared with six or more in humbler lavatories. ─── 卫洗丽产品采用高科技的龙卷式冲水机大概只需要试用4.8升的水量。而普通的低端座便器则需要大概6升或者6升以上的水量。
54、The houses will have other eco-friendly features, such as good insulation and a grey water system so that water from showers and baths can flush the lavatories. ─── 居室里还有其他生态系统,如一套优质的家庭污水隔离系统,这样花洒和洗浴的水用来冲洗盥洗间。
55、THE lecture theatre at the Beijing Institute of Technology is full to overflowing, obliging unfortunate latecomers to hover by the nearby lavatories. ─── 北京理工大学礼堂里座无虚席,不幸的迟到者只能在洗手间附近徘徊。
56、There are lavatories at dog's room and office. ─── 狗屋以及办公室区内有很多洗手间。
57、For privacy and sanitary reasons, the Tzu Chi aid relief team in Sichuan's Jiuling Village took care of a local problem, by installing curtains in the compound lavatories. ─── 为了个人隐私和卫生问题,在四川绵竹九岭村的慈济赈灾团,为厕所加装了门帘,顺利解决问题。
58、At night the building bursts with people sleeping on every inch of floor; all must share just six lavatories. ─── 到了夜晚,这个教堂大楼便满是人,地板的每一英寸的地方都睡着人,他们所有的人却只有六个厕所公用。
59、The lavatories are in the rear of this section,sir. ─── 在本舱的后面,先生。
60、Another cause of pitting is contact with chemical-laden moisture originating in engine exhaust, lavatories, batteries, windshield deicing compounds, and other non-natural sources. ─── 另一种造成疮孔的原因是接触到来自发动机排气、厕所、电池、风挡玻璃除冰剂以及其他非天然物质的富含化学成份的湿气。
61、Across the region, groups in matching T-shirts build schools and lavatories in the name of God. ─── 整个中美洲地区,穿著相同T恤的团体以上帝名义兴建学校和洗手间。
62、4 uniquely-designed public lavatories appeared recently in the Xiasha Higher Education Zone in Hangzhou, Chinanews.com reported. ─── 据中新网报道,日前,杭州下沙高教园区内出现4座设计独特的公共厕所。
63、Miss Roscommon, the older and stouter of the two, concealed her fear of life behind frank reference to babies and lavatories and the sexing of day-old chicks. ─── 罗丝康门小姐年纪大一点,身材也壮些。她直率地谈论婴儿、厕所、如何鉴别刚出生一天的雏鸡雌雄,以此来掩饰对生活的恐惧。
64、The police say they were investigating complaints that men were having sex with each other in the airport lavatories. ─── 警察说当时他们在查访“有人利用机场洗手间进行性活动”的投诉,派一位便衣警察占用了一扇分厕间做“蹲”点。
65、Keywords Village;Improving lavatories and drinking water;Health education; ─── 农村;改水改厕;健康教育;
66、people have to pay even to use the rare communal lavatories that often overflow or to take a shower, so their ablutions often take place on sidewalks riven with makeshift drains. ─── 住在那里的人通常要付钱才能用上少得可怜且时常阻塞的公共卫生间或洗个淋浴澡,因此人们经常在人行道两旁挤在凑合能用的排水管洗澡。
67、The design of automatic flush device in the public lavatories based on PIC microcontroller ─── 基于PIC单片机的智能公厕自动冲水装置设计
68、In 2006, the city unveiled outdoor standing lavatories for men without booths and with only a small saloon door to protect one's privacy. ─── 2006年,报道了当地室外的男厕所只用一扇门遮挡隐私的事。
69、A forthcoming report from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), a think-tank, cites examples of workers living without running water and lavatories, sleeping in shipping containers. ─── 英国公共政策研究所(以下简称为“IPPR”)是一间智囊机构,它在其即将发表的一份报告中列举出有些工人没有自来水和盥洗室,睡在航运用得集装箱里。
70、Fire Extinguisher Installation in lavatories ─── 厕所灭火器安装
71、Frequently untreated human waste harvested from lavatories is delivered to farms and spread as fertilizer. ─── 从厕所中收集的未经处理的人类排泄物往往被送到农场并作为肥料散播。
72、Please do not smoke in the lavatories. ─── 在洗手间内请不要吸烟。
73、Brief on design of same floor wastewater discharge of lavatories in dwelling house ─── 浅谈住宅卫生间同层排水设计
74、Afro-American employes who use the regular public lavatories on the floors where they work are cautioned and are then warned by superior officers against in subordination. ─── 非裔美国雇员在他们工作的楼层里,若使用公共洗手间就要受警告;上司警告他们不得无礼取闹。
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