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09-21 投稿


shirking 发音

英:[ˈʃɜːrkɪŋ]  美:[ˈʃɜːkɪŋ]

英:  美:

shirking 中文意思翻译




shirking 词性/词形变化,shirking变形

动词第三人称单数: shirks |名词: shirker |动词现在分词: shirking |动词过去式: shirked |动词过去分词: shirked |

shirking 相似词语短语

1、chirking ─── v.使……高兴,使……快活;adj.兴致好的,快活的;n.(Chirk)(乌克兰、法、美)奇尔克(人名)

2、shirtings ─── n.衬衣料子,衬衫衣料

3、shirring ─── n.褶襞;装饰性的褶带

4、shirrings ─── n.褶襞;装饰性的褶带

5、smirking ─── v.得意地笑,傻笑(smirk的现在分词形式)

6、shiring ─── 衬衫

7、shirting ─── n.衬衣料子,衬衫衣料

8、charking ─── v.焦化;烧炭;n.木炭;n.(Chark)(美)乍(人名)

9、sharking ─── v.行骗;(打牌)作弊(shark的ing形式)

shirking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A lot of one evening, I have in that kitchen and make arrangements between the dark with dinner, Mom and Dad busy, so I feel cooking is my responsibility, not shirk the burden. ─── 很多个黄昏,我都在那间黑黑的厨房里张罗着晚餐,爸妈的忙碌,让我感觉做饭是我的责任,不可推卸的担子。

2、While "most Americans meet their responsibilities" with regard to tax, he said there were others shirking theirs. ─── 他说“大部分美国人在履行缴税的责任”,但是也有一些人在逃避责任。

3、Now my husband, he's such a fellow for shirking his work and leaving the barge to me, that never a moment do I get for seeing to my own affairs. ─── 我丈夫呢,是那样一种人,老是偷懒,他把船交给我来管,所以,我哪有时间料理自家的事。按理。

4、He supposed that I was inclined to shirk my promise, and so resolved to trust to his own audacity ─── 大概他以为我有意不履行诺言,就决定随心所欲地大胆行事了。

5、He devoured work, never shirking and always beating the native sailors in jumping to obey a command. ─── 他贪婪地干着,从不畏缩,每次都抢在土人水手前面接受命令。

6、In the systems project of raising household consumption quality, circulation enterprises cannot shirk their responsibilities. ─── 在提高居民消费质量这一系统工程中,流通企业自然责无旁贷。

7、I wonder, though, if women would so easily shirk off sleep if we considered how important it is for our health. ─── 如果认为睡眠对我们的健康是如此的重要,那么我就想问为什么女性会那么轻易地减少睡眠呢?

8、Don't shirk hardships ─── 不辞艰辛

9、Instead of shirking darkness, he braves it and fights the hidden demons and monsters therein. ─── 他不躲避黑暗,却要面对黑暗,跟躲藏在阴影里的魑魅、魍魉搏斗。

10、As irrigation works worker, should ground of there is no shirking the responsibility goes facing, go hard explore and thinking. ─── 做为水利工作者,应责无旁贷地去面对,去努力探索和思考。

11、She wants to shirk, I did not speak, the original mood is not very good, does not play knocks it off, my words spoke on this, played is your matter. ─── 她还是想推脱,我不说话了,本来心情就不是很好,不玩拉倒,我话都说到这份上了,玩不玩是你的事情。

12、If he could shirk off the responsibility upon the others, he would. ─── 只要能把责任推给别人,他就推给别人。

13、Your common parent is a god. This hardly counts towards any sort of common genetic bond, and even less of a reason to shirk what you owe . ─── 你们都是神之子。这很难看做是任何一种血缘上的牵绊,更不是你逃避欠债的理由。

14、Hiding away from household duties and shirking childcare can even lead to them 'dying of boredom'. ─── 不愿做家务活、又不愿带孩子的男性可能会“死于无聊”。

15、I don't like that - am I shirking responsibility? ─── 我不喜欢这类说法——难道我想要逃避责任么?

16、Shirk: to deliberately avoid doing something you should do, because you are lazy ─── 因懒惰而逃避或推卸做某事

17、If you had a tragedy before, will you rosy to face it, or shirk, or pessimist to care about that? (Aim: know people how to face the tragedy ─── 假若你有一个悲伤的过去,你会乐观地面对,还是逃避,或悲观地去介怀?(问题目的:了解人大多数是怎样面对过去的悲剧

18、Your common parent is a god. This hardly counts towards any sort of common genetic bond, and even less of a reason to shirk what you owe. ─── 你们都是神之子。这很难看做是任何一种血缘上的牵绊,更不是你逃避欠的理由。

19、You can't shirk, it's your duty. ─── 你别想逃避责任,这本来就是你的职责。

20、That is our calling, and we do not shirk it. ─── 但这就是我们的职业,我们从不逃避。

21、As a place to give students knowledge and to teach them how to be a good person, the university should not shirk its duties to students even if they are legally responsible for themselves. ─── 即使学生能够在法律上为自己负责,作为一个能给予学生知识和教育学生成长为一个好人的场所学校不应当逃避自已的职责。

22、'Search him, some of you shirking lubbers, and the rest of you aloft and get the chest,' he cried. ─── “你们这些蠢货,快搜他的身! 其他人上楼去拿箱子

23、Students Honor Criteria: Not lying, deception, burglary, and must not tolerate such acts of others. Not to shirk responsibility. Selfless devotion. ─── 学员荣誉准则:不得撒谎、欺骗、行窃,也不得容忍他人有这种行为。不推卸责任。无私奉献。

24、It isn't fair for some to shirk and the same people have to be here all the time. ─── 可是这办不到,谁也不能溜号,而且非要这原班人马不可。

25、Colonizing is outright marauding, euphemizing colonialism in order to shirk responsibility is not just an even more serious crime, it's another humiliation to the dignity of Japan and the peace-loving Japanese people. ─── 同样的,殖民就是掠夺,为了脱罪而美化殖民,这不仅是罪加一等,而且是再一次羞辱日本的国格、辱爱好和平日本人民的尊严!

26、Medical care is the basic demand of human beings and a guarantee of the starting point of fairness in a society.To input in medical care is the responsibility unable to shirk off by governments. ─── 医疗卫生保健关系到人的最基本需求,是社会起点公平的保障,对健康投入是政府不可推卸的责任。

27、ACFTU can not shirk its responsibility. ─── 全总负有不可推卸的责任。

28、As university students, we also must not shirk from our responsibility to contribute to wetland conservation. ─── 作为大学生,为湿地保护贡献自己的一份力量,我们责无旁贷。

29、He went on to say: "I would be shirking my responsibilities if I did not explain to you the risks of failing to do so. " ─── 他接着说道:“如果不向你们解释未能尽快制定计划的风险,那就是我的失职。”

30、shirk one's duty toward ─── [法] 逃避, 对 ... 的责任

31、A determined burglar will not shirk from breaking a window to gain entry. ─── 一个决计要下手的窃贼会不惜破窗而入。

32、Mr. and Mrs.Morse had condemned him for an idler and a shirk and through Ruth had urged that he take a clerk's position in an office. ─── 可那时莫尔斯先生和太太却指责他是懒汉,不负责任,又通过露丝催促他去找坐办公室的工作。

33、Searle and Hardy, however, are not ones to shirk a challenge. ─── 塞尔和哈代,但没有推卸的一个挑战。

34、to fear; to shirk; to dread ─── 惮

35、Many people might have excused them for shirking some of their responsibilities. ─── 很多人也许已经原谅他们逃避一些责任的行为了。

36、To shirk at the point of crisis ─── 临难苟免

37、However, after Spanish media have criticized Schuster is shirking its responsibility. ─── 但西班牙媒体赛后却批评舒斯特尔是在推卸责任。

38、"secondly, unless duties are assigned the servants may shirk work. " ─── "第二件,事无专执,临期推委"

39、To shirk responsibility by giving an excuse ─── 借词卸责

40、You are on duty today, so stop shirking and erase the blackboard! ─── 今天是你们值日,别躲了,快擦黑板吧。

41、There are not a few people who are irresponsible in their work, preferring the light and shirking the heavy, passing the burdensome tasks on to others and choosing the easy ones for themselves. ─── 不少的人对工作不负责任,拈轻怕重,把重担子推给人家,自己挑轻的。

42、Most models suggest that employers meet this challenge by monitoring employees carefully to prevent shirking. ─── 大多数模型表明雇主往往通过仔细地监视工人来防止工人怠惰。

43、Because husband work is busy, ground of there is no shirking the responsibility had received Luo Wei jade to iron hand sweet potato. ─── 因为老公工作繁忙,罗薇玉责无旁贷地接过了烫手山芋。

44、" Ditan hospital's agent believes that Mr.Zhang patients do not need to go take care of bed, so the I This incident can not shirk its responsibility. ─── 地坛医院的代理人认为,张先生照顾的患者不需要陪床,因此其本人对此事件的发生负有不可推卸的责任。

45、To disappear appoint shirk of will relevant responsibility gives a website, mood of Bin of more than article becomes very furious: "I cannot accept this stoutly. ─── 对于消委将相关责任推卸给网站,余文斌语气变得非常气愤:“这是我坚决不能接受的。”

46、SIBO was established in 1998 to start painting from the silk printing and dyeing, through their own efforts do not shirk and innovation. ─── “丝博”于1998年成立,从丝绸印染画开始,通过自身不卸的努力和创新。

47、He decide to shirk his duty. ─── 他决定要逃避责任。

48、The fierce fight between the ruling and opposition parties, the ruling party's habit of shirking its responsibilty, and the opposition parties' over-reaction to some issues, are the main grouses of the people. ─── 台湾民众对于当前朝野恶斗,执政党遇事推诿责任,在野党在某些特定事项上的过度杯葛颇有怨言。

49、Rather than shirking the opportunity to speak, seize it and make the most of it the next time fortune knocks. ─── 与其逃避演讲的机会,倒不如在下次幸运之神降临身上时,抓住机会好好发挥一下吧。

50、To sleep or shirk in a parked patrol car while on duty.Used of a police officer. ─── 开小差值勤时在停放的警车中打瞌睡或开小差。用来指警察

51、Shirking his responsibilities. ─── 他在逃避他的责任。

52、He such does, is very obviously is shirking own responsibility, diverts somebody's attention. ─── 他这么做,很明显是在逃避自己的责任,转移视线。”

53、Shirking historical responsibility is the first step on the path to militarist revival ─── 回避历史责任是军国主义复苏的开始

54、to shirk out through the back door ─── 从后门溜掉

55、Don't violate people's rights, lest you be rejected by them. Don't shirk responsibility, lest you lose your credit. ─── 对人不侵犯,侵犯别人,必将见弃于人;责己不推诿,推诿责任,必难获信于人。

56、seek peace and quiet and shirk taking any trouble ─── 图清净, 怕麻烦

57、that safeguards Comintern is opposite Comintern and Chinese revolution relation undertake thinking over calmly, point out Comintern error while assume responsibility actively, not to shirk too person. ─── 在对共产国际与中国革命关系进行冷静反思,指出共产国际失误的同时主动承担责任,不诿过于人。

58、8, to visit your nephew that you and I come back to discuss who should be washing diapers, I do not shirk their responsibilities, Jalan you angry. ─── 8、探望你外甥那次,你回来和我讨论谁应该洗尿布,我的确不该推卸责任,惹你生气。

59、." In addition, certain properties intermediary companies operating irregularities, once a dispute is to shirk their responsibility and severely damaged the interests of a client. ─── ”。另外,某些房产中介公司操作不规范,一旦发生纠纷又推诿责任,致使客户利益严重受损。

60、Germany seemed to have reverted to its post-war habit of shirking global responsibilities. ─── 德国似乎又重拾了战后“逃避全球责任”的坏习惯。

61、It cannot be shirked. Shirking means surrender, and surrender means the end of government by the people. ─── 这一问题不容回避,回避意味着投降,投降意味着民治政府的结束。

62、The order, in which Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) mentioned them shows that the disregard of parents' rights is next, only, to Polytheism (Shirk) and it is even more serious than murder. ─── 从穆圣提及它们的顺序可以看出,对父母不孝就跟在举伴真主之后,它甚至比谋杀更严重。

63、While "most Americans meet their responsibilities" with regard to tax, he said there were others shirking theirs. ─── 他说“大部分美国人在履行缴税的责任”,但是也有一些人在逃避责任。

64、He did his work in the same slow obstinate way as he had done it in Jones’s time, never shirking and never volunteering for extra work either. ─── 像琼斯时期一样,他依旧慢慢吞吞的干活,从不偷懒,也不会自愿承担额外的工作。

65、She is shirking going to the dentist. ─── 她躲著不愿意去治牙。

66、and at last using hedges in interviews is mainly to show politeness and shirk responsibility. ─── 再者访谈中模糊限制语的使用主要是为了体现礼貌和推卸责任。

67、But we always knew that hope is not blind optimism.It's not ignoring the enormity of the task ahead or the roadblocks that stand in our path.It's not sitting on the sidelines or shirking from a fight. ─── 希望不是盲目的乐观主义,不是对未来的困难轻描淡写,不是对可能出现的艰难险阻置若罔闻,更不是袖手旁观、畏首畏尾。

68、We're not here to be defensive or to be shirking any responsibility. ' ─── 我们来这里不是为了辩护或是逃避任何责任的。

69、1.to unload; 2.to dismantle3.to shirk ─── 卸

70、Already, at least one Chinese publication has said the decision shows 'Foxconn is shirking its responsibility. ' ─── 至少一家中国媒体已经表示,这一决定显示出富士康正在推卸责任。

71、Failure to understand them, or a shirking of ethical responsibility, deprives him of his wholeness and imposes a painful fragmentariness on his life. ─── 不理解这些责任、或逃避道德责任,会使人失去整体性、使人的生活痛苦地碎片化。

72、The ambition of scientific management was to offer a single, integrated system where all human variance (the source of slothful shirking and inept error) could be isolated and controlled. ─── 在这些系统中,人类自主性、学习、交流和适应性即使没有被清除,也被降到最低。

73、But even though the former West Ham midfielder has called off talks about a new long-term contract at the club because he wants to concentrate on his football, Mourinho knows he will not shirk his responsibilities. ─── 即使这位前西汉姆中场球员终止了与俱乐部,就其长期合同的谈判,但是,他知道他应该全身心的投入比赛中,莫里尼奥知道,他不会因此而推卸他责任。

74、From the September 18 Incident to now, the Japanese governments try every possible way to shirk the responsibility for its launching the September 18 Incident. ─── 从1931年“九·一八”事变至今,日本历届政府都千方百计地推卸其发动“九·一八”事变应承担的责任。

75、To sleep or shirk in a parked patrol car while on duty. Used of a police officer. ─── 开小差值勤时在停放的警车中打瞌睡或开小差。用来指警察。

76、Pass the Buck to each other; shirk responsibility to each other ─── 互相扯皮

77、Today, so stop shirking and erase the blackboard! ─── 今天是你们值日,别躲了,快擦黑板。

78、In fact, I had to simply shirk argument and do the diplomatic instead ─── 事实上,我还就得避免抬杠,而用点儿外交家的手腕。

79、They may have seen the constitutional issue clearly, but they were also shirking their responsibilities as beneficiaries of British protection against the French and Indians. ─── 他们也许清楚明白宪法议题,但身为英国对抗法国和印地安人的受益人,他们却也逃避该有的责任。

80、" Otherwise, the person's signature is invalid, and we should pay attention to the official contract, which developers can shirk responsibility. ─── 否则,这个人的签字是无效的,同时要注意合同上的公章,这样可以避免发展商推卸责任。

81、"You think you could in this way shirk your responsibility?" ─── “你以为这样可以卸责了吗?”

82、If you say you don't know, that means you are shirking. ─── 如果你说不知道,只能说明你在逃避。

83、>>People will only buy shit for so long before they get tired of the>>smell.>SERVES THE NEWSPAPERS RIGHT FOR SHIRKING THEIR >RESPONSIBILITIES TO REPORT>THE NEWS. ─── 您要发布帖子的论坛是一个新闻组论坛。如果在此论坛发帖,互联网上的所有人都可以看到您的电子邮件地址。

84、It imposed an obligation for arms control that we had no right to shirk. ─── 它使军备控制成为我们不能推卸的义务。

85、shirk the responsibility ─── 卸责

86、When faced with a crisis in the market attempt to save the city, is any responsible government can not shirk. ─── 在市场面临危机时出手救市,是任何一个负责任的政府不可推卸的责任。

87、Authorities responsible for implementing the law, especially environmental protection authorities and the police, must never shirk their duties in enforcing legislation. ─── 当局负责贯彻这项法案,尤其环境保护当局和警察在执行立法方面一定不要推卸责任。

88、to be lazy where industriousness is expected; to lie down on the job; to keep one's hands in one's pocket; to slack; to shirk; to truant; to dawdle ─── 偷懒

89、An hour later he was found to have stolen iron doors, wooden door frames only remaining two pamphlets, loose-leaf, several screw were shirking away. ─── 一小时后回来竟发现铁栅门竟然不翼而飞,木门框上仅剩下两个活页,活页上的几颗螺丝都被卸走。

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