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lipoma 发音

英:[lɪˈpoʊmə]  美:[lɪˈpəʊmə]

英:  美:

lipoma 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 脂肪瘤


lipoma 短语词组

1、nevoid lipoma ─── [医] 痣样脂瘤

2、lipoma fibrosum ─── [医] 纤维脂瘤

3、lipoma sarcomatodes ─── [医] 脂肉瘤

4、diffusum renis lipoma ─── [医] 肾弥漫性脂瘤, 脂瘤性肾炎

5、intramuscular lipoma ─── [医]肌内脂肪瘤

6、ossificans lipoma ─── [医] 骨化脂瘤

7、diffuse lipoma ─── [医] 弥漫性脂瘤

8、lipomalipomatodes ─── [医] 特发性黄瘤

9、petrificans lipoma ─── [医] 钙化脂瘤

10、tetangiectatic lipoma ─── [医] 毛细管扩张性脂瘤

11、lipoma petrificum ossificans ─── [医] 骨化脂瘤

12、lipoma cavernosum ─── [医] 海棉状脂瘤

13、lipoma durum ─── [医] 硬脂瘤

14、lipoma capsulare ─── [医] ─── [器管]被膜脂瘤

15、lipoma arborescens ─── [医] 树枝状脂瘤

16、lipoma annulare colli ─── [医] 颈部环形脂瘤

17、embryonal lipoma ─── 胚胎性脂肪瘤

18、lipoma myxomatodesi ─── [医] 粘液脂瘤

19、esophageal lipoma ─── 食管脂肪瘤

lipoma 词性/词形变化,lipoma变形


lipoma 相似词语短语

1、liposomal ─── 脂质体

2、lipo- ─── n.脂肪;n.(Lipo)人名;(意、塞)利波

3、lipemia ─── n.脂血

4、diploma ─── n.毕业证书,学位证书;公文,文书;奖状;vt.发给…毕业文凭

5、lipomas ─── n.[肿瘤]脂肪瘤

6、glioma ─── n.胶质瘤;[肿瘤]神经胶质瘤

7、lipoid ─── adj.类脂的;脂肪性的;n.类脂

8、lipomata ─── n.脂肪瘤(lipoma的变形)

9、lipoic ─── 脂类

lipoma 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1 Case of quadrilateral foramen syndrome combined with lipoma ─── 四边孔综合征伴脂肪瘤1例

2、7.Treatment: telangiectasia, underarm odor, hypertrichiasis,ear hole, atheroma, dermal cysts, ganglion cyst, lipoma,hemangioma, traumatic foreign body block, etc. ─── 7、治疗:毛细血管扩张、腋臭、多毛、穿耳孔、粉瘤、皮肤囊肿、腱鞘囊肿、脂肪瘤、血管瘤、外伤异物包块等。

3、lipoma cavernosum ─── [医] 海棉状脂瘤

4、The surgeons need more alert to lipoma -like tumors on the scalp and taking biopsy is always indicated. ─── 这篇文章主要是探讨头皮恶性脂肪瘤的特异以及分类、治疗和预后。

5、spindle cell lipoma ─── 梭形细胞脂肪瘤

6、's lipoma. ─── 是脂肪瘤。

7、If got lipoma,manage like where? ─── 如果得了脂肪瘤如何处理啊?

8、How does ability cure lipoma ` ? ─── 怎么才能治好脂肪瘤`?

9、lipoma telangiectodes ─── 毛细管扩张性脂瘤

10、Duodenal lipoma, especially when it is located at bulb, is an uncommon tumor of the gastrointestinal tract. ─── 摘要十二脂肠脂肪瘤是一种罕见的胃肠道肿瘤,而位于十二指肠球部者尤为罕见。

11、This report describes two cases of scrotal cystocele coexistent with lipoma and the possible correlation between these two conditions. ─── 在此我们报告两例这种病例并讨论脂肪瘤和阴囊膀胱疝气的关系。

12、Here is the lipoma at high magnification. This is a good example of how a benign neoplasm mimics the tissue of origin. ─── 图示高倍镜下脂肪瘤,为良性肿瘤与其起源组织相似之实例。

13、A mediastinal lipoma is an unusual, but benign tumor composed of a large amount of mature adipose tissue within the mediastinum. ─── 纵膈腔脂肪瘤是在纵膈腔中由成熟脂肪组织构成的少见之良性肿瘤。

14、Keywords Mammary gland;Lipoma;Mammography;USG; ─── 乳腺;脂肪瘤;乳腺摄影;超声;

15、At low power magnification, a lipoma of the small intestine is seen to be well demarcated from the mucosa at the lower center-right. ─── 当然,肿瘤有良性和恶性之分,尽管它们的区别不总是很明显的。

16、Methods The CT and MRI findings of 2 cases of mediastinal lipoma confirmed by pathology were analysed retrospectively. ─── 方法结合病理学特点,复习既往文献,并对2例纵隔脂肪肉瘤病人的CT及MRI表现和特征进行比较分析。

17、lipoma of vulva ─── 外阴脂肪瘤女阴脂肪瘤

18、diffusum renis lipoma ─── [医] 肾弥漫性脂瘤, 脂瘤性肾炎

19、Just had performed an operation lipoma, what does need notice? ─── 刚动过脂肪瘤的手术,需要注意些什么?

20、Pathological Studies on Liver Lipoma of Bactrian Camels ─── 双峰驼肝脂肪瘤的病理研究

21、lipoma of oral and maxillofacial region ─── 口腔颌面脂肪瘤

22、tetangiectatic lipoma ─── [医] 毛细管扩张性脂瘤

23、lipoma fibrosum ─── [医] 纤维脂瘤

24、Keywords Occipital bone;Lipoma;Ossification; ─── 枕骨;脂肪瘤;骨化;

25、intestinal lipoma ─── 小肠脂肪瘤

26、Figure 19. Lipoma of the inguinal canal. ─── 图19,腹股沟管脂肪瘤。

27、Of the 328 patients, 125 cases (38.1%) were meningocele, 115 cases (35.1%) were myelomeningocele, and 88 cases (26.8%) were spina bifida with lipoma. ─── 其中脊膜膨出者125例(38.1%),脊髓脊膜膨出者115例(35.1%),脊柱裂伴脂肪瘤者88例(26.8%)。

28、How to judge lipoma benign malign still? ─── 如何判断脂肪瘤良性还是恶性?

29、As the lesion resembled a lipoma, it was surgically excised under general anaesthesia. ─── 由于病变象脂肪瘤,手术切除是根据全身麻醉。

30、lipoma of breast ─── 乳房脂肪瘤

31、lipoma durum ─── [医] 硬脂瘤

32、Also will not have courage the lipoma occurrence. ─── 也就不会有胆脂瘤发生。

33、Methods To analyze and summarize its clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment based on data of 8 cases of intestinal lipoma in our hospital. ─── 方法通过分析我院诊治的8例肠道脂肪瘤病人的资料,对其临床特点、诊断及治疗作分析总结。

34、brown lipoma ─── 棕色脂肪瘤(冬眠瘤)

35、The discrimination between ordinary lipoma and atypical lipomatous tumor/well-differentiated liposarcoma (ALT/WDL) is a common diagnostic challenge in diagnostic soft tissue pathology. ─── 普通型脂肪瘤和非典型/高分化脂肪肉瘤(ALT/WDL)的鉴别诊断是软组织病理学诊断工作中的一个难点。

36、lipomalipomatodes ─── [医] 特发性黄瘤

37、Other lesion, such as meningioma, lipoma and arachnoid cyst, are rarely seen in the IAC. ─── 其他较不常见的病变如脑膜瘤、脂肪瘤及蜘蛛膜囊肿等,在诊断上必须和听神经瘤加以区分。

38、Lipoma of the gastrointestinal tract most commonly occurs in the colon. ─── 摘要脂肪瘤是一种不常见的胃肠道病变,最常出现在大肠。

39、lipoma arborescens ─── [医] 树枝状脂瘤

40、Keywords Smooth iliacus;Lipoma;Ultrasonic diagnosis; ─── 平滑肌;脂肪瘤;超声诊断;

41、A few lipoma went out on my arm, occupied? ─── 我的胳膊上出了一些脂肪瘤,有事吗?

42、Can malign lipoma turn cancer? ─── 恶性脂肪瘤会转癌吗?

43、10 cases of Benign esophaeul tumors were reported amon which 7 cases wereleiomyma 2 cases were Cyst, and 1 case was lipoma. ─── 本文报告10例食管良性肿瘤. 其中,平滑肌瘤7例.

44、Purpose: To study the ultrasonography of subcutaneous lipoma. ─── 目的:探讨皮下脂肪瘤的超声表现。

45、8 is injured when art, cloggy facial nerve exposes lipoma of; ─── 8例存在胆脂瘤,妨碍面神经暴露;

46、Bead lipoma grew on the arm, how should do? ─── 手臂上长了粒脂肪瘤,该怎么办?

47、nevoid lipoma ─── [医] 痣样脂瘤

48、Abstract: Objective: To record the pathological changes of filum terminale and lipoma in patients suffering from tethered cord syndrome(TCS). ─── 文摘:目的:为观察脊髓拴系综合征患儿终丝及脂肪团块的病理改变,探讨其发病机制。

49、Intra-osseous lipoma is extremely rare in the jaw bones.Characteristic histopathological finding consists of the presence of only mature adipose cells. ─── 摘要在颚骨中很少发生骨内脂肪瘤,且病理组织之特徵仅呈现成熟的脂肪细胞。

50、7.Treatment: telangiectasia, underarm odor, hypertrichiasis, ear hole, atheroma, dermal cysts, ganglion cyst, lipoma, hemangioma, traumatic foreign body block, etc. ─── 7 、治疗:毛细血管扩张、腋臭、多毛、穿耳孔、粉瘤、皮肤囊肿、腱鞘囊肿、脂肪瘤、血管瘤、外伤异物包块等。

51、MRI will also be of benefit to characterizing preliminarily the tissue nature,such as lipoma,fibroma and pericardial cyst with hemorrhage. ─── 同时MRI尚有助于对脂肪瘤、纤维瘤和心包囊肿伴出血等做出初步的定性诊断。

52、Objective: To analyze the main clinical manifestations of intestinal lipoma and discuss the treatment of intestinal lipoma. ─── 目的:分析肠道脂肪瘤的主要临床特点,探讨其诊治方法。

53、lipoma sarcomatodes ─── [医] 脂肉瘤

54、lipoma of bronchus ─── 支气管脂肪瘤

55、Can you leave mark to hospital dispel lipoma? ─── 到医院祛除脂肪瘤会留痕吗?

56、resect (or remove) a lipoma ─── 切除脂肪瘤

57、Application of ultrasonic emulsification and aspirating in treatment of tethered cord syndrome with lipoma ─── 术中应用超声乳化治疗脂肪瘤型脊髓拴系综合征

58、Clinical and pathological characteristics of cardiac lipoma ─── 心脏脂肪瘤的临床病理特点

59、With the suspicion of submucosal jejunal lipoma inducing jejunojejunal intussusception, the patient underwent segmental jejunal resection through laparoscopic surgery. ─── 在疑似空肠黏膜下脂肪瘤引起肠套叠,病人接受腹腔镜切除手术。

60、lipoma petrificum ossificans ─── [医] 骨化脂瘤

61、arborescens lipoma ─── 树脂状脂瘤

62、In this report, we describe a 53-year-old woman presenting as an enlarging subcutaneous nodule in the right thigh for 3 months, which was excised in the belief that it was a lipoma. ─── 我们在此报告一个53岁的女性病人主诉近3个月来在右大腿发现一个逐渐增大的皮下结节,它在被认为是脂肪瘤的诊断下接受手术切除。

63、lipoma of pharynx ─── 咽脂肪瘤

64、A case is reported of intrarenal lipoma which had undergone nephrectomy erroneously under the mistaken impression of renal cell carcinoma. ─── 摘要我们报告壹肾脏鱽肪瘤病例,因其临床表现疑似肾细胞癌而接受肾切除手术。

65、Instestinal lipoma is a rare clinical entity. ─── 摘要肠道脂肪瘤是临床上少见之情况。

66、lipoma of larynx ─── 喉脂肪瘤

67、There is a posterior midline fatty lesion consistent with lipoma. ─── 下后部中线位置脂性病变,符合脂肪瘤表现。

68、Keywords Children;Subconjunctival lipoma;Surgery;Pathology; ─── 儿童;结膜下脂肪瘤;手术;病理;

69、Does the person have the branch with malign fine in the lipoma of body body length? ─── 人在身体长的脂肪瘤有没有良恶性之分?

70、diffuse lipoma ─── [医] 弥漫性脂瘤

71、Endoscopic and pathological analysis of 18 cases of stomach intestine lipoma ─── 18例胃肠脂肪瘤的内镜及病理特点分析

72、Here is a benign lipoma on the serosal surface of the small intestine.It has the characteristics of a benign neoplasm: it is well circumscribed, slow growing, and resembles the tissue of origin (fat). ─── 图示小肠浆膜表面的良性肿瘤-脂肪瘤,具有良性瘤特点:周围局限、生长缓慢、和与起源组织(脂肪组织)很相似。

73、lipoma capsulare ─── [医] [器管]被膜脂瘤

74、Six patients received surgical resection and recovered.The pathologic exam showed submucosal lipoma in 4 cases and intermural lipoma in two. ─── 6例患者行外科手术治疗,术后均痊愈,术后病理检查显示4例为黏膜下脂肪瘤,2例为肌壁间脂肪瘤。

75、Pleomorphic lipoma ─── 多形性脂肪瘤

76、Few color Doppler flows were display in lipoma. ─── 内部多无彩色血流信号。

77、Methods 15cases intracranial lipoma which diagnosed by CT were retrospectively analysed, All of them have no specificity in clinical. ─── 资料和方法对15例CT诊断的颅内脂肪瘤进行回顾性分析,全部病例临床表现无特异性。

78、"Is lipoma " influential to the person? How to excise it? ─── "脂肪瘤"对人有影响吗?怎么切除它?

79、Keywords Pleomorphic lipoma;Verruciform xanthoma;Dermoid tumor;Skin;Mucosa; ─── 关键词多形性脂肪瘤;疣状黄瘤;皮样瘤;皮肤;粘膜;

80、How lipoma of ability take out? ─── 怎样才能去掉脂肪瘤?

81、3. Careful tissue sampling and histologic examination are the major and simplest steps for the correct discrimination between a lipoma and an ALT/WDL. ─── 为了正确鉴别出脂肪瘤和ALT/WDL,认真细致的组织取材和组织学观察是主要的,也是最简单有效的的措施。

82、The cutaneous lesions over the lumbosacral region were subcutaneous lipoma, dimples and hemangioma. ─── 而其腰荐区的皮肤病灶有皮下脂肪瘤,凹陷及血管瘤;

83、Level of conus medullaris in the children was same as the fingdings of B-mode sonography and of MRL. Lipoma and epidermal cyst was same as what MRI finded. ─── 圆锥位置与B型超声、MRI一致,椎管内脂肪瘤皮样囊肿等与MRI一致。

84、Abstract Objective: To record the pathological changes of filum terminale and lipoma in patients suffering from tethered cord syndrome(TCS). ─── 摘要目的:为观察脊髓拴系综合征患儿终丝及脂肪团块的病理改变,探讨其发病机制。

85、Ossifying lipoma is an uncommon form of parosteal lipoma and its occurrence in the hand is rare.It is often not diagnosed correctly before operation. ─── 摘要骨化脂肪瘤是一种不常见的骨旁脂肪瘤,发生在手部更是少见,在开刀前通常无怯正确的诊断。

86、A mediastinal lipoma is an unusual, but benign tumor composed of a large amount of mature adipose tissue within the mediastinum. ─── 摘要纵膈腔脂肪瘤是在纵膈腔中由成熟脂肪组织构成的少见之良性肿瘤。

87、Methods: The clinical materials of different pathological types of intraspinal tumors including neurinoma, meningioma,glioma, angioma and lipoma were comprehensively studied on 77 patients. ─── 方法:系统分析了77例原发性椎管内肿瘤,包括神经鞘膜瘤、脊膜瘤、胶质瘤、血管瘤和脂肪瘤等几种不同病理类型肿瘤的临床资料。

88、Clinically it may be confused with adenofibroma and lipoma. ─── 临床上易与腺纤维瘤及脂肪瘤混淆。

89、lipoma myxomatodesi ─── [医] 粘液脂瘤

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