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09-22 投稿


Klamath 发音

英:[ˈklæməθ]  美:[ˈklæməθ]

英:  美:

Klamath 中文意思翻译



Klamath 短语词组

1、Klamath weed 【 ─── 植物】黑底叶金丝桃

2、Klamath Falls ─── [网络] 克拉马斯福尔斯;克拉马斯佛斯;克拉马斯瀑布

3、Klamath Lake sculpin ─── 克拉马斯湖斯库平

4、Klamath River un. ─── 克拉马斯河(美国西部一河流,流经俄勤冈州和加利福尼亚州,注入太平洋) [网络] ─── 克拉玛斯河;由于 ─── 克拉马斯河; ─── 克拉马斯里弗

5、canvasback books klamath falls ─── 克拉马斯瀑布书展

Klamath 相似词语短语

1、kalamatas ─── 卡拉马特

2、Klamath ─── n.克拉马斯人(美国境内一印第安部落);克拉马斯语

3、kalamata ─── 卡拉马塔

4、Baath ─── n.(Baath)人名;(德)巴特

5、Ba'ath ─── 巴斯。

6、Elath ─── n.以拉他(古城名)

7、Baʻath ─── n.(Baath)人名;(德)巴特

8、polymath ─── n.博学的人;adj.博学的

9、Hamath ─── n.哈麦斯(等于Hama)

Klamath 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A city of southwest Oregon west of Klamath Falls. ─── 麦德福德美国俄勒冈西南部一城市,位于卡拉马斯福斯以西。

2、9.a member of a North American Indian people of the Klamath river valley in N California. ─── 北加利福尼亚的克拉马斯河流域的北美印第安族人。

3、Michael Smith,a former U.S.Air Force air traffic controller stationed near Klamath Falls,Ore.,in the 1960s and early 1970s,reported seeing a UFO hovering at 80,000 feet one night." I was told you keep it to yourself," he said. ─── 曾于20世纪60年代和70年代初,在俄勒冈州克拉马斯福尔斯军事基地担任美国空军空中交通管制员的迈克尔·史密斯说,一天晚上他看到一个不明飞行物在8万英尺高空盘旋。

4、So I had classmates from Hawaii and Klamath Falls, Oregon So you were in the situation. ─── 所以我的同学中有来自夏威夷的,来自俄勒冈州克拉马斯·福尔斯市的,所以当时在那样的形势下。

5、Oaks could move to cooler weather in the Klamath Mountains along the border with Oregon. ─── 橡树可能会向加州与俄勒冈边界上的克拉马斯山迁移,以寻找更凉爽的气候。

6、Klamath Falls - Bay Area ─── 克来麦斯一湾区

7、Klamath rhabdovirus ─── 克拉马斯弹状病毒

8、Michael Smith,a former U.S.Air Force air traffic controller stationed near Klamath Falls,Ore.,in the 1960s and early 1970s,reported seeing a UFO hovering at 80,000 feet one night. " I was told you keep it to yourself," he said. ─── 曾于20世纪60年代和70年代初在俄勒冈州克拉马斯福尔斯军事基地担任美国空军空中交通管制员的迈克尔·史密斯说,一天晚上他看到一个不明飞行物在8万英尺高空盘旋。

9、Their economy was based on hunting and gathering and they lived much like their closely related neighbors the Klamath. ─── 他们以打猎和采集为生,生活方式与邻近的克拉马斯人很相似。

10、Klamath virus ─── 克拉马斯病毒

11、Steven Baker and Kim Baalbergen of Klamath Falls pleaded guilty to sexual abuse of an animal, a misdemeanor. ─── 完事后他们将这份录影卖给荷兰阿姆斯特丹的一家公司,获得一万两千美元。

12、klamath river ─── n. 克拉马斯河(美国西部一河流,流经俄勤冈州和加利福尼亚州,注入太平洋)

13、Many farmers in the upper reaches of the Klamath Basin are replacing such wheel-line irrigation with more modern methods, and improving the water efficiency of their operations. ─── 许多在克拉马斯盆地上游的农民以更现代化的方式来取代这种轮线灌浇方式,从而改善在操作中的用水效率。

14、Braunmiller J.Nabelek J.Leitner B The 1993 Klamath Falls,Oregon,earthquake sequence:source mechanisms from regionaldata 1995 ─── 吴忠良.陈运泰.倪江川.王培德.王鸣近震源宽频带记录的地震矩张量反演[期刊论文]-地球物理学报1994(2

15、See more photographs from the December 2008 feature story "Klamath River." ─── 更多照片参见2008年12月特别报道“克拉马斯河”。

16、The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Klamath Falls . ─── 专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供北京到克拉马斯福尔斯 特价机票。

17、of a north American Indian people of the klamath river valley inn California. ─── 北加利福尼亚的克拉马斯河流域的北美印第安族人。

18、I t's hard to picture Oregon without thinking of the lush green slopes of the Klamath and Cascade Mountains; ─── 如果不提起喀斯喀特山脉及克拉马斯河的翠绿色斜坡;

19、The Klamath's closely related neighbors were the Modoc. ─── 与克拉马斯人具有紧密联系的是邻近的莫多克人。

20、west of Klamath Falls. It is a summer resort and processing center in a fruit and lumber area. Population, 46, 951. ─── 美国俄勒冈西南部一城市,位于卡拉马斯福斯以西。该市处于水果和木材产区,是一个避暑胜地及加工中心。人口46,951。

21、The Penutian language of the Klamath. ─── 克拉马特语克拉马特人的彭努蒂语

22、I had classmates from Hawaii and Klamath Falls, Oregon, so you were in the situation. ─── 我的同学中有来自夏威夷的和来自俄勒冈州克拉马斯福尔斯市的,所以当时你处在那样的形势下。

23、Tens of thousands of salmon died in Northern California's Klamath River in 2002 when the water temperature got to high for them. ─── 数万大马哈鱼在2002年死于北加利福尼亚洲的克拉马斯河中,当时河水温度对它们而言过高了。

24、Endanagered and Threatened Fishes in the Klamath River Basin: Causes of Decline and Strategies for Recovery ─── 克拉马思河流域受损害与威胁的鱼类:衰退的原因与恢复策略

25、The Klamath were divided into relatively autonomous villages, each with its own leaders and medicine man; ─── 克拉马斯人部落分成相对自治的村落,各有其领袖和巫医;

26、The tradition of my family’s yearly camping trips on the Klamath River never jibed with my desires. ─── 我们家有个传统,那就是每年都要去克拉玛斯河上露营,这个却不怎么对我的心思。

27、Oaks could move to cooler weather in the Klamath Mountains along the border with Oregon. ─── 橡树可以移植到顺着克拉马斯山脉与俄勒冈州接壤的气候更凉爽的地区。

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