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09-20 投稿


lexical 发音

英:['leksɪk(ə)l]  美:['lɛksɪkl]

英:  美:

lexical 中文意思翻译



lexical 网络释义

adj. 词汇的;[语] 词典的;词典编纂的

lexical 词性/词形变化,lexical变形

副词: lexically |名词: lexicality |

lexical 短语词组

1、lexical conversion ─── [计] 词汇转换

2、lexical item ─── [计] 词项

3、lexical entry ─── [计] 词汇输入项

4、lexical disambiguation ─── [网络] 词汇歧义化解

5、lexical database ─── [网络] 词汇资料库;词汇数据库

6、lexical feature ─── [计] 词汇特征

7、lexical ambiguity ─── [计] 词法多义性

8、lexical contamination ─── [计] 词汇联结

9、lexical category ─── [计] 词汇范畴

10、lexical functional gammar ─── [计] 词汇功能文法

11、lexical convention ─── [计] 词法约定

12、lexical analysis ─── [计] 词法分析

13、lexical box ─── [计] 词法框

14、lexical attachment ─── [计] 词项附加

15、lexical matrix ─── [计] 词汇矩阵

16、lexical insertion ─── [计] 词汇插入

17、lexical hierarchy ─── [计] 词汇层次

18、lexical form ─── [计] 词汇形式

19、lexical analyzer ─── [计] 词法分析程序

lexical 相似词语短语

1、Xenical ─── n.塞尼可,罗氏鲜(一种减肥药)

2、lexicog ─── 辞典

3、Mexicali ─── n.墨西卡利(墨西哥一座城市)

4、epical ─── adj.英勇的;叙事诗的;有重大历史意义的

5、clerical ─── adj.书记的;牧师的;办事员的;n.牧师

6、lexically ─── adv.词汇方面;字典地

7、helical ─── adj.螺旋形的

8、Mexican ─── adj.墨西哥的,墨西哥人的;n.墨西哥人

9、laical ─── adj.凡人的;n.外行人;凡人

lexical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、People usually advocate ellipsis and avoid repetition, considering lexical repetition to be a kind of negative pragmatic phenomenon. ─── 在对待重复与省略问题,人们一般都强调省略而回避重复,提倡话语简洁、明朗,把重复看作是罗嗦、累赘、繁冗等很渺小的一种语用现象。

2、Concretely, the semantic reason arethe lexical intangibility and dark and the abundance of the synonymousformat in the language. ─── 从语义上看,词义的模糊性、隐晦性和同义形式的丰富性是羡余定语形成的主要原因;

3、You search those particular shelves, narrowing your view by the lexical order of the numbers until you find the one you want. ─── 再搜索书架,通过书号的顺序缩小你的视线范围,直到找到所要的那本书。

4、For instance, a simple lexical analyzer might count the words in its input. ─── 例如,一个简单的词汇分析器可能会为输入的单词进行计数。

5、The lexical semantics thereby become their core. ─── 在这裹,语义词典成了核心中的核心。

6、The root lexical scope that encloses the entire method. ─── 包括整个方法的根词法范围。

7、At the same time, various driving-fields interlace and function together for implementing the managing function of the lexical system. ─── 同时,各种具体的动力场又交织在一起,综合发生作用,实现词汇系统的管理功能。

8、As a special kind of verb, it has its own peculiar lexical features ,such as conversional nature, dynamic nature and richness in expression. ─── 作为一种特殊的动词,它有其本身特有的一些词汇特征,如转类性、动态性以及表达形式的丰富性等。

9、An analysis of its real meaning in terms of lexical and poetic meaning will justify defining it as "luxuriant outlook". ─── 两种解释到底孰优孰劣,可以从词义和诗意两个角度对“蔽芾”的真正含义加以分析,从而得出结论,即以《诗集传》为代表的“盛”义来解释“蔽芾”才为恰当。

10、Bison is used to generate parsers; Flex is used to generate lexical analyzers. ─── Bison用来生成语法分析器;Flex用来生成词汇分析器。

11、Purposefully applying lexical chunks into writing can better students writing skills step by step. ─── 学生有意识地将语块用于写作中,写作能力能逐步提高。

12、Drag onto the page and glue to the top of a function to denote a lexical inclusion. ─── 拖到绘图页上并粘附到函数顶部,可以指示词汇包含。

13、In sociolinguistics, taboo, or rather linguistic taboo, denotes any prohibition on the use of particular lexical items to refer to objects or acts. ─── 在社会语言学中,禁忌语,或更确切地说是语言禁忌,指所有禁止使用特定的词项指称一些物体或行为的情况。

14、Since stemming from GE( General English), EST, which follows GE lexical rules, has many in common with it. ─── 它是由普通英语演变而来的,遵循普通英语的词法规则,因而与普通英语具有共性。

15、The study of lexical relations has a long history in semantics and lexicology. ─── 对于词汇关系的研究在语义学和词汇学领域已有很长历史。

16、Most keywords have an index that shows how lexical items and their related terms are organized. ─── 大多数关键字都有一个索引,显示词汇项及其相关术语是如何组织的。

17、Dynamic studies points to a breakthrough in current Chinese lexical studies, with lexical activity as an important topic. ─── 摘要动态研究是当前词汇研究的突破方向,词汇活跃度则是动态研究中的重要课题。

18、Lexical and stylistic patterns of actual conversation have been used in developing all item material. ─── 在开发所有的测试材料时使用了实际的交谈词法和风格类型。

19、The word failure in the title may be more obvious at least in its lexical form. ─── 标题中失败一词的偏差也许更明显,至少在词典释义方面如是。

20、The parent lexical scope of the current scope. ─── 当前范围的父词法范围。

21、Interface provides access only to the symbol-related attributes of a method, such as sequence points, lexical scopes, and parameter information. ─── 接口只能访问方法中与符号相关的属性,如序列点、词法范围和参数信息。

22、The introduction of a reference provided the efficiency of a pointer, but the lexical simplicity of a directly accessible value type. ─── 引用的引入提供了指针的效率,还具备了直接访问值类型的在词法上的简单明了。

23、Each of these rather large areas contains cross-referencing in order to provide further helpful lexical information. ─── 这些相当大的区域中的每一个都包含交叉引用,以便进一步提供有用的词汇信息。

24、The enclosing lexical scope of the current scope. ─── 当前范围的封闭词法范围。

25、C#'s view is that nesting of classes is just a way to control lexical scoping. ─── C#认为类的嵌套只是一种控制词法作用域的途径。

26、A lexical unit that, in certain contexts, characterizes some language constructions. Example : In some contexts, IF characterizes an if-statement. ─── 一种词汇单位,在某些上下文中表征某种语言的构造。例如,在某些上下文中,IF表示一种条件语句。

27、Does the Phonemic Similarity Process of Two-Character Words Exist in Lexical Access? ─── 在词汇通达中双字词的语音类似作用存在吗?

28、WordNet is a Princeton University project that aims to build a database of English words and lexical relationships between them. ─── WordNet是普林斯顿大学的一个研究项目,目标是建立英语词汇及其词法关系的数据库。

29、The paper also reports the experiment and proves the effect of lexical chunks on English learning by the subjects' experience arid examination results. ─── 总结分析了研究调查结果,并且以学生的亲身经历感受和收获来验证语块时英语学习产生影响。

30、The same lexical items are available to her as to Masha, except in English (I, me, she, her, sing, sings ). ─── 她和马莎一样使用相同的词汇,只不过是用英文。

31、At the same time, the untagged corpus is used, where all the lexical items are tagged with all the possible part-of-speech tags. ─── 同时,使用未进行词类加标的语料库,其中所有词汇项已被标注具有所有可能的词法分析,评价由存在歧义的上下文所获取的约束,来消除其它的词法分析歧义。

32、We chose a few of the commonest lexical items in the languages. ─── 我们选取了各语言中最常见的几个词汇。

33、The offset in bytes from the beginning of the method to the first instruction in the lexical scope. ─── 从方法的开始到词法范围中第一个指令的偏移量,以字节数表示。

34、However, in some cases, the monosemous lexical relatives cannot be substituted by the target word suitably and then noises will be brought in. ─── 为此,我们使用语言模型过滤这些噪声,达到净化训练数据,提高系统性能的目的。

35、Lexical and stylistic patterns of actual conversation have been used in developing all item material. ─── 在开发所有的测试材料时使用了实际的交谈词法和风格类型。

36、Then, puts forward in the article the author's consideration on the criteria for the use of lexical annotative terms. ─── 就辞书释文用语使用上的有关规范问题提出了一些自己的看法。

37、In the production phase, reconstruction of the lexical cohesion in the original text can contribute to translation equivalence. ─── 在表达阶段,译者通过重构原文的词汇衔接,可再现原文的修辞效果。

38、The paper proves the fact that reference, substitution, ellipsis;conjunction and lexical cohesion are the five methods badly needed in text coherence. ─── 摘要文章分别从照应、替代、省略、连接词及词义连接五个方面加以论证,说明瞭这些都是语篇连贯所必需采用的方法。

39、It provides a brief definition of each lexical concept in the model. ─── 它提供模型中每个词汇概念的简短定义。

40、The sentential meaning is the result of interaction of lexical meaning and grammatical meaning. ─── 句子意义则是由词汇意义和语法意义共同作用的结果。

41、Collocational errors have been one major type of lexical errors. ─── Farghl 和Obiedat 指出,对英语学习者语言输出中的搭配错误进行分析与研究能够有效地提高英语学习者的搭配意识。

42、Besides, the paper introduces the main concept of the basic rules in the Orthography and puts forward the concept of lexical capitalization. ─── 介绍正词法基本规则的主要内容,提出词汇性大写的概念。

43、There's no doubt that the restriction to only capturing immutable state from the lexical context is quite irritating to programmers. ─── 毫无疑问,仅从词法上下文捕获不变的状态这一限制,令程序员非常不满意。

44、In the preceding sections we ve discussed the basic elements of Lex programming, which should help you in writing simple lexical analysis programs. ─── 上一节我们讨论了Lex编程的基本元素,它将帮助你编写简单的词法分析程序。

45、Closes the current lexical scope. ─── 关闭当前词法范围。

46、The lexical meaning difference of the word " flat" between the two English dialects can effect a different pragmatic meaning. ─── 词的词汇意义区别“平”在二种英国方言之间可能影响一个不同的重实效的意思。

47、The scanner is sometimes called a lexical analyzer. ─── 扫描程序有时又把它称为词法分析程序。

48、Word recognition plays an important role in English lexical learning. ─── 单词识别在英语词汇学习中起着举足轻重的作用。

49、Optionally, the lexical scope of the local variable can be specified. ─── 也可以指定局部变量的词法范围。

50、The specified method becomes the current method for calls to define sequence points, parameters, and lexical scopes. ─── 指定的方法成为用于调用的当前方法,目的是定义序列点、参数和词法范围。

51、Analyzed with its lexical valence components, Shi should be a verb of two valences. ─── 从配价成分分析,“使”应是一个二价动词。

52、The method that contains the current lexical scope. ─── 包含当前词法范围的方法。

53、In the course of studying words, the stereotyped concept of lexical meaning is a great obstacle to the full mastery and understanding of the meaning. ─── 学生在词语学习中的定势反应限制了词语意义的全面掌握和理解。

54、The following table lists BNF lexical rules that describe how to recognize a valid input. ─── 下表中列出的BNF词法规则说明如何识别有效的输入。

55、again , this isn t rocket science - just a little bit of a lexical twist. ─── 同样,这也不是什么火箭科学,只不过是词法上的变异。

56、A few articles back, Uche Ogbuji discussed WordNet 2.0, a Princeton University project that aims to build a database of English words and lexical relationships between them. ─── 前几篇文章中,Uche Ogbuji讨论了WordNet 2.0,普林斯顿大学的这个项目的目标是建立英文单词及其词法关系的数据库。

57、Assuming that Mary is in the Optional Infinitive stage, list all the possible sentences she might produce using the lexical items above. ─── 假设玛莉正值任意不定词阶段,列出所有她可能用上列词汇说出的句子。

58、The paper explores the way to build the best menial lexical through which the relationship between prefabricated language chunks and mental lexical is discussed. ─── 摘要文章探讨了如何建构学习者最佳的心理词典,并进一步探讨了预制语块和心理词典的关系。

59、They think that language is not a system of lexical grammar, but a system of grammatical lexis. ─── 他们认为语言不是词汇化的语法系统而是语法化了的词汇组合。

60、Grammatical cohesion includes reference, ellipsis, substitution and conjunction, and lexical cohesion refers to reiteration and collocation. ─── 其中,语法衔接包括照应、替代、省略和连接等手段,词汇衔接包括重述和搭配等手段。

61、This behavior occurs because lexical representations of these values are not stored in the database. ─── 因为这些值的词法表示形式未存储在数据库中,所以出现此行为。

62、Astin explored the possibility of separating performatives from constatives on grammatical and lexical criteria. ─── 奥斯汀从语法和词汇上区别施为句和表述句。

63、For a given language, a word breaker tokenizes text based on the lexical rules of the language. ─── 对于某种给定的语言,断字符可基于该语言的词汇规则对文本进行标记化。

64、The start offset of the current lexical scope. ─── 当前词法范围的起始偏移量。

65、All imports are done by default into the current lexical scope (rather than the current package, as in Perl 5). ─── 所有的导入将默认为到当前的词法作用域(而不像Perl5,是到当前包)。

66、Definition: From XML Schema[ XML Schema part2]: A lexical space is the set of valid literals for a datatype. ─── [定义:出自XML模式[ML模式第2部分]词汇空间即对指定数据类型有效的字面值集合。

67、Include lexical analysis (formal style), parsing (BNF). (2) of the modified PL / 0 compiler / interpreter note. ─── 包括词法分析(正式文体) ,剖析( BNF ) 。

68、In this homework, you will explore corpus-based approaches to lexical semantics. ─── 在此家庭作业中,同学需要探讨基于语料的方法在辞汇语义上的应用。

69、The IDMI can also do the lexical and syntax analysis when a tool is reading a DDL file. ─── IDMI已用C语言实现并作为FELLOW系统(A Double-metal CMOS Gate Array System of Fudan Univ.)

70、The XSD pattern facet allows for the restriction of the lexical space of simple types. ─── XSD模式方面允许对简单类型的词法空间进行限制。

71、As a consequence of this, a-structure cannot be freely altered by virtue of its role in the lexical meaning of the predicate and not by stipulation. ─── 在此前提下,论元结构既不能根据谓词的词汇意义角色改变,也不能根据其约定而改变。

72、It reflects the changes of society and lexical system, and has close relation with pragmatic factors.There are two conditions of neology. ─── 它与社会生活的激变和词义系统内部的调整密切相关,同时也和语用因素有着重要联系。

73、Closure In programming languages, a closure is a function that refers to free variables in its lexical context. ─── 在程序设计里,closure是一个函数。这个函数在其上下文中涉及到了释放变量。

74、Based on the C language based on the development process. A lexical analyzer! ─── 基于C语言基础开发的程序.一个词法分析器!

75、Xu"s translation is more explicit on lexical level and syntactic level, while Bynner"s translation is more explicit on textual level. ─── (2)许渊冲的译本在语言运用上更贴近原文本,而宾纳的译本在语言运用上更加贴近目标语英语的使用习惯。

76、It consists of a series of rules that lex translates into the lexical analyzer. ─── 它由一系列规则构成,lex将这些规则翻译为词汇分析器。

77、Transformational synonymy and lexical synonymy show important synonymous relationships in discourse analysis. ─── 同义关系句在语篇分析中是一个重要内容。

78、Interface provides methods that define documents, sequence points, lexical scopes, and variables. ─── 接口提供定义文档、序列点、词法范围和变量的方法。

79、Some of tablets appear to be Lexical Lists, written in two or three columns. ─── 其中一些写字板出现了词汇列表,分两至三列写成。

80、Some of tablets appear to be Lexical Lists, written in two or three columns. ─── 其中一些写字板出现了词汇列表,分两至三列写成。

81、A simple compiler, has the lexical analysis, the speech analysis code production. Is useful to the graduate. ─── 一个简单的编译器,有词法分析,语言分析代码生成。对毕业生有用。

82、WordNet is a database of English words and lexical relationships between them. ─── WordNet是英文单词及其词法关系的数据库。

83、The English lexical database project. ─── 即英文词法数据库项目。

84、What are your ways to lexical learning? ─── 您的英语词汇学习方法?

85、X-bar theory: We can find a common pattern with these rules: N, V, A and P in each phrase is a required lexical item for the phrase concerned. ─── 我们发现这些词组都有一个共同模式:N,V,A和P分别是有关词组中所必须有的词项,也就是说,NP中必须有N,VP中必须有V,AP中必须有A,PP中必须有P。

86、Lexical stress is an important prosodic feature, especially for stress-timed language such as English. ─── 对于英语等"重音节拍语言",重音是一个非常重要的韵律学特征。

87、Errors are committed by Chinese learners when they use grammatical, lexical and idiomatical collocations. ─── 摘要中国学生在习得英语搭配时所犯的错误在语法、词汇和习语三个方面均有体现。

88、In Channell’s terms, the first four are examples of vague additives while the last four are those of lexical vagueness. ─── 另外,在具体差异的模糊表达方面以及具体的模糊类别方面都存在明显的性别。

89、The first part is lexical analysis, and the main work is to analyze ASN. ─── 1翻译器的设计与实现,主要分四个阶段:第一阶段为词法分析阶段,主要内容为分析ASN.

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