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licensure 发音

英:['laɪs(ə)nsjʊə]  美:['laɪsənʃʊr]

英:  美:

licensure 中文意思翻译



licensure 短语词组

1、licensure license ─── 许可证 ─── 许可证

2、licensure examination ─── 执照考试

3、licensure exam ─── 执照考试

4、licensure defense ─── 许可证防御

5、licensure disclosures ─── 许可证披露

licensure 相似词语短语

1、license ─── n.执照,许可证;特许(同licence);vt.许可;特许;发许可证给

2、relicensure ─── 重新审查

3、licenser ─── n.认可者;发许可证者

4、licensor ─── n.认可证颁发者(尤指批准书籍出版或戏剧演出的官员)

5、licensors ─── n.认可证颁发者(尤指批准书籍出版或戏剧演出的官员)

6、censure ─── v.严厉斥责,正式谴责;n.斥责,谴责

7、licensee ─── n.持牌人;执照持有者;获许可的人;领到执照的人

8、licensers ─── n.认可者;发许可证者

9、licensures ─── n.许可;发给许可证;特许

licensure 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Medical Council of Canada establishes a national SP exam for licensure. ─── 年:加拿大医学会建立了使用SP的全国性执业资格考试。

2、{0>Article 1 Any citizen of the Republic of China who passes the architect licensure examination is qualified to be an architect. ─── 第1条 (建筑师资格)中华民国人民经建筑师考试及格者,得充任建筑师。

3、Wisconsin Standards Teacher Development and Licensure ─── 威斯康星州教师专业发展和资格认证标准

4、I took toefl just for my pharmacist licensure. ─── 不论本科,研究院;

5、licensure system has been in practice in the United States for over a century. ─── 了美国的兽医师执照管理情况。

6、The Education Licensure Commission of the District of Columbia ─── 哥伦比亚区域教育执照部

7、Licensure examination ─── 执业资格考试

8、Graduates of the program meet the educational requirements for licensure as a certified public accountant (CPA) in the State of New York and other states. ─── 节目的毕业生符合licensure的教育要求作为一个执业会计师(CPA)在纽约州和其他状态。

9、Licensure with a regulatory body is required in all provinces. ─── 各省都要求具有监察机构颁发的许可证。

10、Part one: The process of gaining licensure and certification for headmasters in America. ─── 第一章美国中小学校长获得证照的运作流程。

11、Veterinary Licensure Procedures at Abroad ─── 国外兽医执照管理

12、For licensure issues in Taiwan and US, I discussed this before.The program in the US was designed for US students to get license in their state or region. ─── 3.如果持有心理谘商的执照(美国的)回台湾的话,就业市场会受限吗?

13、Teaching the highest quality and safest practice has long been a goal of faculty members in pre-licensure nursing education programs. ─── 教学最高的质量和安全的做法一直是目标,教师在学前教育许可证护理教育计划。

14、However, training and licensure may also apply to tasks occurring in a number of positions. ─── 然而,培训和执照可能也适用于任务中发生的职务。

15、“You’ve got a huge chasm between F.D.A. licensure and a clinical events trial,” said Dr. Allen J. Taylor, the chief of cardiology at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. ─── “新药物在得到FDA的批准与完成大规模临床试验之间有个很大的缺口,”Walter Reed陆军医学中心心脏病首席专家阿伦·泰勒(Allen J. Taylor)博士说。

16、Westminster High School in the Denver metro area had been my first choice after graduating from Project Promise, a one-year teacher licensure program for mid-career professionals. ─── 从一年的中途入职教师认证项目毕业后,位于丹佛大都市地区的威斯敏斯特高中就成为我的第一选择。

17、This part mainly introduces four stages which the process of gaining the licensure and certification for headmasters includes and its professional training organizations or centers . ─── 主要论述了美国中小学校长取得证照需要经历的四个阶段和美国中小学校长培训的专业机构或中心及发展趋势。

18、National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurse ─── 考试为注册护士考试

19、Besides, The Speech-Language-Hearing Association of the Republic of China should actively push the speech and hearing licensure issue to promote work quality. ─── 此外,中华民国听力语言学会应积极推动听语证照制度,以提升工作品质。

20、Certification and Licensure: Include certifications or licenses, issuing organizations and dates. ─── 证书或许可证:包括证书或许可证,发证机关和日期。

21、Article 54 A foreign national intending to practice in the Republic of China is required to take the architect licensure examination as regulated by law. ─── 第54条 外国人得依中华民国法律应建筑师考试。

22、Licensure and Regulation of veterinarians in Canada is the responsibility of provincial licensing boards ─── 加拿大兽医许可证和规章由省级兽医从业许可理事会颁发和制定

23、Objective To study the pharmacist licensure examination situation in Heilongjiang Province in 2007 to find out problems and solutions. ─── 目的 综合瞭解黑龙江省2007年执业药师资格考试情况,找出存在的问题并给于解答。

24、To make up the deficiency, this study suggests l) to establish licensure policy; ─── 为了因应人力问题,本研究建议;1)建立听语证照制度;

25、States require that physical therapists pass a licensure exam before they can graduate. ─── 国家要求物理治疗师们只有通过执照考试,才可以毕业。

26、Keywords Japan;Social Control;Formal;Licensure;Evaluation Studies; ─── 日本;社会控制;正式;许可证;评价研究;

27、Development and Eraluation of Drugs From Laboratory through Licensure to Market ─── 从实验室到批准上市药物开发与评价

28、Subject Analysis, Catalog Match, and Health Professions Licensure reports require a syllabus or other type of course descriptions to be submitted for all postsecondary academic subjects. ─── 由于科目分析,目录对应和健康声明证明等的需要,要求提交对于所有中学以后的学术科目要有教学大纲或者其它类型的课程描述。

29、Requirements for yearly continuing education to maintain licensure ─── 要求每年进行再教育延续从业许可证

30、The exam tests the minimum academic skills a graduate veterinarian must have to be eligible for licensure ─── 全国考试测试毕业生从事兽医工作的基本的学术水平

31、Includes committees, legislative updates, annual meeting, FAQs, Licensure Donation form, newsletter and links. ─── 网站简介 : Non-profit organization committed to advancing, improving, and promoting the profession.

32、In this part ,how to evaluate the headmasters and how to manage the licensure and certification are illustrated. ─── 在这一部分主要对如何评价中小学校长以及如何管理证照作了较详细的阐述。

33、Occupational licensure rules could be relaxed to create opportunities for people without formal education. ─── 可以放宽职业许可证发放规则,给没有接受正规教育的人创造机会。

34、Multi-Age Licensure in Health Education, ─── 多年龄段教育-健康教育

35、Nurse Practice Acts 3.Violations of the Nurse Practice Act are serious, and professional nurses can lose their licensure to practice or have it suspended for a period of time. 4. ─── 遇有自然灾害、传染病流行、突发重大伤亡事故及其他严重威胁人群生命健康的紧急情况,护士必须服从卫生行政部门的调遣,参加医疗救护和预防保健工作。

36、Licensure of veterinarians in Canada ─── 加拿大兽医从业许可制度

37、Under this framework, cord blood hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells from unrelated donors are regulated as both HCT/P and as biologic drugs subject to licensure. ─── 依照这一框架,脐带血干细胞既是HCT/P也属生物药物。

38、Professional Programmatic Accreditation, Engineering Licensure Qualifications System and Engineer Cultivation ─── 专业认证、注册工程师制度与工程技术人才培养

39、In the interim prior to licensure of these new small molecule inhibitors, established therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin can be tailored. ─── 在这些新型小分子抑制剂获得临床使用许可前,我们可以对业已形成的聚乙二醇化干扰素联合病毒唑的治疗方案进行适当的修改。

40、Keywords Food;Safety Management;Jurisprudence;Licensure; ─── 食品;安全管理;法学;许可证;

41、The pass rate on the national medical licensure examination has had no obvious change after the implementation of the PBL curricula. ─── 台大医学院实施医学教育改革之后,学生在医师执照考试的表现并没有如国外一些进行课程改革的大学一样有成绩下降的情况。

42、Article 1 Any citizen of the Republic of China who passes the architect licensure examination is qualified to be an architect. ─── 第1条 (建筑师资格)中华民国人民经建筑师考试及格者,得充任建筑师。

43、FDA is announcing the licensure of the first accine in the United States for humans against the H5N1 influenza irus, commonly referred to as aian influenza or "bird flu. ─── FDA美国食品药品监督管理局今天公告,在美国批准首个人用疫苗用于抗H5N1病毒,也就是人们通常所说的禽流感。

44、Section VIIILimited Licensure for Physicians in Postgraduate Training ─── 研究生教育阶段医生的有限认可

45、Review, Sixth Edition continues to be the most reliable and practical tool for successful preparation for the nurse licensure examination. ─── 审查,第六版仍然是为护士执照考试的准备工作是最可靠和实用的工具。

46、Multi-Age Licensure in Physical Education, ─── 多年龄段教育-体育教育

47、The National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN?exam) has one purpose: to determine if it's safe for you to begin practice as an entry-level nurse. ─── 简称NCLEX-RN/RN,即“全国联合委员会注册护士执照考试”,是美国各州护士局为了统一全美国的护士水平,确保护理安全,而统一举办的考试。

48、For some time now we have been communicating with Alberta Department of Health and Wellness, Department of Acupuncture and Midwives regarding their provincial licensure examination. ─── 还有十二名学生刚刚被录取。传统中医专科课程的建立对中医立法起到了很好的促进作用,因为我们省中医持业者和纽芬兰分会会员人数将会增加。

49、Based on employment outlook,this article elaborates on education programs,academic curriculum and training,and licensure and certification in occupation therapy. ─── 针对这一职业的展望,本文阐述了作业治疗的教育项目、专业培养和课程设置,以及作业治疗工作者获得执照与资格认证等一系列问题。

50、Licensure and Regulation of Veterinarians ─── 兽医许可证和规章制度

51、Streamline the licensure process to enable cross-state e-health; ─── 流线化许可过程,为全国电子医疗创造条件;

52、Submit an application for licensure to the board of nursing in the state or territory where you wish to be licensed. ─── 向你希望注册的州护士局提交申请表格。

53、The junior-college level PT programs aim to train students becoming professional physical therapists and guide them to pass the therapist licensure exam. ─── 五专物理治疗教育为高职改制,课程设计以培育物理治疗人才,并辅导学生通过物理治疗专业证照为主要目标。

54、In preparation for licensure, they study everything from nail growth and skin anatomy to equipment maintenance and business practices. ─── 为了取得许可证,学生学习指甲生长,皮肤解剖,设备维护和商业惯例等相关内容。

55、The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today issued a draft guidance recommending a streamlined path to licensure for establishments that manufacture cord blood for certain medical conditions. ─── FDA今天发布了关于生产胎盘/脐带血产品的生产许可证申请草案,为厂家生产满足医疗使用条件的脐带血产品提供了获得许可证的一系列流程。

56、Ninety percent professionals suggested having positive change to their job if the licensure issue passes. ─── 90%的听语人员认为通过听语证照制度对其工作会有正面影响。

57、Therefore, the most important issue for speech and hearing manpower planning is to establish licensure in speech pathology and audiology. ─── 是故,为了培养人才以及留住人才,建立听语专业人员证照制度极为必须且极为迫切。

58、Part two: Evaluation and management system of licensure and certification for the headmasters in America. ─── 第二章美国中小学校长评价制度与证照的管理。

59、Section VIILicensure by Endorsement, Expedited Licensure by Endorsement, and Temporary and Special Licensure ─── 发照认可、加快发照认可、暂时和特殊的发照

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