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09-22 投稿


scrotal 发音

英:[['skrəʊtəl]]  美:[['skroʊtəl]]

英:  美:

scrotal 中文意思翻译



scrotal 相似词语短语

1、scribal ─── adj.抄写的;抄写员的

2、crotals ─── 克罗塔斯

3、dicrotal ─── 二化螟

4、scrota ─── 阴囊(scrotum的复数)

5、crotala ─── 克罗塔拉

6、crotal ─── n.地衣染料

7、scroll ─── n.(供书写的)长卷纸,卷轴;(石刻或木雕的)涡卷形装饰;v.在电脑屏幕上移动显示(文章或图形);(显示的文章、图形)上下、横向移动;使……像纸卷合(或打开)那样移动

8、rotal ─── 旋转的

9、sclerotal ─── n.巩膜板

scrotal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Percutaneous drainage of the retroperitoneal resulted in resolution of the scrotal abscess. ─── 在施予后腹腔脓疡导管引流后,患者阴囊脓疡才逐渐消退。

2、No epithelial cells were found. hence. a cytological diagnosis of idiopathic calcinosis of the scrotum was suggested. ─── 因未发现上皮细胞.因此建议对阴囊自发性钙沈淀症进行细胞性诊断.

3、Methods:Three cases with testicular microlithiasis were diagnosed with high frequency sonography,and any other situations in the scrotum were also comfirmed. ─── 方法:应用高频超声诊断,同时确定是否存在其它阴囊疾病。

4、The impact of tight fitting jeans was more on males due to anatomical reasons, as jeans leads to increase in temperature of the scrotum, whereas lower temperature was required for proper sperm viability, he said. ─── 他说,低温有助于维持正常的精子生存能力,由于解剖结构的原因,紧身牛仔裤对男性生育力的影响更大,因为紧身牛仔裤可引起阴囊温度升高。

5、However, even a small additional effect on scrotal temperature might be enough to affect a man's sperm quality. ─── 但是,阴囊温度即使受到再小的额外影响也足以使男性精子品质发生变化。

6、We report a right scrotal abscess due to a preceding retroperitoneal abscess originating from retrocecal appendicitis. ─── 本文中报告一位由后肠壁阑尾炎并后腹腔脓疡所造成的阴囊脓疡。

7、Greater mobility from incomplete descent or lack of a scrotal ligament predisposes to this condition. ─── 下降不完全或阴囊韧带缺乏使睾丸活动度增加即可能更易发生扭转。

8、The purpose of this study was to assess the clinical presentation and ultrasonographic findings of acute scrotum in young males. ─── 本篇研究目的在探讨年轻男性阴囊急症之临床表现与超音波发现。

9、There s a variety of emergency of scrotum in children,so it s difficult to judge only by clinical materials. ─── 小儿阴囊急症病种繁多,仅依靠临床资料不易做出准确判断。

10、The male gonads, the testis, lie outside the abdomen within the scrotum. ─── 公畜的生殖腺--睾丸,位于腹壁外的阴囊内。

11、Curing Inguinal and Scrotal Hernia of Dog by Laparotomy ─── 开腹术治疗犬嵌闭性阴囊疝一例

12、It involves the cutting and tying of the vasa deferentia (the thin tubes on both sides of the scrotum through which the sperm travels). ─── 它涉及切断和结扎输精管 (两侧睾丸延伸出的细小管道,为精子通行的通道) 。

13、A 21-year-old man presented with multiple painless palpable masses in the left scrotum which had progressively enlarged over the previous 6 months. ─── 患者为21岁男性,在最近6个月中,于左侧阴囊内出现许多无痛且逐渐扩大的肿瘤。

14、Methods The scrotum including its root and inguinal region was scanned directly to observe the diameter,the ultrasonic features and the vasculation of the spermatic cord. ─── 方法分别在阴囊、阴囊根部及腹股沟部进行超声扫查,观察精索径线的大小、声像图表现及血流情况。

15、Note Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. ─── 备注雄性狗的两个睾丸应完全下垂于阴囊内,外观正常。

16、Keywords scrotum injury;diagnosis;treatment; ─── 关键词阴囊损伤;诊断;治疗;

17、Objective To study the diagnostic value of high frequency ultrasonography for closed scrotal and testicular trauma. ─── 摘要目的探讨高频超声对阴囊、睾丸损伤的诊断价值。

18、She may also use her mouth to explore some of his other erogenous zones in this general area, such as the space between the scrotum and the anus (the perineum), and the anus itself. ─── 她也可以用口探测男子身体的其它一般部位的性敏感区,诸如阴囊与肛门之间的区域(会阴)及其肛门本身。

19、The region between the scrotum and the anus in males, and between the posterior vulva junction and the anus in females. ─── 会阴男性阴囊和肛门间的部分,女性臀部与阴户结合处与肛门间的部分

20、The sonographic findings included scrotal hematoceles, post-traumatic epididymitis, epididymal hematoma, testicular hematoma and/or infarction, testicular rupture, testicular swelling and hyperemia. ─── 其超音波发现包括阴囊血肿,受伤后副睪炎,副睪血肿,睪丸血肿或梗塞,睪丸破裂,睪丸肿胀及充血。

21、How doesn't little boy spermary do in scrotum? ─── 小男孩睾丸不在阴囊里怎么办?

22、Methods The reduced perididymis was opened, and turned over, and then directly performed a fixing suture onto the opened edge of scrotal dartos without making a space. ─── 方法将复位后的睾丸鞘膜切开翻转后直接与切开阴囊肉膜的边缘缝合固定,不做间窝。

23、They have a noticeable tail and males have large scrotal sac. ─── 它们的尾巴非常明显,并且雄性有很大的阴囊。

24、Sometimes the testis fails to enter the scrotum ─── 有时睾丸未能降入阴囊。

25、pedicled scrotal spetum flap ─── 带蒂阴囊中隔皮瓣

26、Objective To investigate the scrotal ultrasonographic features of acquired obstructive azoospermia of proximal deferent duct. ─── 目的探讨近段输精管道获得性梗阻性无精子症的经阴囊超声表现。

27、In addition, visible also at waiting all round scrotal, monsveneris, anus, few number also can happen at lip, tongue, point to, the place such as breast and eyelid, often be ignored easily. ─── 此外,也可见于阴囊、阴阜、肛门周围等,极少数也可发生于口唇、舌、指、乳房及眼睑等部位,往往容易被忽视。

28、Additional, scrotum is a man " small freezer " , it needs to maintain a constant temperature, just be helpful for spermatozoon generate. ─── 另外,阴囊是男人的“小冰箱”,它需要保持一个恒定的温度,才有利于精子的生成。

29、Method:A case of scrotal calcinosis was analyzed and the literatue was reviewed. ─── 方法:分析1例阴囊特发性钙盐沉着症的诊断与治疗并复习相关文献。

30、As a male fetus grows inside his mother's womb, his testicles form inside his abdomen and then, shortly before birth, descend into the scrotum. ─── 当男胎在子宫内发育时,他的睾丸在其腹腔内生成,然后在临出生前不久,下降到阴囊。

31、A 52-year-old male patient had complaints of right flank pain and scrotal tenderness for two days and was diagnosed with epididymitis.Antibiotics were given for his epididymitis. ─── 摘要一位52岁男性病人主诉右额腰痛和右侧阴囊疼痛有两天,被诊断为副睪炎而给予抗生素治疗。

32、It may even form a bluish swelling visible through the skin of the scrotum. ─── 它甚至可能形成透过阴囊皮肤可见的带蓝色的肿胀。

33、Methods: Three cases with testicular microlithiasis were diagnosed with high frequency sonography, and any other situations in the scrotum were also comfirmed. ─── 方法:应用高频超声诊断,同时确定是否存在其它阴囊疾病。

34、The Aarskog-Scott syndrome is a disorder with short stature, hypertelorism, downslanting palpebral fissures, anteverted nostrils, joint laxity, shawl scrotum, and mental retardation. ─── 什麽是'奥斯科格综合徵-遗传性疾病的影响面和生殖器'?

35、There was no preceding history of trauma, inflammation, or any other scrotal disease. ─── 在这之前他并无遭受外伤,发炎或任何其它阴囊疾病的记录。

36、Methods: 45 cases with acute scrotum were examined by CDFI.The shape、echo、 texture and blood flow of each scrotal contents was observed. ─── 方法:应用CDFI对45例非外伤性阴囊急症进行检查,观察阴囊内容物的形态、回声及血流变化,并通过手术及临床治疗随访证实诊断。

37、bearing-down pain of the scrotum ─── 外肾吊痛

38、Methods 52 cases with ASID were examined by CDU.The shape,echotexture and blood flow of each scrotal contents was observed. ─── 方法应用CDU对52例阴囊急性炎症进行检查,观察阴囊内容物的形态、回声及血流变化,并通过手术及临床治疗随访证实诊断。

39、Urethral injury should be suspected if there is (1) blood at the penile meatus, (2) perineal ecchymosis, (3) blood in the scrotum, (4) a high-riding or nonpalpable prostate, or (5) a pelvic fracture. ─── 有下列情况应怀疑有尿道损伤:(1)尿道口有血迹(2)会阴部淤斑(3)阴囊内血肿(4)前列腺位置过高或触摸不清?(5)骨盆骨折。

40、The new technique can correct knots of varicose veins in the scrotum, known as varicoceles, that can adversely affect a man's sperm count and quality, research in Germany has shown. ─── 德国的研究发现新技术可以纠正影响男人精子数目和质量的精索静脉曲张(即精囊的曲张的静脉结)。

41、relating to or having or lying within a scrotum. ─── 有阴囊的,关于阴囊的,或存在于阴囊内的。

42、A study by State University of New York researchers says heat generated from laptops can significantly elevate the temperature of the scrotum, potentially putting sperm count at risk. ─── 根据一项纽约州州立大学的研究报告,笔记本电脑产生的热量会显著提高阴囊表面的问题,从而影响精子的数量。

43、In a way the scrotum acts like a thermostat, trying to provide an even temperature for the continuous production of sperm which is taking place inside the testicles. ─── 从某种程度上看,阴囊像一个自动调温器一样发挥著作用,它试图在睾丸内为精子的持续产生调节出一个恰好的温度。

44、Scrotal skin defect may happen after trauma, infectious destruction, burn injury, malignancy and congenital anomalies. ─── 摘要阴囊皮肤缺损可能发生在外伤,感染,烫伤,恶性肿瘤或先天性异常。

45、However, even asmall additional effect on scrotal temperature might be enough to affect a man's sperm quality. ─── 但是,阴囊温度即使受到再小的额外影响也足以使男性精子质量发生变化。

46、Multiple scrotal epidermolytic acanthomas; secondary to trauma? ─── 多发性阴囊表皮松解性棘皮瘤:继发于外伤?

47、We describe a very rare case of linear BCC of the scrotum. ─── 在,报告一罕见之阴囊线状基底细胞癌个案。

48、In most cases, undescended testicles move down into the scrotal sac on their own within the first few months. ─── 在大多数的情况下,未下降的睾丸在出生后数月内会自动向下移入阴囊。

49、relating to or having or lying within a scrotum ─── 有阴囊的,关于阴囊的,或存在于阴囊内的

50、The scrotal Sao that needs to be caused with lack of scrotal heurodermatitis, riboflavin sometimes itchs cancer of appearance of the eczema outside reaching a breast is made differentiate. ─── 有时需要与阴囊的神经性皮炎、核黄素缺乏引起的阴囊瘙痒及乳房外湿疹样癌作出鉴别。

51、Methods: Of one stage,we used urethroplasty with midline scrotal flap with vessel pedicle for treating hypospadias. ─── 方法:采用阴囊中隔带血管蒂皮瓣一期修复尿道下裂。

52、Methods:A study group of 110 testes underwent scrotal subcutaneous orchiopexy through abdominal transverse cleavage line incision with gubernaculum testis reserved,108 testes were followed up. ─── 方法:研究组采用腹横纹切口保留睾丸引带阴囊皮下睾丸固定术110侧,得到随访108侧隐睾。

53、According to the position and slippage of these testes,undescended testis was classified as: cryptorchidism (187),gliding testis (67),testis of high scrotal position (15),retractile testis (15) and ectopic testis (11). ─── 根据睾丸的位置及其滑动情况,下降异常的睾丸可分为隐睾(187个)、滑行睾丸(67个)、阴囊高位睾丸(15个)、回缩睾丸(15个)和异位睾丸(11个)。

54、The male gonads, the testes, lie outside the abdomen within the scrotum. ─── 公畜的生殖腺--睾丸,位于腹壁内的阴囊内。

55、No epithelial cells were found, hence, a cytological diagnosis of idiopathic calcinosis of the scrotum was suggested. ─── 因未发现上皮细胞,因此建议对阴囊自发性钙沈淀症进行细胞性诊断。

56、Using a laptop pad resulted in less heat exposure to the skin, but the researchers said it didn't do much to reduce scrotal temperature. ─── 使用笔记本底座可以减少对皮肤的热传导,但是研究者称这却不能避免阴囊温度升高。

57、You should have serious scrotal moisture. ─── 你应该有严重的阴囊潮湿。

58、In the control group,62 testes underwent scrotal dartos orchiopexy and were followed up. ─── 对照组采用肉膜囊睾丸固定术并得到随访62侧。

59、N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. ─── 公犬需要有两颗明显正常的睾丸在阴囊内。

60、We believe that CDFI plays an unique role in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of scrotal and testicle diseases and is the first choice for diagnosis of these diseases. ─── 认为CDFI在明囊内疾病的诊断与鉴别诊断中具有独到之处,可作为首选的检查方法。

61、We report a surgically confirmed case of scrotal fibrous pseudotumors. ─── 摘要本文描述一经手术证实之阴囊伪肿瘤病例。

62、The cause is this: When the testicles descend into the scrotum before birth, a sac and some fluid from inside the abdomen move down along with it. ─── 其病因是:当睾丸在出生之前降入阴囊时,鞘膜囊和来自于腹腔内部的液体往下流向阴囊。

63、Method The effective nursing of 22 patients with urethral injury, scrotum aematoma, visceral injury and unstable pelvic fracture were analysed retrospectively. ─── 方法:回顾性分析22例合并尿道损伤、阴囊血肿、内脏损伤、骨盆不稳定骨折等进行的有效护理方法。

64、Methods Direct detection of 46 cases of patients with acute scrotum and the contralateral side of the comparative analysis. ─── 方法采用直接探测法对46例阴囊急症患者进行患侧与健侧的对比分析。

65、Methods The axial flap and the random tube flap (joining the chest and abdomen) were used to treat 8 cases of lymphedema on scrotum and legs resulting in serious pathological changes of skin. ─── 方法对8例阴囊及下肢淋巴水肿所致严重皮肤病变应用轴型皮瓣和任意型皮瓣(胸腹联合皮管)治疗。

66、Methods: The clinical date of 7 cases of idiopathic gangrenosis of scrotum were retrospective studied. ─── 方法回顾分析7例特发性阴囊坏疽治疗方案。

67、Local recurrences were noted after previous wide excisions, and then radical orchiectomy and excision of part of the scrotal wall were performed. ─── 在经过两次广范围切除手术后,又发现有局部复发情形。因此乃施行根治性睪丸切除手术并切除部分右阴囊组织。

68、This report describes two cases of scrotal cystocele coexistent with lipoma and the possible correlation between these two conditions. ─── 在此我们报告两例这种病例并讨论脂肪瘤和阴囊膀胱疝气的关系。

69、Greater mobility from incomplete descent or lack of a scrotal ligament predisposes to this condition. ─── 下降不完全或阴囊韧带缺乏使睾丸活动度增加即可能更易发生扭转。

70、latex urinal with rubber scrotum bag ─── 带橡胶阴囊袋的乳胶尿袋

71、Method The effective nursing of 22 patients with urethral injury,scrotum aematoma,visceral injury and unstable pelvic fracture were analysed retrospectively. ─── 方法:回顾性分析22例合并尿道损伤、阴囊血肿、内脏损伤、骨盆不稳定骨折等进行的有效护理方法。

72、The condition is characterized by multiple calcified and asymptomatic nodules within the scrotal skin that usually occurs during childhood or early adulthood. ─── 本病症的特征是多重钙化性及无病症的肿瘤存在于阴囊皮肤,通常发生在小孩或年轻人。

73、issue of settlements merger related to the planning, management, construct, and other fields, so solve the issue needs many scrotal coordination and cooperation. ─── 居民点合并问题关系到规划、管理、建设等多个领域,所以该问题的解决需要多行业多部门协调合作。

74、Methods The reduced perididymis was opened,and turned over,and then directly performed a fixing suture onto the opened edge of scrotal dartos without making a space. ─── 方法将复位后的睾丸鞘膜切开翻转后直接与切开阴囊肉膜的边缘缝合固定,不做间窝。

75、Keywords Hypospadias Scrotal skin flap Repair; ─── 尿道下裂;阴囊皮瓣;修复;

76、Objective To debate the clinical and ultrasonic character of scrotum emergencies causesd by several etiology. ─── 本文探讨几种病因致阴囊急症的临床及超声特点。

77、There was no preceding history of trauma, inflammation, or any other scrotal disease. ─── 在这之前他并无遭受外伤,发炎或任何其它阴囊疾病的记录。

78、This rare clinical presentation and its possible mechanisms are discussed.The possibility of an acute appendicitis should also be considered in patients with right scrotal tenderness. ─── 本篇报告这种罕见的临床症状和讨论可能的原因,在阴囊疼痛的病人,急性阑尾炎的可能性仍要考虑在内。

79、He has had painless swelling in his scrotum. ─── 他的阴囊有不痛的肿大。

80、The main clinical characteristics was painless scrotal mass with 50% varicocele and 20% hydrocele. ─── 主要表现为睾丸无痛性长大,50%伴有精索静脉曲张,20%伴有睾丸鞘膜积液。

81、Still, having moved the testicle down into the scrotum makes it easier to detect and treat testicular cancer if it develops. ─── 尽管如此,如果有癌症发生的话,已经做过睾丸降入阴囊手术,则有利于探查和治疗睾丸癌。

82、Surgery, performed on a man's vas deferens inside the scrotum, which renders him infertile. ─── 一个外科手术,把男人阴囊内的输精管切断,使得其失去生育能力.

83、Value of CDFI in the Diagnosis of Acute Scrotum ─── 彩色多普勒超声对非外伤性阴囊急症诊断价值的探讨

84、Scrotal scan and color duplex ultrasnogram had a higher predictive positive rate than Doppler stethoscope, but they were costly procedures and the scan can not usually be performed in an emergency. ─── 手术中有11位病人(82.4%)因?丸坏死而接受?丸切除术,其馀6位病人的?丸则能保存下来。

85、We reported a case with a gradually progressed painless left testicular mass for more than six months without history of inflammation, infection, trauma or previous sugery over scrotal region. ─── 本院报告一例睪丸白膜纤维性伪瘤,因在侧睪丸持续非疼痛性肿大六个月之久而来院求诊。

86、However, such a lump must be distinguished from the epidydemis, which sits on top of each testicle and can also be felt through the scrotal skin. ─── 但是,必须把肿块与附睾加以区别。附睾位于每一侧睾丸后上方,并且也能够通过阴囊皮肤触摸到。

87、Seventy six cases had assosiated anomalies, consisting mainly of cryptorchidism, hernia, bifid scrotum, and intersex. ─── 在186位患者中,有13位患者的兄弟,亦有尿道下裂的情形,亦即家族发生率约6.9%。

88、A sane man would stop at this point and realize these magical heat rays were landing just inches from his tender scrotum. ─── 任何一个理智的人此时都会停下来,因为这些神奇的辐射光线离斯宾塞阴囊很近。

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