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09-22 投稿


leisured 发音

英:[ˈleʒəd]  美:[ˈliːʒərd]

英:  美:

leisured 中文意思翻译



leisured 短语词组

1、involuntarily leisured ─── 不由自主的悠闲

leisured 词性/词形变化,leisured变形

过去分词:leisured 原型:leisure 过去式:leisured

leisured 相似词语短语

1、pleasured ─── v.(使)高兴,满意;使有性快感;寻欢作乐(pleasure的过去式和过去分词)

2、lectured ─── v.演讲;授课(lecture的过去式)

3、censured ─── v.严厉谴责,责备(censure的过去式和过去分词)

4、leistered ─── vt.以鱼叉刺(鱼);n.鱼叉;n.(Leister)人名;(英、德)莱斯特

5、leisure ─── n.闲暇;空闲;安逸;adj.空闲的;有闲的;业余的;n.(Leisure)人名;(英)莱热

6、unleisured ─── 无弹性

7、leisurely ─── adj.悠闲的;从容的;adv.悠闲地;从容不迫地

8、reinsured ─── v.再给……保险(reinsure的过去式和过去分词)

9、ensured ─── 确保;使安全

leisured 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Physical leisured ─── 海洋体育

2、Take work, for instance.In 1930 John Maynard Keynes imagined that richer societies would become more leisured ones, liberated from toil to enjoy the finer things in life. ─── 拿工作来说,1930年JohnMaynardKeynes(英国经济学家凯恩斯)曾设想更富裕的社会应该使人变的更闲暇,可以让人们从幸苦的劳动中解放出来去享受更好的生活。

3、Losers are always leisured. ─── 失败者空闲时间总是很多。

4、The leisured white cloud owes the more softness to the breeze and the more greatness to the sky; ─── 悠然的白云经历感恩的洗礼,愈发会感受到清风的柔顺、天空的博大;

5、There are so many contexts during the concept of lifestyle.This paper concludes the work 1ifestyle,the expense lifestyle, the leisured way of life, the contact lifestyle and the family life way. ─── 生活方式容纳的范围非常广泛,本文涉及的范围主要包括了劳动生活方式、衣食住行等物质生活方式、消费生活方式和闲暇生活方式等方面。

6、Since almost the earliest times, whenever there was leisure and wealth to be enjoyed, the women displayed their leisured status by rendering themselves obviously incapable of physical work. ─── 几乎是从最早的时代开始,无论何时只要有闲暇和财富的滋润,女性总是通过表现自己无力劳作,来展示她们的高贵身份。

7、Their leisured world had been turned topsy-turvy, and their pleadings, prayers and advice availed nothing against the powerful forces sweeping them along. ─── 她们的悠闲生活已经天翻地覆,她们的开导、祈求和忠告已毫无用处,怎么也抵挡不住那股势如狂澜将她们席卷而去的巨大力量了。

8、11. I can't endure the leisured man's measures for the treasures in the treasury. ─── 我不能容忍那个悠闲男子对金库财宝采取的措施。

9、But if I am alone, only for leisured ride, I would not wear it. ─── 但是如果就只有一个人,只是为了休闲骑行,我一般不会带。

10、During holidays, you may put down anything, and enjoy the leisured rhythm in the private club of ROYAL MANSION. ─── 风云间隙,放下一切,在美域私家会所,享受从容不迫的节奏。

11、In 1930 John Maynard Keynes imagined that richer societies would become more leisured ones, liberated from toil to enjoy the finer things in life. ─── 约翰.梅纳德.凯恩斯在1930年想象富裕的国家会成为更加休闲的国家,从辛勤的劳作中解放出来,享受生活中更加美好的事物。

12、the leisured classes ─── 有闲阶级.

13、The wealthy, leisured classes appear to have devolved into the ineffectual, not very bright Eloi he has already seen; ─── 这些理论从来得不到校长的赏识,总是被看作“不切实际的幻想”而打入冷宫。

14、Developed Countries Turning their Vision on the "Leisured Economic Activity" ─── 发达国家的目光开始转向"休闲经济活动"

15、Annabel and Midge came out of the tea room with the arrogant slow gait of the leisured ─── 安娜博尔和米吉从小餐馆里走出来,迈着高傲和缓慢的步子,象个闲人,悠然自得。

16、I can't endure the leisured man's measures for the treasures in the Treasury. ─── 我不能忍受那个从容不迫%(悠闲)的人对国库内的拆产进行估量。

17、Leisured coos of doves gently passing, I wonder, ─── 不知轻盈荡过的悠悠鸽鸣

18、For seventy years nobody other than Lin Yutang has depicted the past and future of China in such a leisured, interesting and cheering way. ─── 整整七十年中,仍没有人比林语堂更从容、有趣、兴致昂然的描绘了中国的过去与未来。

19、The active one plus the passive one constitutes the army of the leisured class. ─── 二者构成了庞大的休闲大军。

20、2 At that time all but Confucius felt nervous. He felt leisured and easy in the hotel, playing musical instrument and singing as if nothing had happen. ─── 话说有一次,孔子旅行到了卫国一个叫匡的地方,卫国人一见孔子,便不由分说的将他和他的弟子们团团围困在旅舍内,情况看来有点不妙。

21、At this time of the year, nowhere is as good as a seaside retreat like Gloria Resort Sanya for a leisured holiday. ─── 他说:“如今三亚拥有众多知名品牌的酒店,彼此之间既有良性的竞争又互相协作,我们自身的努力最终都是为了推动亚龙湾的发展。

22、221. I can't endure the leisured man's measures for the treasures in the treasury. ─── 我不能忍受那个从容不迫(悠闲)的人对国库内的拆产进行估量。

23、HoHoenjoy yourself to the valuable leisured vacation! ─── 呵呵,好好享受一下难得的休闲时光吧!

24、What’s more, the author also analysis the advantages and the assurance of chemistry concealed knowledge teaching: create a losse, leisured and harmonious teaching environment; ─── 在此基础上,笔者还分析了化学隐性知识教学的有利条件和保障:构建宽松和谐的教学环境;

25、It is referred as the "active leisured class. ─── 这一阶层在未来五年内将达到一至两亿人;

26、By the use of vigorous and firmly colorful ink, these works make the nonentity appears in all glory and make us feel a leisured megatrend and great wisdom; ─── 这些作品以雄浑瑰玮的彩墨,将玄远的虚无物化得仪态万方,让人感受着从容不迫的大气象、大智慧;

27、whatever he does he would do it in an orderly and leisured way, with a constant noble air. ─── 走路无声无息,吃饭细嚼慢咽,做事有条不紊,举手投足处处散发贵族气质。

28、During holidays, you may put down anything, and enjoy the leisured rhythm in the private club of ROYAL MANSION. ─── 风云间隙,放下一切,在美域私家会所,享受从容不迫的节奏。

29、leisured a. ─── 有空的;

30、Perspective of The Characteristics of Ecological Tourism in Our Country from Leisured Cultural Viewpoint ─── 从休闲文化视角透视我国生态旅游的特色

31、But Worth also took more leisured commissions ─── 但沃思也接受较为轻松的任务。

32、the leisured class ─── 有闲阶级

33、I cant endure the leisured mans measures for the treasures in the Treasury. ─── 我不能容忍那个悠闲男子对金库财宝采取的措施。

34、Both can be fully appreciated only if examined from many different angles, only if studied leisured but in depth. ─── 只有从许多不同的角度进行审视,并放松下来深入考究,才有可能充分领略这两个方面。

35、For seventy years nobody other than Lin Yutang has depicted the past and future of China in such a leisured, interesting and cheering way. ─── 整整七十年中,仍没有人比林语堂更从容、有趣、兴致昂然的描绘了中国的过去与未来。

36、I can't endure the leisured man's measures for the treasures in the treasury. ─── 我不能容忍那个??闲男子对?鹂獠?宝采取的措施.

37、It's a joy to watch these colorful characters, and their exacting, physically demanding dances, from a leisured distance. ─── 观赏这些形象鲜明充满活力的角色大展舞姿,是人生一大乐趣。

38、Leisured family life brings variable tourism means. ─── 摘要家庭生活闲暇化带来了旅游方式的多样化。

39、Developed Countries Turning their Vision on the "Leisured Economic Activity" ─── 发达国家的目光开始转向“休闲经济活动”

40、Keywords formal;leisured;furniture;expression of symbol; ─── 正式;休闲;家具;符号表现;

41、Men's leisured jeans shirt, high quality, supper lower price! ─── 男士牛仔休闲衬衫高质量超低价!

42、Leisured tourism agricultural ─── 观光休闲农业

43、In the course of their leisured lives, the protagonists learn important lessons about themselves and other people. ─── 小说中的主人公通过他们的闲暇生活,常能体察和他们自身以及和别人有关的一些重大问题。

44、Annabel and Midge came out of the tea room with the arrogant slow gait of the leisured . ─── 安娜博尔和米吉从小餐馆里走出来,迈着高傲和缓慢的步子,象个闲人,悠然自得。

45、Lin Bu's poetry embodied the inditing thinking of leisured and comfortable temper.His poems paid more attention and gave more representation to himself. ─── 林逋的诗歌体现了“适性情”的诗歌创作思想,更多地关注、表现诗人自我。

46、6 Who is so leisured to spurt the wind continuously? Why is it so on earth? ─── 风由北方兴起,向东再转往西吹。在高空,更有持续的喷射气流在那儿活动,是谁在促使风的吹拂呢?

47、It's a joy to watch these colorful characters, and their exacting, physically demanding dances, from a leisured distance. ─── 观赏这些形象鲜明充满活力的角色大展舞姿,是人生一大乐趣。

48、The leisured man took no measure for the treasure in the treasury. ─── 那个悠闲的男子对金库里的财宝没有采取措施.

49、More recently , imperial collections have set the standards for scholars, artists, aesthetes and the leisured classes. ─── 到了后来宫廷的收藏又无疑地成为收藏家、学者、艺术家的鉴赏标准。

50、Creative Meaning of Leisured Life ─── 休闲生活的创造意蕴

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