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mongol 发音

英:[ˈmɑːŋɡəl]  美:[ˈmɒŋɡəl]

英:  美:

mongol 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 蒙古族人




mongol 词性/词形变化,mongol变形

名词复数: mongo |

mongol 短语词组

1、mongol kino ─── 蒙古语Kino

2、Juchen Mongol Invasion of the Sung ─── 儒臣蒙古侵宋

3、mongol zaluu mongolalu

4、mongol c ─── 蒙古语c

5、hoh mongol ─── 蒙古语Hoh

6、Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture ─── 博尔塔拉蒙古自治州

7、mongol kuken ─── 蒙古库肯语

8、mongol keyboard ─── 蒙古语键盘

9、Juchen Mongol Conquest of the Liao ─── 巨臣蒙古征服辽

10、mongol ger ─── 蒙古格族

11、Mongol dynasty ─── [网络] 蒙古王朝

12、mongol nahia ─── 蒙古那亚语

13、mongol ohin ─── 蒙古ohin

14、mongol ash ─── 蒙古灰

15、Mongol Tatar ─── [网络] 蒙古鞑靼人

16、mongol man du tu hai ─── 蒙古人杜图海

17、mongol gj ─── 蒙古gj

18、Juchen Mongol Invasion of the Sung Empire ─── 儒臣蒙古入侵宋帝国

19、Mongol Empire ─── 蒙古帝国

mongol 常用词组

nei mongol ─── 内蒙古

mongol empire ─── [史]蒙古帝国

mongol 相似词语短语

1、mangold ─── n.一种饲牛用的甜菜;n.(Mangold)人名;(德、英、西、塞)曼戈尔德

2、mongrel ─── n.杂种;混血儿;杂种动物;adj.杂种的;混血儿的

3、mongo ─── n.蒙戈(蒙古货币名,等于1/100图格里克);n.(Mongo)人名;(西、几、刚(布))蒙戈

4、mongols ─── n.蒙古人(Mongol的复数)

5、mongoe ─── 蒙哥

6、mongos ─── n.蒙戈(蒙古货币单位,mongo的复数形式)

7、Dongola ─── n.栋古拉(苏丹北部省的一部分)

8、Mongol ─── n.蒙古人,蒙古语

9、mongoes ─── n.蒙戈(蒙古货币名,等于1/100图格里克);n.(Mongo)人名;(西、几、刚(布))蒙戈

mongol 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Rivalry among the Mongol imperial heirs, natural disasters, and numerous peasant uprisings led to the collapse of the Yuan dynasty. ─── 蒙古皇室后裔为争皇位而进行的争斗,自然灾害以及无数的农民起义导致了元朝政权的崩溃。

2、The implement and abolishment of confiscation law reflected the conflict and bout between Mongol and the Han nationality in politics, culture, ideology, morality fields. ─── 元文宗朝,由于燕铁木儿对上都派政敌采取大规模的籍没行动,社会上要求废止籍没妻孥的呼声十分高涨,统治者不得不做出政策修改,并于元顺帝朝基本废止此法。

3、There are 1154 Kazak, 736 Uigur, 115 Hui Nationality, 51 Mongol, 55 Russian and 98 other minorities. ─── 少数民族中哈萨克族考生1154人,维吾尔族考生736人,回族考生115人,达斡尔族80人,俄罗斯考生55人,蒙古族考生51人,其它如柯尔克孜族、锡伯族、塔塔尔族、满族、壮族共98人。

4、On this date: In 1227, the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan died. ─── 1227年,蒙古国王成吉思汗逝世.

5、Most Mongolians are Mongol in descent. ─── 大多数蒙古人在血统上都缘于蒙古(Mongol)。

6、No, the Mongols are playing a bit bigger role. I quite like playing the Chinese right now because they feature quite a number of Mongol influenced units. ─── 不,蒙古扮演比较大的角色.我现在很喜欢扮演中国,因为他们的有蒙古军.

7、Mongol soldier: Such is the fate of the Hungarians and all who would oppose the tribes of Mongolia! ─── 就是打匈牙利那关,要把匈牙利打成什么样子才会出现那句话(看下面)?

8、Until the last century or so before the Christian era, the Mongol and the Nordic peoples had not been in close touch. ─── 大约公元前的最近一个世纪,蒙古人和北欧日耳曼民族并没有紧密的联系。

9、But Toktamish overreached himself when he tried to demand the cession of territories ruled by another Mongol chief, Timur (1336 1405), whose capital was Samarkand. ─── 但是,托克塔米扩张自己的势力,试图要求另一个蒙古首领帖木儿 (1336-1405年)所管辖的领土割让与他,帖木儿建都撒马尔罕。

10、In the early 13th century, Genghis Khan, leader of the Mongols, established the Mongol Khanate in north China. ─── 十三世纪初,蒙古族领袖成吉思汗在中国北部建立蒙古汗国。

11、Under the eaves in front is hung a huge vertical board on which are inscribed, in both Chinese and Mongol, words which stand for "The Mausoleum of Genghis Khan". ─── 八角飞檐下,悬挂着“成吉思汗陵”五个蒙汉文金色大字的竖匾。

12、Mongol conqueror of India who made periodic raids into India (59-524), captured Delhi and Agra (52'), and founded the Mogul dynasty. ─── 巴伯尔:印度莫卧儿征服者,他对印度进行周期性的突袭(59-524年),占领了德里和阿格拉(52'年),并建立了莫卧儿王朝

13、New distributional taxa of Angiospermae in Nei Mongol region. ─── 内蒙古种子植物新纪录分类群.

14、One of them, called Ogadai, succeeded him as Great Khan of the Mongol Empire. ─── 其中一个儿子名叫窝阔台,继承了父位成为蒙古帝国的大汗。

15、A Mongol or Mongolian. ─── 一个蒙古人或蒙古语

16、She was beaten by the Mongol khans. ─── 它败在蒙古可汗手中。

17、The 2003 study found that large numbers of Asian men from the regions that once made up the Mongol empire shared a single Y chromosome, and that this originated in a man who lived in the early 13th century. ─── 2003年一项研究显示,在属于曾经蒙古帝国领域的很多地区的很多亚洲男性都有相同的Y染色体,而且都可以追溯到13世纪早期的成吉思汗身上。

18、Remember, just because Han, Manchu, Mongol are now in the same family NOW doesn't mean they were few hundred years ago. ─── 但是其他的汉文化我们是很热爱很敬佩的,要不当时已经统一中国的清朝皇帝为什么要知道汉化,连语言都改说汉语呢?

19、In the west, a Mongol army invaded eastern Europe. ─── 在西方,一支蒙古军队入侵东欧。

20、They said it was the first time such a large piece of hull had been recovered from the Mongol invasion fleets. ─── 他们说这是头一次发现蒙古入侵船只如此大的一块外壳。

21、Qian Gorlos Mongol Nationality Autonomous County ─── 前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县

22、Buli yate is one tribe of Mongol minority, they live in Hulunbeier area and Russia all around. ─── 布里亚特是蒙古族的一支部族,现主要聚居于呼伦贝尔以及俄罗斯境内。

23、Upon its founding, the Republic of China declared itself a unified republic of the Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui, Tibetan and other races. ─── 中华民国一经成立,即宣布它是合汉、满、蒙、回、藏等民族为一体的共和国。

24、Institute of History and Philology, Academia SinicaThe Huai river formed the Song Dynasty’s front line of defense against the Jin Mongol, along which were arrayed the major border forces. ─── 南宋时代,淮河是宋朝防御金蒙的前线,也是边防布置的主力所在。

25、The Mongol army that attacked from across the sea ─── 元军越海攻来

26、In March, the invading Mongol army, while attacking Zhongdu, plundered the Jin s food supply and reinforcement, forcing the city to starve. ─── 三月,围中都蒙古军击溃金援军,尽获所运粮饷,使中都陷于粮尽援绝的困境。

27、Dairy curd, or cream, is called “Huruta” in Mongol language. ─── 奶豆腐,又称乳酪,蒙古语称“胡如塔”

28、The Great Wall of China was built to link existing fortifications into a united defense system and better keep invading Mongol tribes out of China. ─── 中国的万里长城是在中国古代为抵御蒙古人入侵而建造的,它将已有的单个要塞连成一体,从而形成一个完整的防御体系。

29、Studies on the genus Stachys (Labiatae) in Nei Mongol. ─── 内蒙古水苏属(唇形科)的研究.

30、A descendant of Genghis Khan and Timur, he came from a tribe of Mongol origin but was Turkish in language and upbringing. ─── 他是成吉思汗(Genghis Khan)和帖木儿(Timur)的后裔,虽来自蒙古部落,却是说土耳其语,在土耳其的环境下成长。

31、For well over a thousand years various Chinese dynasties claimed suzerainty over the Mongol tribes, as they did over most other peoples who lived within about 1,500 miles of the emperor's palace. ─── 一千多年以来,中国各朝代声称对蒙古部落拥有宗主权,正如他们对居住在皇宫周围1500英里以内的大多数其他民族拥有宗主权一样。

32、Your goal in this this is a tricky strategy-warfare game is to try to wipe out the military of opposing nations, expand the Mongol empire and conquer the world. ─── 你的目标在这方面,这是一个棘手的策略战争游戏,是设法消灭军方反对联合国扩大蒙古帝国和征服世界。

33、Strong traditions link Hong Kong with the events surrounding the Mongol incursions and the concluding chapters of the Song Dynasty in the 13th century AD. ─── 公元13世纪,元兵南下,结束宋室的统治;香港与这段历史渊源深厚。

34、Mongol four-stringed instrument, which is one of the bow-stringed instruments, Mongol stringed instrument, Mongol three-stringed instrument and flute are called "Four Parts",in Mongolia minority band. ─── 四胡是蒙古族最具代表性的传统弓弦乐器之一,它与马头琴、三弦、笛子共称蒙古族乐队中的“四大件”。

35、The Strategy to Develop Nei Mongol's Soybean Production. ─── 发展内蒙古豆生产的对策建议。

36、He combines both the theoretical property of poem and external factors with his own creation practice, and systematically advanced particular poetry creating theory, which is the main part of Mongol poetics research. ─── 他的诗学理论体系在总结前人创作经验基础上,从诗歌的理论属性和外部因素两方面结合自己的创作实践,系统地提出了独有的诗歌创作理论,是蒙古族诗学研究的重要组成部分。

37、Mongol stringed instrument was listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage list in 2006. ─── 2006年马头琴已被列入第一批国家非物质文化遗产名录。

38、After founding the Mongol Empire and being proclaimed “Genghis Khan”, he started the Mongol invasions and raids of the Kara-Khitan Khanate, Caucasus, Khwarezmid Empire, Western Xia and Jin dynasties. ─── 他通过统一东北亚的游牧部落建立起了自己的政权。

39、Classification and eco-geographical distribution of the genus Pulsatilla Adans. in Nei Mongol. ─── 内蒙古白头翁属植物的分类及其生态地理分布.

40、Yingen-Ejina Basins in the west of Nei Mongol is shown by superposition of Mesozoic and Cainozoic on basement of pre-Palaeozoic constitutes. ─── 内蒙西部银根-额济纳盆地群是在前古生代基底上发育起来的中、新生代“叠置型”盆地群。

41、A medieval ruler of a Mongol, Tartar, or Turkish tribe. ─── 可汗蒙古族、鞑靼人或土耳其人在中世纪时的统治者

42、The Mongol Derby 2009 is a true humdinger of an adventure, and to make it even better, it aims to save a bit of the world too. ─── 2009蒙古德比是一次非常好的冒险,并且为了使活动办得更好,它的目标也是拯救世界的一点资源。

43、Shiping Chen, Yongfei Bai, Xingguo Han. 2002.Variation of Water-Use Efficiency of Leymus chinensis and Cleistogenes squarrosa in Different Plant Communities in Xilin River Basin,Nei Mongol. ─── 孙双峰,黄建辉,林光辉,赵威,韩兴国.2005.稳定同位素技术在植物水分利用研究中的应用.生态学报25:2362-2371.

44、During four years the positive rate of Inner Mongol tin alliance to each station was highest 17.6% and to make a definite diagnosis of 2 517 patients and account for the new number of the infected 50.07%. ─── 4年各点阳性率以内蒙锡盟最高17.6%,确诊病人2517例,占新发病人数的50.07%。

45、Their principal weapon was the bow, and Mongol boys learned to shoot arrows from small bows with great skill. ─── 他们的主要武器是弓箭,蒙古男孩会射小弓箭,技艺高超。

46、In the 13th 14th centuries, with the resuming of Eastern Western exchange, the ruling class of the Mongol Empire beganusing cheetah, which only lived in Western Asia and Africa, as their hunting tool. ─── 13- 14世纪 ,随着东、西方交往的畅通 ,蒙古帝国的统治者大量使用原产于西亚、非洲地区的猎豹进行狩猎活动。

47、Have modeled images of the ancient Mongol Bazihu image. ─── 人物形象仿照留有八字胡的古代蒙古人的形象。

48、He is known for embarking on a pilgrimage from Mongol-controlled China to Jerusalem with one of his students, Rabban Markos. ─── 他和他的一名学生(拉班·马科斯)进行了从元朝到耶路撒冷的朝圣之旅,并因此而闻名天下。

49、By 1260, when Marco was six years old, the empire was at its largest extent and was ruled by Kublai, greatest of all the Mongol Great Khans. ─── 1260年,也就是马可波罗六岁时,是蒙古帝国疆域最辽阔的时期,此时帝国的统治者是忽必烈,他是蒙古最伟大的一位大汗。

50、In Mongolia minority band, Mongol four-stringed instrument and three stringed instrument are called "Two Brothers", they always appear at the same time. ─── 在蒙古族乐队中四胡与三弦还被人们称为“两兄弟”,有四胡的地方必有三弦,有三弦的地方一定有四胡。

51、In the meantime, a Mongol enemy put his 12-year-old brother on the throne in Fergana. ─── 在此期间,一个蒙古人把他12岁的弟弟扶上了他在费尔干纳的王座。

52、Mongol rulers expressed their attitude to the Dayton Zen by supported and protected Nanhua temple. ─── 南华寺受到蒙古统治者的扶持和保护,也体现出元朝政府对禅宗顿教的态度。

53、Later still, in 1271, he formally established the Mongol dynasty under the Chinese title of"Da Yuan","The Great Beginning'. ─── 1271年下半年,他正式确立了以汉字“大元”为国号的蒙古朝代,意思为“伟大的开端”。

54、In 1351, the people in many parts of the country rose in revolt against the rule of the Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty. ─── 公元一三五一年,即元顺帝至正十一年,各地人民纷纷起义。

55、There they met a Mongol ambassador who invited them to Cathay (China). ─── 在那儿,他们遇到了一位蒙古使者,邀请他们去中国。

56、The Alashan Mongol was a major tribe with which the royal family of the Qing Dynasty had political intermarriage. ─── 阿拉善蒙古是清朝皇帝实行政治联姻。重点部落,有清一代,该部与清皇家的婚姻始终不断。

57、In 1351,the people in many parts of the country rose in revolt against the rule of the Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty. ─── 公元1351年,即元顺帝至正11年,各地人民纷纷起义。

58、Not long after the Tang era(618-907), when trade along the Silk Road had reached its height, the fearsome Genghis Khan and his Mongol armies conquered a vast area spanning much of Central Asia. ─── 唐代是丝绸之路沿途贸易活动的鼎盛时期,在唐代王朝灭亡后不久,令人闻风丧胆的成吉思汗及其蒙古大军征服了横跨中亚大部分地区的广阔领土。

59、There he established a fresh Mongol state called the Kingdom of the Great Mughals. ─── 他在那里建立了一个叫大莫卧儿王国的新蒙古国。

60、Cahar as a special leadership in Mongol society has its beginning in the ancient empire of Mongols, having been blessed Toloi family by Chinggis Khan. ─── 察哈尔蒙古起源于遥远的大蒙古国初期,被成吉思汗当作永久的纪念赐给拖雷家族的主妇,因而形成了这一蒙古社会拖雷家族主妇名下的特殊“领户”。

61、The contradictions between the nomadism of the northem steppes and the settled agricultural and urban life of the south, between Mongol feudalism and Chinese bu- reaucratism, were too sharp to permit any lasting compromise. ─── 北方草原的游牧民族与南方固定的农业、城市生活之间存在着矛盾,蒙古封建主义与中国官僚主义之间存在着矛盾,这些矛盾都过于尖锐而无法永久地调和。

62、They visited Cathay (the old name for China) and became friends with Kublai Khan, the great Mongol Emperor. ─── 他们访问过震旦(中国的古名),并且成为蒙古大帝忽必烈的朋友。

63、ja, mongol naij nar mini hereglej u`jehe gui yu? ─── 只要多用多谢就会进步很快。

64、Different source of the Mongol nationality college students have difference in 7 personal factors. ─── 不同来源地的蒙古族大学生在乐群性等七个人格维度上表现出显著差异。

65、Gernet, Jacques 1962, "Daily Life in China on the Eve of the Mongol Invasion 1250-1276", London: Ruskin House. ─── 傅筑夫,1980。"中国经济史论丛",北京:生活.读书.新知三联书店。

66、Humai is a special vocality art of Mongol minority, which was listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage lists. ─── “呼麦”是蒙古族特有的一种声乐艺术,2006年被列入第一批国家非物质文化遗产名录。

67、From January to May of 1985 the authors of this article investigated, by random sampling, 649 cases of epicanthus and epibole(312 cases for male, 334 for female)among the Mongolians from all parts of Nei Mongol Autonomous Region. ─── 作者于1985年1月至5月调查了内蒙古自治区蒙古族人649例(男315例,女334例)蒙古褶,上眼睑褶皱。

68、A ruined ancient Mongol city in central Mongolia.Inhabited by Turkic tribes from the first century a.d., it became Genghis Khan's capital c.1220but was abandoned by Kublai Khan in1267. ─── 哈拉和林蒙古中部一座已成废墟的古城。从公元1世纪开始,突厥部落在此居

69、Following the establishment of Mongol rule in the thirteenth century, wars and famine decimated and depopulated the province. ─── 十三世纪蒙古统治中国之后,该省因战争与饥荒人口锐减。

70、In the fourth year, the Jin army entered Sanfeng Mountain and confronted the Mongol army. ─── 四年正月,金军进至三峰山(今河南禹县西南)与蒙古军对垒相峙。

71、Kublai Khan becomes ruler of the Mongol Empire. ─── 1260年的今天,忽必烈成为蒙古帝国的统治者(蒙古大汗)。

72、They went this far north because the Sultan of Egypt was raiding the Mongol domains at this time. ─── 他们朝北走得那么远,这是因为埃及的苏丹当时正在进攻蒙古的领地。

73、The Mongol Derby 2009 is a true humdinger of an adventure, and to make it even better, it aims to save a bit of the world too. ─── 2009蒙古德比是一次非常好的冒险,并且为了使活动办得更好,它的目标也是拯救世界的一点资源。

74、Milk wine, called "Arili" in Mongol language, smells good and tastes pure and sweat. ─── 奶酒,蒙古语称“阿日里”。澄澈醇香,沁人心脾,酒性柔软,口感酸甜。

75、Then it transmitted to Western Europe, and developed after the ravaging of Arabia by the Mongol Empire, It was then the western civilizations began to surpass the Arabic civilization. ─── 传到阿拉伯保存下来,再传到西欧,阿拉伯被蒙古人破坏后,西方文明才开始超过阿拉伯文明的。

76、Year 1206, on the Mongolian Plateau to Mongolia, led by Kublai's powerful tribes, the establishment of the Mongol Empire. ─── 公元1206年,在蒙古高原上以铁木真为首的蒙古部落强大起来,建立了蒙古帝国。

77、A ruined ancient Mongol city in central Mongolia. Inhabited by Turkic tribes from the first century a.d.,it became Genghis Khan's capital c.1220 but was abandoned by Kublai Khan in 1267. ─── 哈拉和林蒙古中部一座已成废墟的古城。从公元1世纪开始,突厥部落在此居住。1220年该城为成吉思汗的首都,但于1267年被忽必烈汗遗弃。

78、The nomadic Mongol Minority treats grassland which gives them lives, coursers that they live on and pastoral as three saint things.These three things have been important parts of grassland culture. ─── 做为游牧民族的蒙古族,一向把赋予生命的草原、赖以生存的骏马和生活中的牧歌视为三项圣洁美好的事物,因此她们也成为构成草原文化的三个主要因素。

79、Dunhuang was last considered a place of importance when it was under the control of the Western Xia kingdom (990-1227) and the Mongol Yuan dynasty (1271-1368). ─── 在西夏(990-1227)和元朝(1271-1368)统治的时候,敦煌被认为是最后一块重要之地。

80、The legendary Ma Tou Qin is a horse head shaped Mongol stringed instrument, the sound of which is powerful, dramatic and rich in details. ─── 东方神骏乐团的乐手都来自马头琴的发祥地内蒙古,参加过维也纳金色大厅中国新春晚会、各级电视台的春节晚会。

81、A new species of Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae) from Nei Mongol. ─── 内蒙古繁缕属(石竹科)一新种.

82、Mountains: the majestic Altai, whence came thudding on thick-legged Mongol ponies so many nomad hordes. The Bogden or Heaven's mountains, sitting in vast skirts of their own crumbled stone. ─── 山脉:有巍峨的阿尔泰山,当初不知有多少游牧部落骑着矮壮的蒙古马,“嗒嗒嗒嗒”,一路奔来;有博格达山,又称天山,周围遍布着它风化的石块,

83、Mughal power is mighty indeed, as befits the children of Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes. ─── 作为成吉思汗的及其蒙古部落的后代,莫卧儿帝国的力量毫无疑问是强大的。

84、None of this pussyfooting around for a single duchy, Mongol Khans will settle for nothing less than everything. ─── 蒙古可汗将定居看的高于一切,他们徘徊在不止一个单一公国的周边。

85、He returned to Samarkand, the capital of the new Mongol empire he had created. ─── 他回到了刚建立的新蒙古帝国首都撒马尔罕。

86、Experience the richness of the strong Shahdom of Khwarezm.Solidate your position against the Mongol Horde. ─── 体验强大的花刺子模帝国的富庶。对抗蒙古部落,巩固你的领地。

87、By 1206, all the Mongol tribes were ready to recognize him as supreme leader. ─── 到1206年,蒙古各部落都愿意认定他为最高统领。

88、Mountains: the majestic Altai, whence came thudding on thick-legged Mongol ponies so many nomad hordes.The Bogden or Heaven's mountains, sitting in vast skirts of their own crumbled stone. ─── 山脉:有巍峨的阿尔泰山,当初不知有多少游牧部落骑着矮壮的蒙古马,“嗒嗒嗒嗒”,一路奔来;

89、The Palaeoproterozoic Erdaowa Group distributed in the north Hohhot, Nei Mongol is composed of metamorphic detrital sediment and carbonate with intermidiate basic volcanics. ─── 出露于内蒙古呼和浩特北部的二道洼群,为一套陆源碎屑岩碳酸盐岩夹中基性火山岩变质建造。

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