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09-22 投稿


lacunae 发音


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lacunae 中文意思翻译



lacunae 网络释义

n. 脱漏;缺损;裂陷(lacuna的复数形式)

lacunae 短语词组

1、lacunae of tongue ─── [医] 舌盲孔

2、Blessig's lacunae ─── [医] 布累西格氏陷窝(视网膜周囊样变性)

3、Morgagni's lacunae ─── [医] 莫尔加尼氏陷窝, 尿道陷窝, 尿道腔隙

4、Howship's lacunae ─── [医] 豪希普氏腔隙, 吸收腔隙

5、lacunae of urethra ─── [医] 尿道腔隙

6、lacunae musculorum ─── [医] 肌腔隙

7、lacunae laterales sinuum ─── [医] 窦外侧陷窝

8、osseous lacunae ─── [医] 骨腔隙

9、trophoblastic lacunae ─── [医] 滋养层腔隙, 绒毛间腔隙

10、parasinoidal lacunae ─── [医] 窦外侧陷窝, 窦旁窦

11、lacunae vasorum ─── [医] 血管腔隙

12、lacunae pharyngis ─── [医] 咽陷窝

13、lacunae magna ─── [医] 大陷窝(尿道舟状窝内最大的腺口)

lacunae 词性/词形变化,lacunae变形

形容词: lacunal |名词复数: lacunae |

lacunae 相似词语短语

1、lacunal ─── adj.有孔的;空隙的

2、lacunar ─── n.花格平顶,(花格平顶的)嵌板;花格镶板;凹格(拱形)天花板;天花板的装饰镶板;adj.有花格平顶的;陷窝的,含陷窝的;(与)空隙有关的

3、lacunas ─── n.空隙;空白;(生物)腔隙;n.(Lacuna)(西)拉库纳(人名)

4、lacuna ─── n.空隙;空白;(生物)腔隙;n.(Lacuna)(西)拉库纳(人名)

5、laciniae ─── 漆树科

6、lacunary ─── adj.有孔的;缺项的;有缺陷的

7、lacunars ─── n.花格平顶,(花格平顶的)嵌板;花格镶板;凹格(拱形)天花板;天花板的装饰镶板;adj.有花格平顶的;陷窝的,含陷窝的;(与)空隙有关的

8、lacune ─── n.洼地;缝隙

9、lacunate ─── adj.有孔的

lacunae 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This would partly address the regulatory lacunae revealed by successive scandals at the NYSE. ─── 这将部分弥补纽约证交所一系列丑闻所暴露出的监管漏洞。

2、The positive ratio of empty lacunae in group D showing significant difference compared with other groups (P05). ─── D组空骨陷窝阳性数与其他组比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

3、Black spaces air-filled lacunae in which osteocytes once lived. ─── 图中黑色的空腔为骨细胞所在的骨陷窝结构。

4、hole lacuna ─── 孔洞缺陷

5、Tissue fluid, which fills the lacunae, allows the transfer of materials between bone cells and capillaries. ─── 可以填补空隙的组织液,使得骨细胞与毛细血管的物质交流能够进行。

6、Lateral lacunae of superior sagittal sinus ─── 上矢状窦外侧陷窝

7、lacuna cf cornea ─── [医] 角膜腔隙

8、Osteoblasts can be seen lining the lacunae in the newly developing fetal bone and they deposit bone along calcified cartilagenous spicules. ─── 在新生骨的骨陷窝周可见成骨细胞排列,这些细胞在钙化的软骨化骨四周沉积成骨。

9、Blessig's lacunae ─── [医] 布累西格氏陷窝(视网膜周囊样变性)

10、absorption lacuna ─── 吸收陷窝

11、lacunae magna ─── [医] 大陷窝(尿道舟状窝内最大的腺口)

12、Tissue fluid, which fills the lacunae, allows the transfer of materials between bone cells and capillaries. ─── 可以填补空隙的组织液,使得骨细胞与毛细血管的物质交流能够进行。

13、The peculiar therapy is one of the climatic therapeutics which could make up for the lacuna of traditional medical treatment. ─── 它是一种能弥补传统医疗缺陷的天然康复方法中的气候疗法。

14、lacuna magna ─── 尿道舟状窝, 大陷窝(尿道舟状窝内最大的腺口)

15、"self-centered in opinion, with curious lacunae of astounding ignorance" (Frank Norris) ─── “他老是自以为是,实际上却有很多惊人的漏洞”(弗兰克·诺里斯)

16、a lacuna in the manuscript ─── 原稿中的脱漏.

17、A line of osteoblasts is present a the center-right forming new bone, but lacunae containing multinucleate osteoclasts are at the center left and lower center destroying bone. ─── 一行成骨细胞正在中右部形成新骨,而腔隙内的多核破骨细胞正在中左与中底部破坏骨。

18、lacunae urethrales ─── 尿道陷窝

19、lacuna pharyngis ─── 咽陷窝

20、air lacuna ─── [医] 空气腔隙

21、Study on the effect of Migu capsule on the area and depth of resorption lacunae ─── 密骨胶囊含药血清对骨吸收陷窝面积和深度的影响

22、lacuna resorption ─── [医] 腔隙吸收

23、self - centered in opinion,with curious lacunae of astounding ignorance(bFrank Norris) ─── 他老是自以为是,实际上却有很多惊人的漏洞(b弗兰克·诺里斯)

24、lateral lacunae ─── 外侧陷窝, 外侧隐窝

25、The osteoblasts that have previously been trapped in their own salt deposits now lie in lacunae within the spicule and are called osteocytes. ─── 当成骨细胞分泌基质将自身包埋其中时(骨陷窝中),此时称为骨细胞。

26、lacunae of tongue ─── [医] 舌盲孔

27、strong lacuna ─── 强的隙窝

28、Therefore, the lacuna in harmonization of international/transnational merger control has understandably and deservedly attracted and become a subject in some fora. ─── 从经济学角度观察,现今各国迳自执行其结合管制管辖权者,系罔顾全球消费者福利,仅就各个切割市场划分保护之结果。

29、lacunae pharyngis ─── [医] 咽陷窝

30、protoxylem lacuna ─── 原生木质部腔隙

31、urethral lacunae of Morgagni ─── Morgagni尿道陷窝

32、Havers' lacuna ─── [医] 哈弗氏腔隙, 骨腔隙

33、osseous lacunae ─── [医] 骨腔隙

34、Morgagni's lacunae ─── [医] 莫尔加尼氏陷窝, 尿道陷窝, 尿道腔隙

35、lacunae of urethra ─── [医] 尿道腔隙

36、parasinoidal lacunae ─── [医] 窦外侧陷窝, 窦旁窦

37、self - centered in opinion, with curious lacunae of astounding ignorance(bFrank Norris) ─── 他老是自以为是,实际上却有很多惊人的漏洞(b弗兰克 诺里斯)

38、Based on the physiological structures of the bone lacunae and the canaliculi, and considered the existence of osteocytes, the flow of tissue fluid among them was studied. ─── 基于骨陷窝和骨小管的生理结构特性 ,并考虑到它们内部骨细胞的存在 ,研究了它们内部组织液的流动。

39、lacuna of urethra ─── 尿道腔隙

40、Analysis of Lacuna Reasons and Countermeasure to 100 Nursing Writs ─── 100份护理文书的缺陷原因分析与对策

41、There are still major lacunae in the material available. ─── 的材料依然存在严重缺漏。

42、Abstract: The lacuna of Chinese banking industrial structure is one of the important reasons why the efficiency of China banking industrial organization is so low. ─── 内容提要 中国银行业产业组织效率低下的一个重要原因是市场结构存在缺陷。

43、Mechanism of embolism-resisting capsule treating cerebral infarct of the lacuna ─── 抗栓胶囊治疗腔隙性脑梗塞机理

44、Effect of substrate poral lacuna characteristics on cutting effect of Pelargonium hortorum ─── 基质孔隙特性对天竺葵扦插效果的影响


46、Result: The prevention group could effectively reduce the number of osteoclasts and the rate of empty lacunae femoral head. ─── 结果:预防组能有效的降低破骨细胞数量及股骨头空骨陷窝率。

47、His long reticence temporarily distracted attention from a bigger lacuna. ─── 他始终保持沉默,分散了人们对一个更大缺漏的注意力。

48、lacunae laterales ─── 外侧陷窝

49、poral lacuna ─── 孔隙

50、Osteoblasts can be seen lining the lacunae in the newly developing fetal bone, and they deposit bone along calcified cartilagenous spicules. ─── 在新生骨的骨陷窝周可见骨母细胞排列,这些细胞在钙化的软骨成骨周围沉积成骨。

51、The lacunae of these years I've been able to fill sketchily from the entries in my baby book, which notes such incidents as my first smile. ─── 而这些年来的记忆空缺,我已经约略地能用记载著某些事件的婴儿纪录簿来填补,例如我第一次展颜而笑。


53、EX3: The exodus of wives, relatives, friends and hangers-on had left a big howling lacuna which wrapped the homestead in webs of glorious nostalgia. ─── 在出埃及记里的太太、亲戚、朋友及食客们都烙下了不小的阴影。这样的怀乡阴霾,就像张金碧辉煌的网,把整座农园团团裹住。

54、lacuna cerebri ─── [医] 脑腔隙(脑的小动脉栓塞所致), 脑漏斗

55、Keywords aluminium alloy cast;lacuna;shrinkage porosity;pollution; ─── 关键词铝合金铸件;孔洞;缩松;污染;

56、Blessig lacunae ─── 布累西格陷窝

57、trophoblastic lacunae ─── [医] 滋养层腔隙, 绒毛间腔隙

58、And with new innovations in microscope technology, the lacuna between imaging speed and resolution continues to narrow. ─── 在创新的显微镜技术下,摄影速度和解析度的缺口正在缩小。

59、Howship's lacuna ─── [医] 豪希普氏腔隙, 吸收腔隙

60、It has been found that 10 -7 mol/L RGD, Ech and E-2 decreased the number of resorption lacunae, resorption area and resorption cave on bone slices in various degrees. ─── 10 - 7mol LRGD、Ech及E2均有不同程度使骨吸收陷窝数目减少 ,面积缩小和空洞减少的作用。

61、Keywords Nursing writs;Lacuna;Countermeasure; ─── 护理文书;缺陷;对策;

62、Lacunae and defect signs in the respiratory tract may indicate various inherent disease backgrounds such as allergies and rheumatoid arthritis in the family history. ─── 呼吸器官的广阔地面的Lacunae和缺点告示可能指出各种不同的固有背景,像是过敏症和家庭历史的风湿性关节炎。

63、EX1: Like most other writers of his generation, he was a profoundly apolitical being, not from any lacuna in his education but as a matter of principle. ─── 他是个非常厌恶政治的人,就跟那个年代大多数的作者一样。这样的性格,不是因为他学生时代造成的阴影,而是原则。

64、Elementary Analysis on Lacunae of Terminal Data Analysis of Domestic Garment Retail ─── 国内服装零售终端数据分析缺失的浅析

65、lacunae Morgagnii urethrae muliebris ─── 女性尿道莫尔加尼(氏)陷窝:女性尿道的尿道腺

66、lacunae musculorum ─── [医] 肌腔隙

67、The TCD Obstruct the Analytic Diagnosis in Examination Value with CT to the Brain of Lacuna ─── TCD与CT对腔隙性脑梗死检测分析的诊断价值

68、lacuna amatoralm ─── 人中

69、lacunae laterales sinuum ─── [医] 窦外侧陷窝

70、lacuna amatorum ─── [医] 人中, 上唇陷窝

71、lacunae vasorum ─── [医] 血管腔隙

72、7.The above two lacunae also resulted in the emergence of quackery and made it difficult to distinguish bonafide practitioners from quacks in absence of professional standards. ─── 上述两方面的空白也导致庸医的浮现,使得骗子与专业标准的鉴定变得困难。

73、teral lacunae ─── 外侧陷窝外侧隐窝

74、Leaf gap (lacuna) A region of parenchyma differentiated in the stem vascular cylinder immediately above a diverging LEAF TRACE. Lateral connections insure no break in the vascular system. ─── 叶隙:叶迹从中柱分出的上方,初生维管柱上方出现的一些薄壁组织细胞,与茎的维管柱结构不同,它的侧向连接保证了茎叶维管系统的连续。

75、lacuna urethralis ─── 尿道陷窝, 尿道腔隙

76、lacuna cementum ─── [医] 牙骨质腔[隙]

77、Application of HRCT Scan to Repair The Insufficiency of Lacuna Diagnose ─── 应用高分辨CT(HRCT)扫描弥补腔隙诊断之不足

78、The bony spicules are even, with occasional lacunae containing osteocytes. ─── 骨板连续均一, 偶尔可见包含骨细胞的腔隙。

79、lacuna Blessig's ─── [医] 布累西格氏陷窝(位于视网膜前部的空隙)

80、self - centered in opinion,with curious lacunae of astounding ignorance(Frank Norris) ─── 他老是自以为是,实际上却有很多惊人的漏洞(弗兰克·诺里斯)

81、lacuna labii superior ─── 上唇陷窝

82、lacuna of tonsil ─── 扁桃体小窝

83、Fill up a lacuna in one's knowledge ─── 填补知识上的空白。

84、The Lacunae of Existing International Legal Regime related to Outer space. ─── 第四,现有外空国际法律机制有其固有的局限性。

85、self - centered in opinion, with curious lacunae of astounding ignorance(Frank Norris) ─── 他老是自以为是,实际上却有很多惊人的漏洞(弗兰克 诺里斯)

86、Our increased awareness of the scarcity value of environmental resources makes this lacuna especially troubling. ─── 我们对环境资源稀缺价值意识的增强,让这种忽略令人尤为担心。

87、Bulk phosphate and carbon infilling is normal in organism's lacunae and cavity left from shrinkage and decay of soft tissues. ─── 生物体内部的空腔以及有机质收缩和腐烂所残留的空洞则为磷质和碳质所充填。

88、Repair immediately when the lacuna is discovered. ─── 发现缺陷后立即修理。

89、lacuna skull ─── [医] 颅骨骨内面凹陷, 蜂窝状颅

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