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09-21 投稿


litterateur 发音


英:  美:

litterateur 中文意思翻译



litterateur 网络释义

n. 文学家;文人

litterateur 短语词组

1、litterateur review ─── 文学家评论

2、litterateur audio ─── 文学家音频

litterateur 相似词语短语

1、literately ─── 有文化的

2、literates ─── adj.受过教育的;精通文学的;n.学者

3、literator ─── n.文人,文学家;作家

4、literate ─── adj.受过教育的;精通文学的;n.学者

5、littérateurs ─── 文学家

6、literature ─── n.文学;文献;文艺;著作

7、litterateurs ─── n.文学家;文人

8、litterer ─── 垃圾虫

9、littérateur ─── n.文人,文学家

litterateur 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Taoyuanmin is a famous litterateur and he initiated to be privacy.Besides his high character , his addiction of drinking is known to us all. ─── 晋之大家陶渊明开归隐之风气,竖起了田园诗作的一面大旗,除了他的高风亮节,渊明爱酒也是众人皆知的。

2、S. litterateur to receive the accolade, were Men of the Year.But the work for which they were honored was done in other years. ─── 曾经身为记者的辛克莱尔.刘易斯成为了美国首位诺贝尔文学家获得者,像他这样的诺贝尔奖获得者过去已当选过年度人物,并且他们的成就都是在他们获奖之前就取得的。

3、Hands down the three-country years, famous litterateur Mi Hengyou Liu Biao recommends directs for the river summer grand minister superintendent yellow ancestor. ─── 相传三国年间,名士祢衡由刘表荐引给江夏太守黄祖。祢衡和黄祖的儿子黄射非常要好,常常在一起玩耍作乐,饮酒赋诗。...

4、Tang Geng, a famous poet in late Song Dynasty, was another excellent litterateur after Su family in Sichuan and was called "Su Dongpo second ". ─── 唐庚,北宋末年著名诗人,是继苏氏三父子之后、蜀中的又一位优秀的文学家,在当时就有“小东坡”之称。

5、Chu Tunan is a famous litterateur, educator and social activist. ─── 摘要楚图南是著名的文学家、教育家、社会活动家。

6、Quan Zuwang was the famous historian, litterateur and thinker lived in the Qing Dynasty. ─── 全祖望是清代著名的史学家、文学家和思想家。

7、The music of literature production is made from especial form of tongue, or from the mediate description of litterateur. ─── 文学的音乐美,要么源自独特的语言形式,要么源自文学家的间接描述。

8、American litterateur Allan Poe got favored in literati for his unique and significant achievements in short stories,poetry and literary criticism. ─── 美国早期文学家爱伦.坡因其在小说、诗歌及创作文论上取得的成就而独树一帜,在文学批评界影响深远。

9、Qu Yuan, courtesy name Yuan, was a litterateur and a minister of Chu state during Warring States Period. ─── 战国时楚国大臣,文学家,字原。

10、For example, Fan Zhongyan, a famous litterateur in Song dynasty, he left a win universal praise poem sentence for afterworld: It goes without saying that before all care should he care; ─── 例如,宋朝著名的文学家,范仲淹,他为后人留下了脍炙人口的诗句:先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。

11、The Chinese poet Zang Kejia once wrote a famous poem for litterateur Lu Xun: named Some One. ─── 中国诗人臧克家曾经为著名的文学家鲁迅写过一首诗:《有的人》。

12、As for the ascription of the title,a litterateur should be commented on according to how much his contribution and achievement in that literature form. ─── 至于称号的归属,评论文学家是看他到底在哪种文学形式上的贡献最大、成就最高。

13、It is the motive of the thesis to make a slight contribution to enrich the study of the great litterateur. ─── 希望能为进一步丰富对这位文学大师的研究尽到绵薄之力。

14、biography about modem Chinese litterateur ─── 文学家传记

15、Yuan Hongdao was well known as a litterateur in Ming Dynasty, but he also played baseball as a hooby. ─── 袁宏道是明朝有名的文学家,不过他还有个爱好是打棒球。

16、George Bernard Shaw, the British litterateur, once said, "one who sole a loaf of bread was put in prison, while one who snatch a railway was elected into the Parliament. ─── 英国的文学家肖伯纳说:“偷一条面包关进监牢,偷一条铁路进入国会。

17、XUE Dao-heng was a famous litterateur and politician of Beiqi, Beizhou and Sui Dynasty.The thought of great unification was his key thought. ─── 摘要薛道衡是北齐、北周和隋朝著名的文学家和政治家,他的思想核心是“大一统”。

18、Abstract Lvwen was a thinker and litterateur in the middle of Tang dynasty, who was the vital member of the Yongzhen bloc. ─── 中文提要 吕温是中唐时期思想家兼文学家,是“永贞集团”的重要成员。

19、Zhang Heng: scientist &litterateur of our country in the period of east Hanchao. ─── 张衡:我国东汉科学家,文学家。

20、This kind of famous litterateur demeanour not only causes the image of Shi Xiangyun even more bright,but also has deep meanings because of the author Cao Xueqin's though... ─── 这种名士风度不仅使史湘云的形象更加光彩照人,而且因其寄寓了作者曹雪芹的思想和理想,具有深层蕴涵,更能够令读者掩卷深思。

21、Sushi is a famous litterateur of Bei-Song dynasty whose poems and articles were well-known in the world. ─── 摘要苏轼是我国北宋时期著名的文学家,他的诗、词、文都取得了卓越的成就。

22、As for the ascription of the title, a litterateur should be commented on according to how much his contribution and achievement in that literature form. ─── 至于称号的归属,评论文学家是看他到底在哪种文学形式上的贡献最大、就最高。

23、Zhang Zhuo is an international influence litterateur of Tang dynasty. ─── 张鷟是一位颇有国际影响的唐代文学家。

24、Abstract :Ouyang Xiu,the great litterateur, statesman and historian in the Northern Song Dynasty, paid attention to the education extremely and formed his own education idea. ─── 内容摘要 :北宋伟大的文学家、政治家、史学家欧阳修对教育问题十分关注,形成了自己的教育思想。

25、Stories of famous litterateur Sudongpo improving rivers and lakes environment and collecting ornamental stones ─── 苏东坡治理河湖环境和赏石轶事

26、SU Shi was a famous litterateur and also a great statesman who worrie d about his country and people of North Song. ─── 苏轼是北宋著名的文学家,同时也是一位忧国忧民的政治家。

27、Luxun, a famous litterateur also locates here.The park not only has lake; ─── 著名文学家鲁迅先生墓地也坐落于此。

28、Kaifeng famous litterateur ─── 开封名士

29、TANG-SONG: edict attendant (litterateur assigned to take notes on imperial pronouncements during the emperor's meetings with officials) ─── 待制官

30、Quan Zuwang was the famous historian, litterateur and thinker lived in the Qing Dynasty. ─── 全祖望是清代著名的史学家、文学家和思想家。

31、Jiang Kui, a famous litterateur in South Song Dynasty who was accomplished in Ci. ─── 摘要南宋文学家姜夔擅长诗词,诗风清妙秀远,时有名句佳作。

32、Shi Zhenguan is a hierarch as well as an artist of Buddhism and a litterateur living in the transitional period from Chen Dynasty to Sui Dynasty. ─── 摘要释真观是由陈人隋的高僧,也是当时著名的佛教艺术家、文学家。

33、By analyzing the characteristics of Small World, the famous novel written by the famous british litterateur and critic David Lodge, the critical article explores a variety of characteristics of postmodernism. ─── 从分析英国知名学者戴维·洛奇的名著《小世界》入手,展示出后现代主义文学的形成历程及其一系列特征。

34、Liao Yan was a very special ideologist and litterateur at the beginning of Qingdynasty. ─── 廖燕是清初一位非常特殊的思想家和文学家。

35、Abstract: Ruan Ji, the famous litterateur, ideologist, in the same position to Ji Kang in the history of Wei and Jin Dynasties, is one of “Seven Hermits in the Bamboo Grove”. ─── 摘要:阮籍是魏晋之际著名的文学家、思想家,与嵇康齐名,为“竹林七贤”之一。

36、Yen Chen-ch’ing of T’ang dynasty is not only an outstanding calligraphist but also an excellent litterateur specializing in archaic prose. ─── 颜真卿是唐代杰出的书法家,同时在文学方面尤其是古文创作上亦取得了一定的成就。

37、Yinzhannaxi, famous Mongolian thinker and litterateur, whose magnum opus "Qing shi Historical Novel" was the first historical novel in Mongolian literature. ─── 蒙古族近代著名思想家和文学家尹湛纳希的代表作《青史演义》是蒙古文学史上的第一部历史演义小说。

38、On Domoted Mind of the Litterateur in Sheng Tang ─── 论盛唐文人的贬谪心态

39、Chu Tunan is a famous litterateur, educator and social activist. ─── 楚图南是著名的文学家、教育家、社会活动家。

40、LU Xun, a contemporary litterateur in China, had a special plot for children"s education. ─── 鲁迅作为我国现代的文学巨匠,对儿童教育有着特殊的情结。

41、Famous litterateur ─── 名士

42、As a most versatile poet in Northen Song Dynasty, Su Shi is not only an outstanding litterateur, thinker and politician, but also a great calligrapher and a famous painter. ─── 苏轼是我国北宋时期杰出的文学家、重要的政治家、思想家,也是杰出的书法家和知名的画家。

43、Zhou Mi was a famous litterateur and philologist between Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty. ─── 摘要周密是宋元之交著名的文学家及文献学家。

44、Wanted to practice handwriting but failed, then read literatures and wrote articles, dreaming to be a litterateur. ─── 读文学书,写学生腔文章,梦想着成为文学家的样子。

45、Originally referred to the third century BC Warring States period, net seaboard for the territories Taiwan built above as if possessed daughter, revealed to the world famous litterateur. ─── 原指公元前三世纪战国时期,燕昭王为招贤纳士所建之土台,上面放着千金,礼聘天下名士。

46、In the history of China, Qu Qiubai is both a litterateur and a revolutionist. ─── 在中国现代史上,瞿秋白身具文学家和革命家双重身份。

47、China International Litterateur Artists Association ─── 中国国际文学艺术家协会

48、Li Gang was a famous politician and Litterateur, who's Fu existed for thirty pieces. ─── 摘要李纲是南北宋之际的著名政治家、文学家,它的辞赋存世达30余篇,这在宋人别集中是不多见的。

49、Li Tiaoyuan, people of Wenxing Town of Luojiang, is a famous litterateur,a drama theoretician, and a poet of Qing Dynasty. ─── 李调元,罗江文星镇人,清代著名文学家、戏剧理论家、诗人。

50、Fang xiaoru is a famous thinker and litterateur during the early Ming Dynasty .He was praised as "the reappearance of Cheng-Zhu" and "the model of scholar-officials" . ─── 方孝孺是明朝初期一位杰出的思想家和文学家,享有“程朱复出”、“读书种子”之誉。

51、Jiang Yan, a great litterateur in Southern Dynasty, is well-known for his Thirty Miscellaneous Poems which is modeled after the ancients. ─── 江淹是南朝著名文学家,其诗歌《杂体诗三十首》是其著名的拟古之作。

52、” The litterateur of Song Dynasty OuYang Xiu who had left us a great many of beautiful articles said: “Most of my articles were made on ‘three on’: on horseback, on pillow, on closestool’. ─── 三国时董遇读书的方法是利用“三余”,即“冬者岁之余;

53、Chen liang is a famous ideologist and litterateur in south song dynasty. ─── 陈亮是南宋时期著名的思想家、文学家。

54、He indicated that Tagore is a well known and influential Indian litterateur in China. ─── 张大使表示,泰戈尔是中国人民熟知并在中国很有影响的印度文学家。

55、Wang Zao was a famous litterateur in the ending of Bei Song Dynasty and at the beginning of Nan Song Dynasty. ─── 摘要汪藻是北宋末、南宋初著名文学家,他与江西诗派成员交游颇多。

56、Litterateur great thinker and educationist Han Yu said “Diligence results in perfection, which will be spoiled in distraction; ─── 韩愈(进学解):"业精于勤,荒于嬉;

57、The company is located in Yuanhua Town, Haining City, which is tide-viewing resort, capital of fur clothing and hometown of noted litterateur---Jin Yong. ─── 帮助更多有需要的人,并开发富有教育意义的项目,帮助黄养川以及更多有需要帮助的人。

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