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09-21 投稿


unbalanced 发音

英:[ʌn'bælənst]  美:[,ʌn'bælənst]

英:  美:

unbalanced 中文意思翻译



unbalanced 网络释义

adj. 不平衡的;错乱的;不稳定的;收支不平衡的,未决算的v. 使失去平衡;使(精神)错乱(unbalance的过去分词)

unbalanced 同义词

confused | inequitable | flighty | crazy | crooked | unfair | biased | unequal | disturbed | one-sided | sick | unstable | unjust | unhinged | uneven | lopsided | demented | prejudiced | insane |mad | deranged | brainsick | imbalanced | top-heavy

unbalanced 词性/词形变化,unbalanced变形

动词现在分词: unbalancing |动词第三人称单数: unbalances |形容词: unbalanceable |动词过去分词: unbalanced |动词过去式: unbalanced |

unbalanced 反义词


unbalanced 短语词组

1、unbalanced finance ─── [经] 不平衡的财政, 赤字财政

2、unbalanced output ─── [计] 不平衡输出

3、unbalanced line ─── [计] 不平衡线路

4、unbalanced circuit ─── [计] 不平衡电路

5、unbalanced system ─── [计] 不平衡系统

6、unbalanced book ─── [经] 未结算的帐簿

7、unbalanced phase ─── [电] 不平衡相

8、unbalanced boods ─── [法] 未决算的帐簿

9、totally unbalanced currents ─── [电] 全不平衡电流

10、unbalanced merge sort ─── [计] 不平衡合并分类

11、unbalanced polyphase system ─── [电] 不平衡多相制

12、unbalanced budget ─── [经] 不平衡的预算, 赤字预算

13、unbalanced mind ─── [法] 精神错乱

14、unbalanced current ─── [电] 不平衡电流

15、unbalanced network ─── [计] 不平衡网络

16、unbalanced effect ─── [计] 不平衡作用

17、unbalanced account ─── [经] 未结算的帐户

18、unbalanced error ─── [计] 不平衡误差

19、unbalanced load ─── [电] 不平衡负荷

unbalanced 相似词语短语

1、misbalanced ─── 失衡

2、rebalanced ─── 重新平衡的;再平衡的

3、equibalanced ─── 均衡的

4、outbalances ─── v.(在价值、重要性等方面)超过;比……更重(同outweight)

5、unbalances ─── vt.使失去平衡;使精神紊乱;n.[力]失衡;精神错乱

6、balanced ─── adj.平衡的;和谐的;安定的;v.用天平称;保持稳定;使…相称(balance的过去分词)

7、outbalanced ─── v.(在价值、重要性等方面)超过;比……更重(同outweight)

8、unbalance ─── vt.使失去平衡;使精神紊乱;n.[力]失衡;精神错乱

9、imbalanced ─── adj.不平衡的;比例失调的

unbalanced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It also has a low impedance, which assures that the typical unbalanced output impedance is between 100 and 1000 ohms. ─── 同时它的低阻抗可以确保典型的非平衡输出阻抗保持在100到1,000欧姆之间。

2、The doctor told him that his disease was caused by unbalanced hormone. ─── 医生告诉他他的病是由荷尔蒙失衡引起的。

3、The country can adjust the unbalanced market by controlling purchases. ─── 国家的这种控购行为可以调节市场不平衡的状态。

4、Unbalanced loads do not carry easily. ─── 不平衡的货物不容易运输

5、Most people are neurotic, slightly unbalanced, caught in some particular idiosyncrasy. ─── 大多数人是神经质的,轻微地不平衡的,被一些特有的自身气质和习性所支配。

6、They raised taxes and unbalanced the budget. ─── 他们加税使预算不平衡。

7、Under the current system, the fiscal power and administrative authority of local governments are unbalanced. ─── 在现有体制背景下,地方政府所具备的事权和财权相对失衡。

8、By using an unbalanced dual parallel Mach-zehnder modulator (DPMZM) followed by optical filtering, a linearized OSSB signal is obtained. ─── 利用一种不均衡的平行调制器和光滤波器,我们得到线性化的单边带光信号。

9、This syndrome is the result of an unbalanced translocation resulting in a deletion of the distal end of the short arm of the X chromosome. ─── 这种综合征是一种不平衡的一对X染色体的短臂缺失导致远端移位的结果。

10、This paper analyzed the case of unbalanced DC resistance for on-load regulating transformator,and also presented some traeting method. ─── 分析有载调压变压器不平衡的原因,找出可行的处理方法,使变压器直阻达到平衡。

11、Seventeen year-old Hallam Foe is an unbalanced teenager. ─── 18岁的哈勒姆在窥探人心方面有着超常的天赋,母亲服用大量安眠药后跳湖自杀。

12、In substance,safeguard measure is a kind of trade relief measure permitted by WTO under the unbalanced state of trade liberalization,a kind of exception clause of WTO. ─── 保障措施实质上是贸易自由化非均衡状态下WTO允许的一种贸易救济手段,是WTO的一种例外条款。

13、Therefore, the economic structure China has been readjusted continuously in an unbalanced state more than half a century. ─── 因此,中国经济结构半个多世纪以来一直处于不断调整的非均衡状态。

14、Until an unbalanced world faces up to its chronic imbalances, successive crises are likely to be increasingly destabilising. ─── 在这个不平衡的世界敢于直面长期失衡问题之前,接二连三的危机对于稳定性的影响可能会越来越大。

15、There have always been plenty of unbalanced people in the world, but their foolish actions are best forgotten. ─── 世界上永远存在着一些失去平衡的人,我们最好还是忘记这些人做的傻事。

16、It should be the aim of Border Terrier breeders to avoid such over emphasis of any point in the Standard as might lead to unbalanced exaggeration. ─── 他的天性是和气、感情细腻、顺从而且容易训练。在野外,他的意志象钉子一样坚强,玩“他们过来”的游戏并进行驱赶。

17、However, some problems have arisen during the process of urbanization, such as unbalanced sex ratio, high umemployment rate, poor education level, etc. ─── 同时也暴露出城市化中存在的一些问题,如性别比例偏高,失业率高,居民整体文化水平不高等等。

18、The TCM can work through regulating the unbalanced metabolization of LH,FSH,T,INS so as to induct ovulating and resume the balance. ─── 中医药治疗是通过调节患者的T、LH、FSH、INS的代谢紊乱而发挥作用,并能改善子宫、卵巢供血障碍,使患者的代谢和生殖功能恢复正常。

19、The horizontal decanter centrifuge is a dual rotor system with small rotating speed difference, of which unbalanced vibration is a “beat” signal. ─── 卧螺离心机是一种具有微小速差的双转子系统,它的不平衡振动信号是一个拍振。

20、A way to balance the unbalanced at a fixed company cost with international proven history. ─── 利用国际上已被证实的历史经验,在公司成本固定的情况下的一种解决不平衡问题的方法。

21、The cognition frequency of the single item is often unbalanced in the ambiguity structure. ─── 歧义结构单义项的认知理解频率往往是不平衡的。

22、Besides, cross-culture communication has an influence in the use of metaphors, but that influence is unbalanced. ─── 另外,跨文化交流对隐喻的使用也产生着影响,但是英汉语之间的影响是不平衡的。

23、"If you sacrifice too much of your personal life at the start you risk having a stressful unbalanced life that's permanent. ─── 假如在工作一开始就牺牲了太多的个人时间,那你将有可能长期处于压力大、不平衡的状态中。”

24、China's unbalanced and, they say, unfair trade with America. ─── 国会的好战派谴责中国对美国贸易的不公。

25、But it is not in itself enough to render such an advisory committee unbalanced in the sense of FACA". ─── 但从联邦咨询委员会上看,这不足以就认为这样一个咨询委员会是不均衡的"。

26、Unbalanced air pressure is also used to operate some of man's machines. ─── 不平衡的气压也被用于操作人类的一些机器。

27、In 2000, an unbalanced magnetron (UBM) sputtering machine was added to facilitate the research in TiN and ZrN thin films. ─── 于2000年本实验室再添入一套非平衡磁控溅镀机,进行氮化钛与氮化锆薄膜研究。

28、The unbalanced development of different regions is one of the basic national conditions in China It also affects other big countries in the world. ─── 区域发展不平衡,既是我国最基本的国情之一,也是世界各大国普遍存在的现象。

29、The final balanced state of an initial unbalanced flow is discussed with the same method as Vallis (1992). ─── 利用最小能量原理讨论了非地转流经过调整后的平衡态的情况。

30、This paper proposes a control method for the three phase three wire VSR under the unbalanced system. ─── 三相电网不平衡时,电压会存在负序分量。

31、Karune:The balance in which the developers are referring to is very relative. 90% of players probably will not feel the game is unbalanced. ─── 卡肉:开发者们所指的平衡是非常相对的。90%的玩家可能是不会觉得游戏不平衡的。

32、Unbalanced or misused parentheses or brackets. ─── 不对称或误用的圆括号或括弧.

33、The overall knowledge structure of national table tennis coaches is unbalanced. ─── 国家乒乓球队教练员总体知识结构表现不均衡。

34、The monomaniac is unbalanced in just one area on everything else except his own pet and particular delusion he may be completely normal. ─── 偏执狂患者,指一个人在某一方面不正常;除了他自己的特别的幻觉以外,他在其它各个方面都完全正常。

35、Having unbalanced sides or parts; asymmetrical. ─── 不规则的,不对称的有不平衡的方面或部分的;不对称的

36、The cutting of the stainless steel file s on curved root canals was unbalanced. ─── 不锈钢锉对弯曲根管的各部位切割很不均衡。

37、The differential equations of adhesive stresses based on G-R's theory are given and the adhesive stress distributions of unbalanced joints are obtained and analvsed. ─── 在G-R理论的基础上推导了接头胶层应力微分方程及通过实例计算对这种刚度不平衡的接头胶层应力分布进行了分析;

38、Unbalanced fertilization was the key reason for NO3-N accumulation, reasonably fertilization, organic manure and NPK could reduce the NO3-N residual. ─── 不平衡施肥是引起土壤NO3-N大量累积的重要原因,施用有机肥以及NPK合理配合施用可明显地减少土壤NO3-N的残留。

39、He did not push Cahier too hard: the photographer fell down because he was in an unbalanced position. ─── 他并没有用力去推摄影师:摄影师倒地是因为他当时的姿势失去平衡。“我们知道这是一个不愉快的情况。”

40、The ancient Chinese empires were vast in territo ry, complicated in regional situation, and prominent in unbalanced development o f economy and culture. ─── 古代中华帝国疆域辽阔,区域情况复杂,经济、文化发展不平衡的现象很突出,考论一朝政局,不能忽视区域社会力量的作用。

41、centre of pressure moves rearward and the aeroplane becomes unbalanced. ─── 气压中心后移,这架飞机失去了平衡。

42、Problems of unbalanced water amount during commissioning of the newly built water treatment station of Maanshan Iron &Steel Co. ─── 介绍了马钢新建水处理站在试运行期间暴露的水量不平衡问题,从技术和管理的角度提出对策。

43、Trends promoted in developing nations remain unbalanced. ─── 发展中国家的发展趋势也是不稳定的。

44、At any given point during these times, my life might have looked seriously unbalanced. I would call it something else. . . full engagement. ─── 在这段时间内的任何点看上去,我的生活的确非常失衡。我有另外一个词称呼这种状态:满档。

45、Alcoholic: Used to describe a wine that has too much alcohol for its body and weight, making it unbalanced. ─── 含酒精的:用于形容一款葡萄酒由于相对于其酒体和重量而言含有过多的酒精,而出现不平衡的状态。

46、In special cases where section or recitation enrollments are extremely unbalanced, we reserve the right to reassign students. ─── 在特殊情况下,当小班教学或上课-复习的选课登记相当不平均时,我们保留重新分配学生的权利。

47、UN officials argued that the report was unbalanced. ─── 联合国官员们辩称那份报告有失公正。

48、How to eliminate the trade unbalanced statues between China and Japanese is the common concern of both parties. ─── 如何尽快消除日中之间现存的贸易不平衡状态,是日中各界共同关心的大事。

49、Therefore, the Gods would not be called upon if the initial attack was not unbalanced. ─── 因此,最初的进攻不平衡时,主神不能召唤的。

50、He has never voted for an unbalanced budget. ─── 他从来没有投票支持过赤字财政预算案。

51、But its trade relationship with China is about as unbalanced as one can imagine, and there is a lopsided quality to the political relationship, too. ─── 但它和中国的贸易关系,每个人都能想到,是不平衡的;而且经贸和政治的关系也是不平衡的。

52、Contrary to popular opinion, your specialty, Libra, is not "balance" itself, it's restoring balance to unbalanced situations. ─── 天秤:恰恰与大多数人的观点相反,妳的专长并不是”平衡“本身,而是将不平衡变成平衡。

53、The chemistry of the Earth was out of kilter, wholly unbalanced by the periodic table, and alive. ─── 以化学元素表来衡量,地球的化学性质是不正常的,完全失去了平衡,却充满活力。

54、However, their cogging torque or unbalanced radial force is usually high, deteriorating the machine performance. ─── 但是这种电机的齿槽定位转矩或不对称径向力一般也比较高。

55、Because he's not eating vegetables his nutrition has become unbalanced. ─── 因为不吃蔬菜,他营养失衡。

56、"If you sacrifice too much of your personal life at the start, you risk having a stressful, unbalanced life that's permanent. ─── 如果在工作一开始就牺牲了太多的个人时间,那你将有可能长期处于压力大、不平衡的状态中。”

57、If this game is unbalanced, it's not PGL or Human players' fault. ─── 如果这个游戏不平衡,这也不是PGL或者人类玩家的错。

58、She became more and more unbalanced. ─── 她精神日渐失常。

59、The assumed principle of operation is that the SD pushes back or shuts off unbalanced signal power which appears on the center tap of the output transformer. ─── 假设操作原则就是自激往前推不平衡或封过了大半臂中心的输出变压器。

60、The distribution of the demographic dividend is unbalanced among countries,regions and provinces. ─── 人口红利在国家之间、区域之间、省与省之间表现得不平衡,差异显著。

61、In an unbalanced hierarchy, branches of the hierarchy descend to different levels. ─── 在不均衡层次结构中,层次结构的分支降至不同级别。

62、Experimental results showed that this method could effectively enhance the classification performance with the unbalanced data sets. ─── 实验结果表明,该方法可以有效提高不平衡数据的分类性能。

63、The unbalanced relation between population and resources makes the growing poverty more deterioratshy;ing. ─── 人口和资源之间不平衡的关系,使得不断增长的贫困现象更加恶化。

64、He became a bit unbalanced after his wife died. ─── 妻子死后,他的精神有点失常。

65、But if these are unbalanced,did not undertake in the operation seasonable and proper correctional, so this caves after abundant buttock operation deformation is met more apparent. ─── 但是如果这些畸形在手术中没有进行及时适当的矫正,那么丰臀手术后这一凹陷畸形就会更加明显。

66、And so one can see how the process of ascension balances out that which is unbalanced within oneself over time. ─── 因此,你可以从中看到,提升过程是如何随时间来平衡你自身内在的不平衡的。

67、Likewise, China has no right to criticise American policy when its own economy remains unbalanced. ─── 同样地,中国没有资格在自身经济失衡的情况下指责美国的政策。

68、Levels in a user-defined hierarchy can be hidden under certain circumstances and appear unbalanced. ─── 在某些情况下可以隐藏用户定义的层次结构中的级别并使其以非均衡的形式显示。

69、Having unbalanced sides or parts;asymmetrical. ─── 不规则的,不对称的有不平衡的方面或部分的;不对称的

70、An extremely inconsistent team, physically underwhelming, and ridiculously unbalanced, the backcourt is still one of China’s biggest problems. ─── 一支极为不稳定的球队,身体素质平平,人员位置不平衡到荒谬,后场仍是中国队最大的问题之一。

71、Income and outgo of Ming Dynasty’s officers was severely unbalanced, 3. ─── 2、明代官员的收支严重失衡;

72、Words like scattered, unfocused, spacey, restless and unbalanced all appeared on my page.This pleased me.They are all classic symptoms of not being grounded. ─── 写了才知道自己原来是这么的心不在焉,写在纸上的净是类似分散,失焦,恍惚,不耐烦,失衡之类的词,全都是心不在焉的症状.唉!

73、Your rage has unbalanced you. ─── 你的愤怒让你失去平衡。

74、China, with a large population, a weak economic foundation and unbalanced development, is still the largest developing country in the world. ─── 中国人口多,底子薄,发展不平衡,仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家。

75、distribution of resources is unbalanced between rural and urban schools. ─── 农村学校与城市学校的资源分配不平衡。

76、The Delegation stated that the "basket approach" was not the most appropriate approach, as it would lead to an unbalanced treatment of the different proposals. ─── 代表团指出“一揽子方法”并不是最合适的方法,因为它会导致对不同提案进行区别对待。

77、The TDD-CDMA system with unbalanced slot allocation between uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) will cause the cross-slot interference which may be inferior to system. ─── TDD-CDMA系统的上下行时隙的不对称性可以造成严重的交叉时隙干扰。

78、Interfaces that don’t employ symmetry tend to look unbalanced, as if they are going to topple over to one side. ─── 如果不对称,界面会显得失衡,好像摇摇欲坠倒向一边。

79、The MDX Compatibility property determines how placeholder members in a ragged or unbalanced hierarchy are treated. ─── MDX Compatibility属性确定如何处理不规则层次结构或不对称层次结构中的占位成员。

80、But earnestly, what is the tangency of grumbling most how unbalanced this testament neaten the brave when SE hasn't justified elaborated out how equipment instrument be deleveled. ─── (细节请见奉化溪口资讯站:版权信息).如果您不希望您的文字被任意修改和再散布,请不要提交。

81、He described it as “unstable, unbalanced, un-coordinated and unsustainable”. ─── 他表示,中国经济“不稳定、不平衡、不协调、不可持续”。

82、Every objects remains at rest or in motion in a straight line at constant speed unless acted upon by an unbalanced forth. ─── 一切物体总保持匀速直线运动状态或静止状态,直到有外力迫使它改变这种状态为止。

83、Unbalanced yarns have sufficient twist to kink. ─── 卷缩的纱线捻度过高会产生扭结。

84、DLC and fluorinated DLC were deposited by enclosed unbalanced magnetron sputtering using C 2H 2 as a reactive gas and C 2F 2 as a fluorine source gas. ─── 使用非平衡磁控溅射方法,以C2H2为反应气,C2F2为氟化气沉积了含氟和不含氟的类金刚石(DLC)薄膜。

85、China is a multi-national country featuring unbalanced economic development, In the vast territory, different languages ad various dialects are used. ─── 中国是一个多民族国家,具有经济发展不平衡的特点。在这块辽阔的土地上,人们使用多种语言和方言。

86、The 166XL has balanced inputs and outputs and can be used with any balanced or unbalanced line-level device. ─── 166XL有平衡式输入输出接口,可使用在任何平衡或非平衡式线性电平设备中。

87、The TCM and western drugs can work through regulating the unbalanced metabolization of LH,FSH,T,INS so as to induct ovulating and resume the balance. ─── 中西医结合治疗是通过调节患者的T、LH、FSH、INS的代谢紊乱而发挥作用,使患者的代谢和生殖功能恢复正常。

88、Prime Minister Hatoyama wanted to turn the unbalanced alliance into a more equal partnership but the Japanese people weren't ready. ─── 首相鸠山由纪夫希望把不平衡的联盟关系转变为平等的伙伴关系,但是日本人民却尚无准备。

89、The death of his parents unbalanced him. ─── 他双亲的去世使他精神有些错乱。

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