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lemma 发音


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lemma 中文意思翻译



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n. 引理;辅助定理;论点;膜n. (Lemma)人名;(俄)莱玛;(意、埃塞)莱马

lemma 词性/词形变化,lemma变形

名词复数: lemmas |

lemma 短语词组

1、projection lemma ─── 投影引理

2、Weyl's lemma (Laplace equation) ─── 韦尔引理(拉普拉斯方程)

3、sterile lemma ─── 不育花外稃

4、Burnside's lemma ─── [计] 伯恩赛德引理

5、borel cantelli lemma borel-cantelli ─── 引理

6、matrix inversion lemma ─── [计] 矩阵求逆引理

7、pumping lemma ─── 泵作用引理

8、pumping lemma examples ─── 泵引理例子

9、Snake lemma ─── 蛇的引理

10、infinity lemma ─── [计] 无限性引理

11、palea lemma ─── 刀片

lemma 相似词语短语

1、dilemma ─── n.困境;进退两难;两刀论法

2、lemmata ─── 前提;题词(lemma的复数)

3、emma ─── n.艾玛(女子名)

4、Glomma ─── n.格罗马河(位于挪威)

5、gemma ─── n.胞芽,芽孢

6、lemme ─── n.雷米王国;abbr.等于letme

7、limma ─── 半音度

8、stemma ─── n.家谱;[昆]侧单眼

9、lemmas ─── n.辅助定理;(文学作品主题或论点前所加的)标题;词根,词元;词典词条;(禾本植物的)外稃(lemma的复数)

lemma 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、palea almost as long as lemma, keels ciliolate or glabrous. ─── 几乎的内稃倍于外稃,龙骨具短缘毛的或无毛。

2、Generalization of Burnside Lemma ─── Burnside引理的推广

3、palea much smaller than lemma, keels ciliate, apex exceeding keels; ─── 内稃小于外稃,纤毛的龙骨的非常,顶超过龙骨;

4、palea as long as or slightly shorter than lemma, keels scabrid, ciliolate near apex. ─── 内稃倍于或者稍短于外稃,龙骨粗糙,具短缘毛的近先端。

5、generalized Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov lemma ─── GKYP引理

6、The general form of Schwarz lemma ─── Schwarz引理的一般形式

7、The Taxonomy and the SEM Observation on Tubercles on Lemma of "Yihuang Wild Rice" ─── "宜黄野生稻"的植物分类学地位和外稃乳突结构的扫描电镜观察

8、Then that reader can skip the proof of Lemma 15 'completely, and not have to deal with B at all. ─── 这样读者就可以完整地跳过引理15 ',完全不必关心B了。

9、lower floret staminate or neuter, lemma resembling upper glume, lower palea present or absent; ─── 中性的下部的小花雄蕊花的或,外稃象上面颖片,更下部的内稃宿存或无;

10、palea slightly shorter than lemma; ─── 内稃稍短于外稃;

11、Note that this proof uses the strong version of the ArtinRees lemma. ─── 请注意这个证明使用了Artin-Rees引理的强形式。

12、Agropyron mongolicum, Genetic diversity, Phenotypic quantitative characters, Micro-morphological characteristics of lemma surface, Allozyme, RAPDXie Xinming (Grassland Science ─── 01蒙古冰草,遗传多样性,表型数量性状,外稃表面的微形态特征,等位酶,RAPD

13、lemma 2/3 spikelet length, back smooth or scaberulous, awned from just above middle, apex truncate-denticulate; ─── 外稃2/3的小穗长度,从只不过在中部以上,先端截形具小齿光滑或者微糙,具芒的背面;


15、A Lemma about Probability and the Lower Bounds of Ramsey Numbers ─── 关于概率的一条引理与Ramsey数的下界(英文)

16、Kalman-Yacubovich-Popov lemma ─── 卡尔曼-雅可波维奇-波波夫引理

17、lower lemma similar but usually slightly shorter, neuter or staminate, with or without palea; ─── 壳质的上面外稃,具小乳突,内卷,先端钝的边缘和短尖的通常。

18、three lemma ─── 三引理

19、In the latter half of this paper, mak-ing use a lemma about a field of characteristic 0, some properties of C[S] are generalized tothose of the semigroup algebras over field of characteristic 0. ─── 利用关于特征为零的域的一个引理,把C[S]上一些性质推广到了一般的零特征域上的半群代数上。

20、In the random oracle model, using forking lemma proposed byPointcheval and Stern, breaking of the scheme is equivalent to solve discrete logarithm problem. ─── 在随机神谕模型下,通过Pointcheval和Stern提出的分叉引理,攻破该方案等价于解离散对数问题。

21、The fertile lemma is accompanied by an ovate upper palea, clasping the opposite side of the caryopsis. ─── 能育的外稃伴随着一卵形的上面内稃,抱茎的颖果的对面。

22、Phelps' lemma ─── Phelps引理

23、Neyman-Pearson fundamental lemma ─── N-P引理

24、Basal sheaths woolly with cream or golden hairs; leaf blades subglabrous to villous. Upper lemma 2-toothed in upper 1/5 or less. ─── 基部的鞘具绵状毛的具米色或金色的毛;叶片给具长柔毛近无毛。上面外稃2齿在上面1/5或更少内。

25、In order to correspond to the lemma and characteristic of this exhibit, the main works on the exhibit are picture, video, installation and contemporary painting with the furthest city art character. ─── 为了适宜展览的主旨和特性,参展的作品也以最具城市艺术特征的图片、影象、装置和当代绘画等为主。

26、On Borel-Cantelli Lemma ─── 关于Borel-Cantelli引理

27、A simple proof for alexander subbase lemma ─── Alexander子基引理的一个简单证明

28、palea 1/2 lemma length or less, keels scabrid-ciliolate. ─── 内稃1/2的外稃长度或更少,龙骨粗糙具短缘毛。

29、lto Lemma ─── Ito引理

30、Hopf type lemma ─── Hopf型引理

31、lemmas cartilaginous, shiny, rounded on back, veins indistinct, apex obtuse or 2-toothed, upper lemma or both awned; ─── 在背面,脉上软骨质,发亮,圆形的外稃2齿的不清楚,先端钝或,上面或都具芒;

32、Within the inflorescence meristem, DEP1 was expressed weakly in the carpel and stamen primordia, with patchy expression in the lemma and palea (Supplementary Fig. 3e). ─── 在花序分生组织里面,DEP1在心皮和雄蕊原基中表达微弱,在外稃和内稃有不完整表达(增图3e)中。

33、Fundamental lemma of calculus of variation ─── 变分法的基本引理

34、Many substances in our body need to be transited from here to there by blood, and some other substances need some proteins functioned as carriers in the plasma lemma to enter cells. ─── 体内不少物质需要通过血液从一处运送到另一处,也有一些物质需要质膜中的某些蛋白质作为载体而进入细胞。

35、palea about as long as lemma, keels ciliolate, apex acuminate; ─── 内稃大约倍于外稃,具短缘毛的龙骨,先端渐尖;

36、Keywords tolerance optimum design;lemma;reliabilityindex; ─── 公差优化设计;引理;可靠性指标;

37、upper lemma rugulose, apex obtuse. ─── 上面外稃微皱,先端钝。

38、palea shorter and narrower than lemma, scabrid to ciliate along keels, apex 2-toothed. ─── 内稃短和狭窄于外稃,对纤毛虫沿着龙骨,2齿状的顶来说粗糙。

39、A Main Lemma on the Chromaticity of the Complements of Dn ─── 关于Dn补图色性证明的一个重要引理

40、palea slightly shorter than lemma, keels ciliate near apex, 2-veined between and scabrous on either side of keels, apex obtuse or sometimes emarginate; ─── 内稃稍短于外稃,龙骨纤毛近先端,2脉在和在龙骨的两边上粗糙,先端钝和有时微缺之间;

41、upper lemma acute and mucronate or 2-lobed and awned; ─── 上面外稃锐尖和短尖的或2裂和具芒;

42、palea a little shorter than lemma, pubescent between veins, apex 2-toothed. ─── 内稃一小短于外稃,在静脉之间青春期,顶2齿状。

43、Zorn lemma ─── Zorn引理

44、Gronwall-Bellman Lemma Based on Backward ─── 基于倒向的Gronwall-Bellman引理

45、Applied Examples of Burnside Lemma and Polya therom ─── Burnside引理和P(?)lya定理的应用实例

46、The area of any rectangle is equal to the product of two adjacent sides (follows from Lemma 3). ─── 任意一个四方形的面积等于其二边长的乘积(据辅助定理3)

47、upper lemma laterally compressed, obliquely ellipsoid, cartilaginous to coriaceous, margins flat or inrolled. ─── 上面外稃侧面压扁,椭圆形的斜,软骨质对,平的边缘或。

48、palea 1/2 as long to slightly shorter than lemma. ─── 作为稍短于外稃的长时期的内稃1/2。

49、Using the modified method of parabola of Baisanski-Bojanic and the Pfeifer Lemma,the author sets up a global saturation theorem for Trotter-Feller Type Oper- ─── 利用Pfeifer引理和改进的Bojanic抛物线技巧,建立Trotter-Feller型算子的整体饱和定理,并给出实例。

50、1 Upper lemma with 2 lateral bristles arising at base of awn. ─── 出现的上面外稃具2侧的刚毛芒的在基部。

51、upper floret bisexual, upper lemma entire, awnless. ─── 全缘的上面小花两性,上面外稃,。

52、disarticulating below the glume, first glume wanting and second glume enveloping the thin lemma, glabrous, shortly pointed. ─── 两性花1朵,第一颖缺,第二颖革质,边缘于下部合生,全部包裹膜质的内外稃,无毛,具小尖头。


54、upper lemma swollen, striate, transversely rugulose, apex acute. ─── 使膨胀的上面外稃,具条纹,横向微皱,先端锐尖。

55、Tubercle characters on lemma ─── 外稃乳突结构

56、lower lemma absent;upper lemma oblanceolate, 2-toothed in upper 1/4, teeth ciliate; ─── 倒披针形的上面外稃,2齿在上面1/4,具缘毛的齿方面;

57、Under the hypotheses of Lemma 15 ', technical condition B is true. ─── 引理15 '的假设下,技术条件B是真命题。

58、To discuss the strictly positive realness judgment criteria of singularly perturbed systems,a singular system model is employed,and the existing positive real lemma of singular systems is improved. ─── 利用广义系统模型,通过改进已有的广义系统正实引理,讨论了奇异摄动系统的正实性判断问题。

59、Period impulse function and Riemann lemma ─── 周期冲激函数与黎曼引理

60、YAN Zu lemma ─── YanZu引理

61、lemma 2/3 spikelet length, awned from near base to slightly below middle of back, lateral veins minutely exserted, apex obtuse-denticulate; ─── 外稃2/3小穗长度,从近基部到背面,精确外露的侧脉的中间以下的稍微具芒,先端钝具小齿;

62、upper lemma crustaceous, strongly plano-convex, 1/2 length of lower floret, densely pubescent. ─── 壳质,强烈平凸的上面外稃,1/2段更低的小花,密被短柔毛。

63、Zorn rs lemma ─── 佐恩引理

64、"Before" images and construction photos give some idea of the four years of reconstruction and design work, perhaps the source of the house's punning name, Villa di Lemma. ─── “之前”的印象和建筑物的图片为我为期四年的重建和设计工作提供了一些想法,也可能是来源于别墅一语双关的名字。

65、The people - oriented is the creed of scientific concept of development and the lemma, subject and masterstroke of development. ─── 以人为本是科学发展现的纲领,是发展的主旨、主题和主线。

66、Dexamethasone Combined with Mydriasis Treating Exudative Lemma in Pupil after Artificial Lens Operation ─── 地塞米松联合散瞳治疗人工晶体术后瞳孔区渗出膜

67、Spread of Lemma in Hp Space ─── Hp空间一引理的推广

68、Tibebe Lemma, Ricardo F. Aroca * Materials and Surface Science Group, School of Physical Sciences,原始页: ─── 2008年.所有权利保留.上海中图文化发展有限公司技术支持.

69、upper lemma broadly elliptic, coriaceous, rugulose, mucro ca. 0.1 mm. ─── 上面外稃宽椭圆形,革质,微皱,0.1毫米。

70、palea subequal to lemma. ─── 内稃近等长于外稃。

71、Keywords exudative lemma in Pupil after artificial lens operation/therapy;dexamethasone/therapeutic use;mydriatic/therapeu-tic use; ─── 关键词人工晶体术后瞳孔区渗出膜/治疗;地塞米松/治疗应用;散瞳剂/治疗应用;

72、A Lemma on the Full Circles of Quasi-meromorphic Mapping ─── 关于拟亚纯映射充满圆的一个引理

73、upper floret ca. 2 mm, lemma apex narrowed into a poorly developed awn; ─── 上面小花约2毫米,外稃先端缩小成为一发育不良芒;

74、Panicle dense, cylindrical; branches stout, short. Lower lemma densely ciliate. ─── 圆锥花序紧密,圆筒状;分枝结实,短。浓密的更低的外稃具缘毛。

75、lemma for good is good. ─── good的词元是good。

76、Lower glume separated by an internode; upper lemma glabrous at the apex. ─── 一节间分开的更低的颖片;在先端无毛的上面外稃。

77、Using maximum principle and mountain pass lemma to a class of nonlinear elliptic equations, two different positive solutions are obtained. ─── 利用极值原理和山路引理,讨论了一类非线性椭圆[型]方程正解的多重性,得到了两个不同的正。

78、Genetical Analysis of Albino Lemma and Violet Auricle of Flag Leaf in Two-row Barley ─── 二棱大麦白化颖壳和旗叶紫耳突变的遗传分析

79、The area of any rectangle is equal to the product of two adjacent sides (follows from Lemma 3). ─── 任意一个四方形的面积等于其二边长的乘积(据辅助定理3)

80、A variant of the Mountain-pass Lemma ─── 变形山路引理

81、five lemma ─── 五引理

82、In this paper, by Bliss lemma, it is proved that there exists a best constant C such that the weighed Sobolev-Hardy inequality is right. ─── 因此 ,必须寻求另外的方法 . 文中采用Bliss引理 ,证明存在一个最佳常数C使Sobolev Hardy不等式成立 .

83、lower floret staminate or neuter, lemma firmly herbaceous, 7-veined, palea well developed; ─── 中性的更下部的小花雄蕊花或,坚定草质的外稃,脉,内稃发育良好;

84、However, for lemma, stomata appeared only on the adaxial (not on the abaxial )side under both two and four irrigation treatments, and only on the abaxial side under water stress(no irrigation). ─── 从气孔大小看,穗各部分(护颖、外稃、内稃和芒)略小于其他器官。

85、There are many different strains differing in habit, plant height, lemma pubescence, and awn length. ─── 不同的很多在体型,植株高度,外稃短柔毛方面不同的劳累,和长度。

86、awn not or only slightly longer than lemma. ─── 不或者只稍微的芒长于外稃。

87、upper lemma slightly shorter than spikelet, thinly cartilaginous, smooth, margins flat below middle, apex acute. ─── 上面外稃稍短于小穗,稀疏软骨质,平滑,边缘平的中间以下,先端锐尖。

88、upper glume and lower lemma membranous, 3-veined with laterals marginal, minutely crisped-pubescent; ─── 上面颖片和更下部的外稃膜质,3脉具边缘,微小的皱波状短柔毛;

89、A variation of this statement for filters on sets is known as the ultrafilter lemma. ─── 这个陈述对于在集合上的滤子的变体叫做叫做超滤子引理。





为什么说这个定理的名字很逗比呢?因为虽然看起来很正常,但实际上这个定理的名字非常猥琐。因为“黑洞”的英文单词“Black hole”在英文中有女性生殖器的含义,而部分人也有给私处刮毛的习惯,所以“黑洞无毛”是个很戏谑的称呼。


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