midwinter 发音
英:[ˌmɪdˈwɪntər] 美:[ˌmɪdˈwɪntə(r)]
英: 美:
midwinter 中文意思翻译
midwinter 网络释义
n. 仲冬;冬至;冬至期adj. 仲冬的;像仲冬的
midwinter 反义词
midwinter 短语词组
1、midwinter entertainment ─── 仲冬娱乐
2、midwinter festival ─── 仲冬节
3、midwinter break ─── 仲冬时节
4、midwinter day ─── 仲冬日
5、midwinter soup ─── 仲冬汤
6、midwinter dawn ─── 仲冬黎明
7、midwinter night ─── 仲冬之夜
8、in the bleak midwinter ─── 在寒冷的仲冬
9、midwinter feast ─── 仲冬盛宴
midwinter 同义词
winter |wintertime | winter solstice
midwinter 词性/词形变化,midwinter变形
动词过去式: midwifed/midwived |动词现在分词: midwifing/midwiving |名词复数: midwives |动词第三人称单数: midwifes/midwives |动词过去分词: midwifed/midwived |
midwinter 相似词语短语
1、midwinters ─── n.仲冬;冬至;冬至期;adj.仲冬的;像仲冬的
2、midwifery ─── n.产科学,助产学;助产术;促成
3、disinter ─── vt.掘出;发掘;显露
4、mid-winter ─── n.仲冬;冬至;冬至期;adj.仲冬的;像仲冬的
5、misinter ─── 误报
6、midwive ─── 中途岛
7、mild winter ─── 温和的冬天
8、midwife ─── n.助产士;促成因素;vt.助胎儿出生;促成
9、midwifed ─── n.助产士;促成因素;vt.助胎儿出生;促成
midwinter 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In time the barbarians learned too, and so it was that a deputation came to me one cold Midwinter Day, between noon and the setting of the sun. ─── 神剑和剑鞘在诞生地的吸引下,每次遗失候都会回到我手中。每次我都把它们还给莱昂纳斯大陆上的顺民。
2、A laughing vice sinks in the eardrum a faint temperature is mixed in the midwinter. ─── 在耳鼓膜一轮低落的笑声。一股微弱的气温在仲冬中混杂。
3、Hou then, the Miao Village is midwinter season, the pond water icy cold, cold hands Fangfang blushed red, but she also does not care a bit. ─── 那时侯,苗寨正在隆冬季节中,池塘的水冰冷冰冷的,冻的芳芳的手通红通红的,但她一点儿也不在乎。
4、After spring mating, fertilized [polar bear] eggs do not begin to develop until fall. Thus a female delays giving birth until midwinter. ─── 春季交配结束后,北极熊受精的卵子直到秋季才会开始成长,因此雌性北极熊在仲冬时节才会产子。
5、Accordingly, people keeps away from normally midsummer and midwinter, two season decorate option year. ─── 因此,人们通常避开盛夏和隆冬,选择春秋两季装修。
6、Winter、flurry、midwinter、severe cold, day after day. ─── 立冬、小雪、冬至、大寒,日子一天天过去。
7、But he little suspected how brief the blossom would be, or that, in his own short lifetime, he would yet see autumn and midwinter. ─── 但他几乎未曾料到,帝国的辉煌竟会如此地昙花一现,或者说,在自己的短促生涯中,竟会亲眼目睹到帝国的“秋日”和“隆冬”。
8、midwinter weather ─── 仲冬时节的天气
9、In the office hours they keep, heads of organizations are like the midwinter sun or that once-in-a-lifetime stroke of luck: they come late and leave early. ─── 一切机关的首长上办公室,本来像隆冬的太阳或者一生里的好运气,来得很迟,去得很早。
10、I am not stupid enough to rent an unheated flat in Edinburgh in midwinter. It had heating. ─── 我还没笨到大冬天在爱丁堡租没暖气的房子,公寓里是有暖气的。
11、It was midwinter...Snowing and quite cold..and the guy had taken her skiing in the mountains outside Salt Lake City , Utah . ─── 在最冷的冬天的某天, 大雪纷飞, 珍妮和汤米第一次约会, 他们要一起去犹他州盐湖城市外的山上去滑雪。
12、Snowpack on Mt.guacang In midwinter Mt.Guacang is in pure white attire, presenting a fantastic snowscape of snow-clad peaks, snow curtains and snowcreeps. ─── 括苍积雪隆冬的括苍山,积雪皑皑,奇峰异貌,雪瀑银河,漫山素裹。
13、Two decades ago on a midwinter flight from New York to Chile en route to Antarctica, more than a dozen fellow travelers and I came down with bronchitis. ─── 二十年前的仲冬期间,一次从纽约途经智利飞往南极洲的飞行,我和十多位同行人员都染上了支气管炎。
14、As the snow fell in a heavy midwinter storm, Ukrainian troops moved towards the border of Belarus. ─── 在寒冬的暴雪中,乌克兰的军队挺进到白俄罗斯边境。
15、It is well on in May,yet,it is almost as cold as midwinter. ─── 现在进入5月份已经好长时间了,然而天气还像仲冬一样冷。
16、Midwinter spring, the snow falls around Aiai, snow-wrapped, is the crystal world. ─── 隆冬初春,瀑布四周白雪皑皑、银装素裹、是水晶世界。
17、The children are infected with a mad desire to swim in the lake in midwinter. ─── 孩子们都受到一种强烈欲望的感染,想在深冬去湖中游泳。
18、But, in Chinese, "midwinter" literally meaning is "winter come". ─── 但是,“冬至”,在汉语的字面上的意思是“冬天来了”。
19、A Siberian precursor to midwinter intraseasonal variability in the North Pacific storm track ─── 北太平洋风暴路径里西伯利亚对冬至季节内变化的先兆
20、The peoples in Chinese north will eat "JiaoZi" in the day of midwinter. ─── 在中国的北方,冬至那一天要吃饺子。
21、Once upon a time in midwinter, when the snowflakes were falling like feathers from heaven, a queen sat sewing at her window, which had a frame of black ebony wood. ─── 严冬时节,鹅毛一样的大雪片在天空中到处飞舞着,有一个王后坐在王宫里的一扇窗子边,正在为她的女儿做针线活儿,寒风卷着雪片飘进了窗子,乌木窗台上飘落了不少雪花。
22、The fire was banked up as high as if it were midwinter. ─── 炉火被封得很厚实,好像就是隆冬。
23、The cut in the gas flow hit supplies as far west as France and Germany as Europe faced freezing midwinter temperatures. ─── 图:冰天雪地覆盖法国老港马赛。冰点以下温度和异常降雪席卷欧洲大部分地区,麻烦多多。
24、It was a cold midwinter night. ─── 这是一个寒冷的、仲冬的夜晚。
25、It was a midwinter miracle;eight babies born to a single mother and every one of them delivered alive. ─── 这本是个寒冬里的奇迹:单身母亲顺利生下八胞胎,而且个个婴儿都很健康。
26、sages are invited to the grand ceremony in midwinter every year. ─── 每年的冬至都要邀请一些乡里的贤人参加这项盛大的典礼。
27、Even in midwinter, the water no longer freezes and the glaciers around it are receding."We used to be able to take our snowmobiles right across that fjord," she told me. ─── 她告诉我:"过去我们能坐雪橇横跨峡湾,但现在不能了,我们不得不走很长的路绕过去。"
28、The fire was banked up as high as if it were midwinter. ─── 炉火被封得很厚实,好像是在隆冬。
29、fragrant shrub of lower Mississippi valley having very small flowers from midwinter to spring. ─── 密西西比河河谷下游的一种芳香的灌木,花很小,从仲冬到春季开花。
30、In the calendar of natural calamities, flu season follows hurricane season, peaking in midwinter. ─── 在自然灾害日历, 流感季节跟随飓风季节, 锐化在仲冬。
31、Thus, in the end, there has been nothing much new in the midwinter plot. ─── 所以,到头来,这场仲冬政变也没多少新鲜东西。
32、In company with his wife and a faithful servant he crossed the Alps in midwinter, that he might humble himself before the pope. ─── 他携同王后和一个忠心的仆人,在仲冬严寒的时节,攀越阿尔卑斯高山,以便到教皇之前卑躬服罪。
33、Obama cut a dashing figure in blinding sunshine on a freezing midwinter day. ─── 在这个冰冷的严冬,奥巴玛在耀眼的阳光下挥洒着个人魅力。
34、3.A midwinter day; ─── 仲冬的一天;
35、"ShuJiu" is a Chinese custom,That is nine periods from the beginning of the midwinter, every period have nine days. ─── “数九”是中国的一个风俗,就是从冬至开始,九天为一个周期,一共数九个周期。
36、By contrast, the conditions in Northwest Europe in January 1945 were as brutal as any in history, including the French and the German retreats from Moscow in midwinter, 1812 and 1941. ─── 对比之下,即使算上1812年法国人,1941年德国人莫斯科冬季之大撤退,1945年元月西欧北部战场似为历史上任何一次战役中最为苦寒之冬。
37、In midwinter the middle had been the warmest and the ice thinnest there. ─── 仲冬,反而是湖心最温暖,那儿的冰最薄。
38、A midwinter day; midwinter storms ─── 仲冬的一天;仲冬的风雪
39、American Library Association Midwinter Meeting ─── 美国图书馆协会冬季大会
40、Making January 7 as the Christmas day is not decided by accident, because December 25 in the Russian calendar is the midwinter day. ─── 1月7日定为圣诞节不是偶然决定的,而是由于俄国日历的12月25日是冬至。
41、The Analysis on a Low-latitude Severe Convection in Midwinter ─── 一次低纬隆冬严重强对流天气特征分析
42、Local sages are invited to the grand ceremony in midwinter every year. ─── 每年的冬至都要邀请一些乡里的贤人参加这项盛大的典礼。
43、In the midwinter, there is ont thing that cannot be frozen, that's my bless for you. ─── 隆冬里冻不住的唯一之物是我对你的祝福。
44、The weather is really cold from the beginning of midwinter. ─── 从冬至开始,天气才是真正地冷了下来。
45、Today is midwinter. ─── 今天是冬至。
46、She was thin, as thin as a shaft of midwinter sunlight in the forests of the east, and tall, nearly as tall as he was. ─── 她很瘦弱,瘦弱得像东方森林隆冬时节的一缕阳光。她很高,几乎跟他一样高。
47、A midwinter day; midwinter storms. ─── 仲冬的一天; 仲冬的风雪
48、Beltane is one of the ancient pre-Christian fire festivals (along with midsummer , Hallowe'en and midwinter - now translated into Christmas . ─── )朔是一个古老的前基督教消防节(随着盛夏 , 万圣节隆冬-现在译为圣诞节) 。
49、In the northern of China ,people have the custom of eating Dumpling on Midwinter Day! ─── 在北方,人们有在冬至节吃饺子的习惯!
50、The peoples in Chinese north start to "ShuJiu" from the midwinter. ─── 在中国的北方,从冬至这一天开始“数九”。
51、There is a camellia tree in the Sanguan Palace blooming fully in midwinter, so it is called Naidong, meaning it can stand bitterly cold winters. ─── 这里采用音译加随文注的方法,对“耐冬”做进一步解释,加深读者对茶花树的印象。
52、Above the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in midwinter, sundogs meld into a halo around the sun. ─── 在跨阿拉斯加输油管道上,隆冬天气里的幻日融合成了一个围绕太阳的光环。
53、In the midwinter time with weather chill, little capacity, flowers grows extremely slow, stop to grow even, water quantity should little. ─── 在天气严寒、蒸发量少的隆冬时节,花卉生长极其缓慢,甚至停止生长,浇水量应少。
54、So, midwinter is a grand festival in Chinese south. ─── 所以,在中国南方,冬至也是一个很盛大的节日。
55、Trans-Alaska Pipeline in midwinter, sundogs meld into a halo around the sun. ─── 跨阿拉斯加输油管道上,隆冬天气里的幻日融合成了一个围绕太阳的光环。
56、Both have their own section of the map title in mind that we can see from the title is a map in mind for thirteen years in the Qianlong (1748) on the 6th midwinter. ─── 是图首尾各有一段题记,从题记可知是图作于乾隆十三年(1748年)仲冬六日。
57、Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting ─── 芝加哥牙科协会冬季会议
58、Midwinter season, countrywide quality is supervised examine quarantine job conference is held in Beijing. ─── 隆冬时节,全国质量监督检验检疫工作会议在北京召开。
59、It is well on in May,yet,it is almost as cold as midwinter. ─── 现在进入5月分已经好长时间了,然而天气还象仲冬一样冷。
60、Really? Don't people eat dumplings on Midwinter? ─── 是吗?冬至不是要吃汤圆吗?
61、midwinter shutdown ─── 隆冬停输
62、a ,midwinter('s) night ─── 仲冬之夜.
63、At first we should have thought that rivers would be empty and dry in midwinter, or else frozen solid fill the spring thawed them; ─── 夏天气势磅礴的山川,如今难寻其迹,我们试着探寻过去,却见不到河,只有一片冻硬了的冰雪。
64、In this finance seismic sea wave, our country is affected the earliest, it is foreland extroversion production enterprise, the midwinter last year, to them character, especially " cold " a few. ─── 在这场金融海啸中,我国最早受到波及的,便是沿海地区外向型制造企业,去年的隆冬,对他们而言,分外“冷”一些。
65、There's nothing wrong, of course, with delighting in love and honoring friendship and stopping in the bleak midwinter to tickle the people we love. ─── 在萧瑟的寒冬里取悦我们的爱人当然没有什么不对,但是如果在不知不觉中让这一天过去,那也是心理很健康的表现。
66、Behind us lay bitter memories of what midwinter was like. ─── 过去隆冬的情景给我们留下痛苦的回忆。
67、midwinter chill ─── 仲冬的寒冷
68、" Cao Cao you panic, the middle of the night, black cushions midwinter, and there is no other wear carefully what. ─── 曹操一下惊慌失措,半夜里,黑咕隆冬的,没有留心对方穿什么。
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