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monarchal 发音


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monarchal 中文意思翻译



monarchal 词性/词形变化,monarchal变形

副词: monarchally |形容词: monarchal |

monarchal 相似词语短语

1、monarchic ─── adj.君主政体的;君主的;赞成君主政体的

2、monarchial ─── adj.国王的(等于monarchal)

3、anarchal ─── 无政府状态

4、menarcheal ─── 月经初潮

5、menarchial ─── 月经的

6、monarch ─── n.君主,帝王;最高统治者

7、monarchally ─── 君主的

8、monarchical ─── adj.君主的,国王的;君主政治的

9、monachal ─── adj.出家的;修道院的

monarchal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Actress Helen Mirren, who played the monarch, comes fifth generally and second in the over 50 group. ─── 在50岁以上年龄组中,英国女王位居女性偶像的第三位,而她在成人组中排在第六位。

2、The national band played for the visiting monarch. ─── 国家乐团演奏给来访的帝王听。

3、To be sick is to enjoy monarchal prerogatives. ─── 以生病是享受monarchal的特权。

4、Monarch larvae have six pairs of eyes called ocelli but have very poor vision. ─── 作为幼虫,帝王蝶吃草,但是成为成年蝴蝶后,它吃花蜜。

5、A loyal subject to a monarch. ─── 君主忠实的臣民

6、The head of state is the hereditary monarch. ─── 国家元首是世袭统治者。

7、Your precious stones and fime hores are just left in the care of the monarch of the State of Yu. ─── 再说晋国爱虞国,这种爱比桓叔和庄伯的后人对晋国更亲近吗?

8、"The great Monarch and the great Pope will precede Antichrist. ─── 伟大的君主和伟大的教宗会先于反对基督的人。

9、He had the ear of the monarch. ─── 他在君主那里说得上话。

10、The thesis of Bo Qin as the first monarch of Lu fief was expounded by Cui Su,but he was not consistently correct. ─── “伯禽封鲁”说之所以影响大 ,盖由崔述的鼓荡所致 ,然而崔氏的考证远非一贯正确。

11、In 1660 when the Second Charles be the monarch, the officials sent a hunting ship named yacht. ─── 1660年,英国查尔斯二世继承王位时,大臣们呈献一艘狩猎船,名为游艇。

12、They had leaders and noble families, but no quasi-divine monarch surrounded by an elaborately organized court. ─── 他们有领袖,有贵族家庭,但是并没有类似上帝的君主,四周簇拥着精心安排的朝臣。

13、A monarch has the prerogative of mercy for criminals. ─── 君主享有对罪犯的赦免权。

14、Queen Elizabeth II has become the first British monarch to celebrate a diamond wedding anniversary. ─── 伊丽莎白二世女王成为第一位庆祝“钻石婚”的英国君主。

15、The monarch's role is purely ceremonial. ─── 君主纯粹是个礼仪职位。

16、He played the game of power politics as if he were a divineright monarch, but he played it well and for the peace of the world. ─── 他象一个神权君主似的玩弄强权政治游戏,不过玩得很好,而且是为了世界和平。

17、M. de Blacas pondered deeply between the confident monarch and the truthful minister. ─── 勃拉卡斯公爵对国王和大臣这种盲目的泰然处之的态度深感不解。

18、Fallen Monarch in Mariposa Grove. ─── 倒下已有数百年了.

19、He also brings forward the proposal that “people are the noble force, the state less, and the Monarch humble. ─── 他还提出了“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻“的主张,劝告统治者注意人民的安危和向背。

20、And, it seemed, the milkweed invited only the monarch to dine on it. ─── 举个例子,黑脉金斑蝶的幼虫就专吃马利筋,而马利筋似乎也只欢迎黑脉金斑蝶前来就餐。

21、But the Prime Minister may also ask the monarch to dissolve the existing Parliament and order a new election. ─── 但是首相也可以要求君主来解散现有的议会以及举行新的选举。

22、"Earth" is the most matriarchal society female monarch. ─── “后土”,就是母系氏族社会最高的女性君王。

23、But the little prince, having now completed his preparations for departure, had no wish to grieve the old monarch. ─── 但是小王子,准备完毕之后,不想使老君主难过,说道

24、They attempted to overthrow the monarch. ─── 他们企图推翻国王。

25、Another piece of material from Zuo Zuan evidenced that Zhou Gong Dan was the first monarch of Lu fief. ─── 《左传》僖公二十四年说“鲁”是“文之昭”,这是一条铁证 ,证明了周公旦是鲁国的始封之君。

26、The court-admonisher can't carry out their admonition for the reason that they are under the orders of the monarch. ─── 但是谏官由于受制于专制皇权,所以其谏言也大打折扣。

27、Emperor Cheng Tang was upset to find such a greedy, heartless trapper, but he was also a very wise monarch. ─── 国王成唐看到这样一个贪心而又残酷的猎人非常不安,但他毕竟是一个英明的君主。

28、The monarch as head of state. ─── 国王作为国家元首的君主

29、He spoke in terms of the strongest indignation of the faithless conduct of the allies towards this dethroned monarch. ─── 他痛骂同盟国对于这位下了台的皇帝不守信义。

30、So the monarch offered him freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult question. ─── 因此国王表示只要他能回答出一个非常难的问题,就可以给他自由。

31、A state ruled or headed by a monarch. ─── 君主国由君主统治或领导的国家

32、You sweet love precious ,I disdains one the refore to exehange with the monarch. ─── 你甜蜜的爱,就是珍宝,我不屑把处境跟帝王对调。

33、A secretary to a monarch or noble. ─── 国王的秘书,贵族的秘书

34、He is a wounded soldier worn to a frazzle in the heart, as well as a lazy monarch. ─── 他,是一个内心疲惫的伤兵,更是一个慵懒的帝王。

35、One who has the power and position to rule over others; a monarch. ─── 君主,统治者有权力和地位来统治别人的人;君王

36、The Monarch is normally represented at the general assembly by the Lord High Commissioner. ─── 他们被授予圣职,王室高级代表通常代表君主光临会议。

37、The monarchal regime is a hereditary system state, and the produce of the king is limited to a small range. ─── 君主制国家实行世袭制,国王产生的范围很小。

38、No monarch in his impregnable fortress is more secure than the cony in his rocky burrow. ─── 在巩固城堡中的王并不会比在岩石洞穴中的沙番更安全。

39、The monarch and her husband will visit the United States from May3-8, Buckingham Palace announced Wednesday. ─── 但官方的周年纪念活动将于女王访问后一周开始。

40、The Tutsi retained their dominant position over the Hutu in Rwanda until 1961, when the monarch was overthrown. ─── 1961年以前图西人在卢安达一直保有对胡图人的统治地位,直到其君主被推翻。

41、Sovereign right problem still being in the people in monarch once was a undecided major issue. ─── 主权在君还是在民的问题曾是一个悬而未决的重大问题。

42、A monarch should be a broad-minded man of vision. ─── 作为一国国君应该有宽广的胸怀与眼光。

43、A monarch or any other leader must be a person with foresight, a kind heart, and courage. ─── 一个国君必须具有远见和仁慈的心及勇气。

44、A wide-sleeved garment worn by an English monarch at his or her coronation. ─── 加冕服在国王或女王加冕典礼时,英国国王穿的有宽大衣袖的衣服

45、Others argue that originated in the 17th and 18th centuries when Parliament asserted the right to name and depose a monarch. ─── 另外一些人则争辩说议会主权原则滥觞于17、18世纪,当时的议会主张任命和罢免君主的权利。

46、The august presence of the monarch. ─── 主教威严的到来

47、He played the game of power politics as if he were a divine right monarch, but he played it well and for the peace of the world. ─── 他象一个神权君主似的玩弄强权政治游戏,不过玩得很好,而且是为了世界和平。

48、They met at the Union Station for the midnight train to Monarch. ─── 他们在联合车站集合,然后搭上那趟午夜去莫纳克的火车。

49、The mystery and allusion of the deified monarchal tomb ─── 金字塔:神化王陵的谜与典

50、The monarch's imposing presence. ─── 君主威严的仪容

51、He gave bouquets of them to his monarch, Queen Victoria, who probably not co incidentally, found him quite charming. ─── 他曾经给维多利亚女王送过报春花,或许女王不经意间发现他十分有魅力。

52、In Africa there lives an extraordinary tree. She is the queen of the river bank, a monarch whose story stretches back millions of years. ─── 嘉树长非洲,悠然立河畔。渊源溯万年,恩义被两岸。

53、Well, since it was better than death, he accepted the monarch's proposition to have an answer by year's end. ─── 但总比死亡要好得多,亚瑟接受了国王的命题在一年的最后一天给他答案。

54、Drink up the monarch's plague, this flattery? ─── 喝过帝王们的鸩毒--自我阿谀?

55、The monstrous monarch monopolied monarchy. ─── 可怕的君主垄断了君主国。

56、The basic support for the central theme of the ancient scripts, condemned the feudal tyranny and extol liberal monarch. ─── 剧本的基本主题是拥护中央王权,谴责封建暴君和歌颂开明君主。

57、The only real connecting link was the monarch himself. ─── 唯一的实际联系是君主本人。

58、Mary is also remembered as the monarch who lost the French port of Calais, the last British possession on the Continent. ─── 人们记住玛利还因为她是丢失法国港口加莱的君主,加莱本是英国在欧洲大陆的最后属地。

59、Based on this idea, the monarch and his subordinates are able to work out a better method of running state business. ─── 君主必须有清净无为的为政态度,信任臣下不越权揽事,以达成君臣互信互赖的良好共事模式。

60、The monarch has been ill for some time. ─── 君主生病有一段时间了。

61、"Follow me," he said, "my bonny Scot, as one chosen by Destiny and a Monarch to accomplish a bold adventure. ─── 借用一个法律用语吧,路易在给了他的门客这笔追加费之后,便转过身来对达威特说:“我的苏格兰小伙子,跟我来吧。

62、He became practically Monarch of France as First Consul in 1799, and he made himself Emperor of France in I804 in direct imitation of Charlemagne. ─── 1799年,作为第一执政官,他实际上成了法国君主。 1804年,他直接模仿查理大帝,称自己为法国皇帝。

63、The monarch during the fall of the Republic and the time of the Empire was King Ebareebaveebeedee. ─── 在共和国衰落和帝国兴起的那段时间里,国王埃巴里巴维比迪是统治者。

64、The monarch is supposed to attend the funeral. ─── 国王应该是会参加葬礼。

65、Hamlet in the eyes of God as the father, is a wise ruling monarch. ─── 在哈姆莱特眼中,父亲就像神一样,是个英明治国的君主。

66、Dead is the monarch, dead the servant who cringed before him, dead the city in which they dwelt. ─── 君主死了,在他面前卑躬屈膝、阿谀奉承的侍臣死了,他们居住的这个都城也死了。

67、A woman member of a royal family other than the monarch, especially a daughter of a monarch. ─── 公主王室的非君主女性成员,尤指君主的女儿

68、Revised monarch and leader names for Albania. ─── 修正阿尔巴尼亚的君主及将领名.

69、By summertime, that milkweed patch had produced 50 new monarch butterflies! ─── “这一定会发生,因为昆虫在不停的移动,他们一定会找到你为他们种植的植物!

70、And so it was, the neighboring monarch granted Arthur his freedom and Lancelot and the witch had a wonderful wedding. ─── 于是,邻国国王释放了亚瑟,兰斯洛特和女巫也举行了隆重的婚礼。

71、The castle or house of a medieval monarch or noble . ─── 他那高尚的榜样激发我们大家更加努力.

72、The great Monarch will come to restore peace and the Pope will share in the victory. ─── 伟大的君主会来恢复和平,教宗会分享胜利。

73、Used formerly as a title for the monarch of Iran. ─── 国王,皇帝伊朗国王的以前正式称谓

74、Two people chat very congenially, decide finally " monarch room talk behind closed doors " . ─── 两人聊得十分投机,最后决定“辟室密谈”。

75、They also crowned Dath'Remar as their first monarch. ─── 他们拥护达斯雷玛成为他们的第一任皇权统治者。

76、In the age of monarchy, foreign policy served the interests of the monarch. ─── 在帝制时代,外交政策服务于帝王的利益;

77、The head of the monarch is a king or a queen. ─── 国王或女王是君主政体的首脑。

78、MONARCH can look like a PowerPC Altivec general-purpose processor, and then look like a streaming processor. ─── 其变形能根据应用,如波形形成在运行中进行。

79、An equestrian statue of a famous monarch. ─── 一位著名君主的骑马像

80、The Chinese monarch neither neglected the message as Heraclius did, nor insulted the envoys after the fashion of the parricide Kavadh. ─── 中国皇帝既没有象赫拉克利乌斯那样对那封信置之不理,也没有照弑亲者卡瓦德那样侮辱送信的人。

81、An orange and black North American butterfly(Limenitis archippus), resembling but somewhat smaller than the monarch. ─── 副王峡蝶一种桔色和黑色相间的北美蝴蝶(北美副王蛱蝶杨蛱蝶属)象但略小于大蝴蝶

82、The shattered boy who marched bravely behind his mother's coffin years ago has emerged as thoughtful young man a thoroughly modern monarch. ─── 几年前那个跟在母亲棺木后勇敢前行、悲痛欲绝的男孩,如今已成为一个富有思想的年轻人--一位十分现代的君主。

83、The mo trous monarch monopolied monarchy. ─── 可怕的君主垄断了君主国.

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