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09-30 投稿


lounged 发音

英:[laʊndʒd]  美:[laʊndʒd]

英:  美:

lounged 中文意思翻译





lounged 词性/词形变化,lounged变形

动词过去分词: lounged |名词: lounger |动词现在分词: lounging |动词第三人称单数: lounges |动词过去式: lounged |

lounged 常用词组

lobby lounge ─── 大堂酒廊;大堂酒吧

cocktail lounge ─── 餐馆;鸡尾酒会

departure lounge ─── 候机室;启程处

lounged 相似词语短语

1、lounger ─── n.闲荡的人;懒人

2、lozenged ─── 含片的

3、loungey ─── adj.(非正式)休息的,休闲的,舒适的

4、loungier ─── 朗吉尔

5、loungers ─── n.闲荡的人;懒人

6、longed ─── v.渴望,很想(long的过去式和过去分词)

7、lunged ─── adj.肺般的;有肺的;v.踢;突进;刺出(lunge的过去分词)

8、lounges ─── n.休息处;沙发;娱乐室(lounge复数形式);v.倚;闲荡(lounge的三单形式)

9、lounge ─── n.休息室;闲逛;躺椅;(英)酒吧间;vi.闲逛;懒洋洋地躺卧;闲混;vt.虚度光阴

lounged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So saying, he lounged to the fire, and sat down. ─── 说着,他就磨磨蹭蹭到炉火边,坐下来了。

2、Bartenders within the multilevel club were juggling Champagne bottles topped with sparklers while revelers lounged on white banquettes, drinking Chivas Regal and green tea. ─── 这家有好几层楼的夜店里的酒保耍弄著套著仙女棒的香槟酒瓶,狂欢者斜靠在白色的长沙发上,喝著芝华士威士忌和绿茶。

3、My companion lounged in his arm-chair with his usual listless expression, while Small sat stolidly opposite to him with his wooden leg cocked over his sound one. ─── 福尔摩斯仍象往常一样,懒洋洋地坐在他的椅子上,面对着顽强地坐在那儿的斯茂。斯茂把那条木腿搭在好腿上面。

4、A dandy who had lost his way and who lounged past the end of the street created a diversion! ─── 一个在街头闲逛的花花公子转移了他们的注意力。

5、The colonel and Crossjay lounged over the garden. ─── 上校与克罗斯杰迈着懒洋洋的步子走过院子。

6、There was no trace of the three elderly chamberladies who always lounged by the central bedchamber stair, waiting to be summoned up into Teshla's presence. ─── 房间里没有那三个老寝室侍女的影子,她们总是在中央卧室的楼梯边上慵懒的打发时间,期待着她们能吸引苔什拉到场。

7、Prince Ippolit lounged in a reclining chair, with his legs over the arm. ─── 伊波利特公爵躺在一把伏尔泰椅上,一双脚跷在扶手上,大笑起来。

8、lounging on the sofa; lounged around in pajamas. ─── 慵懒地躺在沙发上;穿着睡衣到处闲逛

9、" Charlie lounged across the sofa with his bare feet propped up on the arm. ─── 查理横躺在沙发上,光着的脚丫搭在沙发扶手上。

10、Instead of "He sat in his chair",we may say, "He lounged, sprawled, coiled".Instead of "It was hot", we may say, "It was blistering, sultry, muggy, suffocating, steamy, wilting". ─── 我们可能会说“他懒洋洋地倚靠、伸开四肢躺在、盘坐在椅子上”来更换“他坐在椅子上”,我们会说“天气炎热、酷热、闷热、热得令人窒息、燥热、干热”代替“天气热”。

11、After dessert, people lounged on the couches for a while, then pulled on their clothes in the entryway. ─── 甜点过后,大家在长椅上“摊”了一会儿,开始到门前穿上衣服。

12、"In what stables champed these sleek, nervous horses and rested the gorgeous carriages? Where lounged the richly groomed footmen?" ─── 什么样的马厩喂养着这些漂亮机灵的马儿,停放着这些豪华的马车?那些衣着华丽的下人在哪里闲逛?

13、I lounged up the side aisle like any other idler who has dropped into a church ─── 我就象偶尔进入教堂里边的其它游手好闲者一样,信步顺着两旁的通道往前走。

14、To prevent our dog, Lacy, from pestering visitors to our house, my mother often massaged her as she lounged beneath the kitchen table, her favorite resting spot. ─── 为避免我们的狗,莱希,纠缠来访的客人,我母亲常在爱犬喜欢呆的地方,即餐桌下面,摩昵它。

15、She lounged around the coffee shop with a few friends. ─── 她和一些朋友绕着那家咖啡店闲逛。

16、Laura...lounged in the hammock. ─── 劳拉懒洋洋地躺在吊床里。...2. 闲荡;

17、The liveried swordman thought he saw an opening and lounged at his left shoulder, the swordman in blue was merely luring his enemy. ─── 青衣剑士回剑侧身,右腿微蹲,锦衫剑士看出破绽,挺剑向他左肩疾刺。

18、She lounged the entire day on clouds and played the harp. ─── 她懒洋洋地躺在云端,整个一天起到了竖琴。

19、She lounged on the rug. ─── 她懒洋洋地躺在地毯上。

20、The eagerth eagerths lounged in trap Marchction truth of trap cave floating relationship triangle. ─── 无亲身历程的青年们在南洞口闲荡了唯一的月.

21、Ruth sat near him in the stern, while the three young fellows lounged amidships, deep in a wordy wrangle over "frat" affairs. ─── 露丝坐在船尾跟他一起。三个小伙子在中舱闲聊,为兄弟会的事大发议论,争吵得不可开交。

22、Inside the great keep Robin darted into a little room on the right of the doorway, where the only man on guard lounged carelessly. ─── 在大城堡内,罗宾冲进城门右边的一间小房子,这里只有一位看守者不关心地卧着。

23、One week later half the rats were recruited into the eyeblink training program;the others lounged in their home cages. ─── 一星期后,一半的大鼠接受眨眼制约训练,另一半则留在笼内无所事事。

24、The young youths lounged in the south mouth of the cave for one month. ─── 无经验的青年们在南洞口闲荡了一个月。

25、We lounged on the sofa and watched TV all day. ─── 休闲地消磨时光。

26、One ad portrayed a well-dressed marksman firing at a target in his living room fireplace while a dog lounged at his feet. ─── 当时的一则广告中,一个穿着讲究的神射手在一个起居室壁炉里的目标射击时,在他周围的一直狗懒洋洋的躺着。

27、Laura lounged in the hammock. ─── 罗拉懒洋洋地躺在吊床里。

28、The child lounged in an armchair. ─── 孩子懒洋洋地倚在扶手椅里。

29、Where lounged the richly groomed footmen? ─── 那些衣着华丽的下人在哪里闲逛?

30、They lounged the summer away. ─── 他们散漫安闲地度过夏天。

31、Inside the great keep Robin darted into a little room on the right of the doorway, where the only man on guard lounged carelessly. ─── 在大城堡内,罗宾冲进城门右边的一间小房子,这里只有一位看守者不关心地卧着。

32、He lounged back in his swivel chair and the setting sun played on his face. ─── 他躺回到转椅上,夕阳荡漾在他的脸上。

33、Several people are lounged around. ─── 有几个人正在那里闲荡。

34、He lounged the summer away. ─── 他散漫安闲地度过夏天。

35、The children lounged the whole morning away in the park. ─── 孩子们在公园里消磨了整个上午。

36、They lounged away the day playing cards. ─── 他们玩玩牌打发了这一天。

37、Senators lounged around like teenagers at an all-night party, amusing themselves by sending messages to conservative blogs. ─── 参议员在里边东游西逛,活象通宵晚会上的少年;他们还自娱自乐,发送信息到保守派博客。

38、AT A taxi-rank on the southern edge of Kabul, drivers lounged against dusty car bonnets and held a grim conversation. ─── 这里是喀布尔南端的一个的士站。尘土斑斑的发动机盖上,司机们休憩于此,彼此交谈着,对话有些凝重。

39、These young men always lounged about in this street, doing nothing. ─── 这些小伙子们总是在这条街上闲逛,什么事也不做。

40、The children lounged the whole morning away in the park. ─── 孩子们在公园里消磨了整个上午。

41、" I pretended to smile as I went to sit on the floor in front of the sofa where Charlie lounged. ─── 我假装微笑,直到查理躺着的沙发前席地坐下。

42、" Instead of "He sat in his chair," we may say, "He lounged, sprawled, coiled. ─── 所以,这世纪的文人在文章中,往往会轻描淡写,去除夸饰。

43、Lounging on the sofa;lounged around in pajamas. ─── 慵懒地躺在沙发上;穿着睡衣到处闲逛

44、530. The youth youths lounged in the south mouth of the cave for one month. ─── 无亲身历练的青年们在南洞口闲荡了唯一月.

45、Spruance lounged outside, elbows on the bulwark. ─── 斯普鲁恩斯在外边闲望,胳膊肘搁在舷樯上。

46、Lounged in Venice till June. ─── 在威尼斯闲逛,直到六月份

47、They ate and drank and lounged in the shade. ─── 他们在阴凉处懒洋洋地坐着,又吃又喝。

48、Men who had lounged about all night in smock-frocks and leather leggings , came out in silken vests and hats and plumes, as jugglers or mountebanks. ─── 夜晚穿着粗罩衫扎着皮裹腿到处游荡的男人,现在学着变戏法和江湖艺人的装束也挽上绸衣,戴上插有羽毛的帽子出来了。

49、The young youths lounged in the south mouth of thegossip girl 插曲 cave for one month. ─── 无经验的青年们在南洞口闲荡了一个月.

50、lounged the day away. ─── 懒散地打发日子

51、Then we lounged through many a nd many a sumptuous private mansions. ─── 后来我们又在不少金碧辉煌的私人府邸中闲逛。

52、Actors playing mermaids and Greek warriors lounged around in costumes little better than those at a Halloween party. ─── 演员扮演的美人鱼和希腊勇士懒洋洋围绕服装的小党比在万圣节的好。

53、As I lounged in the park or strolled down Paccadilly I used to look at every one who passed me. ─── 我在公园里闲逛,或在毕卡第街漫步时,常常注视身边每一个过往行人。

54、Ruth sat near him in the stern, while the three young fellows lounged amidships, deep in a wordy wrangle over "frat" affairs. ─── 露丝坐在船尾跟他一起。三个小伙子在中舱闲聊,为兄弟会的事大发议论,争吵得不可开交。

55、Outside, in Mr.G髍riz's courtyard, two French tourists lounged under broad white umbrellas, swishing their feet on the loose pebble floor of the terrace. ─── 外面,在格瑞斯先生的庭院里,两个法国游人躺在宽阔的白伞下面,在阳台上零星地铺着鹅卵石的地板上挥动着的脚。

56、E.g.: He lounged about the house, doing nothing but getting in our way while we were working. ─── 我们工作时,他什么也不干,在屋子里乱转,碍手碍脚的。

57、髍riz's courtyard, two French tourists lounged under broad white umbrellas, swishing their feet on the loose pebble floor of the terrace. ─── 鱼做得很简单,只在架子上烤,之后和煎过的大蒜和一片柠檬搭配在一起。

58、Rhett Butler lounged in the shadows, his long legs in their elegant boots crossed negligently, his dark face an unreadable blank. ─── 瑞德-巴特勒懒懒地斜倚在黑影中,穿着漂亮皮靴的两条长腿随意交叉着,那张黑黝黝的脸孔上毫无表情,谁也不知道他在想些什么。

59、Such a place was the Grotto, where Brissenden and he lounged in capacious leather chairs and drank Scotch and soda. ─── “洞窟酒吧”就是这样一个地方,布里森登和他此刻就躺在“洞窟”的大皮椅上喝着威士忌苏打。

60、They had lounged away in a poverty-stricken, purposeless, accidental manner, quite natural and unimpeachable. ─── 人们都走开了。 他们穷,行动都很偶然没有目的。 这很自然,也无懈可击。

61、He was idly beating the branches as he lounged along. ─── 他一面懒洋洋地走着,一面百无聊赖地打着那些树枝。

62、He lounged in an armchair in a stance of deliberate contempt. ─── 他懒洋洋地躺在扶手椅里,故意摆出一种轻蔑的架势。

63、He lounged away the time. ─── 他散地虚度光阴。

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