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10-01 投稿


mortuaries 发音

英:[ˈmɔːtjʊəriz]  美:[ˈmɔrtʃuˌɛriz]

英:  美:

mortuaries 中文意思翻译




mortuaries 词性/词形变化,mortuaries变形

名词复数: mortuaries |

mortuaries 相似词语短语

1、costmaries ─── n.艾菊

2、contraries ─── n.相反(contrary的复数形式);原料中的杂质

3、cartularies ─── n.房地产契据册;档案保管处

4、actuaries ─── n.精算师;[保险]保险计算员(actuary的复数形式)

5、noctuaries ─── 伤害

6、abortuaries ─── 堕胎

7、forwearies ─── forvalues公司

8、coronaries ─── adj.冠的;冠状的;花冠的

9、estuaries ─── n.(江河入海的)河口(estuary的复数)

mortuaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A rental coach and driver transport the family to and from the government-sponsored mortuaries. ─── 司机开送葬车接送死者的家庭。

2、In an interview, she claimed that the hospital had three mortuaries where bodies with numbered tags around their necks were stored in a pool of formalin to preserve them before they were dissected. ─── 在一次采访中,东洋还提到,她所在的医院有三个停尸间,那里的尸体的脖子上都标上数字标签。

3、The injured and the dead were taken to hospitals and mortuaries. ─── 受伤的人送到了医院,死者则送去了太平间。

4、He has checked the mortuaries and photo galleries of unclaimed bodies held by the police, but his sister was not among them. ─── 他在停尸房和照片中暂由警察保管的未被认领的尸体中寻找他妹妹。但是其中没有她妹妹。

5、In the past few days a makeshift village of cabins and temporary mortuaries has sprung up in Fromelles, northwest France, as a team of forensic archaeologists begins work. ─── 过去几天内,一队法医考古人员来到法国西北部的弗隆美尔,尸体太多,只有用棺材和临时的太平间作为权宜之计。

6、He has checked the mortuaries and photo galleries of unclaimed bodies held by the police, but his sister was not among them. ─── 他在停尸房和照片中暂由警察保管的未被认领的尸体中寻找他妹妹。但是其中没有她妹妹。

7、Mortuaries use lead vehicles, often a mini-van, with amber or purple lights on top to alert drivers to processionals. ─── 殡仪馆用的头车通常是一辆小型货车,顶部有琥珀色或紫色的灯提醒其它司机这是葬礼车队。

8、i want a warrant to go into his mortuaries immediately ─── 我要一份搜查令去立即搜查他的殡仪馆

9、In India, beaches were turned into virtual open-air mortuaries , with bodies of people caught in the tidal wave being washed ashore. ─── 在印度,海滩事实上成为了露天的停尸房。那里海水将被卷入大海而丧生的人的尸体冲回海岸。

10、Mortuaries and hospitals in the area are already overwhelmed. ─── 然后再往尸体上洒石灰,喷消毒剂。

11、Yu is one of the many operators of funeral goods and services that can often be found within a stone's throw of the city's public mortuaries. ─── 于先生是众多殡葬业者之一,他们的店铺常常开在公共太平间的咫尺之外,为人们提供丧葬用品和服务。

12、There have been repeated mix-ups of bodies at public mortuaries but this is the first time a body has gone missing. ─── 公众殓房一再发生调错尸体事件,但这是首次遗失尸体。

13、In India, beaches were turned into virtual open-air mortuaries, with bodies of people caught in the tidal wave being washed ashore. ─── 在印度,海滩事实上成为了露天的停尸房。那里海水将被卷入大海而丧生的人的尸体冲回海岸。

14、Elsewhere in Nairobi, chang'aa is spiked with embalming fluid from mortuaries. ─── 内罗毕以外的其他地方,chang’aa又添加了从殡仪馆弄的尸体防腐剂。

15、Forest Lawn Memorial-Parks and Mortuaries - Features the cemeteries with pictures of art work, schedules of admission free programs. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

16、public mortuaries , cremation permits , cemeteries and crematoria services ; and ─── 公众殓房坟场火葬场服务火葬许可证办事处

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