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10-02 投稿


magnification 发音

英:[ˌmæɡnɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]  美:[ˌmæɡnɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]

英:  美:

magnification 中文意思翻译



magnification 常用词组

magnification factor ─── 扩大因数;放大因数;放大倍数

image magnification ─── 图像(象)放大

magnification 短语词组

1、magnification factor ─── [电] 扩大因数

2、coefficient of magnification ─── 放大系数

3、chromatism of magnification ─── [化] 放大率色差

4、objective magnification ─── 物镜放大率

5、linear magnification ─── 线性放大

6、magnification factor for amplitude ─── [化] 振幅放大因子

7、dynacical magnification ─── 动态放大率

8、magnification coefficient ─── 放大系数

9、dynamic magnification ─── 动态放大率; ─── 动力放大

10、biological magnification ─── 生物放大

11、error magnification ─── 误差放大

12、absolute magnification ─── 绝对放大倍数

13、electronic magnification ─── 电子变倍

14、magnification in depth ─── 深度放大

15、lateral magnification ─── [化] 横向放大率

16、axial magnification ─── [化] 轴向放大率

17、electron magnification ─── 电子放大率

18、angular magnification ─── [化] 角放大率

19、gas magnification ─── [电] 气放大

magnification 词性/词形变化,magnification变形

异体字: magnifical |副词: magnifically |

magnification 相似词语短语

1、lignification ─── n.木质化;[植]木化;[生化]木质化作用

2、massification ─── n.大众化;奢侈品大众化

3、minification ─── n.微小;缩小

4、dignification ─── 尊严

5、panification ─── n.做面包

6、magnifications ─── 放大倍数(magnification的复数)

7、damnification ─── n.[法]损伤;损害

8、carnification ─── n.肉质化

9、signification ─── n.意义;表示

magnification 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Similarly, the Ricci flow is like a microscope for looking at a manifold at a chosen magnification. ─── 同样地,瑞奇流就像是显微镜,可以用所选择的放大倍率去观看流形。

2、The dynamic magnification factor (DMF) of structures is derived. ─── 导出了结构动力放大系统的计算公式。

3、The electron dense deposits by electron microscopy at high magnification are seen here. ─── 图示电子显微镜高倍视野下的高电子密度沉积物。

4、For the viewing of paper surfaces, plate grains and prints, a binoculoar microscope with magnification of 20 is the most suitable. ─── 可供应用的显微镜,有单管的(用单眼观看)和双管的(用双眼观看)两种。观察纸面,印版颗粒和印刷品,用一部20倍的显微镜,最为适当。

5、The insects were examined under magnification. ─── 这些昆虫是放大后加以观察的。

6、Employing the derived dynamic magnification factors of the LT-AMTMD structure system, the performance assessment of the LT-AMTMD is conducted. ─── 利用建立的LT-AMTMD结构系统的动力放大系数,评价了LT-AMTMD的性能。

7、A large telescope magnification also magnifies the influence of unsteady air. ─── 大的望远镜放大率同时放大了不稳定大气的影响。

8、He took a glass from his pocket and inspected it under magnification. ─── 他从口袋里掏出一面放大镜,把珍珠放在下面检查。

9、Both lymphocytes and plasma cells are seen at high magnification in this case of chronic pyelonephritis. ─── 慢性肾盂肾炎病人高倍镜下见淋巴细胞和浆细胞。

10、In term of failure analysis. FIB techniques are commonly used in high magnification microscopy. die surface milling or cross-sectioning. and even material deposition. ─── 就故障分析而言.聚焦离子束技术常用于高度放大率的显微术.模具型面铣削或剖面切削.甚至物质沉着研究.

11、At low magnification, this photomicrograph reveals multiple granulomas. ─── 低倍镜显示了多个肉芽肿。

12、At low magnification, the collagen of the dermis is increased. Chronic inflammatory cells are sparse with systemic sclerosis, unlike SLE. ─── 低倍镜下,皮肤的胶原增加。不象SLE病人,系统性硬化病人的慢性炎性细胞稀少.

13、Commonly used than torque than the electromotive force, such that the magnification factor. ─── 一般常用比力矩、比电动势、放大系数等表示。

14、What kind of magnification can you get with that scope? ─── 你能得到什么样的放大?

15、The edge of a granuloma is shown here at high magnification. ─── 在高倍镜下观察肉芽肿的边缘区域。

16、Makers of cell phone lenses like to have a zoom magnification ratio of at least three and low voltages to save battery power, he says. ─── 他表示,行动电话镜头制造厂商希望变焦放大率变化可达到至少三倍,同时电压要低,以降低耗电量。

17、While scanning in Houston is shut down we will be uploading high magnification movies from several tiles for searching in the VM. ─── 在休斯敦的扫描停止期间我们会把一些块儿的高放大倍数影片上传供VM搜索。

18、This, however, raised a different problem: microscopically covering the entire collector at the required magnification would require millions of separate images. ─── 但是新的问题来了:显微镜以必要的放大倍数扫描整个气凝胶表面会产生数百万张单独的图像。

19、Most users with visual impairments will need a magnification utility program with higher functionality for daily use . ─── 作为日常使用,大多数有视觉障碍的用户需要更高功能的放大实用程序。

20、He dodged, kept running, and squinted ahead at the edge of the factory. His faceplate automatically responded and zoomed to five-times magnification. ─── 他躲避着,不停奔跑,斜眼看着前面工厂的边缘处。他的面罩自动做出正确反映,迅速扩大到五倍比率。

21、A measure of the magnification of an optical instrument, such as a microscope or telescope. ─── 倍率光学仪器,如显微镜或望远镜的放大倍数

22、Microscopically at high magnification, the loss of alveolar walls with emphysema is demonstrated. Remaining airspaces are dilated. ─── 在高倍镜下,可见肺气肿的肺泡壁破坏,部分肺泡扩张。

23、For some drawings, such as space plans and engineering diagrams, you may want to set a fixed grid, so that grid lines stay the same distance apart regardless of magnification. ─── 对于某些绘图(如空间规划和工程图等),您可能需要设置固定的网格;这样,无论是否缩放,网格线都始终保持相同的距离。

24、Figure 2.B, On high-power magnification microscopy, the specimen showed a patternless tissue culture-like appearance with multiple mitoses and extraasated red blood cells. ─── 图2B,高倍显微镜检查,标本显示无图案的“组织培养样”表现,伴有大量有丝分裂和红细胞外渗。

25、This high magnification of the atheroma shows numerous foam cells and an occasional cholesterol cleft. A few dark blue inflammatory cells are scattered within the atheroma. ─── 图示:动脉粥样硬化高倍镜显示多量泡沫细胞,偶见胆固醇结晶(棱状空隙)。一些暗蓝色的炎细胞散在分布于粥样硬化病灶内。

26、The design criterion of the MTMD optimum parameters is defined as the minimization of the minimum values of the maximum torsional displacement dynamic magnification factors. ─── MTMD最优参数的设计准则定义为:结构最大扭转角位移动力放大系数的最小值的最小化。

27、For a mucilloid large format screen version of the photo, if the base-10 times the magnification, then the size of the film is only 1% of the final product. ─── 差于一个用于制作不小幅面丝网版的照片来说,如果以10倍的放不小倍率,那么胶片的不小小只是首先产物的1%。

28、With the help of new pixel grid realize when you zoom to individual pixel clarity, and with the highest magnification easily editable. ─── 借助崭陈的像素网格保持达成缩放到个别像素时的清晰量, 并以最矮的放不小率达成沉重编纂。

29、The magnification of the slot above with the magnifying power of 150x. ─── 上图长方形槽的放大图,放大倍率为150倍。

30、Employing the formulated transfer functions of the MTMD structure sys tem, the dynamic magnification factors (DMF) of the MTMD structure system are defined. ─── 使用建立的结构MTMD系统传递函数,定义了结构和MTMD的动力放大系数(DMF)。

31、At higher magnification, the thick wall of the C. immitis spherule is seen in a giant cell in the center of the photomicrograph. ─── 在高倍镜下观察可见在显微镜的中央的巨细胞内球孢子菌的壁较厚。

32、The pink cytoplasm with distinct cell borders and intercellular bridges characteristic for a squamous cell carcinoma are seen here at high magnification. ─── 在肺鳞状细胞癌的高倍镜下可见细胞的境界清楚,胞浆粉染,细胞间可见细胞间桥。

33、Under a low magnification of 23x, this 2007 scanning electron micrograph depicts the fibrous configuration of a dry macrofoam sponge swab. ─── 在一个低倍率的23x ,这个2007年扫描电镜描绘了纤维配置干macrofoam海绵拭子。

34、At low magnification, a colonic diverticulum has a central lumen with surrounding mucosa, while the wall (lacking a muscularis) is attenuated. ─── 低倍镜下,结肠憩室有内覆粘膜的中心腔,然而腔壁(因缺少肌层)是薄弱。

35、At low magnification, this photomicrograph reveals multiple granulomas. Granulomatous disease by chest radiograph can appear as reticulonodular densities. ─── 低倍镜显示了多个肉芽肿。肉芽肿疾病胸片显示网点状致密阴影。

36、At low magnification, the complex papillary folds and irregular branching lumens of seminal esicular mucosa become eident. ─── 低倍镜下,精囊粘膜呈现复杂的乳头状折叠和不规则的管腔分支。

37、It is easy to use by just placing the cursor inside the program's window to activate the magnification feature and move it to the portion of the screen you want enlarged. ─── 使用容易,只需将鼠标放在软件的视窗内去启动放大功能,再将鼠标移至需要放大的地方便可。

38、Can't we make it in a low magnification with EDS ? if it's several square mm,I think it's possible. ─── 如果是均匀的,当然多点扫取平均即可了,一旦有偏聚现象就不能用这个了。

39、At higher magnification, the enlarged prostate has glandular hyperplasia. ─── 增生前列腺的腺体增生。

40、Pubic lice (pediculosis pubis) is caused by the infestation of the pubic hair and skin by tiny organisms that are just at the limits of visibility without magnification. ─── 公共虱子(阴虱)所致感染的皮肤和头发的嘛,只是在小小的有机体能见度无界限放大.

41、A photograph requiring magnification for viewing. ─── 微型照片放大后才看得清楚的照片

42、To place CSPs, flip chips and other micropackages successfully, a VOS must be used.A minimum magnification of 70X is required. ─── 为了成功贴装CSP、倒装芯片和其它微型封装,必须采用VOS,要求最小放大倍数为70X。

43、The man was tall, his figure shortened by the magnification of Lenny's binoculars. ─── 那个男子高高的,其个头因伦尼的双筒望远镜的放大而变矮了。

44、The useful magnification by an optical instrument is limited by the resolving power of that instrument. ─── 光学仪器有效的放大倍数受到该仪器分辨能力的限制。

45、Do you know how to set up the copycat to magnification? ─── 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?

46、At higher magnification, the pseudopolyps can be seen clearly as raised red islands of inflamed mucosa. Between the pseudopolyps is only remaining muscularis. ─── 假息肉清晰可见发红炎性的岛屿状粘膜。假息肉间仅存肌层。

47、Panel pictures A group of photos requiring the same magnification, pasted up adjacent to one another, to be shot as a single half-tone. ─── 相片画幅把倍率大小相同的相片集合,并邻的贴在一起而成。方便一次把它们摄制成半色调图片。

48、If you use a screen magnification or screen reader program, you might want to clear these check boxes. ─── 如果使用屏幕放大器或屏幕阅读器程序,可能需要清除这些复选框。

49、The telescope has a magnification of 50. ─── 这个望远镜可以放大50倍。

50、For ranges in excess of about 800m some target magnification is required. ─── 在射程超过800米以上时,某些目标需要放大。

51、At high magnification is seen a lymph node follicle with a germinal center containing larger lymphocytes undergoing activation. At the lower right is the subcapsular sinus. ─── 在高倍镜下可见淋巴滤泡的生发中心有大的活化的淋巴细胞。右下部是被膜下淋巴窦。

52、At high magnification, the nests of carcinoid tumor have a typical endocrine appearance with small round cells having small round nuclei and pink to pale blue cytoplasm. ─── 在高倍镜下可见,此种癌组织有典型的内分泌细胞的外观,呈小圆形,细胞核呈小圆形,胞浆淡蓝染。

53、Note: Image noise reduction, JPEG artifact removal and crisp image magnification tool. ─── 一款图像处理软件,可以用来去掉图片上的痕迹和无失真放大。

54、This effect can be seen when mapping a very small texture onto a very large polygon: an operation often called magnification. ─── 当把非常小的纹理贴到非常大的多边形表面时可以看到这种效果:这个操作通常被称为纹理放大。

55、D. can be obtained at only one magnification (for a constant projector lens setting) which is a considerable disadvantage of such microscopes. ─── D.可以通过仅仅一次放大(通过一种固定的投影透镜设置)取得,对于这类显微镜来说,这是一个永远的弱点。

56、The true field of view depends on the linear scale of that field stop, as determined by the magnification of the eyepiece in that telescope. ─── 有效视场的大小与视场光阑存在线形关系,同时也受由主镜、目镜组成的放大倍率的影响。

57、The source to enlarge the screen, choose magnification, interested can choose to come under more and more commentary Oh! ─── 屏幕放大的源程序,可选择放大倍数,有兴趣的可以选择来下,多下多评哦!

58、You can also increase the magnification to zoom in on details. ─── 您还可以提高放大倍数以放大细节。

59、Type D also owns objective magnification and indenter automatic switching devices. ─── D型还拥有测量物镜与压头自动切换装置。

60、FL) FLAWLESS: Shows no inclusions or blemishes of any sort under 10X magnification when observed by an experienced grader. ─── FL级(无瑕疵):经验丰富的分级人员用10倍放大镜观察,没有发现任何包含物和瑕疵。

61、The magnification of mainwater-absorption reaches 285.7 and that of brine-absorption(aquous solution of 0.9%NaCl) reaches 79.7 under the optimal technological conditions. ─── 在优化工艺条件下,产品吸自来水倍率可达285.7,吸盐水倍率可达79.7。

62、We can filter textures by using the minification, magnification, and mipmap filter sampler states. ─── 我们可以过滤纹理通过使用缩小过滤,扩大过滤和多线性过滤方式。

63、But China hasn't seen any magnification in its voice in the international market with the growth of its import volume. ─── 但中国在国际市场上的话语权却没有因为进口额的增加而增加。

64、Using a magnification of 100 times one finds that bacteria are barely visible as tiny rods or dots. ─── 使用100倍的显微镜时,你会发现细菌不过是隐约可见的小细棒或小点点,

65、IF) INTERNALLY FLAWLESS: Has no inclusions when examined by an experienced grader using 10X magnification, but will have some minor surface blemishes. ─── IF级(内部无瑕疵):经验丰富的分级人员用10倍放大镜观察,没有发现内含物,但有细微的表面瑕疵。

66、Well, what magnification would you recommend? ─── 呃,你建议放大多少?

67、The small intestinal mucosa at high magnification shows marked chronic inflammation in celiac sprue. ─── 在高倍镜下,小肠黏膜显示脂肪痢有有明显的慢性炎症。

68、Work at 300 to 400% magnification, but switch frequently back to overall view, to see how the finished image starts to look like. ─── 以300%-400%的放大率来处理,但是要频繁切换到全景图,以查看效果图。

69、Seeing conditions will determine just how much magnification you can use when collimating so work within the limits of your sky conditions. ─── 在一定的天空条件下,视宁度将决定校准光轴时可用的放大倍率。

70、Magnification of one segment with the magnifying power of 70x. ─── 切割局部弧形的放大图,放大倍率为70倍。

71、For college courses I'd recommend magnification ranging from 100 to 1,200. you could get that in suitable steps with eight lenses. ─── 对大学课程而言,我建议倍率在一百倍至一千两百倍;以八个镜头善加操作的话,我想是办得到的。

72、Subsequent inspection under magnification identified three solder joint which appeared to have melted and resolidified (see below). ─── 接续的显微镜检查发现,有三处焊接点似乎已被熔损并固化。

73、At medium power magnification, numerous neutrophils fill the alveoli in this case of acute bronchopneumonia in a patient with a high fever. ─── 伴高热的急性支气管肺炎病人镜下可见大量中性粒细胞充满肺泡。

74、At low power magnification, a lipoma of the small intestine is seen to be well demarcated from the mucosa at the lower center-right. ─── 当然,肿瘤有良性和恶性之分,尽管它们的区别不总是很明显的。

75、Note the lack of cytologic atypia in AAH at high magnification. ─── 在AAH中高倍镜下看不到细胞非典型性。

76、The optimum criterion of MTMD can then be selected as minimization of the minimum values of the maxi-mun dynamic magnification factor(DMF). ─── 于是MTMD的优化准则可定义为设置MTMD结构最大动力放大系数的最小值的最小化。

77、She thought this over for a minute and decided she liked it. “Magnif,” she said. ─── 她想了一会儿,觉得不错,便说:“好极了。”

78、At higher magnification, the overlying pseudomembrane at the left has numerous inflammatory cells, mainly neutrophils. ─── 左边覆盖的假膜有很多的炎症细胞,主要是中性粒细胞。

79、Optimal Angle Magnification for CCD Imaging Systems Based on Minimum Resolvable Contrast[J]. ─── 引用该论文 Wang Jihui,Jin Weiqi,Wang Lingxue,He Yuqing,Wang Xia.

80、You know, the usual section cut giving the magnification. ─── 你知道的,也就是放大细部的普通局部插画。

81、Seeing conditions will determine just how much magnification you can use when collimating so work within the limits of your sky conditions. ─── 在一定的天空条件下,视宁度将决定校准光轴时可用的放大倍率。

82、Pictured above from Enschede, Holland, Mars was captured in 2007 and 2008 with 30 separate images, all taken with the same magnification. ─── 上面的影像是在荷兰恩斯赫德拍摄,分别捕捉到了2007年和2008年火星的30张影像,并且都是以同样的放大倍数拍摄。

83、The result is a pure magnification increase. ─── 其结果是一个纯粹的放大增加。

84、This infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast at low magnification appears to radiate from a central area of desmoplasia. ─── 低倍放大的乳腺浸润性导管癌显示自中央区呈放射状发出的纤维组织。

85、Endometrial glands and stroma are seen at high magnification in the wall of the colon. ─── 图示:高倍镜下结肠中出现子宫内膜腺体及间质。

86、This high magnification of the atheroma shows numerous foam cells and an occasional cholesterol cleft. ─── 图示:动脉粥样硬化高倍镜显示多量泡沫细胞,偶见胆固醇结晶(棱状空隙)。

87、The amplitude magnification coefficient decreases with the increase of capacitive load, while it increases at first and then decreases with the increase of inductive load. ─── 位移振幅放大系数随容性负载增大而减小,随感性负载增大先增大后减小。

88、An image that is too small to be read without magnification. ─── 一种需要经过放大才可阅读的微小图象。

89、Slide 6-7 This is a higher magnification of a scalp with candidiasis. Note how closely these lesions simulate a dermatophytic infection. ─── 幻灯6-7这是头皮念珠菌病的放大照片,这些损害与皮肤癣菌感染非常相似。

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