ungoverned 发音
英:[ʌnˈɡʌvərnd] 美:[ʌnˈɡʌvənd]
英: 美:
ungoverned 中文意思翻译
ungoverned 短语词组
1、ungoverned wealth ─── 无政府财富
2、ungoverned spaces ─── 未治理空间
3、ungoverned afghanistan ─── 无政府的阿富汗
4、ungoverned space ─── 未管理的空间
ungoverned 反义词
ungoverned 词性/词形变化,ungoverned变形
副词: ungovernably |名词: ungovernableness |
ungoverned 同义词
out of control | anarchic | indocile | intractable | wild | unmanageable |unruly | uncontrollable | headstrong | undisciplined | violent | unrestrained
ungoverned 相似词语短语
1、misgoverned ─── vt.管理不当;对…施行恶政
2、governed ─── v.管理(govern的过去式和过去分词);统治;支配
3、ungovernable ─── adj.难管制的;放肆的;难压制的;难统治的
4、ungowned ─── 无主
5、unmourned ─── adj.无人哀悼的;不被痛惜的
6、unconcerned ─── adj.不关心的;无关的;无忧虑的
7、unforewarned ─── 未警告
8、overgoverned ─── 治理过度
9、ungored ─── 未知的
ungoverned 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In Somalia, the tragedy of a lawless and ungoverned country only gets worse. ─── 在索马里,国家因无法无天以及不受控制而酿造的悲剧也愈演愈烈;
2、Iokaida is seen as growing threat in Yemen where there are a number of ungoverned areas, especially in the east. ─── Iokaida组织正在成为也门很多政府未管辖地带的威胁,在东部地区尤其如此。
3、Ungoverned Somalia has few such projects. ─── 失管的索马里几乎没有这样的项目。
4、The existence of a vast ungoverned space in Africa's Horn does not just provide a useful haven from which pirates can hunt their prey at sea. ─── 非洲角上大片无人统治空间的存在不仅仅给在海上寻找猎物的海盗们提供了有用的避难所。
5、The tribal regions are vast, rugged, and often ungoverned. ─── 巴基斯坦部落广阔分散,常常不能管治。
6、Cynical, self seeking, materialistic and ungoverned by the principles of the Truth. ─── 冷嘲热讽、寻求自己、注重物质利益,不愿意受真理的约束。
7、Swathes of the tribal areas are largely ungoverned, constituting less a failed state than a place where the state, from British colonial days to the present, has hardly even tried. ─── 许多部落地区基本上都是无人治理的,从而自英国殖民时代迄今,这里成了一个失败国家,情况不过比甚至几乎没有试过去治理要略好一点。
8、We are not in a world ungoverned by the laws and the power of a Superior Agent. ─── 我们的世界不是为上帝的某个超级使者的法律和力量控制着的。
9、To distinguish that ungoverned set of characteristics from a service specification, we use the term provider description. ─── 为了区分这些未得到治理的特征与服务规范,我们使用提供者描述这个术语表示它们。
10、The internet has proved to be an “ungoverned space” where al-Qaeda and its followers have thrived. ─── 网络已经被证明是“无管制空间”,在那里,基地组织及其追随者们茁壮成长。
11、ungoverned territory ─── 无人管辖区
12、Some scholars worry about social breakdown in poor mega-cities.But to regard the British Midlands and the banlieues of Paris as ungoverned spaces would be stretching a point. ─── 有学者担心,在拥有数百万人口的城市,政府的力量会有所减弱,然而将英国中部或是巴黎郊区称为“缺乏管理”的地区,未名太过牵强附会了一点。
13、This diagram also shows the ungoverned activity transition. ─── 这个图还显示了不受控制(ungoverned)的活动转移。
14、The internet has proved to be an "ungoverned space" where al-Qaeda and its followers have thrived. ─── 网络已经被证明是“无管制空间”,在那里,基地组织及其追随者们茁壮成长。
15、Barring a few ungoverned pockets in Yemen and on the fringes of the Sahara, al-Qaeda has failed to benefit from the democratic wind. ─── 基地组织守着也门和撒哈拉沙漠边上的几个无人问津的小地方,也并没有从这场民主旋风中得到什么好处。
16、And even here, the territory is not completely ungoverned. ─── 然而即使索马里的领土也并非完全处于失控状态。
17、unbridled rage; an unchecked temper; ungoverned rage. ─── 放纵的怒火;放纵的情绪;放纵的怒火。
18、and their subjects, being ungoverned, show no concern, and do not think about severing their ties with them, nor are they able to. ─── 而他们的臣民,虽然不受管理,却一点都不用担心,不会考虑切断和君主之间的联系,他们也没有这个能力。
19、undisciplined behavior; ungoverned youth. ─── 散漫的行为;放纵的年轻人。
20、That said, the interplay of these factors is hard to describe, and the very definition of failed states and ungoverned spaces is anything but simple. ─── 由此可见,以上这些因素之间的相互作用是非常难以描述的,而“失败的国家”与无政府地区的定义也绝非易事。
21、Temper, if ungoverned, gover the whole man. ─── 放纵性情,失去自我。
22、They seemed like ungoverned children inflamed with the fiercest passions of men. ─── 他们看起来像狂野不羁的孩子,却燃烧着男子汉最炽烈的情感。
23、For the moment, though, the most immediate global threat comes from the ungoverned, undergoverned and ungovernable areas of the Muslim world. ─── 此刻,尽管最具时效的全球性威胁来自于在穆斯林世界中的那些无政府的、处于控制下的和无法控制的区域。
24、The highest activity is ungoverned yet decisive; ─── 最高的果是离却希惧的平常心。
25、Muslims farther south, across the largely ungoverned Sahara desert, might be indoctrinated, trained and sent back to Europe. ─── 更远的南方,穿过大片无人控制的撒哈拉大沙漠,伊斯兰教徒可能被教导、训练并被送回欧洲。
26、"They seemed like ungoverned children inflamed with the fiercest passions of men" (Francis Parkman). ─── “他们看起来象狂野不羁的孩子,却燃烧着男子汉最炽烈的情感” (弗朗西斯·帕克曼)。
27、Temper, if ungoverned, governs the whole man. ─── 放荡脾气,失去自我。
28、Muslims farther south, across the largely ungoverned Sahara desert, might be indoctrinated, trained and sent back to Europe. ─── 更远的南方,穿过大片无人控制的撒哈拉大沙漠,伊斯兰教徒可能被教导、训练并被送回欧洲。
29、Cynical, self seeking, materialistic and ungoverned by the principles of the Truth. ─── 冷嘲热讽、寻求自己、注重物质利益,不愿意受真理的约束。
30、They seemed like ungoverned children inflamed with the fiercest passions of men. (Francis Parkman). ─── 他们看起来象狂野不羁的孩子,却燃烧着男子汉最炽烈的情感。(弗朗西斯·帕克曼)。
31、During a speech at the U.S.Military Academy at West Point, New York, President Bush said Pakistan has some of the most dangerous "ungoverned spaces" in the world. ─── 布什总统在纽约州西点军校的一次演讲中说,巴基斯坦有世界上最危险的“无人管理的地带”。
32、King Qi Wei once for a time lived a loose life, hunting, drinking, seeking pleasure with concubines, leaving his kingdom ungoverned. ─── 齐威王一度生活骄奢淫逸,终日醉心于声色犬马之事,而置国家大事于不顾。
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