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10-01 投稿


likening 发音

英:[ˈlaɪkənɪŋ]  美:[ˈlaɪkənɪŋ]

英:  美:

likening 中文意思翻译



likening 同义词

portrait | picture | correspondence | alikeness | conformity | facsimile | image | reproduction | semblance | analogy | copy | resemblance | equality | parallel | comparison | representation | similitude |similarity | model | rendering

likening 反义词


likening 词性/词形变化,likening变形

动词现在分词: likening |动词过去式: likened |动词第三人称单数: likens |动词过去分词: likened |

likening 相似词语短语

1、dizening ─── vt.修饰(等于bedizen)

2、livening ─── vt.使高兴,使快活;vi.快活起来;活跃起来;n.(Liven)人名;(俄、英)利文

3、sickening ─── adj.令人厌恶的;患病的

4、listening ─── v.听;听从;注意听;留神地听;听着,听好(listen的现在分词);n.倾听

5、slickening ─── 光滑

6、pinkening ─── vi.变成粉红色

7、slokening ─── 吞咽

8、lippening ─── vi.相信;vt.信托

9、aliening ─── adj.外国的;相异的,性质不同的;不相容的;n.外国人,外侨;外星人;vt.让渡,转让;n.(Alien)人名;(法)阿利安

likening 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Therefore, whosoever recites this Aspirations, he would be liken to the moon, out of hazy clouds and shining in space, and would encounter no hindrance nor impediment while living in the world. ─── 或复有人,以深信心,于此大愿,受持读诵,乃至书写一四句偈,速能除灭五无间业。所有世间身心等病,种种苦恼,乃至佛刹极微尘数一切恶业,皆得消除。

2、You can liken this approach to an office where the workers function independently and in parallel except when they need to use shared office resources or communicate with one another. ─── 可以将程序看作一个办公室,如果不需要共享办公室资源或与其他人交流,所有职员就会独立并行地工作。

3、And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what compa***son shall we compare it? ─── 30又说,神的国,我们可用什么比较呢。可用什么比喻表明呢。

4、One can liken perception to indigenous peoples this past cycle who were visited by other folk in large boats with sails. ─── 你能把此比作此过去周期的土著人民被其他坐着大船而来的民族所参观。

5、To whom then will you liken God? Or what likeness will you compare to Him? ─── 18你们究竟将谁比神?用什么形像与神比较呢?

6、By likening a capacitor to a storage tank and an induction coil to a coil spring, Tesla realized that a properly configured circuit could amplify electrical signals and raise them to ever higher frequencies and voltages. ─── 将电容比拟为储存槽,感应线圈比拟为弹簧,使特士拉理解到,适当的组装电路可以将电流讯号放大,并且增加它的频率及电压。

7、One may liken such arrogance to the perception that one is all powerful, all knowing, and ALL THAT IS. ─── 你可以把这样的自大比拟为你是所有力量、所有知识并且是一切万有的看法。

8、Also aiming atthe features of the system,some feasible anti-interference measures are liken. ─── 并针对系统的工作特点,采取了实用可行的抗干扰措施。

9、One can liken this to the fact that one begins to be continuously recast after initiation 6000 by one"s soul and source. ─── 你可以将这等同于在6000股后,你开始不间断地由你的灵魂和源头进行重铸的事实。

10、Life can be liken to a journey with an unknown destination. ─── 人生就好比一场不知终点的旅行。

11、Some commentators liken China's boom to America's dotcom bubble in the late 1990s; but although investors have clearly got carried away, much of the exuberance about China is rational. ─── 一些评论家喜欢把中国的这次繁荣景象比作是美国在20世纪90年代末出现的网络泡沫,虽然这使得投资者有些不知所措,但大部分还是理智的选择了在中国投资。

12、They liken the standard for scientific evidence to that for other evidence. ─── 它们将科学证据标准与其他标准相比较.

13、Two plants with HWM-GS 5+10 gene are selected from the D, generation. Liken #2 with quality gene as the donor and the acceptor is Jingdong #8. The ratio is about 3.3%. ─── 在以含有高分子量谷蛋白5+10亚基的品种荔垦2号为供体、京冬8号为受体的D_1代中,通过分子标记鉴定获得了2株具有优质高分子量谷蛋白5+10亚基基因的的变异植株,变异率为3.3%。

14、Bolton added, likening the Bush administration's North Korean deal to something Jimmy Carter would put together. ─── 它(指协议)所能给我们的就是(进入)宁边。”

15、One can liken this to an artist whom paints purely for the joy of painting, without concern about whether or not anyone else likes the painting, or wishes to purchase it. ─── 你可以将这比作是一名艺术家,纯粹为了绘画的欢乐而作画,而并不关心是否其他人会喜欢或希望来买它。

16、We often liken the heart to a pump. ─── 我们常把心脏比拟为水泵。

17、liken to ─── v. 与 ... 相比

18、Whether you liken yourself to a towering tree or a blade of grass, whether you think you are a high mountain or a small stone, you represent a state of nature that has its own raison detre. ─── 无论你是一棵参天大树,还是一棵小草,无论你成为一座巍峨的高山,还是一块小小的石头,都是一种天然,都有自己存在的价值。

19、Maybe I made a big mistake by likening it to an organic chemistry course — I don't mean to turn you off. ─── 也许将其比作有机化学课,是个错误,我不是故意想倒你们胃口的。

20、Yu responds to critics who call that too extreme by likening it to the recent melamine scandal, in which tainted milk sickened thousands of Chinese babies. ─── 余华对某些将这一事件与最近的三聚氰胺丑闻(约数千名婴儿因受污染的牛奶而致病)相比较的评论家作出回应。

21、likening verbs ─── 像义动词

22、Dozens of Australians in quarantine in China for swine flu are likening the experience to being in jail. ─── 在中国数十名澳大利亚人因猪流感而遭受检疫隔离,将该经历比作坐牢。

23、liken it to a paper tiger ─── 把它比做纸老虎

24、Some commentators have tried to play down the mob aspect of these scenes, likening the campaign against health reform to the campaign against Social Security privatization back in 2005. ─── 有些评论家试图淡化这些场景中表现出的暴民成分,将反对医疗改革的活动与2005年反对社会保险私有化相提并论。

25、I will be liken to the raindrop which washes away the mountain; the ant who devours a tiger; the star which brightens the earth; the slave who builds a pyramid. ─── 就像冲洗高山的雨滴,吞噬猛虎的蚂蚁,照亮大地的星辰,建起金字塔的奴隶,

26、In its hydrodynamic behavior, we can liken the dense phase to a liquid ─── 从其流体动力学性状来看,可把密相看作近似乎液体。

27、To whom will ye liken me, and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be like? ─── 你们将谁与我相比,与我同等,可以与我比较,使我们相同呢。

28、One might liken life within the sun to be heaven upon earth; ─── 你可能以为太阳内的生活象地球上的天堂;

29、Are we praising a person or not when we liken him to a tiger? ─── 当咱们把一独立个体比作老虎的时间,也许则称赞他呢?

30、compare A to B; liken A to B ─── 把A比喻B

31、I am liken to a grain of wheat which faces one of three futures. ─── 我的命运如同一颗麦粒,有着三种不同的道路。

32、Maybe I made a big mistake by likening it to an organic chemistry course--I don't mean to turn you off. ─── 也许我把金融市场学跟有机化学进行类比是个很大的错误 - 我并没打算让你们感到厌烦。

33、Whether you liken yourself to a towering tree or a blade of grass, whether you think you are a high mountain or a small stone, you represent a state of nature that has its own reason of existence. ─── 无论你是一棵参天大树,还是一棵小草,无论你是一座巍峨的高山,还是一块小小的石头,都是一种天然的状态,有着自己存在的价值。

34、And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? Or with what comparison shall we compare it? ─── 又说,神的国,我们可用什么比较呢。可用什么比喻表明呢。

35、And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation? And to what are they like? ─── 主又说,这样,我可用什么比这世代的人呢。他们好像什么呢。

36、Sometraffic engineers have attempted to apply the rules of fluid dynamicsto traffic flow, likening it to the flow of a fluid in a pipe. ─── 一些交通工程师试图适用规则流体动力学的交通流,把它的流动的流体的管道。

37、Some liken the behaviour of the English victors after the battle to recent attempts at ethnic cleansing in strife-torn places such as Rwanda and Bosnia. ─── 有些人把战斗后英国胜利者的行径比作最近在卢旺达和波斯尼亚等被内乱弄得支离破碎的地区进行种族灭绝性屠杀的企图。

38、To whom will you liken Me, And with whom will you make Me equal And compare Me, that we should be considered alike? ─── 5你们将谁与我相比,使谁与我同等,可以与我比较,使我们相同呢?

39、liken something to ─── 把某事物比作…

40、The same epic account cited Liu, the ousted railways minister, as likening the country's high-speed railways to "dragons in the sky. " ─── 这篇文章中同样援引了刘志军的话,他把中国的高速铁路比喻成“飞龙在天”。

41、Health report: What Happens in a Stroke? Experts Liken It to a 'Brain Attack' ─── 健康报道:心脏病发作时发生了什么?

42、For instance, in Hosea 6:7 the prophet indicts the rebels of his generation by likening them to the first man, Adam, who rebelled against God. ─── 例如何西阿书6:7,先知指出他们这悖逆的一代,正如第一个悖逆违抗上帝的人,亚当一样。

43、More recently, he became obsessed with abortion and apparently posted comments on pro-life websites likening Dr Tiller to a Nazi. ─── 最近,他成为狂热的反堕胎活动分子,在各种反堕胎的网站上发帖把蒂勒医生斥为纳粹。

44、Further more, according to the feelings and experiences about ancient villages of Likeng from different people, subjective images of ancient villages of Liken are studied. ─── 依据不同的人对理坑古村落景观的感受、体验,分析主观认识下理坑古村落的景观意象。

45、But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows, ─── 我可用什么比这世代呢。好像孩童坐在街市上,招呼同伴,说

46、And again he said, Whereunto shall I liken the kingdom of God? ─── 又说,我拿什么来比神的国呢。

47、Life can be liken to a journey with an unknown destination ─── 人生就好比一场不知终点的旅行

48、Those who hear your voice liken you to an angel! ─── 凡听见你声音者会将你比做天使!

49、A witness surnamed Xiong said it was the worst accident he'd ever seen, likening the aftermath to that of a "deadly earthquake" . ─── 目击者熊先生称,这是他见过的最惨烈的车祸,“感觉像刚刚经历了特大地震的样子。”

50、To whom will you compare me or count me equal? To whom will you liken me that we may be compared? ─── 5你们将谁与我相比、与我同等、可以与我比较、使我们相同呢。

51、"Goni then went on to describe what kind of player Piatti is, likening him to the great Lionel Messi. ─── 当然,意甲联赛是其中之一。”

52、'' And yet another suggested ''she had swapped outfits with an air hostess on board'' likening the outfit to a Sixties air hostess get-up. ─── 另有一位说,”她在飞机上同空姐换了衣服“将她的套装同上世纪六十年代的空姐制服相比。

53、"It's interesting but not definitie information," he said, likening the research to an audit of existing practices with fairly well-proen treatments. ─── 他说,“这一信息令人感兴趣但不具权威性”,他把研究比作拥有清楚证实有效治疗的存在着的惯例的一个审计。

54、Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man who built his house foursquare upon a rock. ─── 不是每个人都这样对我说:“我主,我主,我能否进入你天上的国。”他做了天上的父母意愿的事。许多人这样对我说:“我主,我主,我们有没有认出你的名?

55、The Hunter you could liken to the prototypical Ranger. ─── 你们可以把猎人看成游侠。

56、To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him? ─── 18你们究竟将谁比神,用什么形像与神比较呢。

57、One can liken the new consensus for ascension as the first steps towards ongoing communication between all conscious and sentient species upon all dimensions in eons of time. ─── 你可以将提升新一致体比作所有密度中所有意识和觉知物种间通讯交流的第一步。

58、One can liken the difference to having a constant drag upon the field, much like ascending humans living in the density of the city. ─── 可以把这个区别比作对能量场一个持续不断地拖后,就像生活在城市致密中的提升人们一样。

59、If we liken Galaxy to a cloud-capped building, every employee seems like one of its solidary footstones; ─── 如果说GALAXY是一座傲然挺立的大厦,那么,我们每一个员工就是她坚实的基石;

60、After likening Jenson Button's pace to that of a concrete post, Flavio Briatore then said a Chinese taxi driver would do a better job than Ross Brawn of heading FOTA's technical committee. ─── 后比喻巴顿的速度是一个具体的职位,布里亚托利则表示,中国的出租车司机会做得更好罗斯布朗的比标题FOTA解决方案的技术委员会.

61、Yet Barcelona star Hleb is adamant his side will cause England problems and liken their slick movement to his fluid style of his former club Arsenal. ─── 但是赫莱布坚信他的同胞会踢出像阿森纳那样行云流水的足球来给英格兰队制造重重困难。

62、I liken you ,my darling ,to a mare harnessed to one of the chariots of Pharaoh . ─── 我的佳偶,我将你比法老车上套的骏马。

63、Goni then went on to describe what kind of player Piatti is, likening him to the great Lionel Messi. ─── 戈尼接着开始描述皮亚蒂是怎样的一位球员,甚至把他与梅西做比较。

64、A person introduced the dramaturgical perspective , likening Self-presentation to theater , with actors, performances , settings , scripts, props, roles, backstage areas , and the like. ─── 一个人介绍一个戏剧性的观点,把自我展示比作有演员,有表演,有场景,有剧本,有道具,有角色和有后台等等的戏剧。

65、Obama liken s this effort to the ambitious development of the national highway system 50 years ago. ─── 奥巴马将这项工作比作50年前国家高速公路系统雄心勃勃的发展。

66、Better comparisons than the one to Yao are those that liken Yi to Pau Gasol and even Kevin Garnett. ─── 把易比作姚,还不如把他比作保罗加索尔,甚至是凯文加内特。

67、I liken you, my darling, to a mare harnessed to one of the chariots of Pharaoh. ─── 我的佳偶,我将你比法老车上套的骏马。

68、Likening strong fluctuations in global currencies to a rollercoaster ride, Mr Wen said China was not to blame for that volatility. ─── 他将全球货币的剧烈起伏比喻为坐过山车,称不应将这种波动归咎于中国。

69、liken to; compared to ─── 把..比做

70、' And yet another suggested 'she had swapped outfits with an air hostess on board' likening the outfit to a Sixties air hostess get-up . ─── 另有一位说,”她在飞机上同空姐换了衣服“将她的套装同上世纪六十年代的空姐制服相比。

71、One can liken these 36 planes to 36 separate parallel lives that one is living concurrently upon Earth. ─── 你可以把这36个层面比作36个单独的平行生命,同时与你一起生活在地球上。

72、A recent State Department travel advisory warned U.S. citizens about the perils of travel in Mexico, likening the shootouts among cartel factions to "small-unit combat." The U. ─── 最近一位美国国务院的旅行顾问提醒美国公民去墨西哥旅行的危险, 如因将药物联盟不同派别的内讧引发的枪战。

73、But whereunto shall I liken this generation? ─── 我可用什么比这世代呢?

74、The new images liken the black-and-white photos captured from space in day time. ─── 新图像有如日间从太空拍摄到的黑白照片。

75、One can liken a non-conscious state of being as a part of self that splits off and is no longer acknowledged by the rest of self. ─── 一个人可将无意识状态比作,自我的一部分剥离而不再被自我其他部分所觉知。

76、Becauseof it convertibility feature, many investors liken them to warrantswhen actually they are not. ─── 因为它的可兑换性,有很多投资者来比喻他们权证时,其实却不然.

77、But to what shall I liken this generation? It is like little children sitting in the market places, who call to the others, ─── 但我可把这世代比作什么?好比孩童坐在市场上,招呼另一些孩童说

78、Any law-abiding American is ashamed to let it be known they're American by what you and that habitual liar that is liken a tyrant in the White House has done. ─── 因为你和那个在白宫?堣惯说谎的独裁者的所作所为,任何一个正直的美国人都无不以自己是美国人为耻。

79、If you set the screen frame than doing is building skeltron, screen cloth is a building Foundation, the photoptic gum liken the housing internal and external decoration. ─── 如果不兵网框比怠工是不茅屋的骨架、网布是不茅屋的不天基,则感平胶可以比作是衡宇边内部装修。

80、Likening that terrorist outrage to the ones in America on September 11th 2001, Mrs Clinton expressed America's “very strong sense of solidarity and sympathy”. ─── 希拉里还将孟买事件比作美国的911,并表达了美国方面“强烈的声援与同情”。

81、And again He said, To what shall I liken the kingdom of God? ─── k又说,我可把神的国比作什么?

82、Likening strong fluctuations in global currencies to a rollercoaster ride, Mr Wen said China was not to blame for that volatility. ─── 他将全球货币的剧烈起伏比喻为坐过山车,称不应将这种波动归咎于中国。

83、This often prompts me to liken myself and the books on my shelves respectively to an ancient emperor and his concubines housed separately in a row of adjoining rooms. ─── 关于这事,我常自比为古时的皇帝,而把插在架上的书譬诸列屋而居的宫女。

84、They liken the standard for scientific evidence to that for other evidence, i.e. whether the probativeness, materiality, and reliability of the evidence outweighs its tendency to mislead, prejudice, and confuse the jury. ─── 它们将科学证据标准与其他标准相比较,如是否证据的检验性、实质性和可靠性会在价值上超过它使陪审团误导、形成偏见和混淆的倾向。

85、New Zealanders liken it to "gooseberry", but that is not a familiar smell or flavor to most Americans. ─── 新西兰将其比作醋栗,但是对大多数的美国人而言,他们并不熟悉这种味道。

86、His Jedi mind tricks include likening PG Jason Williams to a Nazi radical in a pregame film session. ─── 他的心灵幻想就包括一次赛前录像研究时间把白巧克力威廉姆斯比作是纳粹激进派。

87、The Alibaba group's founder and leader is the sharp-featured Jack Ma. Reporters cannot resist likening him to a pixie or an elf. ─── 阿里巴巴集团的创始人兼领导者是轮廓鲜明的马云。记者们都禁不住把他比作小仙子或小精灵。

88、30 And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? ─── 30又说,神的国,我们可用什么比较呢。可用什么比喻表明呢。

89、In New York, notes a Milanese insider, you can find many lawyers who think liken the Harvard-educated Mr Rossi. ─── 一位米兰社会观察家的笔记中写道,在纽约市,你可以发现很多像罗西先生这样有哈佛大学教育背景的律师。

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