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marriageable 发音

英:['mærɪdʒəb(ə)l]  美:['mærɪdʒəbl]

英:  美:

marriageable 中文意思翻译



marriageable 网络释义

adj. 可结婚的,适合结婚的

marriageable 短语词组

1、marriageable breastfeeding ─── 适婚母乳喂养

2、marriageable men ─── 适婚男性

3、marriageable male ─── 适婚男性

4、marriageable strumpet ─── 适婚strumpet

5、marriageable age ─── [医] 结婚年龄

marriageable 词性/词形变化,marriageable变形

名词: marriageability |

marriageable 相似词语短语

1、marriage bed ─── 婚床

2、marriageability ─── n.结婚适龄;适合结婚

3、unmarriageable ─── 不能结婚的

4、marriageableness ─── 适婚性

5、carriageable ─── adj.可通行马车的;可携带的

6、mortgageable ─── 可抵押

7、abridgeable ─── 可开敞的

8、arrangeable ─── 排列的;分类的

9、manageable ─── adj.易管理的;易控制的;易办的

marriageable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、marriageable population ─── 可婚人口

2、if the legally marriageable age is not attained. ─── (四)未到法定婚龄的。

3、Keywords female destiny, marriageable destiny, beautiful woman, wife of boss, harming husband, husband perish ─── 关键词女子命运;婚姻命运;漂亮女人;老板娘;克夫;丈夫夭折

4、She wouldn't overlook a man of marriageable age, from ginger-whiskered old Frank Kennedy, who was Suellen's beau, on down to shy, quiet, blushing Charles Hamilton, Melanie's brother. ─── 她不会放过一个处于结婚年龄的男人,从苏伦的意中人黄胡子的老弗兰克 - 肯尼迪,一直到羞怯寡言、容易脸红的查尔斯 - 汉密尔顿,即媚兰的哥哥。

5、These pieces were picked up by girls of marriageable age who were present,the girl with the largest fragment being destined to marry first,the girl with the smallest being fated to remain a spinster. ─── 他们认为在这种情况下,继续保留公用电话,不啻是一种倒退。

6、9 see joke: The marriageable woman that a sexagenarian patient recounts him to just mix 20 years old recently to the doctor gets married. ─── 9看笑话: 有位六十岁的病人向医生诉说他最近才和一位二十岁的妙龄女子结婚.

7、Marriag and procreat increas my household responsibility. ─── 不同的岗位上自己也获得了很多。

8、waiting for the marriageable age ─── 待年

9、One out of 6 marriageable Hong Kong girls (25-49) will not be able to find a suitor. ─── 香港适婚人口中(25-49岁)女多男少,其中六分之一的女性找不到合适的配偶。

10、Not coincidentally, this was also the period when the first generation of children since the family-planning policy was launched in 1979 started reaching marriageable age. ─── 绝非巧合的是,这个时期也正是自1979年实行计划生育政策以来,中国第一代独生子女进入适婚年龄的时候。

11、Experts have said the gender imbalance resulting from *-selective abortions and other practices could have dangerous social consequences due to anticipated shortages of marriageable young women. ─── 据专家分析,由选择性堕胎等行为造成的男女比例失调将会导致达到适婚年龄的年轻女性紧缺,而这会对社会产生严重危害。

12、Beijing also attracts talents into the high-tech industry and college graduates from other provinces and cities, who add to pool of marriageable youth. ─── 北京高科技领域和高等学府同样吸引了大批来自其它省市的人才和学子,这些人也加入了可结婚青年人的队伍。

13、She had reached marriageable age. ─── 这时她已经到了适婚年龄。

14、These pieces were picked up by girls of marriageable age who were present, the girl with the largest fragment being destined to marry first, the girl with the smallest being fated to remain a spinster. ─── 在场的适婚女子会拾起这些碎片,捡到最大碎片的女子注定会最快结婚,而捡到最小碎片的将会终生不婚。

15、exceptive marriageable age ─── 特殊婚龄

16、of a marriageable age ─── 适宜结婚年龄的

17、of marriageable age. ─── 适婚年龄

18、Men of marriageable age now outnumber women by 18 million in China and the sex ratio is set to become more skewed because rural families prefer boys, state press said today. ─── 国家新闻部今天声称,中国适婚男性超过女性1800万,而且性别比例将会因为农村家庭偏爱男孩而更加失调..

19、She had reached marriageable age. ─── 她已经到了适婚年龄。

20、The lusty youth spotted that marriageable girl, but he didn't speak directly to her ─── 壮实的小伙子瞧上了那个未嫁的少女,但他一直不上前直接答话。

21、She is not of marriageable age. ─── 她还没有到婚龄。

22、Now some of these men have reached marriageable age, resulting in intense competition for spouses, especially in rural areas. ─── 如今他们当中的一些人已经到了适婚年龄,争夺配偶的激烈竞争也由此展开,而这一问题在农村地区显得尤为严重。

23、Keywords marriageable destiny, husband, marriage, divorce, remarry, destiny diagnosis, miraculous effect ─── 关键词婚姻命运;丈夫;结婚;离婚;再婚;命理诊断;神奇效验

24、She is not of marriageable age. ─── 她还没有到婚龄。

25、In its highest form, ikebana is spiritual and philosophical in nature, but in modern Japan it is more often practiced as a sign of refinement by marriageable young women or older matrons. ─── 插花的最高表现形式在本质上是具有精神和哲学的意义,但在现代日本适婚的年轻女性或较老的妇人大都把插花当作高雅风尚。

26、Experts have said the gender imbalance resulting from sex-selective abortions and other practices could have dangerous social consequences due to anticipated shortages of marriageable young women. ─── 专家指出性别选择性流产导致性别比例失调,另外适婚年龄女性的减少还会产生另外的严重社会危机。

27、Because the way home is more devious, marriageable woman feels the situation is bad. ─── 由于回家的路比较偏僻,妙龄女子深感情况不妙。

28、With the decline in the number of marriageable men beginning about 1920, women were at a double disadvantage, because men could be more choosy while retaining many of the advantages of a more patriarchal era. ─── 适婚男性的数目在1920年代左右开始下滑,这对女性加倍不利,因为男性不仅享有父权时代中的众多优势外,还可以更挑剔。

29、Young men and women of marriageable age ─── 适婚青年

30、The lack of girls of marriageable age ─── 缺乏适婚年龄的女性

31、This is the starting point for the men and women of marriageable age, is divided into marriage and the legal limits of the law of marriage. ─── 这是男女结婚年龄的起点,是划分合法婚姻和违法婚姻的界限。

32、On the Lawmaking of the Marriageable Age in the Tang Dynasty ─── 论唐代的婚龄立法

33、These pieces were picked up by the girls of marriageable age who were present, the girl with the largest fragment being destined to marry first, the girl with the smallest being fated to remain a spinster. ─── 这些碎片由在场的适婚女子捡起,据说捡到最大碎片的女子注定将第一个结婚,捡到最小块的女孩将注定终身不嫁。

34、Marriageable age in the dynasty of Wei- Jin- South- North period gives an discussion From the Historical Materials Of Dunhuang ─── 由敦煌籍帐文书引发的对魏晋南北朝时期婚龄问题的探讨

35、She likes a marriageable young woman, easy spreads out the brows of close lock, thick makeup weak, appearance appear. ─── 她如同一个妙龄女郎,伸展开紧锁的眉头,浓妆淡抹,登台亮相。

36、The first was the scarcity of girls of marriageable age. ─── 一是到结婚年龄的女孩子太少;

37、Contemplation on the operating law of statutory marriageable age in our state ─── 关于我国现行法定婚龄的法律思考

38、and had the mother and child remained here, little Pearl at a marriageable period of life might have mingled her wild blood with the lineage of the devoutest Puritan among them all. ─── 如果母女俩留在当地,小珠儿在到达结婚年龄之后,很可能会把她那野性的血液,同那里最虔诚的清教徒的血统结合起来。

39、Ready for marriage; of a marriageable age or condition. Used of young women. ─── 适合结婚的准备结婚的;具备结婚年龄或条件的。用于年轻女子

40、'Our Daughters Must Be Wives': Marriageable Young Women in the Novels of Dickens, Eliot, and Hardy ─── 我们的女儿必须要嫁人:狄更斯、埃利奥特与哈迪小说中适婚青年妇女

41、He describes how a stranger, a man in his mid forties, approached him in the market asking if he knew of any marriageable girls. ─── 他描述了在市场里一个40多岁的陌生男人如何走上前来问他是否有适婚的女儿。

42、Research by economists Kerwin Charles and Ming Luoh finds a similar effect when many otherwise-marriageable men end up in prison. ─── 经济学家克尔温?查尔斯(KerwinCharles)和MingLuoh的研究发现,当许多本来到适婚年龄的男性最终入狱时,会出现类似的效应。

43、marriageable age ─── 结婚年龄

44、In the practices of justice, bigamous marriag behavior presents various types, which have conditions on crime-constitution, and we should treat them accordingly. ─── 在司法实践中,重婚行为又表现为不同的类型,而不同的类型其构成犯罪的条件亦有所差别,应当根据不同的情况区别对待。

45、Let us consider more particularly the female, who, while retaining her larval shape, becomes marriageable and glows at her best during the hottest part of summer. ─── 特别要提到雌性萤火虫,在到了可以谈婚论嫁的时候,她仍保持着幼虫的模样,但这并不妨碍她在最炎热的夏天,自如地发着光。

46、There was once a king who had three sons of marriageable age. ─── 从前,有一个国王,他的三个儿子都到了娶妻的年龄了。

47、It was never discussed, but always assumed, that he would do this when he reached marriageable age, he said. ─── 他说,那时候不用商量,大家都想着等到他到了结婚年龄,他就会那样做。

48、Marriageable belle makes public shop of some dress of stone Qi area 4 times to ask for a husband to the society. ─── 石岐区某服饰店妙龄美女四名公开向社会征夫婿一名。

49、So the king issued a proclamation for all marriageable girls to come to the garden, under pain of death, to try to pick the pomegranates. ─── 国王立即派人贴出布告,让每个待嫁的姑娘都到王宫花园来试着摘石榴,违令者斩首。

50、From the practice of law,the marriageable age lawmaking of the Tang Dynasty was well put into use. ─── 从实施状况来看,唐代关于婚龄的立法规定,在社会生活中得到了较好的实现。

51、According to the god ,the king said that the Princess Chu Hong marriageable age has come, now ,we want to find a man who has a pretty looks , distinguished education , unmarriages . ─── 奉天承运,皇帝诏曰:“因楚红公主已到适婚年龄,故向全天下招赘驸马,凡英俊潇洒,文才卓著,未曾婚配者均可”钦此。

52、legally marriageable age ─── 法定婚龄

53、Chinese population experts say their country will have 30 million more men of marriageable age than women by 2020, making it difficult for young men to find wives. ─── 中国人口专家称截止到2020年,该国适婚年龄的男性将比女性多出三千万,这将给年轻男子娶妻带来困难。

54、Although Yemen has a law stating that 15 is the marriageable age, it is frequently flouted, particularly in poor rural areas where society is run along tribal lines. ─── 尽管也门法律规定15岁为适婚年龄,但规定常常被违反,特别是在贫困的农村地区那里社会运转依靠部落维系。

55、of a marriageable age or condition.Used of young women. ─── 具备结婚年龄或条件的。

56、Men and women of marriageable age But unmarried ─── 旷男怨女

57、He describes how a stranger, a man in his mid forties, approached him in the market asking if he knew of any marriageable girls. ─── 他描述了在市场里一个40多岁的陌生男人如何走上前来问他是否有适婚的女儿。

58、A day, this marriageable woman comes home alone again, through last after quick-witted escape from a danger, she is very admiring to oneself. ─── 一天,这位妙龄女子又独自回家,经过上次的机智脱险后,她对自己十分赞赏。

59、However, the marriageable age, when man said that he wanted to study abroad, it is necessary to him, such as Girl. ─── 可是到了结婚年龄的时候男子说,他想要出国学习,要女孩等他。

60、When a marriageable young woman urges matrimony on an unencumbered young man the most obvious explanation of her conduct is not the altruistic impulse ─── 当一个正当结婚妙龄的少女,敦促毫无挂碍的青年男子结婚的时候,非常清楚谁也不会认为她的行为纯粹出自利他主义的动机。

61、Long ago there lived a poor fisherman with three marriageable daughters. ─── 很久以前,有一个渔夫,他很穷,三个女儿都已长大了。

62、Article 23, paragraph 2, of the Covenant reaffirms the right of men and women of marriageable age to marry and to found a family. ─── 《公约》第二十三条第2款重申已达结婚年龄的男女缔婚和成立家庭的权利。

63、He had respect for the married state, and thought only of some pretty marriageable girls in Indianapolis. ─── 他毫无那种专事追逐女人的风流男子的派头。

64、Listing 2. Is this person marriageable? ─── 清单2 .这个人到了结婚年龄吗?

65、Preterhuman and abrupt discovery is cultivated greatly next, have the marriageable young woman of a feeling of bewitching body flesh, she lies stark-nakedly below the tree. ─── 超人忽然发现一棵大树底下,有个妖体肉感的妙龄女郎,她一丝不挂的躺在树下。

66、From the practice of law, the marriageable age lawmaking of the Tang Dynasty was well put into use. ─── 从实施状况来看,唐代关于婚龄的立法规定,在社会生活中得到了较好的实现。

67、There was once a king who had three sons of marriageable age.In order to avoid any dispute over their choice of three brides, he said, "Aim as far as you can with the sling. ─── 国王满心欢喜,看到两个大王子心存嫉妒,就开导他们说,一个人没有能力选好自己的妻子也就不配得到王冠。

68、ready for marriage; of a marriageable age or condition; used of young women ─── 适合结婚的准备结婚的;具备结婚年龄或条件的;用于年轻女子

69、So the king issued a proclamation for all marriageable girls to come to the garden, under pain of death, to try to pick the pomegranates. ─── 国王立即派人贴出布告,让每个待嫁的姑娘都到王宫花园来试着摘石榴,违令者斩首。

70、for Edlund, “prime marriageable age” is 25-44. ─── 在埃德隆德看来,“最佳适婚年龄”是25岁至44岁。

71、The nun Khema belonged to a royal family from the land of Magadha.When she was of marriageable age, she became one of the chief consorts of King Bimbisara. ─── 谶摩比丘尼出生于古印度摩羯陀国的皇室,当她已届适婚年龄,她嫁给了频婆娑罗王,成为这位大国王的众妃之一。

72、reach the marriageable and child-bearing age. ─── 进入婚育期

73、Now some of these men have reached marriageable age, resulting in intense competition for spouses, especially in rural areas. ─── 现在这些男性中有一部分已经达到结婚年龄,这就造成争夺配偶的激烈竞争,尤其是在农村地区。

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