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10-01 投稿


motherless 发音

英:[ˈmʌðərləs]  美:[ˈmʌðələs]

英:  美:

motherless 中文意思翻译



motherless 网络释义

adj. 无母的

motherless 短语词组

1、motherless child ─── 无母儿童

motherless 词性/词形变化,motherless变形

名词: motherlessness |

motherless 相似词语短语

1、motherliness ─── n.慈母心

2、tocherless ─── 无托儿所

3、motorless ─── adj.无发动机的;无马达的

4、fatherless ─── adj.无父的

5、motherese ─── n.妈妈语

6、smotheriness ─── 窒息

7、otherness ─── n.差异性;相异;他物

8、matterless ─── 无内容的

9、cotterless ─── 无销

motherless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Spiritual: Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child ─── 黑人灵歌:有时我感觉像没有妈妈的孩子

2、He advised and minister to me to share my properties ,wealth, to motherless baby/orphanage homes/people that need money for survivor and for future raising. ─── 所以,我心中遵循指示来自上帝。

3、He went to his neighbour to beg for some milk to feed the motherless baby. ─── 他找街坊邻居讨了一些牛奶来喂养那个没娘的孩子。

4、Sometimes I feel like a motherless child, ─── 我觉得自己是个孤儿

5、My mother died when i was a baby and since then, my father took me so special because i was motherless. ─── 我的母亲去世时,我是一个婴儿和自那时以来,我父亲把我这么特别,因为我母亲。

6、The motherless children were starving for affection. ─── 这些没娘的孩子渴望受人疼爱。

7、A motherless child likens a grass ─── 没有妈的孩子像一根草

8、With tears in his eyes, he would watch them wolf it down and mutter to himself, "Poor motherless children! ─── 看他俩狼吞虎咽的吃那些东西,他眼中含着泪,自言自语的说:“没娘的孩子!”

9、In 1918, he became a single parent with his wife's sudden death from a stomach disorder. Engrid was left motherless and melancholy. ─── 一九一八年妻子因突发的胃病去世,失去母亲的英格利变得沉默寡言。

10、But he was not going to marry just anyone, as Mr.Calvert had done, taking to wife the Yankee governess of his motherless children. ─── 但他不愿随便娶谁,象卡尔佛特先生那样,把他那几个没娘孩子的北佬家庭女教师娶来做妻子。

11、In 1918, he became a single parent with his wife's sudden death from a stomach disorder.Engrid was left motherless and melancholy[4] . ─── 一九一八年妻子因突发的胃病去世,失去母亲的英格利变得沉默寡言。

12、had a dying instinct told him his motherless offspring would be safe here, as he had been, with those who loved him? hot tears spilled on baby fur as becky gathered the trembling bundle in her arms. ─── 狼发出哀叫声。接着我们都闻到了坏疽的味道。“哟!不是狂犬病,”布赖恩说。“但他肯定受了重伤。你觉得我结束他的痛苦不是最好的吗?”

13、5.Who is theretakes pity on this poor motherless little girl. ─── 有谁不怜悯失去母亲的可怜小女孩。

14、She has just become motherless ─── 她刚刚失去母亲,身上粉色的衣服血迹斑斑。

15、Had a dying instinct told him his motherless offspring would be safe here, as he had been, with those who loved him? ─── 是否临终前的本能告诉他没有母亲的孩子在这里会很安全,就像他当初一样,有那些爱他的人们呢?

16、"I used that and my fear of my children growing up motherless to stop eating junk food and turn my life around. " ─── “我对我的孩子长大后失去母亲的恐惧迫使我停止进食垃圾食品并且让我的人生重新运转。”

17、motherless calf in a range herd of cattle. ─── 牛群中失去母牛的小牛。

18、children left motherless ─── 没娘的孩子

19、In 1918,he became a single parent with his wife's sudden death from a stomach disorder. Engrid was left motherless and melancholy[4]. ─── 一九一八年,妻子因突发的胃病去世,失去母亲的英格利变得沉默寡言。

20、Her lonely, motherless childhood had been made bearable by roaming the pinewoods, fields and bayous round Karnack in east Texas, delighting in magnolia blooms and the first spring daffodils and the touch of Spanish moss against her face. ─── 在孤独又没有母爱的童年时光里,她徜徉在东部得克萨斯的松树林间、野之上及小海湾口,观赏木兰花开,寻找春天的第一株水仙,用脸颊感受寄生滕,以此来获得快乐。

21、It was not the first motherless lamb he had found and he knew what to do with it. ─── 这不是他第一次发现失去母亲的羊羔,他知道该怎么处理它。

22、A stray or motherless calf. ─── 孤犊,无母犊牛

23、On a more shallow level, the money raised from this publicity will provide for her motherless children. ─── 从肤浅层面,公众募捐的钱将提供给她的两个孩子。

24、Motherless, fatherless, guiding me through the grey ruins of her home, everything was gone, she told me. ─── 她带我参观了她已经沦为废墟的家,并告诉我说什么也没了!

25、On a more shallow level, the money raised from this publicity will provide for her motherless children. ─── 从肤浅层面,公众募捐的钱将提供给她的两个孩子。

26、Her heart was filled with compassion for the motherless children. ─── 她对于没有母亲的孩子们充满了怜悯心。

27、The anguish of the mother who may never look again upon her children is less than the torment of the father who has to say to those children, "My little ones, you are henceforth motherless. ─── 也许永远不再看到她的子女的母亲的痛苦,是逊于父亲的揪心的痛楚的,当他不得不跟这些孩子们说:“我的小不点儿们啊,从此以后你们就没有母亲了。”

28、Was left motherless and alone. ─── 孤单单地没母亲照顾。

29、Conclusion The conclusion in motherless parentage testing could be drawn based on the likelihood ratio (paternity index) derived from mean PE(subscript M) and mutation ratio. ─── 结论单亲鉴定出现矛盾基因座时,可以根据二项公式计算的似然率(亲权指数)作为结果判定的依据。

30、She has just become motherless. ─── 她刚刚失去母亲。

31、One day, Florence was a healthy, pregnant mother, the next day she was dead, leaving five motherless children to an uncertain world. ─── 昨天佛罗伦斯还是个怀孕的母亲,身体状况良好。

32、Li Ahh and Li Ohm grow up motherless. ─── 这是一对小兄弟寻找妈妈与爱的故事。

33、Who is there but takes pity on this poor motherless little girl. ─── 有谁不怜悯这个失去母亲的可怜小女孩。

34、I'm glad to see him, poor motherless thing! ─── 我很高兴见到他,可怜的没有母亲的孩子!

35、5.Who is there but takes pity on this poor motherless little girl. ─── 有谁不怜悯这个失去母亲的可怜小小姑娘。

36、I have decided to Will/Donate 。。。through you for the good work of the Lord, and to help the motherless。 ─── 讨厌的是,里面用虔诚的基督徒的口吻说了一些听起来很善良的话。

37、Had a dying instinct told him his motherless offspring would be safe here, as he had been,with those who loved him? ─── 译:但我拿毯子盖上拉尔夫时,我们惊讶地听到树墩里面有奇怪的沙沙声。

38、Her heart was filled with compassion for the motherless children ─── 她对于没有母亲的孩子们充满了怜悯心。

39、Had a dying instinct told him his motherless offspring would be safe here, as he had been, with those who loved him?Hot tears spilled on baby fur as Becky gathered the trembling bundle in her arms. ─── 是否临终前的本能告诉他没有母亲的孩子在这里会很安全,就像他当初一样,有那些爱他的人们呢?贝基把发抖的包袱的抱进怀中时热泪滴在了幼崽的毛毛上。

40、The motherless children were starving for affection ─── 这些没有母亲的孩子渴望亲情。

41、How come she sounded like a motherless kid."Does Mom cook you fish often?""No.I never liked fish. ─── 家里至今这样的盒子有好几个,装她的文具,首饰倒很方便。

42、The document is clear: wads of cash may not change hands in return for poor motherless mites. ─── 这份文件很清楚地表明:不准用大把的现金去购买离开母亲怀抱的小可怜们。

43、To begin with, I was motherless, and the care that my father took of me had been deepened by a double sense of responsibility, so that he protected me more completely than he might have otherwise. ─── 最主要因为我自幼失母,父亲出于身兼母职的双重责任感,格外悉心照顾我,对我的保护加倍周密。

44、Objective To calculate the exclusion power of STR loci in motherless parentage testing and to discuss how to draw a conclusion if there are inconsistent loci. ─── 摘要目的探讨用STR基因座进行单亲鉴定出现矛盾基因座时下结论的策略。

45、In 1918,he became a single parent with his wife's sudden death from a stomach disorder.Engrid was left motherless and melancholy. ─── 1918年妻子因突发的胃病去世,失去母亲的英格利变得沉默寡言。

46、motherless child ─── 哀子

47、Methods Based on the law of inheritance and allele frequency, the powers of exclusion of STR loci in motherless parentage testing (PE(subscript M)) were calculated. ─── 方法根据基因频率和遗传规律,推导单亲案亲权鉴定时的非父排除率。

48、They are detrimental to social development and wellbeing, as some one million children are left motherless each year. ─── 它们不利于社会发展和福祉,因为每年约有100万儿童丧失母亲。

49、How to Draw a Conclusion in Motherless Parentage Testing Using Short Tandem Repeats as Genetic Makers ─── 单亲案亲权鉴定结果判定策略

50、The motherless children are starving for affection. ─── 那些没妈的孩子渴望获得慈爱。

51、Motherless young woman Slim (Jennifer Lopez) works in a San Francisco diner with her best friend, Ginny (Juliette Lewis). ─── 他们旋即闪电结婚,并育有一名女儿姬丝。

52、"She's a quiet one, " he thought; "she's grown up in poverty, and I am marrying for the sake of my motherless children. " ─── 他已经折磨死两个老婆,正在物色第三个,于是就看中了她,说她“性格文静,生在贫苦人家,而我呢,之所以结婚,是为了失去母亲的孩子。”

53、Had a dying instinct told him his motherless offspring would be safe here, as he had been, with those who loved him? ─── 是否临终前的本能告诉他没有母亲的孩子在这里会很安全,就像他当初一样,有那些爱他的人们呢?

54、Sometimes I feel like a motherless child; ─── 我有时觉得自己像一个没有母亲的孩子;

55、The motherless children were starved of affection. ─── 没娘的孩子极需要爱。

56、Mr Spenlow explained that Miss Murdstone had been kind enough to come and look after his poor motherless daughter, and to be her confidential friend and companion. ─── 斯本罗先生解释说,摩德斯通小姐能来照顾他失去母爱的女儿,并成为她的密友和侍伴,真是难能可贵。

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