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10-01 投稿


mouthless 发音


英:  美:

mouthless 中文意思翻译



mouthless 相似词语短语

1、mouthiest ─── adj.说大话的;爱说话的(mouthy的变形)

2、boughless ─── 无枝的

3、mouthiness ─── n.说大话;多嘴

4、touchless ─── adj.无触觉的

5、ruthless ─── adj.无情的,残忍的

6、outbless ─── 祝福

7、mirthless ─── adj.不快乐的;悲伤的;阴郁的

8、toothless ─── adj.无牙齿的;adj.无权势的

9、youthless ─── 年轻的

mouthless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、how did a mouthless cat with no story line become an international brand sensation? ─── 一只没有嘴巴,没有故事的猫是怎样变成国际知名品牌的呢?

2、"I register no sense of how they came to arrive here," the mouthless Haydonite was mind-speaking, motioning to the cavern. ─── “我没有关于他们如何到达这里的记录,”没有嘴巴的海顿人边阐述着想法,边向洞内移动着。

3、Now, for a mouthless feline, Hello Kitty speaks volumes on communication, gift giving and, above all, marketing. ─── 接著,来看看一只没有嘴巴的猫咪。凯蒂猫在通讯、礼品,尤其是行销方面的表现非常杰出。

4、A miniature of Hamasaki with the mouthless cat went on sale during the 28-year-old singer's tour of Asia, which started on March 10. ─── 这款结合滨崎步与无嘴凯蒂猫的公仔,已于这位二十八岁歌手三月十日展开的亚洲巡迴演唱之旅开始贩售。

5、Simplistic, noseless and mouthless, these bunnies have been hot on Chinese internet, particularly with QQ and MSN users since the beginning of 2007. ─── 这些简单的无鼻无嘴的小兔子,在中国网络上迅速窜红,特别是在2007年初在QQ用户和MSN用户中更是如此。

6、It's as if these brands - along with a certain animated, mouthless cat that was introduced in 1974 - were scrubbed clean of ethnic markings and sold instead as prototypes of a postnational world. ─── 这些企业品牌就像一种从1974年产生的生气勃勃但又默默无语的猫,在国际市场中传递着这些带有特定文化符号的产品。

7、So how did a mouthless cat with no story line become an international brand sensation? ─── 一只没有嘴巴,没有故事的猫是怎样变成国际知名品牌的呢?

8、a mouthless calabash ─── 没嘴葫芦

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