shortsighted 发音
英:['ʃɔː'saɪtɪd] 美:[ˌʃɔːrtˈsaɪtɪd]
英: 美:
shortsighted 中文意思翻译
shortsighted 词性/词形变化,shortsighted变形
副词: shortsightedly |名词: shortsightedness |
shortsighted 短语词组
1、shortsighted move ─── 目光短浅的举动
2、shortsighted ness n. ─── 近视
shortsighted 相似词语短语
1、sharp-sighted ─── 目光敏锐的
2、short-sighted ─── 近视的
3、short sights ─── 近视;目光短浅
4、short sight ─── 近视;目光短浅
5、shortlisted ─── adj.筛选后的(候选人名单)
6、short-sightedly ─── 近视地;缺乏远见地
7、shortsightedly ─── 近视地;缺乏远见地
8、foresighted ─── adj.深谋远虑的;有先见之明的;能预料的
9、shortsheeted ─── 短名单
shortsighted 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、At least eight inten students are shortsighted. ─── 十个学生中至少有八个近视。可以用,意思一样
2、a short view of the problem; shortsighted policies; shortsighted critics derided the plan. ─── 对问题短浅的见解;目光短浅的政策;嘲笑这个计划的目光短浅的评论家。
3、“The bags are quite big.I consider them quite stupid.Their planning was very shortsighted,” said the deputy police chief, Shakaruddin Che Mood. ─── 后来抓住他们的值班警员说:“他们的包挺大的,我觉得他们实在笨透了,他们的准备也太不充分了!”
4、They are always shortsighted and are easily be satisfied with the very little thing they have known. ─── 他们总是目光短浅和容易被他们知道的一点小事所满足。
5、obviously her big beautiful eyes were much sharper than my (15) slitty (16) shortsighted ones.Indeed I had ignored the stop sign, but not on purpose. ─── 显而易见她那美丽的大眼远比我的眯缝近视眼锐利.的确我忽视了停车标记,但这并不是我故意的.
6、As you get older, you may become long-sighted or shortsighted. ─── 随着年龄的增长,你可能变得远视或近视。
7、It's very shortsighted not to spend money on repairing your house. ─── 你不肯花钱修理自己的房子,眼光是非常短浅的。
8、her shortsight forced her had the habit of narrowing her eyes when see others. ─── 3.因为有点近视,她有眯着眼睛看人的习惯。
9、As the consequence of shortsighted, she has a habit of squinting at people. ─── 因为有点近视,她有眯着眼睛看人的习惯。
10、It managed to sustain the economy, but the way it did it was shortsighted: America was living on borrowed money and borrowed time . ─── 所以这方面,中国人有声音,但主要是已经入了别国籍的华裔,大陆本土的声音还是太少。
11、It's very shortsighted not to spend money on repairing the house. ─── 不想花钱修理房子, 这是缺乏远见的。
12、"I'm so shortsighted that the eyes on me are about as much use as an ashtray on a motorcycle." ─── “我是个大近视眼,眼睛对我的用处就和烟灰缸在摩托车上的用处差不多。”
13、9 For he in whom these things are not present is blind, being shortsighted, having forgotten the cleansing of his past sins. ─── 彼后一9那没有这几样的,就是眼瞎、近视,忘了他旧日的罪已经得了洁净。
14、She said it would be shortsighted to think that either side can simply put peacemaking on hold until the current upheaval is over. ─── 她说,认为只要熬过当前的动荡局势就自然能够使得这两个国家保持和平友好关系,是一种目光短浅的想法。
15、It's very shortsighted not to send your children to school. ─── 不想送你的孩子去上学,这是缺乏远见。
16、Shortsighted people usually squint at things. ─── 近视眼的人看东西通常眯着眼。
17、Smart women will have to be careful not to yawn in the streets in case some shortsighted person is on his way to post a letter. ─── 可是聪明的女子得小心一点,别在街头打哈欠,以防目光近视者正在去邮寄信件。
18、Don't be so shortsighted as to see only what is under your nose. ─── 不要这样目光如豆,只看到鼻子尖下这一点点。
19、glasses for the shortsighted ─── 近视眼睛
20、Yet delaying CCS at coal power plants until economy-wide carbon dioxide control costs are greater than CCS costs is shortsighted. ─── 然而,燃煤电厂延迟采行CCS,要等二氧化碳处理费用高于CCS的成本,是短视的做法。
21、The popularity of a “super girl” is temporary, so going on a tour and giving up my education is thoughtless and shortsighted. ─── 超女的流行是短暂的,因此进行巡演并且放弃自己的教育这种作法是欠考虑的,也是目光短浅的。
22、Shortsighted people have to wear glasses, as do longsighted people. ─── 近视眼的人要戴眼镜,远视眼的人也要戴。
23、take short views; shortsighted views ─── 看问题目光短浅
24、I also know that It's my shortsighted view if I deny these opinions right off . ─── 我也知道它是我近视的意图,如果我否认这些观点。
25、The president said that view is shortsighted . He said what is needed is the political will to make difficult decisions . ─── 奥巴马说,这是一种短视的观点。他认为,美国现在需要的是做出艰难决定的政治意愿。
26、He finally realize that he is shortsighted and go to the optician. ─── 他终於明白他眼睛近视了,於是去配了眼镜。
27、On the one hand, they can be cognizant of their strength, avoiding shortsighted actions; ─── 一方面能使企业认清自己的实力,避免目光短浅的行为;
28、At the same time,the author illustrates above forecast,which is explored only and would be shortsighted,can not enclose the important transforms all over the new century. ─── 同时阐明了这些展望只是探索性的,很可能是短期行为,不可能涵盖整个新世纪漫长岁月中可能发生的重大变革。
29、have no dealing with, selfish, narrow-minded, shortsighted, ─── 我们不与自私的人交往.
30、Regular practice of these exercises can improve eyesight and prevent shortsighted eye effectively. ─── 经常做工种按摩对提高视力和预防近视很有效。
31、Shortsighted, they are confused and at a loss when they use limited knowledge and experience to confront vast cosmos. ─── 他们目光如豆,以他们有限的经验学识,面对广漠的宇宙天际时,就完全迷惑而不知所措矣!
32、The nightmare of the mermaid had come again.People in the city got completely lost and purchased shortsighted utilities.They do things against their conscience just for a living. ─── 美人鱼的梦魇又来了,它彻底迷失了当代都市人的心智,所有人像着魔似的追逐眼前的功利,为了生存违心地做自己不愿做的事。
33、If you see your own attitude represented by one of these comments, might you be shortsighted in your reason for valuing fitness? ─── 如果你看到上面这些说法中的某一种代表了你自己的看法,就可能说明在评价健康这一问题上,你有些目光短浅。
34、For he in whom these things are not present is blind, being shortsighted, having forgotten the cleansing of his past sins. ─── 9那没有这几样的,就是眼瞎、近视,忘了他旧日的罪已经得了洁净。
35、The Perspective about the Shortsighted Behavior on Running Tertiary Education at Present ─── 当前我国高等教育办学的短视行为透视
36、The disasters sometimes cann't be avoided, it wouldn't appear in some degree if people could protect the ecological environment and decrease the behaviors of shortsighted view in normal tunes. ─── 水旱灾害有时是难以避免的,但是,如果人们平时注意保护生态环境,减少那些为了一些蝇头小利的短见行为,这在一定程度上就抑制了灾害的发生。
37、His philosophical eyes were obviously shortsighted by the evil influence of Nazism ─── 显然,他那双哲学家般的深邃的眼睛也被纳粹的妖氛所眩惑。
38、They had incentive structures that encouraged excessive risk-taking and shortsighted behaviour. And that was no accident . ─── 他们的机制鼓励过度冒险和短视行为,而这并不偶然。
39、He is shortsighted on political issues. ─── 他在政治问题上很近视。
40、The viewpoint that literature is vogue in nature and the attitude to advocate vogue literature are misleading in literature creation, which indicates the literary circle is shortsighted, superficial and flippancy. ─── “文学是天然时尚的”提法以及对“时尚文学”的提倡是对文学创作的极大误导,它恰恰反映了目前文学界的短视、浅薄和浮躁的心态。
41、a short view of the problem; shortsighted policies; shortsighted critics derided the plan ─── 对问题短浅的见解;目光短浅的政策;嘲笑这个计划的目光短浅的评论家
42、Many Chinese businesses now think of only how to access overseas markets with eyes fixed on international metropolises.It looks exciting but is actually shortsighted. ─── 我国的许多企业一心只想抢滩国际市场,只顾迈向大都市,看似风光无限,其实很不明智。
43、This is surely the most shortsighted policy you could imagine. ─── 这无疑是能够料想到的最无远见的政策。
44、Don't be so shortsighted as to see only what is under your nose. ─── 不要这样鼠目寸光,只看到鼻子尖下这一点点。
45、Environmentalists fear that this is a shortsighted approach to the problem of global warming. ─── 环境保护主义者们担心这会是解决全球变暖问题的一个目光短浅的方法。
46、This kind of education is the ultimate goal to teach us how shortsighted. ─── 这样的教育的最终目标就是教会我们怎样去鼠目寸光。
47、I am good looking with big eyes but shortsighted,and with long hair.I have outgoing and generous character. I like reading and I am good at knitting. ─── 留学解答资讯网:我的相貌是美丽的,我有大的眼睛,但是我近视.我有一头长发,我的性格开朗大方,我喜欢阅读书籍。我擅长针织。
48、I am shortsighted. ─── 我是近视的。
49、The compromise of institutional integrity of these development agencies for the shortsighted self-deceit of success and the governance flaws over real reforms left me shocked. ─── 由于短视自欺的成功及管理缺点真心改革这些开发机构的制度的正直的妥协使我大为震惊。
50、He is shortsighted. ─── 他是近视眼。
51、It was a miracle he did not die one morning when he tried to catch the shortsighted parrot, who had climbed as high as the water barrels. ─── 有一天早上,他试图去抓那只近视眼的鹦鹉----那家伙爬到储水桶那么高的地方去了。
52、He also found I was shortsighted, since I could not see beyond the shortcomings of my brothers and sisters. ─── 祂也发现我近视了,因为我的所见无法超越弟兄姐妹们的缺点。
53、His shortsighted eagerness for quick success and instant benefit not only do harm to himself and his children, but also affect his parents, teachers, colleagues, friends, families and fellow country men. ─── 他们目光短浅急功近利的后果,不但会害了自己、害了儿女,还会给父母、老师、同事、朋友、家族、乡亲带来不好的影响。
54、And sometimes ignorant or shortsighted employers might even reduce their own profits by overworking their employees. ─── 甚至有的雇主骄横一时,让员工操劳过度造成伤病,雇主赔钱反而因此损失了不少利润。
55、After the meeting in Gdansk on Saturday, Xinhua News Agency said Mr Sarkozy's stance was "opportunistic, rash and shortsighted". ─── 周六格但斯克的会面结束后,新华社表示萨克奇先生的姿态市是“投机,鲁莽,没有远见的”
56、On the contrary, it is a sign of mechanical weakness, it is pointless in itself, and it is due merely to immaturity and shortsighted thinking. ─── 相反的,它是机械性软弱的徵兆,本身毫无意义,只是出于不成熟和短视的想法。
57、As the chain hotel brand of Zhejiang's first five-star hotel Nanyuan Hotel, we are not shortsighted by building these business hotels. ─── 风格特异、简约时尚的经济型酒店近两年发展迅猛,多家连锁店扯旗开张,显现出它的蓬勃生机。
58、However shortsighted Roosevelt's aim, he certainly achieved the destruction of Germany. ─── 不论罗斯福目标如何短见,他无疑实现了毁灭德国这一目标。
59、Dallas Mavericks: Was swapping Devin Harris for Jason Kidd a colossal money-draining, franchise-sinking, shortsighted blunder? ─── 达拉斯小牛:用哈里斯换来基德是不是浪费金钱、自我沦陷而且目光短浅的一次愚蠢行为?
60、'We know so little about what is going on in that country and how leaders there make decisions that it would be shortsighted to argue against Ban Ki-moon going,' Mr. ─── 瑞菲尔说,我们对那个国家的局势和领导人的决策方式都知之甚少,在这种情况下,反对潘基文去缅甸将是短视的做法。
61、I had said early, admiring the woman of man appearance is low common also is foolish, it is ungracious with what do not have administrative levels, it is shortsighted is mixed had not seen world. ─── 我早就说过,欣赏男人相貌的女人是低俗的也是愚蠢的,是没有教养和没有层次的,是鼠目寸光和没有见过世面的。
62、The allegory mocks shortsighted people who mistake a part for the whole. ─── 寓言讽刺目光短浅、以偏概全的人。
63、1. He was too shortsighted to focus on the object. ─── 他由于近视过深而无法把视力焦点对准在该物体上。
64、If you see your own attitude represented by one of these comments, might you be shortsighted in your reason for valuing fitness? ─── 如果你看到这些议论中有一条正好代表了你的态度,那么你衡量健身价值的理由不是有点近视吗?
65、How much degrees shortsighted are you? 300 degrees. ─── 你(近视)眼睛多少度?300度.
66、The De Courcy's were hereditarily shortsighted. ─── 德库西家的人祖传下来全是近视眼。
67、A male youth wanted in the train station port over-bridge to seek the shortsighted view yesterday, the swing bridge instantaneous, the armed police who and the police flushed entrain. ─── 一名男青年昨日在火车站口岸天桥欲寻短见,跳桥瞬间,被冲上来的武警和民警拽住。
68、If you see your own attitude represented by one of thee comments, might you be shortsighted in your reason for valuing fitness? ─── 如果上面的说法之一你觉得正是代表了你自己的态度,也许你参加健身运动的理由会有点儿目光短浅吧?
69、WangWang Automotive Speciality Equipment design professional imported shortsighted photo-sensitive eyeglass for driving. Glass for color blindness, ─── 旺旺汽车用品专业定制进口近视变色驾驶镜,色盲镜
70、It was a miracle he did not die one morning when he tried to catch the shortsighted parrot, who had climbed as high as the water barrels. ─── 有一天早上,他试图去抓那只近视眼的鹦鹉----那家伙爬到储水桶那么高的地方去了。
71、From our shortsighted human perspective, the answer probably is, “Yes. ─── 在人短视的眼光中,答案显然是对的。
72、Air force pilots are not shortsighted , but they always drop the bombs at the wrong place as if they needed glasses. ─── 战斗飞行员没有近视,不过他们丢炸弹的准头却像有弱视。
73、Mental Characteristics of Shortsighted Students ─── 近视学生的心理特征研究
74、She is very shortsighted. ─── 她近视很深。
75、If we let her leave this room in this way, we're all shortsighted fools. ─── 如果让她就这样离开这个房间,那我们就都是些鼠目寸光的傻瓜。
76、However shortsighted Roosevelt's aim, he certainly achieved the destruction of Germany ─── 不论罗斯福目标如何短见,他无疑实现了毁灭德国这一目标。
77、Most applications discard their stack of undo actions when the user closes the document or the application. This is very shortsighted on the application’s part. Instead, the application could write the undo stack to a file. ─── 在用户关闭文档或者程序时,多数程序放弃其撤销堆栈,这是非常短视的行为;相反,程序可以将撤销堆栈写入文件。
78、The search for profit is not shortsighted. ─── 谋取利润决不是目光短浅的行为。
79、He finally realize that he be shortsighted and go to the optician ─── 他终於明白他眼睛近视了,於是去配了眼镜
80、I laughed their shortsighted imagination. ─── 我嘲笑他们目光短浅的主见。
81、In addition we also sell glass for color blindness, sunglass, shortsighted glass, automotive decoration and so on.Welcome to come! ─── 同时还销售色盲镜,太阳镜,近视镜及汽车饰品等,欢迎选购!
82、The price depends on the degree of the eyeglass and the frame.The price of the titanic shortsighted photo-sensitive eyeglass is from about 280 yuan to 490 yuan each pair. ─── 镜架有钛架、无框或半框等,价格由镜片深度和框架议定,钛架+近视变色每付280到490元左右。
83、21. It's extremely shortsighted. ─── 这是极端的短视行为。
鼠目寸光shǔ mù cùn guāng[释义] 老鼠的眼睛只能看到一寸远的地方。形容目光短浅;没有远见。[语出] 清·蒋士铨《临川梦》:“寻章摘句;别类分门;凑成各样新书;刻板出卖。吓得那一班鼠目寸光的时文朋友;拜到辕门;盲称瞎赞。”[正音] 寸;不能读作“chùn”。[辨形] 鼠;不能写作“属”。[近义] 目光如豆[反义] 神通广大 高瞻远瞩[用法] 用作贬义。一般作谓语、定语、宾语。[结构] 主谓式。[辨析] ~与“目光如豆”区别在于:~指目光短浅;没有远见;是比喻性的;“目光如豆”指目光“小”;不见全局;只盯住目前的局部;也是比喻性的。[例句] 我们山区的农民并不是~的人;他们不仅看到了2000年;还在计划着21世纪的蓝图呢![英译] as short…sighted as mice
- 鼠目寸光:出自清·蒋士铨《临川梦·隐奸》:“吓得那一班鼠目寸光的时文朋友,拜倒辕门,盲称瞎赞。”比喻目光短浅,只看到眼前的利益,没有长远的打算。
- 高瞻远瞩:出自汉·王充《论衡·别通篇》:“夫闭户塞意,不高瞻览者,死人之徒也哉。”意思是站得高,看得远。比喻眼光远大,具有长远的眼光和卓越的见解。
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