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10-01 投稿


monovalent 发音

英:[ˌmɑːnoʊˈveɪlənt]  美:[ˌmɒnə(ʊ)ˈveɪl(ə)nt]

英:  美:

monovalent 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 单价的


monovalent 短语词组

1、monovalent element ─── [医] 一价元素

2、divalent and monovalent ─── 二价和一价

3、monovalent sera ─── [医] 单价血清

4、monovalent ion ─── 单价离子

5、monovalent vaccine ─── [医]单价疫苗

6、monovalent chromosome ─── 单价染色体

7、monovalent antibody ─── [医]单价抗体

8、monovalent base ─── [化] 一价碱; 一酸价碱

9、monovalent alcohol ─── [化] 一元醇; 一羟基醇

10、monovalent serum ─── 单价血清

monovalent 同义词


monovalent 反义词


monovalent 词性/词形变化,monovalent变形

名词: monovalence |

monovalent 相似词语短语

1、covalent ─── adj.共价的;共有原子价的

2、polyvalent ─── adj.[化学]多价的;n.[遗]多价染色体

3、monofilament ─── n.[纺]单丝;单纤维丝

4、multivalent ─── adj.[化学]多价的;多原子价的;有多种意义的

5、pentavalent ─── adj.五价的,五种价的

6、univalent ─── adj.[化学][生物]单价的;单价染色体的

7、monovalency ─── 一价

8、nonprevalent ─── 非价的

9、monovalence ─── n.一价;单价

monovalent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If much plan the product is monovalent, what effect can you cause to duty Wu? To drawback? ─── 假如多计产品单价,会对税务造成什么影响?对退税呢?

2、A monovalent radical, such as ethyl or propyl, having the general formula CnH2n+1. ─── 烷基,烃基一种单价基,如乙烷基和丙基,分子式为cnh2n+1

3、To prevent measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella, MMRV vaccine can be used instead of trivalent MMR vaccine and monovalent varicella vaccine. ─── 为了预防麻疹、腮腺炎、德国麻疹、水痘,MMRV疫苗用于取代三合一的MMR治疗加上水痘疫苗;

4、Advertisement measurement is different, monovalent and basic not identical also. ─── 广告尺寸不一样,单价基本也不相同。

5、In congener website, our advertisement is monovalent originally with respect to on the high side a bit. ─── 在同类网站里,我们的广告单价原本就偏高一点。

6、monovalent cations and benzene complexes ─── 第一族离子-苯复合物

7、Does the Ji Nan City Huai Yin District Hua Lian vicinity unit dormitory make the monovalent number of house angry pair? ─── 济南市槐荫区华联附近单位宿舍双气房子单价多少?

8、A monovalent radical,such as ethyl or propyl,having the general formula CnH2n+1. ─── 烷基,烃基一种单价基,如乙烷基和丙基,分子式为CnH2n+

9、It is found that the effects of monovalent and divalent cations were significantly different.Stretch-induced melting of single DNA molecules was directly observed. ─── 研究了金属离子对DNA拉伸的影响,发现一价金属离子和二价金属离子对DNA的影响有显著的差别。

10、any of the monovalent metals of group I of the periodic table (lithium or sodium or potassium or rubidium or cesium or francium) ─── 周期表中I族的任何单价金属(锂、钠、钾、铷、铯和钫)

11、Two reasons, one is the price, as healthy inflation, monovalent meeting rises; ─── 两个原因,一个是价格,随着健康的通胀,单价会上升;

12、Vaccine development has yielded encouraging result on phase I human trial, demonstrating high immunogenicity and good tolerance when monovalent vaccine was given to women of reproductive age. ─── 疫苗方面也有令人鼓舞的关于I期人体试验的结果;证明给育龄期妇女单价疫苗有高的免疫反应和好的耐受性。

13、Furthermore, as opposed to its corresponding normal counterpart, the sentence with the locative subject receives an additional valency element, which in turn makes the monovalent verb bivalent. ─── 与对应的常规句式相比,处所主语句增加了一个配价成分,小句中的动词由一价变成了二价。

14、Bid in international especially in, because be low quoted price,win the bid, and it is monovalent contract, it is important that the skill that quotes so is shown especially. ─── 非凡是在国际投标中,由于是 低报价中标,而且是单价合同,所以报价的技巧尤显 重要。


16、The proton translocation could be stimulated by the monovalent anions with decreasing order of potency of Cl-> Br- >I- >F-. ─── I- 由于可淬灭吖啶橙的荧光而不适用于这种方法。

17、Faunal features, the salinity tolerance of inland water phytoplankton and relationships between salinity, alkalinity, PH, ratio of monovalent to divalent ions and species diversity were discussed. ─── 文中讨论了内陆盐水浮游植物区系特点、藻类对盐度的耐受性以及种类多样性与盐度、碱度、PH和离子系数之间的关系等问题。

18、Secondly, choice profit margin is low, monovalent low product; ─── 其二,选择利润率低、单价低的产品;

19、the monovalent group -CN in a chemical compound. ─── 化合物中的单价基cn。

20、Halogen atoms contain seven electrons in their valence shell, and, consequently, are monovalent. ─── 卤原子在它们的价电子层含有七个电子,因此是一价的。

21、In recent years, pudong higher-priced building dish (monovalent 8000 yuan / square metre above) development measures increase sharply, the price is climbed ceaselessly litre. ─── 近年来,浦东高价位楼盘(单价 8000元/平方米以上)开发量激 增,价格不断攀升。

22、Results All of 200 monovalent pools passed the test for inactivation before preparation of final bulk.The higher content of HA in monovalent pools could affect viral inactivation. ─── 结果半成品配制前,200批单价病毒液灭活试验全部通过,单价病毒液中较高的血凝素含量会影响灭活试验的判断。

23、monovalent existential verb ─── 一价存在动词

24、is extravagant, also average meter of monovalent hyperbole number because of every. ─── 奢侈,也因为每平米单价的夸张数字。

25、monovalent hydrocarbon radical ─── 一价烃基

26、monovalent antibody ─── 单价抗体

27、Rabbits were inoculated with two doses of monovalent inactivated hantavirus vaccines in primary immunization. ─── 目的:观察单价汉坦病毒灭活疫苗交叉免疫的中和抗体应答。

28、monovalent cation ─── 一价阳离子

29、The anomalous Zeeman effect of monovalent atoms ─── 一价原子有精细结构时的塞曼效应

30、a compound derived from ammonia and containing the bivalent NH group combined with a bivalent acid group or two monovalent acid groups ─── 源自氨的一种化合物,含有与一个二价酸基或者二个一价的酸基结合的氨基(NH)

31、The monovalent unilateralism verbs, with the minimal capacity, can only dominate one semantic role. ─── 一价单向动词的配价能力是最弱的,只能联系一个语义角色。

32、Water quality - Determination of selected monovalent phenols - Part 2: Method by derivatization and gas chromatography ─── 水质。可选择单价苯酚的测定。第2部分:衍生物方法和气相色谱法

33、monovalent atom ─── 一价原子

34、the monovalent organic group C3H7- obtained from propane. ─── 从丙烷中获取的有机单价基CH。

35、Although monovalent slightly tall, but put together is economical come down, economic still. ─── 虽然单价略高,但综合算下来,还是节省的。

36、A sufficient concentration of monovalent ions, such as ??l, can bring about coagulation in this way ─── 足够浓的一价离子象??l能够以这种方法引起凝聚。

37、Comparison on HI Antibody Level in Chicken Groups Immunized by Monovalent and Divalent Inactivated Oil-emulsion Vaccine of Avian Influenza ─── 禽流感单价与二价油乳剂灭活苗免疫鸡群HI抗体水平比较

38、At least three nationwide vaccination campaigns are expected, using monovalent oral polio vaccine and targeting the entire population. ─── 预计将进行至少三轮全国性的免疫活动,使用单价口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗对全国人口进行免疫。

39、monovalent serum ─── 单价血清

40、any monovalent organic radical ─── (任何)一价有机基(限于脂族)

41、Simultaneous Determination of Monovalent and DivalentCationsby Gradient Elution Ion Chromatography ─── 梯度淋洗离子色谱法同时测定一价和二价阳离子

42、the rejection of the membrane to divalent cations (and multivalent cations) is higher than to monovalent cations. ─── 二价(和多价)阳离子的截留率高于一价阳离子;

43、monovalent antigen ─── 单价抗原

44、the rejection of the membrane to divalent cations (and multivalent cations) is higher than to monovalent cations. ─── 二价(和多价)阳离子的截留率高于一价阳离子;

45、In resembling big the Gemini star city on, already was end goods, monovalent even 8000 multivariate / square metre. ─── 像中大对面的双子星城,已是尾货了,单价还要8000多元/平方米。

46、monovalent antiserum ─── 单价抗血清

47、Keywords ion chromatography;mobile phase;monovalent cation; ─── 离子色谱法;流动相;一价阳离子;

48、Computer Simulation on the Transport of Ions Through a Charged Membrane by Percolation Theory: Transport of Monovalent ─── 荷电膜渗透传质过程的计算机模拟:一价离子的传递

49、Merchant says, on market of Nanjing building materials, monovalent 300 yuan of the following stone material, wait for a few breed except white, almost all stone are moved to pass motion. ─── 店主称,在南京建材市场上,单价300元以下的石材,除白色等少数品种,几乎所有的石头都被人动过手脚。

50、monovalent ion ─── 单价离子

51、irregular petals, the edge of a tooth, or Zhongban unidirectional monovalent homologous, red, pink, yellow, white and other colors. ─── 花瓣不规则,边缘有齿,单瓣或重瓣,有红色、粉色、黄色、白色等色。

52、methacrylate monovalent quaternary ammonium bromide ─── 甲基丙烯酸酯基单季铵盐

53、5.Much plan the product is monovalent, can cause company profit empty to add, pay enterprise income tax more thereby. ─── 多计产品单价,就会造成企业利润虚增,从而多交企业所得税。

54、monoval twins ─── 同卵双生

55、a monovalent vaccine; a monovalent serum. ─── 单抗原疫苗;单抗原血清

56、On the basis of distinctions of verbal valency, verbs used within oracle inscriptions can be divided into the following four categories: zero-valent verbs, monovalent verbs, bivalent verbs and trivalent verbs. ─── 摘要甲骨文中的动词可以根据其配价的不同分成以下四类,即零价动词、一价动词、二价动词、三价动词。

57、Much plan the product is monovalent, can cause company profit empty to add, pay enterprise income tax more thereby. ─── 多计产品单价,就会造成企业利润虚增,从而多交企业所得税。

58、the monovalent group -OH in such compounds as bases and some acids and alcohols. ─── 碱、一些酸、醇等化合物中的单价基OH。

59、monovalent base ─── 一价碱

60、The article introduced an author to attend deep Shan the freeway bids of the job a few think with course of action, baconian a few elements that put forward to affect monovalent staff. ─── 本文介绍了作者参加深汕高速公路投标工作的一些思考与作法,归纳提出了影响单价编制的几个因素。

61、any of the monovalent metals of group I of the periodic table (lithium or sodium or potassium or rubidium or cesium or francium). ─── 周期表中I族的任何单价金属(锂、钠、钾、铷、铯和钫)。

62、Charge of electricity by every quarter 48 yuan, execute meterage, monovalent by 0 in the past. 3 yuan rise 0. 4 yuan; ─── 电费由每季度的48元,实行计量收费,单价由过去的0.3元提高到0.4元;

63、These ions would snuggle up to the negatively charged particle and, because they possess a stronger charge, displace the monovalent cations. ─── 这些离子会紧紧包围在负带电粒子,因为他们带有更强的电性,取代一价阳离子。

64、monovalent sera ─── [医] 单价血清

65、monovalent element ─── [医] 一价元素

66、monovalent alcohol ─── 一价醇

67、A compound derived from ammonia and containing the bivalent NH group combined with a bivalent acid group or two monovalent acid groups. ─── 酰亚胺源自氨的一种化合物,含有与一个二价酸基或者二个一价的酸基结合的氨基(nh)

68、halogen atoms contain seven electrons in their valence shell, and, consequently, are monovalent ─── 卤原子在它们的价电子层含有七个电子,因此是一价的。

69、If be quality problem, should the income outside buckling a paragraph to turn to do business, if be much plan monovalent, should do adjust minute of collection, will much plan the part rushs can. ─── 假如是质量问题,应该把扣款转入营业外收入,假如是多计单价,应该做调整分录,将多计部分冲回即可.

70、monovalent oral poliovirus vaccine ─── 单价口服脊髓灰质炎病毒疫苗

71、monovalent phage ─── 单价噬菌体

72、Does the Ji Nan City Huai Yin District Hua Lian vicinity unit dormitory make the monovalent number of house angry pair? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>地区>山东>济南市>济南市槐荫区华联附近单位宿舍双气房子单价多少?

73、This invention relates to monovalent and multivalent, monospecific binding proteins and to multivalent, multispecific binding proteins. ─── 本发明涉及单价和多价的,单特异性结合蛋白和涉及多价的,多特异性结合蛋白。

74、monovalent chromosome ─── 单价染色体

75、And profit is measured with produce and sale commonly, monovalent, the unit is fluctuant cost, fixed costs, the element such as taxes is concerned. ─── 而利润一般都与产销量,单价,单位变动成本,固定成本,税金等因素有关。

76、Theoretical Study on the Interaction between Active Sites of Guanine, Bivalent and Monovalent Cations ─── 金属离子与鸟嘌呤活性位点相互作用的理论研究

77、monovalent vaccine ─── 单价疫苗

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