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10-02 投稿


expertise 发音

英:[ˌekspɜːrˈtiːz]  美:[ˌekspɜːˈtiːz]

英:  美:

expertise 中文意思翻译



expertise 常用词组

technical expertise ─── 专业技术

expertise 短语词组

1、technical expertise ─── [化] 技术鉴定 ─── [经] 技术鉴定

2、expertise report ─── [法] 鉴定书

3、process expertise ─── 流程专业知识

4、medicolegal expertise ─── [法] 法医鉴定

5、management expertise ─── 管理才干

6、documentary evidence of medicolegal expertise ─── [法] 法医学鉴定

7、legal expertise ─── 法律专业知识

8、business expertise ─── 生意经业务专长业务专用知识

expertise 词性/词形变化,expertise变形


expertise 相似词语短语

1、expertizes ─── v.对……提出专业性意见;做专业性判断

2、expertises ─── n.专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见

3、expertized ─── v.对……提出专业性意见;做专业性判断

4、expertised ─── 专家

5、expertising ─── 专业知识;

6、expertize ─── v.对……提出专业性意见;做专业性判断

7、experts ─── n.专家;人才(expert的复数形式)

8、expertism ─── 专家主义

9、to expertise ─── 专业知识

expertise 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A considerable body of expertise has been developed for determining the size of the rate base and the rate of return. ─── 一个庞大的专家鉴定机构,决定估价基数和回报估价的数目。

2、Impairment expertise opportunity of femoral neck fracture caused in traffic accident. ─── 交通事故致股骨颈骨折伤残评定时机探讨。

3、We'll get you your Expertise back.We'll get you your cheap Devastates back. ─── 你们将会重新得到专精,还有物美价廉的毁灭。

4、Griffith's expertise is in writing legal briefs. ─── 格里菲思的专长在于撰写法律案情摘要。

5、And the scientist in Boston will be able to call on the expertise of the scientist in Shanghai, and all of it in a matter of seconds. ─── 同样,在美国波士顿的一位科学家,也将能够向上海的一位科学家要求提供专门知识。而这种联系只需要几秒钟的时间就可以接通。

6、A: What is their main expertise? ─── a:它们的主要权限是哪些?

7、His field of expertise was anthropology. ─── 他的研究领域是人类学。

8、How do you fill the gaps in your expertise? ─── 如何弥补你在专门技术方面的缺口?

9、They also cite OMB's expertise in sophisticated policy analysis techniques. ─── 他们还引证了管理和预算办公室在复杂的政策分析方面的特长作为例子。

10、He always feels inferior for his lack of expertise. ─── 他总为自己身无长技感到自卑。

11、Even an important function such as silencing the ringer is often beyond the expertise of average phone users. ─── 即使是有些重要的功能,比如静音,也经常超出了普通使用者的能力。

12、Points into Expertise decrease the Energy cost of your attack skills, Preparations, and Traps. ─── 减少攻击技能、预备、陷阱所消耗的能量。

13、And our everlasting code of conduct is with expertise, ethics and performance. ─── 专业、德和效益是我们持之以恒的经营守则。

14、Expertise develops and is maintained over years of dealing with all kinds of ATC situations. ─── 多年来,处置各种管制状况的管制技术得到稳步发展。

15、Within our connections, people have overlapping areas of expertise. ─── 在人们的接触中,各专长领域有重叠相交之处。

16、Board directors must have relevant industry expertise to advise management on major business issues and how much risk to take. ─── 在主要的商业问题和要冒多大的风险上,董事会必须有相应的行业专家来给他们管理提供建议。

17、So that much of the expertise in seasoning is devoted to achieving the maximum drying rate. ─── 因此,有许多的木材干燥专家们曾致力于求得最大的木材干燥率。

18、Expertise Expert advice or opinion. ─── 专家鉴定:专家的意见或观点。

19、Their assets are highly skilled manpower and superior technical expertise. ─── 他们的财产是高度熟练的人力与高科技经验。

20、A foreign coach has special knowledge and expertise. ─── 外国教练具有专门的知识和专长。

21、As a doctor, she has a lot of expertise in the medical field. ─── 作为一名医生,她有很多的医学专业知识。

22、Based on the technical expertise and the view on the required details, you could switch between the modes. ─── 依照技术专家对所需细节的看法,您应当在模式之间进行切换。

23、The World Bank has the experience and expertise to tackle these issues. ─── 世行拥有解决这些问题的经验和专业知识。

24、Provide expertise needed in fault feedback analysis. ─── 为故障反馈分析提供专业技术支持。

25、His areas of expertise include designing and developing stand-alone to n-tier distributed applications. ─── 他的专长包括设计和开发从独立应用程序到n层分布式应用程序。

26、Meanwhile the standards denoting expertise grow ever more challenging. ─── 同时,代表成为专家的标准会越来越高。

27、Blood Gorged now grants armor penetration instead of expertise. ─── 啜血天赋现在提供穿甲而非精准等级。

28、The workshops have been a great tool for deepening the expertise of many of our lead consultants and lead architects of our clients. ─── 研讨会是一种很好的途径,可以加深我们的许多首席顾问和客户的首席架构师的专业技能。

29、It is not as though Congress lacks expertise on copyright issues. ─── 似乎国会并不缺少著作权方面的专门技术。

30、The only organisation to make use of his expertise was the British Milers' Club. ─── 唯一利用过他的专长的组织只有英国米勒俱乐部。

31、Pooling of expertise and resources with partners. ─── 和伙伴共享和汇集技术专长和资源。

32、Sir Donald Munger: Tell me, Commander, how far does your expertise extend into the field of diamonds? ─── 唐纳德:告诉我,中校,你对钻石了解多少?

33、Expertise in this aspect of the work is therefore essential. ─── 因此,必须具有这一方面的专业技能。

34、His ideas and expertise were in many ways inferior to those of his English contemporary, J. Ray. ─── 他的见解和专长,在许多方面与他同代的英国学者杰·雷相比是要逊色的。

35、Chrysler executives had a better reputation for their golfing abilities than for expertise with cars. ─── 克莱斯勒公司的高级职员都以打高尔夫球的球艺而出名,而不因为对汽车有任何专长。

36、What is his or her design expertise level? ─── 他有多有专业设计程度?

37、The expertise and experience of a leader cannot be gained overnight. ─── 内涵素养与才学历练绝非一时之间可以营造的;

38、To provide learners with practical knowledge and application expertise in new techniques and models. ─── 为学员提供新技术和新模式方面的现代实用知识和应用经验。

39、Expertise of both the fracture surgeon and the joint reconstruction surgeon is often necessary for the optimal care of these patients. ─── 为患者制定一个最优的治疗方案,骨折固定技术和关节重建技术都是考虑的因素。

40、She complained that she was unable to use her expertise to its full potential. ─── 她抱怨说她无法最大限度发挥其潜力。

41、Technical expertise for the fulcrum for more progress. ─── 以技术特长为支点,争取更多进步。

42、Artificial- intellig ence brokers will translate your expertise into software. ─── 人工智能经纪人将把你的专门知识变为软件。

43、Oracle also offers expertise in designing,implementing and hosting your Wireless Applications. ─── Oracle 还可提供设计、实施和托管无线应用程序等方面的专业技术。

44、His business expertise is of help to all of us. ─── 他的商业知识对我们大家都有用。

45、We are amazed at his expertise on the ski slope. ─── 他斜坡滑雪的技能使我们赞叹不已。

46、We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have. ─── 我们需要利用我们现有人员的专业知识。

47、His areas of expertise are in application development, software engineering, and methodologies. ─── 他擅长的领域包括应用程序开发、软件工程和方法学。

48、Provide expertise on material selection, quality assurance and make fitness for service assessments. ─── 为设备材料选择、质量保证、设施合理性评估提供专业服务。

49、What he's bringing to the company is financial expertise. ─── 他带给公司的是金融方面的专长。

50、But Dell could not diversify its business, making it vulnerable once Hewlett-Packard matched its expertise. ─── 但戴尔没能使其业务多元化,在惠普的专家技术可以与其媲美时,使自己在竞争中处于弱势。

51、"We have the expertise to do all that properly"in humans. ─── "我们有妥善的培养人类胚胎的专长"。

52、He has an area of expertise which concentrates only on knee injuries. ─── 他有一个专门致力于膝关节伤病的技术部门。

53、It had never wanted to sell Opel, which despite being lossmaking is GM's main repository of expertise in technologies for smaller cars. ─── GM从未甘愿出售Opel,尽管一直亏损,Opel是GM在小型车领域的专业宝库。

54、His expertise is in setting up distribution channels in the furniture accessories and plastic parts industries. ─── 他专长于家具配件和塑料部件的渠道建设,熟知这些行业的下游客户。

55、The winemaker's art owes much to his viticultural knowledge and expertise. ─── 在酿酒师的成就很大程度上归功于他的葡萄种植的知识和专长。

56、So when Tsui returned to his expertise, costume-action movie like this Detective Dee, and he invited me to be part of it, I was there. ─── 所以,当他回到这个古装武侠片的领域,像拍这个《狄仁杰》,然后他邀请我参演,所以我就演喽。

57、Our clients have come to rely upon us for our software quality and global expertise. ─── Hall称:“客户信任且依靠我们的软件质量和全球化专长。

58、His field of expertise was steroids. ─── 他的专业领域是甾族化合物。

59、A partnership is an association of two or more people to carry on a business for profit. This may bring in new capital or expertise. ─── 合营指为了盈利两个或更多的人合伙做生意,这可以引进新资本和专业技术。

60、But the reality is that corporate America is hungry for managers with technical,marketing,and finance expertise and the know how to motivate people. ─── 但现实是:美国的公司急需具有技术、市场营销以及金融方面的专业知识并懂得如何去调动他人积极性的经理人员。

61、Their expertise he lped American software giants function at a peak. ─── 他们的专业技能帮助美国的软件公司高速运转。

62、Expertise is required on the legal entity registration process. ─── 在法人(实体)的注册过程中需要专家的意见。

63、He parried it with olympic expertise. ─── 他自有搪塞的高论。

64、Each company brings expertise across different geographies and applications. ─── 两家公司都带来了跨地域及应用领域的专业技能。

65、His business expertise will be of great help to us. ─── 他的商业本领将会对我们有极大帮助。

66、A person who has expertise is welcome anywhere. ─── 只要技术好,到哪儿都吃得开。

67、With her management skills and his marketing expertise, they make a formidable combination. ─── 凭她的管理能力和他的营销专长,他们形成一个强有力的组合。

68、The topic he chose for his talk was designed to show off his expertise in machinery. ─── 他选择的演讲题目,目的在于卖弄他在机械方面的专长。

69、Cloning experts doubt Antinori or his unknown colleagues have the expertise to clone a human. ─── 克隆专家们对安蒂诺里及他那些不知名助手们在克隆人类方面的专业知识深表怀疑。

70、We offer greater expertise The tecsis engineering team sets very high standards for each individual development task. ─── tecsis工程技术团队为每个单项发展任务都设定了很高的标准。

71、Payment need not always come in the form of dollars. Remember your area of expertise and be ready to trade it for what you need. ─── 事实上,酬劳并不只有付钱一种方式,记牢你的能力所在,用它来换得你要的。

72、Well actually fashion is not my area of expertise, but I can work something out. ─── 嗯,事实上时尚不是我擅长的领域,但我颇有些见地的。

73、The World Bank claims that the best thing it lends is its expertise. ─── 世行自称其贷出的最好的东西就是其专家建议。

74、You do not need to have expertise in designing Web sites to get started. ─── 不需要事先具备网站设计的专业技能即可开始使用。

75、Mr. LAU Siu Ki, Kevin is a professional accountant with profound financial and accounting expertise. ─── 刘绍基先生为专业会计师,在财务及会计领域拥有丰富而广泛的管理经验。

76、And his expertise as aclimber and a rigger were in big demand. ─── 他在攀岩和索具装备方面具有的精确的知识,深受欢迎。

77、They do not replace the skill and expertise of the investigators nor do they automate key stages of the analysis. ─── 不会取代调查人员的技巧和专业,也不会自动产生分析关键步骤。

78、If you have expertise in a certain area, share it on your blog. ─── 如果你在某一领域有专家意见,那么在你的网志上分享。

79、AOP expertise typically expands within teams and organizations at this stage. ─── 在本阶段,AOP技术通常在团队和组织内部扩张。

80、Which club members have expertise in vocational issues? ─── 哪些社员在职业问题方面学有专精?

81、Benefit from our comprehensive market expertise. ─── 全面的市场专业知识能让您获益匪浅。

82、Should women really spend nine months acquiring expertise in obsttrics so they can challenge their doctors on D-day? ─── 女人是不是真的应该利用怀孕9个月的时间获取产科专业知识,以便在分娩之日质询自己的医生呢?

83、But the areas of our mutual cooperation continue to expand. We have already agreed to cooperate more closely in trade, technology, investment, and exchanges of scientific and managerial expertise. ─── 但是我们彼此合作的领域还在不断增加。我们已经商定在贸易、技术、投资以及科学与管理专门知识的交流等方面更密切地合作。

84、The cost of creating equal expertise in two separate institutions could be high or even prohibitive. ─── 在两个独立的行政机关设立平等的专家评价的代价也会很大,甚至会起阻挠作用。

85、Expertise:Expert advice or opinion. ─── 专家鉴定:专家的意见或观点.

86、We have the expertise to help you run your business. ─── 我们有帮助你经营自己业务的专门知识。

87、The success of this activity depends upon the skill and expertise of the investigator. ─── 处置的成功有赖调查人员的专业和技巧。

88、They have the expertise to tell people what would look good on them. ─── 他们给些怎么样看上去比较好的专家的意见。

89、They have considerable expertise in dealing with oil spills. ─── 他们在解决溢油问题方面非常在行。

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