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10-01 投稿


millwork 发音

英:[ˈmɪlˌwɜːrk]  美:[ˈmɪlwɜːk]

英:  美:

millwork 中文意思翻译



millwork 相似词语短语

1、mill worker ─── n.工厂工人

2、grillwork ─── n.格子形图案

3、quillwork ─── n.毛饰物

4、fieldwork ─── n.野外工作;现场工作;野战工事

5、pilework ─── n.桩结构,打桩工程;桩式建筑物

6、pillworm ─── 鼠妇

7、pillwort ─── 美洲线叶苹

8、grillworks ─── n.格子形图案

9、millworker ─── n.工厂工人

millwork 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1. The soft, light - colored wood of any species of linden.It is used in making crates and boxes, in carving, and in millwork. ─── 椴树,菩提树一种柔软,淡色的菩提树,它用来做盒子和木板箱,或用于雕刻和机制木工产品

2、Clean, minimalist custom millwork unifies the completely refinished interior. ─── 清洁极简的定制木制品统一了完全翻修的室内风格。

3、Wood Moulding and Millwork Producers Association ─── 木?和木制品生产商协会

4、A beautiful heavy, hard, and strong hardwood tree. This is used for furniture, millwork and paneling. ─── 质地沉厚,坚久耐用的硬木。用于家具,门窗框,和镶板。

5、soft light-colored wood of any of various linden trees; used in making crates and boxes and in carving and millwork. ─── 柔软、淡色的菩提树木料,用来做木板箱和盒子,或用于雕刻和机制木工产品。

6、the soft,light-colored wood of any species of linden. It is used in making crates and boxes,in carving,and in millwork ─── 一种柔软,淡色的菩提树,它用来做盒子和木板箱,或用于雕刻和机制木工产品

7、millwork company ltd. ─── [土畜产品] j.

8、The floors on the meeting level are carpeted in a rich blue scroll pattern and the walls are painted millwork with inset of upholstery. ─── 会议厅楼层铺有海蓝色卷花地毯,奶白色墙壁装饰以不同风格的绘画和摆件。

9、soft light-colored wood of any of various linden trees; used in making crates and boxes and in carving and millwork ─── 柔软、淡色的菩提树木料,用来做木板箱和盒子,或用于雕刻和机制木工产品

10、Consider the millwork in San Leandro. ─── 考虑一下在圣安德鲁斯所做的打磨工作。

11、Each year, furniture manufacturers, cabinet makers and architectural millwork companies generate tons of sawdust and wood chips as waste. ─── 每年家具生产商,橱柜生产商和建筑公司都会产生大量的锯屑和碎料等废弃物。

12、Guest room book, millwork details and specifications are part of contract documents. ─── 客房预订,建厂细节及规格合约的部分文件。

13、6. The soft, light-colored wood of any species of linden. It is used in making crates and boxes, in carving, and in millwork. ─── 椴树,菩提树一种柔软,淡色的菩提树,它用来做盒子和木板箱,或用于雕刻和机制木工产品收藏指正

14、soft light-colored wood of any of various linden trees; used in making crates and boxes and in carving and millwork. ─── 柔软、淡色的菩提树木料,用来做木板箱和盒子,或用于雕刻和机制木工产品。

15、architectural millwork ─── 建筑装饰木制品

16、1.light soft moderately strong wood of spruce trees;used especially for timbers and millwork. ─── 轻而软的云杉木料,有适度韧性,尤其用于建房和木制品制作。

17、Slowing commercial construction, flat housing markets and lackluster remodeling activity portend tougher business for moulding and millwork manufacturers. ─── 缓慢的商业建筑,平淡的房屋市场和没有生气的翻修活动预示着线条和木制品制造商艰难的业务。

18、The millwork produced with this workmanship is regarded as PRIMED ONLY millwork by some of our North American customers. ─── 采用这种工艺生产的产品被我们的一些北美客户认为是“上漆”产品。

19、Wood Moulding and Millwork Producers Association ─── 木?和木制品生产商协会

20、Renewable bamboo and cork are used for millwork and wall systems. ─── 可再生竹和软木用于木制品和墙体系统。

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