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10-01 投稿


mumbling 发音

英:[ˈmʌmblɪŋ]  美:[ˈmʌmblɪŋ]

英:  美:

mumbling 中文意思翻译




mumbling 短语词组

1、evasive mumbling

mumbling 词性/词形变化,mumbling变形

原型:mumble 名词复数形式:mumblings

mumbling 相似词语短语

1、crumbling ─── v.破碎;崩溃(crumble的ing形式);adj.破碎的;n.破碎;皱纹;岩块剥落

2、humbling ─── adj.令人羞辱的;v.羞辱(humble的ing形式);使…谦恭;使…卑贱

3、rumbling ─── n.隆隆声,辘辘声;怨声,传言;adj.隆隆声的,辘辘声的;(争吵)无休止的;v.隆隆作响;轰鸣着缓慢行进;低沉地说;(非正式)看穿(阴谋);(非正式)打群架(rumble的现在分词)

4、jumbling ─── n.混乱;杂乱的一堆东西;vi.混杂;搀杂;vt.使混乱;搞乱

5、fumbling ─── adj.笨拙的;支支吾吾的;n.笨拙;v.笨手笨脚地做(某事);笨嘴拙舌地说话;支支吾吾地说;摸索(fumble的现在分词)

6、bumbling ─── adj.装模作样的;笨手笨脚的;爱管闲事的;胡乱的;v.笨手笨脚;跌跌撞撞地前进;模糊不清地说话;(昆虫)发嗡嗡声(bumble的现在分词)

7、tumbling ─── n.翻腾运动;adj.歪斜状的;v.摔倒;(使)跌倒;跌跌撞撞地走;用滚筒干燥机甩干;弄皱(tumble的现在分词)

8、bumblings ─── adj.装模作样的;笨手笨脚的;爱管闲事的;胡乱的;v.笨手笨脚;跌跌撞撞地前进;模糊不清地说话;(昆虫)发嗡嗡声(bumble的现在分词)

9、mumblingly ─── 喃喃自语

mumbling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Madame's fleshy jowls quivered and she started mumbling frantic prayers to the Lord Buddha, and looking more than a little souffrante. ─── 老鸨脸上肥肉直抖,口中念佛,心痛无已。

2、The old man was mumbling away to himself . ─── 那位老人不停地喃喃自语。

3、Mumbling of words and lyrics will remain ─── 吐字不清是有意保持

4、Americans give the merest mumbling lip service to the metric system, while continuing to quantify almost everything with the tried-and-true units of measure-ment they have used since before the French Revolu-tion. ─── 美国人纯粹只是口头上说要使用公制度量。 不论计量什么,他们几乎都是沿用法国大革命前的行之有 效的度量单位。

5、"Stop mumbling, for goodness sake." ─── "看在老天爷面上,别再咕哝了。"

6、Bother a matter to match for the hands while meet ten raise before the eyebrow, mumbling way in:Niang, you have to help me!Niang, you must help me! ─── 一遇到麻烦事就双手合十举到眉前,口中喃喃道:娘,你要帮我!娘,你一定要帮我!

7、His uncle was mumbling to himself. ─── 他舅舅喃喃自语。

8、As he went along, he kept mumbling inconsequent phrases ─── 他一边走着,嘴里一边咕噜着一些不相连贯的话。

9、As Bela bent to her task, mumbling something about being regarded as a "lowly scribe, instead of a war leader," Rick turned to Jack and Karen. ─── 贝拉不得不去完成她的任务,嘴上一边还嘟哝着好像是“一个战争领袖,去做卑微的抄写工”之类的话语。瑞克过转身,向着杰克和凯伦。

10、Seconds later I heard her mumbling off the phone, and then I heard everyone in the office howling with laughter. ─── 几秒钟后,我听到她拿开了话筒,在一旁嘀嘀咕咕的,接着办公室里的每个人都在狂笑。

11、The sable Chan use the breast that the small fist tap Lyu3 Bu4, mumbling way:"You are bad, your quality." ─── 貂婵用小拳头轻拍吕布的胸脯,喃喃道:“你坏,你好坏哦。”

12、He was giving a speech , yet he was mumbling away to himself . ─── 他在发言,可却是在喃喃自语。

13、Exactly! She‘s mumbling strange spells everyday, and claiming she can predict the future. She even got herself a black cat from god knows where! Damn cat! ─── 正是!她每天念一些奇怪的咒语,还说自己可以预知未来,甚至不知从哪弄来一直黑猫,那只该死的猫!

14、It first was the sound , that led you to come and see: A senseless mumbling of an innocent voice and the moaning of a woman. ─── 首先你会听到声音,它会带你去看:那是天真的声音在无意识的喃喃自语和一个女人的呻吟。

15、To complain in low mumbling tones;grumble. ─── 低声抱怨用低微含糊的语调抱怨;发牢骚

16、Pilot mumbling: “Why not throw yourselves down there, let 21 Million people happy?” ─── 驾驶员喃喃自语地说:’何不把自己都丢下去,让两千一百万人都高兴呢?’

17、But the pock-marked fellow kept mumbling and grumbling till Commissioner Pu was very embarrassed. ─── 黑麻子反而噜哩噜嗦说了许多,卜局长几乎下不得台。

18、She bumped into the furniture and kept mumbling about the guests. ─── 她撞在家具上,并且不停地咕咕哝哝地议论客人。

19、He now spends most of his days watching tv and wandering the premises mumbling to himself. ─── 现在他在大多数时间里看着电视,或者在房屋及周围基地上,一边自言自语、一边精神恍惚地到处游荡。

20、"An old goodman of a priest, who passes along mumbling his prayers? ─── “杀害一个念着消食经过路的老教士?

21、Can you hear those poor troops mumbling after the general rode off? ─── 你能听到这些士兵骑著马离开时的喃喃自语吗?

22、In a moment she was alone, and mumbling to herself ─── 很快,家里只剩下她一个人在那里自言自语了。

23、"Amazing," Lang kept mumbling, skimming the preliminary reports from the sci/tech people and the intel teams that had gone aboard the Sentinels' flagship. ─── “这真是太奇妙了,”朗博士一边翻看着科技人员从哨兵旗舰上面发来的报告,一边不停的喃喃自语。

24、He closed his eyes, fell to mumbling, and presently was silent. ─── 他闭上眼睛,喃喃自语起来,不一会儿就沉默了。

25、I'd come home from a high-school party and Mom would be sitting there with her rosary, mumbling, praying for my safe return. ─── 有时我从高中的什么聚会回到家里,会见到我妈正手握念珠坐那里,喃喃地为我的平安归来而祈祷。

26、He was stilI mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. ─── 晚会结束时,他嘴里还在嘟哝着医院的事,突然踩到一块冰上滑倒了,摔断了左腿。

27、“If it sounds like everyone is mumbling,” Dr.Rauch said, “you need a hearing test. ─── “如果听别人说话觉得像嘟囔不清,”劳奇医生指出,“你就需要做个听力检查了。

28、An old woman is mumbling to herself. ─── 一个老妇在喃喃自语。

29、As usual Tu Chu-chai was all smiles and greeted everybody courteously, at the same time mumbling as if to himself ─── 杜竹斋照例的满脸和气,一边招呼,一边好像在那里对自己说

30、Amid laughter service girls gently woke her up and helped her-she was still mumbling something drunkenly-get inside the room. ─── 湘云仍酒醉不醒,还嘟嘟噜噜地说着,众人笑着推醒她,用这湘云回屋里去了。

31、poor Tom Fool, yonder behind the waggon, mumbling his bone with the honest family which lives by his tumbling; ─── 再过去是可怜的小丑汤姆躲在货车后头带着一家老小啃骨头,这些老实人就靠他翻斤斗赚来的钱过活。

32、She poured this brew down Xiangzi's throat and he did indeed open his eyes, but soon he fell asleep again, mumbling incoherently. ─── 给他灌下去,他的确睁开眼看了看,可是待了一会儿又睡着了,嘴里唧唧咕咕的不晓得说了些什么。

33、The mumbling summary of the idiots that end philosophy fasten:Dye, still don't dye, this be a problem! ─── 最后哲学系的呆子们喃喃总结:染,还是不染,这是一个问题!

34、What are you mumbling about? ─── 你在唧咕说些什么?

35、She mumbled something. What is she mumbling about? ─── 她在嘀咕什么呢?

36、He saw a man catching birds with a big net spread in a box-like and mumbling: "Come on, birds! ─── 他看见一个人正在捕鸟。

37、I could hear him mumbling to himself. ─── 我听到他在喃喃自语。

38、What are you mumbling about? I can't understand a word! ─── 你叽里咕噜说什麽呀? 我一句也听不懂!

39、Mr. Bean was revived in a 2002 animated cartoon series, again featuring little actual dialogue, with most being either little soundbites or mumbling. ─── 憨豆先生于2002年出了一套卡通片,仍旧是很少用语言,而是继续他可爱的咕哝。

40、Four trousers are inclined to sit, elongation two leg, looking at his that broken-down slippers, long drew a deep sigh an one breath, mumbling way:"Good heavy rain." ─── 四裤斜坐着,伸长了两条腿,看着他那双破旧的拖鞋,长长叹了一口气,喃喃道:“好大的雨。”

41、Sorry for the mumbling, you know my speech, especially on public record, seldom makes any sense at all. ─── 胡乱说了一通,抱歉了。你也知道我留在公共空间的都是些无人能懂的天书了,哈哈!

42、Grandmother put down her hand in air, mumbling: “ the mad woman has a soft place in her heart for her son!” ─── 奶奶举在半空中的手颓然垂下,嘴里喃喃地说道:“这个疯婆娘,心里也知道疼爱自己的孩子啊!”

43、Americans give the merest mumbling lip service to the metric system,while continuing to quantify almost everything with the tried-and-true units of measure-ment they have used since before the French Revolu-tion. ─── 美国人纯粹只是口头上说要使用公制度量。不论计量什么,他们几乎都是沿用法国大革命前的行之有 效的度量单位。

44、However, she seems to have something on her mind and keeps mumbling things like falling flowers or returning swallow.I wanna know what's going on with her. ─── 唉,就是不知道为什么,她好像越来越有心事了,整天念叨什么花落下去,什么燕飞回来的,不知道怎么了。

45、There she is telling him to stop mumbling like a fool. ─── 她还告诉约翰不要象个傻瓜那样咕哝个不停了。

46、B: What are you mumbling about? ─── 你在嘟囔什么?

47、Stop mumbling, for goodness sake. ─── 看在老天爷面上,别再咕哝了。

48、Shaken and mumbling, he makes his way back to the antique shop. ─── 他一路颤抖、咕哝着回到了那家古董店。

49、It’s fairly straightforward but the lyrics and Lennon’s vocal delivery (particularly his mumbling at the end of the song) express his restlessness and frustration so perfectly. ─── 这是一首非常直接的歌曲,而且歌词及蓝侬的嗓音(尤其是他在歌曲结尾的喃喃呓语)完美表达出他的疲惫与挫折。

50、He walked down the line shaking hands with each and mumbling a few words that were inaudible ─── 他走过来同在场的人一一握手,嘴里喃喃地说了几句听不清的话。

51、To complain in low mumbling tones; grumble. ─── 低声抱怨用低微含糊。

52、A well dressed guy went into a bar for a martini and found himself beside a scruffy-looking drunk who kept mumbling and studying something in his hand. ─── 一位穿著体面的男士到酒吧点了一杯马丁尼,他发觉 身旁坐著一个外表邋遢一边念念有词一边研究著手中东西的醉汉。

53、He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. ─── 宴会结束时,他仍在咕哝着医院里的事。说着说着,他在一块冰上滑倒,跌断了左腿。

54、He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. ─── 宴会结束时,他仍在咕哝着医院里的事。说着说着,他在一块冰上滑倒,跌断了左腿。

55、As he went along, he kept mumbling inconsequent phrases. ─── 他一边走着,嘴里一边咕噜着一些不相连贯的话。

56、She poured this brew down Xiangzi's throat and he did indeed open his eyes, but soon he fell asleep again, mumbling incoherently. ─── 给他灌下去,他的确睁开眼看了看,可是待了一会儿又睡着了,嘴里唧唧咕咕的不晓得说了些什么。

57、In the third room, the mathematician is found sweating, and mumbling to himself, "Assume the can is open, assume the can is open... ─── 第三个房间,数学家一身汗。自言自语:假设这个罐子是打开的,假设。。。。。

58、Imagine a million lunatics wandering the streets mumbling to themselves. Write it all down and put it on the web. Congratulations, you've just created the blogosphere. ─── “成千上万的疯子徘徊街头,喃喃自语,然后把些不疼不痒又极度自恋的话放到网上”。妙!

59、Though I could see people mumbling, there was nothing coming through my ears at all. ─── 尽管我看得见人们在谈话...我却听不到!

60、4. What are you mumbling about? I can't understand a word! ─── 你叽里咕噜说什麽呀?我一句也听不懂!

61、The old man was mumbling away to himself. ─── 那个老人不停地喃喃自语。

62、Nigel: Come on angel, let me introduce you to the press. Sorry Mike no boyfriends allowed. [Posing and mumbling] Baby. . . Hm. Baby. ─── 邓:来吧,天使,我介绍你见见记者。抱歉,迈克,不带男朋友。宝贝……

63、Gonna get us killed...." Mumbling a bird go and following him. ─── 去让我们送命...." 喃喃而语一只鸟去而且跟随他。

64、And caterpillars came suddenly down on fine wires shining like gold, and hit Uncle Amos on his bald spot,and he brushed them off and went on mumbling. ─── 他在不远处喃喃自语着什么,那是他独享的秘密,不愿意被别人听到。毛毛虫突然从电线上滑落,闪闪发光,犹如黄金。

65、"I walk out of a hotel or out of a office building and [Stallone] will walk up and we will bump into each other and there will be some mumbling and then we will walk off. ─── 他说:“我从一家酒店或一座办公楼走出来,而史泰龙将会走上前来,然后我们撞到一起,然后这里会有一些咕哝,之后我们便走开了。”

66、are you mumbling to yourself? ─── 你在嘀咕什么?

67、I'd pose my little question, and they'd start mumbling as if their mouths were full of crackers.I tried all kinds of formulations. ─── 我需要想好我的一些小问题,他们会喃喃而语好像满口都是饼干一样。

68、He was mumbling to himself and was barely intelligible. ─── 他嘴里嘟嘟囔囔的,也不知道在说什么。

69、I could hear him mumbling to himself. ─── 我可以听到他在喃喃自语。

70、2 Women know what to do when someone starts to cry. Men tend to shuffle out of the room mumbling something about doing the grouting. ─── 女人知道别人落泪时怎样做,男人则通常嘴里咕哝着什么拖着脚步走出屋子。

71、The best Obadiah could get from Maj.Moses Joy was a vague mumbling that he had a "sort of plan." Finally they parted, Lawyer Martin shaking his head sadly. ─── 欧巴岱亚只能从乔伊少校那时得到一句含含糊糊的答复,说他“有办法”。最后他们分手了,马丁律师摇摇头,觉得很难过。

72、Even [though] Shawn was excited, but it looks like he was mumbling between an 8? or a 9, a 10.. ─── 他虽然也很激动,可他居然还在犹豫着要举个8分,9分,还是10分?

73、The only Smurf to take everything seriously!Brainy spends his time preaching to others, stupidly mumbling old quotes. ─── 权责声明:本站所有音乐均网上搜集仅做宽带测试,任何涉及商业盈利目的均不得使用,否则后果自负!

74、Some people say that Jay is famous for his mumbling of words and lyrics. Do you think that is meaningful to you? ─── 有人说周杰伦很招牌的东西就是吐字不清,这样做你是有意还是无意的呢?

75、Her mumbling swiftly turned into noise, her mother began to pull her by arm, quite strongly. ─── 她喃喃自语到噪声迅速打开,她的母亲开始拉她的手臂,相当强烈。

76、An attorney went into a bar for a Martini and found himself beside a scruffy-looking drunk who kept mumbling and studying something in his hand. ─── 一位律师来到一家酒吧,点了一杯马提尼酒。坐下的时候,他发现旁边是一位衣着褴褛的酒鬼,在那里研究手里的东西,还一直喃喃自语。

77、No wonder our bus driver is mumbling to himself. ─── 难怪我们的公车司机一直喃喃自语。

78、An old goodman of a priest, who passes along mumbling his prayers? ─── 杀害一个念着消食经过路的老教士?

79、I didn't catch on to what he said because he was mumbling. ─── 我不明白他说的话,因为他说得很含糊。

80、Karen occasionally talked in her sleep, muttering and mumbling, no words that he could decipher, the language of somnolence. ─── 卡伦有时会说梦话,嘟嘟囔囔的,亨利一个词也听不出:梦之国的语言。

81、The signal guy, head hanging mournfully over a map, was mumbling to himself something about nodes and bandwidth. ─── 脑袋一直可怜地悬在地图上的通讯军官,正自言自语地说着什么节点啊带宽啊的东西。

82、He walked down the line shaking hands with each and mumbling a few words that were inaudible. ─── 他走过来同在场的人一一握手,嘴里喃喃地说了几句听不清的话。

83、and mumbling a few words that were inaudible. ─── 嘴里喃喃地说了几句听不清的话。

84、a mumbling parson stood beside the dying man; muttering crowds of onlookers. ─── 一个咕咕哝哝的牧师站在那个快要死了的人旁边;咕咕哝哝的旁观人群。

85、He was an ex-beadle of seventy-five, who was constantly mumbling his prayers. ─── 那是一个七十五岁在礼拜堂里当过杂务的老头儿,他嘴里的祈祷文是从来不断的。

86、The teacher was mumbling and none of the students could understand. ─── 老师咕噜咕噜地说,学生没人听懂在说什麽。

87、Howard: [Mumbling] I'm not hungry anymore. ─── 霍华:(嘟哝)我不饿了。

88、Quietly the group went away, leaving Murong to sit on the grave, facing south as befitting an emperor. And as they looked back, he was still mumbling on . . . Unremittingly. ─── 众人都悄悄退了开去。但见慕容复在土坟上南面而坐,口中兀自喃喃不休。

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