materialized 发音
英:[məˈtɪəriəlaɪzd] 美:[məˈtɪriəlaɪzd]
英: 美:
materialized 中文意思翻译
materialized 同义词
come into existence | emerge | occur | turn up | exist | show up | arrive | materialise | take shape | appear | pop up |happen | come about | shape up
materialized 反义词
materialized 词性/词形变化,materialized变形
动词现在分词: materializing |动词过去分词: materialized |动词第三人称单数: materializes |动词过去式: materialized |名词: materialization |
materialized 短语词组
1、materialized view index ─── 物化视图索引
2、materialized query table ─── 物化查询表
3、materialized view ─── 物化视图;实体化视图
materialized 相似词语短语
1、materializes ─── vt.使具体化,使有形;使突然出现;使重物质而轻精神;vi.实现,成形;突然出现
2、immaterialized ─── vt.使失去实体;使无形
3、materialised ─── 物质化
4、materialize ─── vt.使具体化,使有形;使突然出现;使重物质而轻精神;vi.实现,成形;突然出现
5、arterialized ─── v.化为动脉血
6、rematerialized ─── 重物质化
7、materializer ─── 使具体化者;使物质化者;实现者
8、unmaterialized ─── 非物质化
9、dematerialized ─── vt.使消失;使丧失物质形态;vi.消失;丧失物质形态
materialized 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A moment later Jane materialized, coming in the front door. ─── 一会儿,简突然出现了,从前门进来。
2、Her fortune had been made at a stroke, without her having the least idea of the source from which it had so unexpectedly materialized. ─── 她顷刻间发了大财,也不知道这笔意外之财是从哪里来的。
3、The traffic snarls and logistical nightmares that had been feared by police and city officials had not materialized. ─── 之前警察和市政府担心的交通堵塞和后勤供给不足问题并没有出现。
4、A materialized view can be partitioned. You can define a materialized view on a partitioned table and one or more indexes on the materialized view. ─── 一个物化视图可以被分割。你能定义一个物化视图在一个分割表,也能定义在物化视图的一个或多个索引上。
5、A truck suddenly materialized out of the fog. ─── 一辆卡车突然从雾里出现。
6、Contrarily, only when others' freedom remains intact, can “my” freedom be finally materialized. ─── “我”的自由是他人自由的终结。而他人的自由,最终才能成全“我”的自由。
7、SQL> CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_ emp_ pk REFRESH FAST START WITH SYSDATE NEXT SYSDATE+2 WITH PRIMARY KEY AS SELECT* FROM emp@ remote_ db; Materialized view created. ─── 在上面的例子中,物化视图数据的第一个副本在创建时生成,以后每两天刷新一次.
8、Others are often out-and-out fabrications, as in the case of tales of ghosts or fox- spirits which you can be sure will never materialized. ─── 别种谣言往往始终是谣言,好像谈鬼说狐那样,不会说着说着就真见了鬼。
10、Great. Your thinking is rare in this materialized world. ─── 你这样的想法在物欲的世界里已经很少了。
11、One client who had a large private foundation wanted to support a planned arts center and pledged a major donation if it materialized. ─── 一个拥有大量私人基金会的客户,愿意支持一个计划中的艺术中心,并保证在它实现后提供一个大量的捐赠。
12、According to Marxism, the man himself is the nature of man, and the materialized society should be denied so that the allied society of the liberal men can be realized. ─── 人本身就是人的最高本质,要扬弃和否定“人依赖于物”的“物化社会”,实现“自由人联合体社会”。
13、Organizing the multidimensional views properly and selecting a set of views to be materialized is an effective way to improve query performances of data warehouse. ─── 合理地组织数据仓库的多维视图,并将部分视图物化,是提高数据仓库查询性能的一个有效途径。
14、Her fortune had been made at a stroke, without her having the least idea of the source from which it had so unexpectedly materialized. ─── 她顷刻间发了大财,也不知道这笔意外之财是从哪里来的。
15、The loneliness of post-modernism has handed the individual soul to the private materialized carrier like books, and now individualism is acting as the behavior criterion of modern college students. ─── 后现代的孤独将个体的灵魂交给书籍等私人化的物质载体,个人主义成为现代大学生的行为法典。
16、Religious economy is the external materialized form of religious belief and ideas. It constitutes the strong support for the Sufi Sects Menhuan in Northwest China. ─── 宗教经济是宗教信仰和宗教意识的外在物化形式 ,它对西北地区伊斯兰教苏非派门宦构成了强有力的支撑。
17、Consequently, many operations that you perform on tables can be performed on materialized. ─── 因此,许多对表执行的操作也可以对实现化视图(Materialized View)执行。
18、Friendship is golden due to mutual understanding between two souls.Spiritual friendship will turn into fellowship once it is materialized. ─── 友情的可贵,也仅在于两个灵魂的相互理解,是一种灵性的东西,一旦物质化,就变成交情。
19、However, his ambition was materialized by the murder of King Duncan. ─── 他毅然决然的谋杀了国王邓肯而实现了他的野心。
20、But the loans promised by China's policy banks never materialized. ─── 但是,中国的政策性银行许下的贷款承诺却没有兑现。
21、The function of pass through transition for south Tang’poetry mainly materialized on studing three stlye which formed in middle and later Tang and influcing three poetry stlye of beginning of Song. ─── 南唐诗歌的过渡作用主要体现在继承中晚唐三种诗风,并开启了宋初三种诗风。
22、The Li-ion high power batteries with the capacity of 10Ah and 7.5Ah were introduced about their designs,performance,choice of the main raw materi als,manufacture process and their quality control. ─── 介绍了大容量动力型10Ah锂离子电池和高功率型7.5Ah锂离子电池的产品设计、技术指标确认、主要原材料的选择、制造工艺过程和性能检测情况。
23、In essence, the administration of justice is a kind of imperfect procedural justice.The procedure itself and the substantiality materialized by the procedure belong to two contrasting value systems. ─── 司法从本质上说是一种不完善的程序正义,其程序与程序所实现的实体是两个互相无法包容的价值体系。
24、a plan that never materialized ─── 从未实现的计划
25、In order to utilizing the huge number of redundant materialized views to accelerate OLAP operations in data warehouse, many foreign researchers presented some optimization algorithms. ─── 如何利用数据仓库中大量的冗余实化视图去加速OLAP的查询,国外学者对该问题进行了大量分析并提出了一些优化算法。
26、The promised subsidies never materialized. ─── 允诺的补助金从来没有出现。
27、The optimizer transparently rewrites the request to use the materialized view. ─── 优化器明显的利用物化视图重写其请求。
28、The traffic snarls and logistical nightmares that had been feared by police and city officials had not materialized. ─── 之前警察和市政府担心的交通堵塞和后勤供给不足问题并没有出现。
29、He materialized his ideas by building a model. ─── 他制作了一个模型使自己的想法具体化了。
30、But the strategic cooperation both countries envisaged, particularly in light of the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia and the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, never materialized. ─── 两国之间原来设想的战略合作,特别是鉴于越南入侵柬埔寨和苏联入侵阿富汗,这种设想尤为突出,但却从未实现过。
31、ttx@ttx>drop materialized view log on scott.emp; ─── 实体化视图日志已删除。
32、Her dream of going abroad never materialized because she lacked means. ─── 她出国的梦想从未实现,因为她没有钱。
33、By 2012, the integration of infrastructure and economy of the region will be preliminarily materialized. ─── 到2012年,基本实现基础设施一体化,初步实现区域经济一体化。
34、Replication supports publishing tables, indexes, and materialized views. Other objects are not replicated. ─── 复制支持发布表、索引和具体化视图,不能复制其他对象。
35、Almost instantly, a salesperson materialized from an inner office. ─── 一位销售人员立刻从里面的办公室里走了出来。
36、How did Elizabeth I manage to maintain a friendly relationship with france? A: through her marriage alliances which were never materialized. ─── 伊力莎白一世怎样维持与法国的关系?答:她通过从未具体化的联姻。
37、"What I was worried about, I'm sorry to say, materialized, which is that it's more difficult than before to have people agree, " he said. ─── 我担心大家达成一致的难度比以前更大,很遗憾这种担心成真了。
38、From Materialized Personality to Spiritualized Personality ─── 从物化人格到意志人格
39、Materialize: To cause to become real or actual: By building the house, we materialized a dream. ─── 使成真,实现:使成为真的或确实的:通过建造这所房子,我们实现了一个梦想。
40、A black automobile materialized out of the mist. ─── 一部黑色汽车突然由雾中出现。
41、For a real database application system with large numbers of materialized views, view merging was introduced to decrease the number of total views so as to reduce the search space. ─── 对于拥有大量实化视图的实际数据库应用系统,提出了视图合并的方法以减少整个视图的数量,缩减实化视图的搜索空间;
42、In this state the log record is being generated, but it has not been materialized or persisted. ─── 在此状态中,正在生成日志记录,但它尚未被具体化或持久化。
43、They want it to be materialized. ─── 他们要求兑现。
44、In the proposalform you were asked whetherany inflammable materi alswere stored on the premises. ─── 在投保单上你被问及是否有任何易燃物被存储在房屋里。
45、Her dream really materialized. ─── 她的梦想真正实现了。
46、"Materialized labour" is a new economic term. ─── “物化劳动”是经济学领域的一个新词汇。
47、Function of Super Materialized Labor in Value Creating ─── 优等物化劳动在价值创造中的作用
48、To improve the performance of extensible markup language (XML) data materialized view maintenance by utilizing self?maintenance technique,the self?maintainability criterion of materialized views of XML data was proposed. ─── 为利用视图自维护技术提高可扩展标记语言(XML)数据实体化视图维护性能,提出XML数据视图自维护判定准则.
49、I myself will be materialized. ─── 将我自己实体化。
50、A setting of all-rows is also appropriate for insensitive (ODBC static) cursors since the entire result is materialized when the cursor is opened. ─── all-rows的设置也适用于不感知(ODBC静态)游标,因为当游标打开时整个结果都实现了。
51、He had assumed, Duo thought, that the cathedral was empty. He must have been scared of his wits when both boys materialized out of nowhere. ─── 迪奥想,他原本以为这个教堂没有人的吧,他一定是在害怕这两个男孩是凭空幻化出来的。
52、"The typically stronger spring selling season has not yet materialized. ─── “往常销售旺盛的春季这一次没有花开。
53、However, the results of a hash distinct must be fully materialized before returning from the query. ─── 但是,必须完全实现非重复散列的结果后,才能从查询返回。
54、Personal relationship in the industrial society is an intermittent one based on contract with the medium of contract, objects and materialized social setup agency featured with trust on contract. ─── 工业社会的人际关系是建立在契约的基础上以及受到契约、物和物化了的社会设置所中介了的间断式人际关系,它以契约型信任为特征。
55、His hopes never materialized. ─── 他的希望从未实现。
56、In out country, education purpose is materialized particularly in educational policy. ─── 在我国,教育目的在教育方针中得到了具体的体现。
57、PBC:A Materialized Views Selection Algorithm ─── 实例化视图选择算法PBC
58、Internet users and providers cannot be held liable for posting libelous materi: al written by someone else, the California Supreme Court ruled unanimously tod: ay. ─── 加利福尼亚高级法院今天无异议裁决:互联网使用者和提供者对于发表他人所写的诽谤材:料不必承担责任。
59、When the attacks never materialized, the blockhouse was converted into a bar, and the cantina has changed hands many times. ─── 事实上吐斯肯强盗攻击不曾出现在当地,所以这里就变成了一个酒吧,之后经历过数度的转手。
60、Thoughts on Materialized Labor and Value Creation ─── 关于物化劳动与价值创造的几点思考
61、Materialized hands produced a cartoon like it, and click the mouse button to choose. ─── 动手制作搞怪的卡通像吧,用鼠标键点击选择。
62、Peace and unity materialized only after the Sian Incident of 1936 before the outbreak of the War of Resistance on July 7, 1937. ─── 到西安事变以后、“七七”抗战以前,才实现了。
63、But so far this has not significantly materialized. ─── 但迄今为止,尚无显著成效。
64、SQL> drop materialized view my_all_objects_aggs; ─── 实体化视图已删除。
65、Queries are then directed to the materialized view and not to the underlying detail tables or views. ─── 于是,查询直接作用与物化视图,而不是其潜在的详细表和视图。
66、It was one year of hard work and real world performances before this system materialized. ─── 在这个系统实现了之前,它是一年坚苦工作和现实世界表现。
67、With a wave of his hand he materialized a taxi ─── 他一挥手就召来了一辆出租汽车。
68、It is both a materialized "living fossil" of the capital history of Beijing, and a symbol of the cultural Pekinese's aesthetic sense. ─── 它既是物化的北京都城史的一块“活化石”,又是文化的北京人美学意识的象征。
69、In this paper, we use directed-acyclic graph (DAG) to represent a query processing, then define a cost model and a query efficiency model, and finally put forward an algorithm for materialized views selection. ─── 在考虑空间约束的基础上,提出一种物化视图选择方法,并给出了切实可行的算法步骤。
70、Unlike indexes, materialized views can be accessed directly using a SELECT statement. ─── 不同于索引,物化视图可以使用SELECT语句直接访问。
71、As per request, auto counting and outputting in alignment can be materialized. ─── 可根据包装要求实现自动计数错位整列输出。
72、"Oh, that," replied Dr James."That never materialized." ─── “噢,那个嘛,”詹姆斯大夫回答,”根本没有实现。
73、Once he even materialized before her as she was walking up the stairs at dusk . ─── 有一回,她在朦胧的暮色中上楼,他甚至是在她面前显灵。
74、Mental health is an important area that people should concern themselves with in the increasingly competitive and materialized society. ─── 在竞争变得日益激烈、社会变得日益物质化时,精神健康是人们应该关注的一个重要方面。
75、The pleasant impression of the thing was materialized by the consonance between the integer and the parts. ─── 事物的美感是由局部与整体之间的和谐和协调来体现的。
76、Many journalists weren't allowed to leave the compound while waiting for the promised briefing, which never materialized. ─── 在等待利比亚官员承诺举行的吹风会期间,很多记者被禁止离开酒店。吹风会从未召开。
77、The value of commodity is determined by the generality of social necessary labor time, but it must and can only be materialized by the particularity of social necessary labor time. ─── 商品的价值是由社会必要劳动时间一般决定的,但它必须而且只能通过社会必要劳动时间个别来体现。
78、A tall figure suddenly materialized at her side. ─── 一个高高的身影突然出现在她的身边。
79、In data warehouses, materialized views are used to compute and store aggregated data such as sums and averages. ─── 在数据仓库中,物化视图被用来计算和存储总计性的数据,比如求和和平均数。
81、A tall figure suddenly materialized at her side. ─── 一个高高的身影突然出现在她的身边。
82、The real functions of CryptoAPI standard interface is in a CSP(Cryptographic Service Provider). Also, CSP is materialized using Java Card Applet, DLL and digital signature file. ─── 以JavaCard Applet、动态链接库和数字签名文件结合的方式编码实现了CryptoAPI标准接口所要求的密码服务提供者CSP(Cryptographic Service Provider)。
83、Dynamic Selection of Materialized Views of Multi-Dimensional Data ─── 多维数据实视图的动态选择
84、In films as visual media, this abstract-timed "New" has been materialized and visualized. ─── “新”的实质在于对时间的重构。而作为视觉媒介的电影将作为抽象的时间概念的“新”物质化和视觉化了。
85、materialized relations between men ─── 人与人之间关系被物化
86、If no big trend materialized, then those little losses from false breakouts would eat away even faster at the Turtles' limited capital. ─── 如果没有大趋势,那么假突破造成的亏损会很快导致海龟们亏损,速度比想象的要快。
87、It proved impossible to coordinate the attacks, though, and the French forces from the south never materialized. ─── 但是却证明了不能发动对等的攻击,法军从南部的进攻一直没有实现。
88、A travel agent says some hotels in Beijing have slashed their rates by 10 to 20% as expected high demand for the Olympic Games has not materialized. ─── 一家旅游代理商称由于奥运会游客需求没有预期那样高,北京部分酒店已将房价下调了10%至20%。
89、The expected sales bonanza hadn't materialized. ─── 预期的销售大涨并未成为现实。
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