orbital 发音
英:[ˈɔːrbɪt(ə)l] 美:[ˈɔːbɪt(ə)l]
英: 美:
orbital 中文意思翻译
orbital 短语词组
1、frontier molecular orbital ─── [化] 前沿轨道; 前沿分子轨道
2、alternant molecular orbital (AMO) method ─── [化] 交替分子轨道法
3、extended Huckel molecular orbital method ─── [化] 推广的休克尔分子轨道法
4、bonding orbital ─── [机] 键结轨域
5、antibonding orbital ─── [机] 反键轨函数
6、atomic orbital ─── [化] 原子轨函数; 原子轨道
7、cephalo-orbital index ─── [医] 颅眶指数
8、fronto-orbital area ─── [医] 额眶区
9、canonical molecular orbital ─── [化] 正则分子轨道
10、delocalized molecular orbital ─── [化] 离域分子轨道
11、frontier orbital ─── [化] 前沿轨道
12、delocalized orbital ─── [化] 不定域分子轨道
13、bonding (molecular)orbital ─── [化] 成键轨道; 成键分子轨道
14、conservation of orbital symmetry ─── [化] 轨道对称性守恒
15、antibonding (molecular) orbital ─── [化] 反键轨道; 反键分子轨道; 反键轨函数; 反键分子轨函数
16、alternant orbital ─── [化] 交替轨道
17、antisymmetrized molecular orbital (ASMO) ─── [化] 反对称分子轨道
18、cephalo-orbital ─── [医] 头眶的
19、equivalent orbital ─── [化] 等价轨道
orbital 词性/词形变化,orbital变形
动词第三人称单数: orbits |动词过去分词: orbited |动词过去式: orbited |动词现在分词: orbiting |
orbital 常用词组
molecular orbital ─── 分子轨道
orbital elements ─── 轨道要素;轨道根数;轨道参数;轨道元
orbital angular momentum ─── 轨道角动量
orbital 相似词语短语
1、cubital ─── adj.[解剖]肘的;[解剖]尺骨的,[解剖]前臂的
2、barbital ─── n.巴比妥(具有长效镇静和催眠作用的药用巴比妥钠盐)
3、orbitally ─── 轨道地
4、obital ─── 讣告
5、arbitral ─── adj.仲裁的;仲裁人的
6、orbitals ─── adj.轨道的;绕城的;眼窝的;n.环形高速公路
7、sorbitol ─── n.山梨醇;山梨糖醇
8、orbitale ─── n.眶最下点,眶下缘最低点
9、orbitary ─── 眼睑的;(鸟或昆虫的)复眼缘的颊部的;(天体、卫星等的)轨道的
orbital 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The Russian plan to put a satellite into orbit round Mars. ─── 俄国人计划把一颗人造卫星送入环绕火星的轨道。
2、How can you keep ISS on its own orbit? ─── 你们如何控制空间站在自己的轨道上运行?
3、The orbit of a space satellite decayed. ─── 人造卫星轨道的能量消减了。
4、The two spacecraft will link up in orbit. ─── 两艘宇宙飞船将在轨道上对接。
5、Some of them with visual loss, optic papilledema and orbital mass. ─── 6例有视力下降和视乳头水肿,并扪及肿物。
6、The diagnosis is established by means of orbital venography. ─── 一例有眼眶后及颅内侵犯,手术时因大量出血而中止手术。
7、Reduced interval time for Orbital Artillery waves. ─── 减少了轨道炮得间隔时间。
8、SYNCOM I failed on injection into orbit. ─── 同步传输卫星1号在进入轨道时失败了.
9、We can measure the speeds of these galaxies, their orbital velocities, and figure out how much mass is in this cluster. ─── 我们可以测量这些星系的速率,它们的轨道速度,并算出星系团中有多少质量。
10、They succeeded in rocketing a satellite into orbit. ─── 他们成功地用火箭把一颗卫星送入运行轨道。
11、The orbit period depends on the altitude of the satellite. ─── 卫星的轨道周期取决于其高度。
12、The point at which an orbit crosses the ecliptic plane going north. ─── 天体往北运行时经过的交点。
13、Newton for years had been curious about the cause of the orbital motion of the moon and planets. ─── 多年来,牛顿一直对月球和行星绕轨道运行的原因感到好奇。
14、She farted and put herself into orbit. ─── 你妈妈胖到放个屁就能飞到外太空了。
15、The USAF radar reports all but ceased Jan. 11, then appeared to show "signs of orbital distress" when resumed temporarily a few days later. ─── 美国空军在1月11日停止公布雷达报告,当几天后短暂恢复公布时,显示发生了“轨道灾难迹象”。
16、The orbit of a celestial body. ─── 天体的轨道
17、The earth moves in an approximately cirular orbit around the sun. ─── 地球在一个近似正圆的轨道上绕着太阳运行。
18、From orbit we observed all the seasons of the year. ─── 在太空舱运行的轨道上我们观看到了一年中的所有季节。
19、The point at which an orbit crosses the ecliptic plane going south. ─── 天体往南运行时经过的交点。
20、The satellite has been injected into its orbit. ─── 人造卫星已过发射到轨道上。
21、The earth takes a year to orbit the sun. ─── 地球绕太阳一周要一年的时间。
22、Key words: CO2, Earth orbital parameters, LGM, China climate. ─── 关键词:双多普勒雷达,飑线,三维风场,强对流带。
23、For 687 Earth days, Surveyor will utilize this orbital vantage point to collect scientific data on a continuous basis. ─── 在687个地球日里,勘测者号将利用这种轨道的有利位置连续不断地收集科学数据。
24、Q.What is a geocentric orbit? ─── 一个以地球为中心的轨道是什么?
25、To place(a spacecraft or satellite) in a usually temporary orbit. ─── 发射(至暂时轨道)把(宇宙飞船或火箭)停放在通常是暂时的轨道上
26、The satellite itself will orbit around the earth for a period of days . ─── 卫星本身将绕地球轨道运行一段时间。
27、Earth crosses the orbit of Halley's Comet annually in October. ─── 地球和哈雷彗星的轨道将于每年的十月份交叉。
28、They have put a satellite into orbit round Mars . ─── 他们已将一颗人造卫星射进围绕火星的轨道。
29、Pluto has an elliptic orbit. ─── 冥王星的轨道是椭圆形的。
30、Deviating from a circular form or path, as in an elliptical orbit. ─── 偏离轨道运行的:偏离圆周轨道或路线,如椭圆轨道。
31、In molecular orbital theory, we named orbits based on their symmetry. ─── 在分子轨道理论中,我们基于轨道的对称性给它们命名。
32、The entire staff went into orbit when they got the news. ─── 听到这个消息,所有职员都兴奋起来了。
33、Orbit right(left) from your present position. ─── 从现在位置右(左)转绕圈。
34、And once in orbit,there's no inexpensive and simple way to service them. ─── 一旦进入轨道,也没有一套简便和低耗的方式来对它们进行维护。
35、Sputnik was the first man-made satellite to orbit the earth. ─── 人造卫星是第一个围绕地球旋转的人造物体。
36、Here's a preview of what may be in orbit in the coming years. ─── 以下是对未来几年内可能进入太空轨道的设备的预览。
37、The satellite is positioned in the orbit exactly as programmed. ─── 卫星正像计划的那样定位在轨道上。
38、Click to change the orbit and see what happens. ─── 单击以更改轨道并查看发生的情况。
39、Pluto's orbit around the sun is unusual. ─── 冥王星)围绕太阳运转的轨道是非同寻常。
40、The earth's orbit is more like an oval than a circle. ─── 地球的轨道与其说是圆形,还不如说是椭圆形。
41、Apriori we do not know the exact distance, spin frequency, and orbital parameters of the radio pulsar that might be hidden in a data set. ─── 因为我们不知道可能隐藏在数据集中的脉冲星的确切距离、自旋频率和轨道参数。
42、Changing course for possible insertion to Tirol orbit. ─── 他们正改变航向,可能插入泰洛轨道。
43、Cordelia and Ophelia orbit inside the synchronous orbit radius. ─── 天卫六与天卫七属于同步轨道半径之内。
44、It's the first of three planned orbital excursions for the Discovery crew. ─── 发现号的人在这三轨道规划的第一个轨道上行走。
45、The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit. ─── 两艘宇宙飞船将於轨道上(互相)连接。
46、Reaction power sends artificial satellites into orbit. ─── 反作用力把人造卫星送入轨道。
47、Almost perpendicular to the orbital plane. ─── 几乎和公转平面垂直。
48、In atoms, the excited electron returns to a lower orbital, emitting a photon. ─── 在原子,被激发的电子释放出一个光子,回到能量较低的轨道;
49、This motion of an object in an orbit about a center is called revolution. ─── 像这种一个物体环绕某个中心所作的轨道运动叫做公转。
50、Near the end of the first orbit, Glenn reported a problem. ─── 在即将飞完第一周轨道时,格伦报告说出现了一个问题。
51、They successfully lofted a spaceship into orbit. ─── 他们成功地将一艘宇宙飞船射入轨道。
52、Deviating from a circular form or path,as in an elliptical orbit. ─── 偏离轨道运行的偏离圆周轨道或路线,如椭圆轨道
53、Make an orbit to the right of BH, due to traffic congestion. ─── 在BH上空绕飞一圈,因活动繁忙。
54、The HOMO orbital is composed of Fe and C atoms in Fc. ─── 其HOMO轨道主要由Fe原子及茂环上C的原子轨道组成的;
55、To pin down the size of an orbital, we take a contour surface. ─── 为束缚住轨道的大小,我们取一等值面。
56、Satellite was launched into the orbit around the moon. ─── 卫星被发射进入绕月球运行的轨道。
57、Thus each orbit may be called, alternatively, an energy level. ─── 因此,每一个轨道也可以交替地称作一个能级。
58、There is only one lower-energy orbital in a cyclic system. ─── 在环状体系中只有一个最低能量轨道。
59、They put a weather satellite into orbit round the earth. ─── 他们把一颗气象卫星送入环绕地球的轨道。
60、Another man-made earth satellite was put into orbit last month. ─── 上个月又一颗人造地球卫星被送入轨道。
61、The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit . ─── 两艘宇宙飞船将于轨道上(互相)连接.
62、The man-made satellite is now in orbit. ─── 人造卫星已进入轨道。
63、But sometimes it moves inside the orbit of Neptune. ─── 但有时候,它却运行到海王星轨道里面去了。
64、The two satellites were placed respectively in LEO (low earth orbit) and geostationary transfer orbit. ─── 两颗卫星分别进入近地轨道和地球同步转移轨道。
65、A new satellite has been put into orbit around the earth. ─── 一颗新的人造卫星被送上了环绕地球的轨道。
66、One year is one Earth orbit around the Sun. ─── 一年就是地球绕太阳一周的时间。
67、Relationships are like planets that orbit each other. ─── 关系就像行星,互相绕着飞行。
68、Most people take it for granted that he will go into orbit. ─── 大部分人都想当然地认为他会成功。
69、The signals indicate that the spacecraft bus is functioning normally and ready to begin orbital maneuvers and operational testing. ─── 此信号表明,该卫星运转良好且准备好开始轨道演习和操作测试。
70、Cystic lesions and retinoblastoma with orbital spread were the most common causes of orbital space-occupying lesions among the children. ─── 先天性囊肿和视网膜母细胞瘤侵犯眼眶是儿童发生眼眶占位性病变最主要的病因。
71、Clinical use of healthy neonate umbilical cord orbital implant. ─── 健康新生儿脐带义眼座的临床应用
72、Le Verrier, however, realised that the orbit was shifting too fast. ─── 可是,勒威耶却认为轨道偏移得过于快速。
73、Solar perturbation of the lunar orbit. ─── 出差由于太阳引力引起的月球轨道运动的摄动
74、main axis of the planet's orbital ellipse shifts each time when it goes around the sun. ─── 当行星绕太阳运行时,其轨道椭圆的主轴每次都会改变。
75、Something of circular form; a circle or an orbit. ─── 圆形物体圆形物体; 圆圈或环形轨道
76、They both went into orbit during the heated argument. ─── 在激烈的争辩中,他们都大发脾气。
77、An asteroid with an eccentric orbit approaching within30 million kilometers(19 million miles) of the sun. ─── 伊卡鲁斯一个具有离心轨道的小行星,它在离太阳三千万公里(一千九百万英里)的范围内接近太阳
78、Orbital CT scan revealed orbital medial wall and floor fractures. ─── 在眼眶电脑断层摄影可见其内侧壁及底部骨头断裂。
79、The function (1s+) is a hybridized atomic orbital. ─── 函数(1s+)是一个杂化的原子轨道。
80、Begin until the ship comes into his orbit. ─── 不过,承运人的责任直至船舶进入他的轨道才开始。
81、Decreased Orbital Relay squad hold capacity from 4 to 3. ─── 从4到3减少了轨道的继电器班船舱容积。
82、Other orbital vehicles have been used to spot water in drought-prone regions and connect rural hospitals via satellite hookup. ─── 其他的轨道载体则用于发现干旱地区的水源和通过卫星连线使农村地区医院能彼此联系。
83、The third orbit is packed with 18 electrons. ─── 在第三条轨道上密集着18个电子。
84、The launch vehicle lifts the satellite into orbit. ─── 太空火箭将人造卫星送入运行轨道。
85、The orbit of the earth is elliptical. ─── 地球的轨道是椭圆形的。
86、The Russians plan to put a satellite into orbit round Mars. ─── 俄国人计画把一颗人造卫星送入环绕火星的轨道。
87、Variation in the Earth's orbit. ─── 地球轨道中的变化。
88、Once in space, the spacecraft went into orbit around the Earth. ─── 一旦进入太空,太空船就进入环绕地球运行的轨道。
89、The space shuttle will orbit a weather satellite. ─── 太空梭将把一个气象卫星送入运行轨道。
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