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10-02 投稿


perniciousness 中文意思翻译



perniciousness 词性/词形变化,perniciousness变形

名词: perniciousness |副词: perniciously |

perniciousness 相似词语短语

1、perspicuousness ─── n.清楚;明白

2、preciousness ─── n.珍贵;过分讲究

3、perviousness ─── n.渗透性;[地质][流]透水性

4、deliciousness ─── n.美味;怡人;芬芳

5、pertinaciousness ─── 固执

6、perfidiousness ─── 背信弃义;叛卖

7、ferociousness ─── [n.凶恶;厉害;残忍

8、perilousness ─── 冒险;危险;艰险

9、penuriousness ─── 贫乏

perniciousness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Perniciousness and Pollution Status of Persistent Organic Pollutants ─── 持久性有机污染物的危害及污染现状

2、The Usage and Perniciousness Of Environmental Hormone Organochlorine Pesticides ─── 环境激素类有机氯农药的用途和危害

3、Keywords soot in the kitchen;perniciousness;preventive countermeasures; ─── 厨房油烟;危害;防治对策;

4、Though an ardent enthusiast for Europe in principle, his stint as an EEC commissioner in 1970-73 left him appalled by the “perniciousness” of its bureaucracy. ─── 虽然他原则上是一个热情的欧洲狂热者,但他1970-73年之间在欧共体委员的工作却让他惊恐于它官僚的邪恶性。

5、Many character images in her works displayed her deep love for the Chinese peasants and more hatred for local perniciousness. ─── 作品中的许多人物形象体现着作者对中国农民深沉的爱与憎。

6、introduction on status of urban road traffic noise and its perniciousness, recent progresses in urban traffic noise assessment were browsed. ─── 城市道路交通噪声现状的主要危害的基础上,较全面介绍了国内外城市道路交通噪声评价方法的最新进展。

7、Correlation Technique and Product to diminish perniciousness of cigarette. ─── 降低卷烟危害性的相关技术及产品。

8、This paper presents the producing cause of different unfavourable flow conditions in the outlet area of approach channel for ship gate and its perniciousness. ─── 阐述了水利枢纽船闸引航道口门区各种不利流态产生的原因,及其危害性,和提出了改善的措施。

9、On Perniciousness and Strategies of Illegal Religious Activities in the Rural Areas of Yunnan Province ─── 云南农村地区非法宗教活动的危害及治理对策

10、This thesis probes into the manifestation, perniciousness and cause of the occupational ennui.In addition, the article also puts forward the strategy to eliminate the ennui. ─── 本文探讨了辅导员职业倦怠的表现、危害及成因,提出了消除辅导员职业倦怠的对策。

11、the harmfulness of l . lagurus is a serious problem for long time , because of undulation of population number and perniciousness. ─── 由于其种群数量变动较大,加之它对草场的危害严重,长期以来一直困扰着人们。

12、However, between the spring and summer of 1921, there occurred an unprecedented food crisis in Hunan Province characterized by its longer continuance, greater perniciousness than ever before. ─── 然而,湖南却于1921年春夏间发生了空前的春荒。春荒具有延续时间长、波及范围广、危害程度深的特征。

13、radon proof hydrous paint could well avoid the perniciousness of radon. The results of experiment and... ─── 试验结果,探讨了防氡涂料的机理。

14、Yeah. The pharmaceuticals companys purposely exaggerated the H1N1 epidemic situation and its perniciousness. ─── 是的。制药公司故意夸大了甲型流感的疫情及其危害性。

15、This paper introduces the concept of endocrine disrupting chemicals-environmental hormones, their origin and perniciousness and the proposal of solving this problem. ─── 本文介绍了扰乱内分泌的化学物质环境荷尔蒙的概念、来源及其产生的危害,提出了解决问题的办法。

16、Devis Bianchini, Valeria De Antonellis, Barbara Pernici and Pierluigi Plebani, "Ontology-based methodology for e-service discovery," Information Systems, Available online 19 April 2005. ─── 王瑞麟,民92,应用服务元件于企业资讯入口网站开发之研究,国立成功大学资讯管理研究所硕士论文。

17、A Brief Analysis on the Causes of Lilishan's "left" Adventurism and its Perniciousness ─── 试论李立三"左"倾冒险主义错误形成的原因和危害

18、The process of Pb metabolism and the perniciousness of Pb poisoning to children were dis-cussed. ─── 论述了人体铅代谢过程及铅中毒对儿童的危害。

19、Keywords outside living beings invading;rice grass;perniciousness; ─── 外来生物入侵;大米草;危害;

20、s emergency sale to Bank of America Corp. last weekend was an example of the perniciousness and unpredictability of deleveraging. ─── 上周美林证券紧急售卖给美国银行就是恶性不可预期的去杠杆化的例子。

21、perniciousness harm ─── 盐碱危害

22、Electrified Wire Netting Low Level Operation Perniciousness Reaches Such and Guards Against The Countermove ─── 电网低电压运行的危害性及其防止对策

23、The solution for industrial disease perniciousness ─── 职业病危害治理技术

24、This paper presents the producing cause of different unfavourable flow conditions in the outlet area of approach channel for ship gate and its perniciousness. ─── 阐述了水利枢纽船闸引航道口门区各种不利流态产生的原因,及其危害性,和提出了改善的措施。

25、Danger, perniciousness factors identifying and evaluation units classifying ─── 危险、有害因素辨识和评价单元的划分分类方法

26、's emergency sale to Bank of America Corp. last weekend was an example of the perniciousness and unpredictability of deleveraging. ─── 上周美林证券紧急售卖给美国银行就是恶性不可预期的去杠杆化的例子。

27、Many character images in her works displayed her deep love for the Chinese peasants and more hatred for local perniciousness . ─── 作品中的许多人物形象体现着作者对中国农民深沉的爱与憎。

28、Meeella M,Pernici B.Designing wrapper compo nents for e-services in integrating heterogeneous systems.The VLDB Journal,2001(10):2-15 ─── 数据库系统设计、实现与管理.宁洪,译.北京:电子工业出版社,2003

29、A radon proof hydrous paint could well avoid the perniciousness of radon.The results of experiment and ... ─── 本文分析了试验结果,探讨了防氡涂料的机理。

30、On the Causes and Perniciousness of and Countermeasures against Mental Punishment ─── 浅论心罚的成因、危害及对策

31、Attach importance to the perniciousness of iatrogenic injury during digestive tract surgery ─── 应重视消化道术中医源性损伤的危害性

32、Following introduction on status of urban road traffic noise and its perniciousness,recent progresses in urban traffic noise assessment were browsed. ─── 在分析城市道路交通噪声现状的主要危害的基础上,较全面介绍了国内外城市道路交通噪声评价方法的最新进展。

33、The process of Pb metabolism and the perniciousness of Pb poisoning to children were dis-cussed. ─── 论述了人体铅代谢过程及铅中毒对儿童的危害。

34、Surface carbonating of concrete dam and its perniciousness analysis ─── 混凝土坝表层碳化及其危害性分析

35、This article mainly discusses the lasting organic pollutant dioxin and its formation,toxicity,source,fomation mechanism,main perniciousness and preventive measure. ─── 本文介绍了持久性有机污染物二恶英的结构、毒性、污染来源、形成机理、主要危害和预防措施。


37、The perniciousness of act brought out the theory of illegal composition. ─── 行为的危害性确立了违法构成理论的产生。

38、Merrill Lynch &Co.'s emergency sale to Bank of America Corp. last weekend was an example of the perniciousness and unpredictability of deleveraging. ─── 上周末,美林(MerrillLynch&Co.)闪电般地将自己卖给了美国银行(BankofAmericaCorp.),因纠正过度杠杆行为的不可预知性带来的危害由此可见一斑。

39、The Perniciousness of Environmental Hormone to Food Safety and Its Prevention and Control ─── 环境激素对食品安全的危害及防治

40、The perniciousness of bacteriophage contamination to 2-keto -D -glucon ic acid fermentation by Pseudomonas fluorescens K1005was studied in the laboratory. ─── 在实验室条件下,考察了噬菌体污染对荧光假单胞菌K1005的2-酮基-D-葡萄糖酸发酵的危害。

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