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10-01 投稿


meetly 发音


英:  美:

meetly 中文意思翻译



meetly 相似词语短语

1、meeter ─── n.迎面来的船

2、deftly ─── adv.熟练地;灵巧地;敏捷地

3、beetle ─── n.甲虫;大槌;捶布机;拼甲虫(一种掷骰子游戏);v.急忙来回;突出;用槌打;用捶布机捶(布);adj.(人的眉毛)粗浓而突出的;n.(Beetle)(美)比特尔(人名);n.(Beetle)“甲壳虫”小汽车(一款大众牌小汽车的英文名)

4、unmeetly ─── 不切实际地

5、sweetly ─── adv.甜美地;温柔地;惬意地;讨人喜欢地

6、meekly ─── adv.温顺地;逆来顺受地;忠厚地

7、gently ─── adv.轻轻地;温柔地,温和地

8、featly ─── adv.优雅地;恰当地;巧妙地;整洁地;adj.优雅的,优美的

9、fleetly ─── adv.快速地;转瞬即逝地

meetly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He's the person whom I meet at the club every day and whom I've incited home to dinner tonight. ─── 他是我每天在俱乐部碰到的那个人,我已邀请他今晚到我家进餐。

2、We must settle on a place to meet. ─── 咱们得把见面的地点定下来。

3、A host of friend meet him at the railroad station. ─── 一大群朋友在火车站迎接他。

4、It was very difficult for Arthur the make ends meet when his factory was put on a three-day week during the recession. ─── 在工业衰退期间,阿瑟上班的工厂每周开工二、三天,这使他很难维持生计。

5、If you want to meet your father, you'll have to run for it. ─── 如果你要去接你父亲,就得赶快点。

6、Go to the farthest house in the village and I'll meet you there. ─── 到村上最远的那座房子那儿去,我在那里与你会面。

7、We will meet in Beijing in the near future. ─── 在不久的将来,我们将在北京见面。

8、The court has announce the award to meet causation. ─── 仲裁庭已宣布同意撤销原判决。

9、If we can't meet the schedule, we can hive off some of the work to another firm. ─── 如果我们不能按期完成,我们可以分出一些工作给另外一个公司。

10、Most people will recoil from a poisonous snake if they suddenly meet one. ─── 大多数人在突然遇见一条毒蛇时都会退缩。

11、Merry meet, merry part. ─── [谚]好聚好散。

12、Will you meet me at the station? ─── 你到车站接我吗?

13、They were destined never to meet again. ─── 命运注定他们永不再相逢。

14、He sent word for us to meet him at the bus-stop. ─── 他带信让我们在汽车站接他。

15、She looked wretched and forlorn, despairing of the arrival of a friend who had promised to meet her. ─── 她看上去又可怜又孤独,对于答应来看她的朋友的到来已不抱希望。

16、Being out of work and having two young children, they found it impossible to make ends meet. ─── 他们失了业,还要养活两个小孩,无法维持起码的生活。

17、All right, we agree to meet you halfway in order to start the ball rolling. ─── 好吧,为了开始做生意,我们同意各让一步。

18、 双语使用场景

19、If possible, why do not we meet in the hotel restaurant at nine tomorrow morning? ─── 如果可能的话,明天早上9点在饭店餐厅会面如何?

21、Mrs. Walter began to meet her lover at his rooms and to shower affection and attentions upon him so heavily that he quickly became bored. ─── 华代尔夫人开始去他的住处同他相会,并给他无穷无尽的爱抚、体贴,结果他很快便腻味了。

22、If you don't hear something to the contrary, I'll meet you at7: 00 o'clock outside the cinema. ─── 如果你听不到相反消息的话,我们将在7点钟在电影院外面会面。

23、Come with us, alternatively, meet us there. ─── 同我们一道去,或者在那儿兴我们会合。

24、She erred in failing to meet him in person. ─── 她错在没有亲自与他见面。

25、Poor Fred: he's gone to meet his Maker. ─── 可怜的弗雷德,他已经去见上帝了。

26、She said so in her eagerness to meet him. ─── 她因急於想见到他而如此说。

27、Hallo, Denise. Pleased to meet you. Will not you come in? ─── 好啊,丹尼斯。见到你很高兴,请进来好吗?

28、The crowds went forth from the town to meet the hero. ─── 人群走出城外迎接英雄。

29、The amount of funds reserved to meet liabilities. ─── 储备金额为预防不测而存留的资金数额

30、Right, we agree then. We'll meet back here at the bus stop in one hour. ─── 好吧,我们达成一致。我们一小时后在汽车站这儿见面。

31、Her eyes kept straying to the clock and, a nod being as good as a wink to a blind horse, I said I had an appointment to meet a friend, and left. ─── 她老是用眼睛瞟着钟,明人不用细说,我借口有约会要见一位朋友,便起身告辞了。

32、He sleeked back his hair with water before going in to meet her. ─── 他进去见她之前,用水将头发梳理得很光亮。

33、Special activity is designed in the hospital to meet the needs of subnormal. ─── 医院为满足弱智者的需要而设计了特殊的活动。

34、Harry always makes sure he looks spick and span before he goes to meet anyone. ─── 哈里出去会见任何人前总是确保自己看上去整洁干净。

35、They decided to meet at noonday. ─── 他们决定正午时见面。

36、If an earthquake were to engulf England tomorrow, the English would manage to meet and dine somewhere among the rubbish, just to celebrate the event. ─── 假使明天会有一场地震席卷英国,英国人也会设法在颓垣败瓦中找个地方见面饮宴来庆祝这件大事的吧。

37、He went as far as Yokohama to meet his friend from England. ─── 他远至横滨去迎接由英国来的朋友。

38、China haw steadily expanded her electronics industry to meet the growing needs. ─── 中国不断发展了电子工业来满足日益增长的需要。

39、If you don't hear something to the contrary I'll meet you at seven o'clock tonight. ─── 如果你没有接到变更的通知,那么我们就定于今晚七时见面。

40、His job is not only to dispose of problems but (also) to meet unexpected challenges. ─── 他的工作不仅要处理难题而且也要应付突来的挑战。

41、He'd been watching the water rising for two hours preparing to meet his destiny, as it were before help arrived. ─── 他在获救前的两小时中,一直眼看著水在上涨--可谓准备听天由命了。

42、She turned her head away, feeling too ashamed to meet his gaze. ─── 因为害羞而不敢和他凝视的目光相遇,她把头扭开了。

43、Farewell! I hope we meet again soon. ─── 别了!希望很快我们能再见面。

44、The plan you submitted seems to meet with the committee's ideas on the subject. ─── 你提出的计划似乎符合委员会对这个问题的看法。

45、He broke two national records in a track meet. ─── 他在一次田径比赛中打破了两项全国记录。

46、The champion and the challenger meet next week. ─── 下星期冠军将迎战挑战者。

47、We couldn't agree on a date/when to meet. ─── 关於日期[什么时候见面],我们未能取得一致意见。

48、No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan. ─── 不管你遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。

49、Goodbye till we meet again. ─── 再见。

50、It may be many years before we meet again. ─── 大概要过许多年我们才能再见。

51、He is eager for you to meet his friends. ─── 他热切希望你见见他的朋友。

52、Oh, yes. Nice to meet you, Zhou Lin. Thank you for coming to meet me. ─── 哦,是的。很高兴见到你,周林。非常感谢你来接我。

53、In printing, a small overlap where two colours meet to safeguard against a gap which might otherwise occur due to a lack of register. ─── 在彩色套印技术中,两种颜色接合处的一小点儿重叠,为防止由于套准不好而可能出现的间隙。参阅register。

54、Most regional committees meet four times a year. ─── 大部分地区委员会每年开会四次。

55、They disliked each other too much to meet, so they conducted all their business through an intermediary. ─── 他们彼此交恶不愿相见,有事均通过中间人处理。

56、In addition, delphi2.0 make it easy for customer to create application to meet the requirement to get the window95 logo. ─── 另外,为了满足得到Windows95徽标的要求,Delphi2.0使客户创建应用程序更加简便。

57、I wonder if I will meet a girl if I join a club ... ─── 如果我参加社团的话,不知道会不会遇到一个动人的女孩。

58、Do bring your wife round one evening; we'd love to meet her. ─── 哪天晚上把你妻子带来,我们都想见见她。

59、An astrologer tell her that she will meet her lifelong companion in her twenties. ─── 一位占星家对说她将在二十多岁时遇到自己的终身伴侣。

60、He gave me to understand that the sports meet would be held soon. ─── 从他的话里我了解到运动协会不久就会举行的。

61、In order to conclude business, how about to meet us half way? ─── 为了达成交易,我们互相折衷,怎么样?

62、She was afraid to meet my eye. ─── 她怕与我目光相遇。

63、Need he have gone to the station to meet her? ─── 他有必要到车站去接她吗?

64、He's an interesting man, would you like to meet him? ─── 他这个人很有趣,你想跟他认识吗?

65、After the next figure, you cast off and meet your partner again at the other end. ─── 在下一个舞步以后,你要从外圈绕到对面再和你舞伴相聚。

66、The sea is a path meet for swift ships that traverse the brine, but bulls dread the salt sea ways. ─── 大海是来往于咸水之中的快艇的运动场,不是牡牛行走的地方。

67、He sent to Jennie to meet him at the airport. ─── 他捎口信给珍妮到机场接他。

68、China's woollen textile industry is forging ahead to meet the needs of the country. ─── 中国的毛纺工业正迅速发展以适应国家的需要。

69、Hardly ever did they manage to meet unobserved. ─── 他们几乎从不安排会面,却没有受到注意。

70、Allow us to thank you for the fairness with which you have meet us respecting this claim. ─── 关于这项索赔,承蒙惠予公正处理,谨在此深表谢意。

71、He has a lot of old debts to meet. ─── 他有许多旧债要偿付。

72、Let's meet on Sunday evening. ─── 咱们星期日晚上见吧。

73、They meet with great regularity. ─── 他们定期会面。

74、Extremes meet, as the whiting said with its tail in its mouth. ─── 两极是相通的嘛——当牙鳕把自己的尾巴放进口里时说。

75、Candidates who fail to meet these requirements will not be admitted to the University. ─── 不符合这些要求的考生不能上这所大学。

76、He had only enough money to meet his engagements. ─── 他的钱仅够付合同款。

77、They made a date to meet soon. ─── 他们约定不久见面。

78、His income is inadequate to meet the expense. ─── 他入不敷出。

79、His ambition was to meet his favourite pop star face to face. ─── 他心向往之的是要面对面地见见他心目中的流行曲歌星。

80、She forestalled my plan to meet her. ─── 她抢在我前面,使我要去接她的计划落了空。

81、Farewell until we meet again! ─── 下次再见!

82、Somethings gone amiss, he's not here to meet us. ─── 准是出了什和差错,他没来这里接我们。

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