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10-02 投稿


marly 发音

英:  美:

marly 中文意思翻译



marly 短语词组

1、marly soil ─── [医] 泥灰岩土

marly 词性/词形变化,marly变形

动词现在分词: marling |动词过去分词: marled |形容词: marly |动词第三人称单数: marls |动词过去式: marled |

marly 相似词语短语

1、mardy ─── (Mardy)马迪;adj.被宠坏的

2、madly ─── adv.疯狂地;发狂地;精神失常地

3、marl ─── n.泥灰;泥灰土;vt.撒泥灰土

4、Early ─── adj.早期的;早熟的;adv.提早;在初期;n.(Early)人名;(英)厄尔利

5、manly ─── adj.男子气概的;强壮的;适于男人的;adv.雄赳赳地;n.(Manly)(英)曼利(人名)

6、murly ─── 壁画

7、marls ─── vt.撒泥灰土(marld的第三人称单数形式);n.泥灰土;石灰质粘土

8、marvy ─── adj.(非正式)妙极了的,好极了的

9、marry ─── vt.嫁;娶;与……结婚;vi.结婚;n.(Marry)人名;(阿拉伯)马雷;(法)马里

marly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Grandma lt marly, so that tomorrow can hav a good spirit. ─── 外婆就让我早早睡下,好让明天能有个好精神。

2、I didn't actually intend to write about Marly again but I have had many emails and countless enquiries from people at my workshops and at the gym about my hairy house-guest. ─── 事实上,我并未打算再次写有关玛尔黎的事,但我在工作室和健身房收到许多关于我的这位“多毛客人”的电子邮件和无数询问。

3、He is a marl of initiative. ─── 他这个人很有进取心。

4、Marl mainly generates a great deal of oil and a small amount of gas.Only in high evolution stage are a large amount of gas generated. ─── 泥灰岩在主要生烃阶段以生油为主,并且有机质的生油量很大,而生气量较少,只有在较高的演化阶段才对气的生成有利。

5、A rock containing clay materials and calcium and magnesium carbonates, with approximately the same composition as marl. ─── 泥灰岩一种含粘土物质、钙和镁碳酸盐的岩石,其成分与泥灰土大体一致

6、I will lay the foundation of the roof with the marl. ─── 我要用这些泥灰苫背屋顶。

7、The marl mainly consists of the mixed deposits, which may be subdivided into the interbedded mixed deposits, structural mixed deposits and intercalated mixed deposits. ─── 泥灰岩主要发育具有复杂沉积模式的混合沉积,细分为互层混合沉积、结构混合沉积和夹层混合沉积三种类型。

8、lime marl ─── 泥灰土石

9、I have heard that in Japan marly businessmen are selling fresh air to customers.and now it is becoming more and more popular.Why? ─── 最近我读了一则消息说在日本,许多商人向顾客出售新鲜空气,现在这种情况越演越烈。

10、bog marl ─── 沼泽泥灰岩

11、Saint-Julien has homogeneous gravel soil with clay, marl, ferrite, gravel in it's subsoil. ─── 圣朱利安的砂砾泥土很均匀,在下层土里有黏土、泥灰土、亚铁盐和砂砾。

12、marl loam ─── 泥灰壤土


14、 ,Louis vuitton mon Pochette Marly Dtagonne M51825; ─── 梦见受火伤,则有吉事到来。

15、,Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas Marly; ─── 曾经以为,不会被寂寞打败。

16、marly shale ─── 泥灰质页岩

17、Keywords H2S;CaSO4;marl;natural gas;sulfur;FeS2;Feixianguan Fm.Sichuan Basin; ─── 硫化氢;石膏;泥灰岩;天然气;单质硫;黄铁矿;飞仙关组;四川盆地;

18、globigerinid marl ─── 抱球虫泥灰岩

19、Distribution and occurrence of kerogen fatty acids in low mature marl and calcareous mudstone ─── 低熟泥灰岩、钙质泥岩干酪根脂肪酸的分布特征及赋存形式

20、On the left, the Marly aqueduct commands the horizon; ─── 左边是一望无际的马尔利引水渠,右边是连绵不断的小山岗;

21、marl slate ─── 泥灰板岩层

22、marl earth ─── 泥灰土

23、The finest vineyards are found on well-draining gravel, where quartz and flint pebbles lie over a subsoil of marl. ─── 最好的葡萄园处于排水良好的砾石带,在那里石英和燧石平铺在泥灰的下层土之上。

24、marly sandstone ─── 泥灰砂岩

25、The deformation mechanism and geohazard danger within marly stones in three gorges reservoir region ─── 三峡库区泥灰质岩石的变形机理及地质灾害危险性研究

26、The content of this page is from the MARLY port or MARLY customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自MARLY港口或MARLY海关的进出口公司目录;

27、marly limestone ─── 泥灰石灰石

28、Marlstone is a limestone based clay that acts similar to Marl. ─── 泥灰岩石是与泥灰作用相似的一种以石灰石为基础的粘土。

29、lake marl ─── 湖成泥灰岩

30、gypsiferous marl ─── 石膏泥灰岩

31、Keywords PAM-GSP drilling fluid;Shanbei;oil -drilling operation;marl; ─── 关键词PAM-GSP钻井液;陕北;石油钻井;泥页岩;

32、Keywords sulphur-rich marl;hydrocarbon generation;oil and gas generation;pyrolysis simulation test; ─── 富硫泥灰岩;生烃潜力;有机质丰度;油气生成;热模拟实验;

33、content of proline and total soluble sugar marly increase, osmotic adjustment play an important role for six species of drought-resistance; ─── 脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量明显增加,渗透调节在六种树种的抗旱机制中有重要作用;

34、Hydrocarbon-generating process of marl is discussed by hydrous pyrolysis simulation. ─── 利用泥灰岩加水热模拟实验探讨了泥灰岩的油气形成过程。

35、Some supergene deformation structures in marly limestone in the Three-Gorges region and their relation to geohazards ─── 三峡地区泥灰质岩石中几种表生构造及其与地质灾害的关系

36、Keywords Hydrocarbon source rock;Crude oil;Marl;Organic carbon;Oil source correlation;Maturity;Feixianguan Formation;Sichuan Basin; ─── 烃源岩;原油;泥灰岩;有机碳;油源对比;成熟度;飞仙关组;四川盆地;

37、One disadvantage of this type of gate, however, is that after gate removal a witness marl is left on a visible surface of the moulding. ─── 可是这种浇口的一个缺点是在浇口去除后有个缺陷痕迹留在塑件的可见表面上。

38、By Daryl Marly - Ride like the pro's, be confident with your snowboarding. ─── 达里·玛尔黎-乘坐像亲的,有信心与您的滑雪板。

39、Marly crack and deterioration of many bridge deck overlays have been attributed to the traffic load, nature factor and high thermal or shrinkage stress development in the concrete. ─── 混凝土桥面铺装在交通荷载、自然因素、温度与收缩应力综合作用下,普遍出现了早期开裂与破坏。

40、The fix index (F) suggests that A. sarelii is nearly outcrossing while the other two are marly inbreeding. ─── 固定指数F表明华中铁角蕨接近随机交配,而另外两个种为近交。

41、The sediments are mudstone, shale, carbonaceous mudstone and marl of deep and semi-deep lake facies. ─── 烃源岩已进入成熟阶段,处于生油高峰期。

42、The results reveal that using marl and such tailings can improve the raw meal burn ability and clinker mineral formation,to increase the output and improve the energy saving. ─── 研究及生产应用的结果表明,利用泥灰岩和铜锌尾矿配料,可改善生料的易烧性,有利于熟料矿物的形成,增产节能显著。

43、5. Several other materials can be used for liming purposes, such as, baked or burned oyster shells, marl, basic slag, wood ashes, and cement industry by-products. ─── 其它几种物质也可用来施用石灰,如?壳灰、泥灰、钢渣磷肥(碱性炉渣)、草木灰和工业水泥的副产品等。收藏指正

44、in some places the ground has eroded so deeply that they plow up the soft bedrock marl directly for soil. ─── 一些地方的地表已经腐蚀很深,以至他们可以直接耕起柔软的岩床泥灰土当土壤。

45、During the three years it took to tunnel under the Channel, the 1575-tonne tunnelling machines, guided by laser beams, cut through nearly a kilometre of chalk marl a month, almost 50 metres below the seabed. ─── 在挖掘海底隧道花费的3年时间里,1575吨重的隧道掘进机通过激光引导在海底下面大约50米处每月挖通将近一公里的白垩泥灰土。

46、If you desire many things. marly things will seem but a few. ─── 如果你渴望得到许多,所得到的东西就会看上去很少。

47、calcareous marl ─── 灰质泥灰岩

48、The deformation mechanism and geohazard danger within marly stones in three gorges reservoir region ─── 三峡库区泥灰质岩石的变形机理及地质灾害危险性研究

49、marl application ─── 施泥灰

50、The Shiqianfeng Formation is subdivided into three members, namely, Pingdingshan sandstone, Lamellibranchiate marl and gypsum lime-nodule. ─── 石千峰组又分为三段:平顶山砂岩段、瓣鳃泥灰岩段及石膏钙核段。

51、5.Several other materials can be used for liming purposes, such as, baked or burned oyster shells, marl, basic slag, wood ashes, and cement industry by-products. ─── 其它几种物质也可用来施用石灰,如?壳灰、泥灰、钢渣磷肥(碱性炉渣)、草木灰和工业水泥的副产品等。


53、The intercalations are divided into five types, such as muddy intercalation, silty intercalation, calcareous intercalation, marly intercalation, and gravel intercalation. ─── 夹层类型主要有泥岩夹层、粉砂质泥岩夹层、灰质夹层、泥灰质夹层和砾石质夹层5种。


55、Red Marl ─── n. 红色泥灰岩(沉积岩)

56、In the this square's world, there are Ao whatever lavish plum, the light subtle perfume spreads very far very marly. ─── 在这方天地中,有傲然开放的梅,淡淡的清香传的很远很远。

57、marl brick ─── 泥灰岩砖

58、Also on the analysis of geochemical data, it is sugested that the composition of eclogite is not simple butacombination of terrestriaI tholeiite and basic volcanic tuff and marl. ─── 同时根据地球化学资料等分析,认为榴辉岩的成分不是单一的,一部分为大陆拉斑玄武岩、一为基性的火山凝灰岩和泥灰岩。

59、Keywords marl;tailings from copper ore and zinc ore;raw meal burnability; ─── 泥灰岩;铜锌尾矿;生料易烧性;

60、Application of cement mixing pile to marly soil ─── 水泥搅拌桩在泥炭土中的应用

61、The huge oil_bearing nodules,oil shale and marl interbeded in thick dark mudstone were firstly found in Middle Permian in the northern Turpan_Hami Basin. ─── 地震、探井资料及盆地分析结果表明,台北凹陷北缘与准噶尔盆地南缘为中二叠世沉降沉积中心,该地区中二叠统深湖相泥岩是这两个盆地油气藏的主要烃源岩。

62、silicious marl ─── 硅质泥灰

63、Study on Engineering Geologic Characteristics of Clay Marl of Ordovician System in the YRDP Area ─── 万家寨引黄工程区奥陶系中统泥灰岩工程地质特征初步研究

64、marly soil ─── 泥灰质土壤泥灰土

65、Green Marl ─── n. 绿色泥灰岩(沉积岩)

66、1970 Planning began for the development of our manufacturing facility in Marl, Germany. ─── 在前苏联创立为荒芜的环境特别设计的运输车厢,在芬兰发展和制造。

67、Chalk Marl ─── 白垩泥灰岩

68、Practical Example of Marly Soft Clay Foundation Treatment by Lime Piles ─── 石灰桩处理泥炭质软土地基实例

69、But farmers have churned up Western Messenia for 6 000 years; in some places the ground has eroded so deeply that they plow up the soft bedrock marl directly for soil. ─── 然而农民们已经在西梅塞尼亚的土地上翻搅了6000年;一些地方的地表已经腐蚀很深,以至他们可以直接耕起柔软的岩床泥灰土当土壤。

70、Marly comrades went to see him during his illness. ─── 在他生病期间许多同志去看望了他。

71、marl grass ─── 公羊胸前涂色

72、Keywords Marl;Thermal simulation;Gaseous hydrocarbon;Carbon isotopes;Thermal evolution; ─── 泥灰岩;热模拟;气态烃;热演化;碳同位素;

73、Marly comrades went to see him during his illness. ─── 他生病期间许多同志去看望了他。

74、1 Eleventh international quantum electronics conference : International Quantum Electronics Conference,Scully, Marl Z89:TN201 / I61 The Optical Society of America, c1980. ─── 2光电子器件与微电子.光电子系统集成技术论文摘要集国家.科委高技术计划信息领域办公室Z89:TN2/453国防工业出版社1991.3

75、burning marl ─── 焦热地狱的磨难(出自英国诗人的

76、or a layer of marl is laid bare, and rolls down with the fury of a cataract, breaking the stoutest supporting beams like glass. ─── 或者忽然出现一股泥石流,它象一股狂暴的瀑布,象打碎玻璃那样,把最粗的支柱折断。

77、marl yarn ─── 夹色纱线

78、Internal Parto Improvement of Imitation Marly Cement Cooling Tower ─── 仿马利砼横流冷却塔的内件改造在巴陵分公司的应用

79、sandy marl ─── 砂质泥灰岩

80、Using the technology of covering rock, absciss layer and injecting marl to protect land resources ─── 利用覆岩离层注浆技术保护耕地资源

81、argillaceous marl ─── 泥质泥灰岩

82、A Quantitative Research on the Chemical Composition and Clay Minerals in Marly Stones and Their Residuals in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region ─── 三峡库区泥灰质岩石及其残坡积土化学成分及粘土矿物的定量研究

83、The content of this page is from the MARL port or MARL customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自MARL港口或MARL海关的进出口公司目录;

84、We are also considering yarn dyed or printed stripes (even in Pigment dye.) Marl stripes etc....around 1-1.5cm wide. ─── 185克都可以,最好是165克。100%棉或者90%棉10%涤丝光棉,要求长绒棉,丝质手感。


86、In this paper, the authors discussed the gas generating characteristics of marine shale and marl by hydropyrolysis. ─── 文中通过加水热模拟实验,对海相页岩和泥灰岩热解气特征进行了系统的对比、研究。

87、This is a research on using marl and tailings from copper are and zinc ore to produce low energy consumption cement. ─── 研究利用泥灰岩和铜锌尾矿代粘土烧制水泥熟料。

88、Marly works in the store, she doesn't just stay in the office, so we'll pretend we're a couple to pay her back for what she did to you. ─── 马尔利在店里工作,她不只是停留在办公室,所以我们会假装我们是一对夫妇来支付她对你做了她的背部。

89、Keywords marl;shale;gaseous hydrocarbon;organic matter;natural gas;gases from pyrolysis;hydropyrolysis simulation; ─── 泥灰岩;页岩;气态烃;有机质;天然气;热解气;加水热模拟;

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