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10-01 投稿


millennial 发音

英:[mɪ'lɛnɪəl]  美:[mɪˈleniəl]

英:  美:

millennial 中文意思翻译



millennial 网络释义

adj. 一千年的;千禧年的

millennial 词性/词形变化,millennial变形

名词复数: millenaries |

millennial 短语词组

1、roaming millennial ─── 漫游千年

2、millennial wife ─── 千禧一代妻子

3、sharing the millennial way ─── 共享千年之路

4、millennial generation ─── 千禧世代(指1981年后出生的人,到 ─── 千年期结束时达到成年年龄)

5、millennial wines ─── 千禧年葡萄酒

6、millennial way ─── 千禧年之路

7、millennial women ─── 千禧一代女性

8、millennial wine ─── 千禧年葡萄酒

millennial 相似词语短语

1、bimillennial ─── adj.两千年的;两千周年的

2、millennialism ─── n.千禧年主义

3、millennia ─── n.千年期;千周年纪念日(millennium的复数)

4、millenarian ─── adj.一千年的;千禧年的;n.千禧年信徒;相信太平盛事的人

5、millennially ─── 千禧一代

6、premillennial ─── adj.千禧年前的

7、bimillennia ─── 双千禧年

8、millennialist ─── n.千禧年的信徒;相信基督将复活并为王一千年的人

9、millennium ─── n.千年期(尤指公元纪年);千周年纪念日;新千年开始的时刻

millennial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Reds travel to Cardiff's Millennium Stadium on Sunday for the team's only realistic chance of winning silverware. ─── 周日曼联将前往卡迪夫千年球场,那是球队唯一夺取冠军的机会了。

2、Their undiminished European popularity was confirmed by the success of Room Service,their first album of the new millennium. ─── 他们在新世纪推出的第一张专辑《客房服务》的成功,巩固了他们在欧洲依然广受欢迎的地位。

3、Belief in the Christian doctrine of the millennium mentioned in the Book of Revelations. ─── 启示录中提到的基督教教义关于千禧年的信仰。

4、All time, he might have added, is the millennium of their glory. ─── 也许他还应该加上一句:“千秋万代功名永在”。

5、Digital McLuhan: a guide to the information millennium. ─── 台北市:猫头鹰出版,城邦文化发行。

6、The whole world was counting down to the new millennium. ─── 全世界都在倒计时迎接新千年的到来。

7、Lucie's face, more than any other, would eventually become synonymous with millennial Tokyo's anxieties, aspirations and insecurities. ─── 与其他人不同,露茜的脸将最终成为千年东京焦虑、渴望和缺乏安全的同义语。

8、As a result of our good work, the Department had a smooth and orderly transition to the new millennium. ─── 在充足的准备工作情况下,本局成功及顺利地过渡千禧年。

9、In 2000, 189 heads of state ratified the Millennium Declaration. ─── 在2000年189个国家的领导人批准了《联合国千年宣言》。

10、He wished the English Commonwealth would last until the arrival of God's millennial kingdom. ─── 他希望英国共和体制能延续到千禧年王国的来临。

11、The Millennium Review Summit in September should set the direction for the way ahead on United Nations reform. ─── 九月份举行的千年回顾峰会应确定联合国改革的发展方向。

12、But the first 100 years of our new millennium will most certainly be a notable exception. ─── 但是,新千年的头一个百年可是个绝对的例外。

13、But the most skeptical Gatesof the new millennium is someone who evinces a passion for giving and government aid. ─── 但新千年盖茨对此持怀疑态度,热衷于施舍和政府援助。

14、Maybe as new millennial citizens of an educated civilized world, we should realize that we don't simply need WEIGHT loss. ─── 也许作为一个有教养的文明世界的新千年的公民,我们应该认识到,我们不简单地需要减轻体重。

15、The second phase of the 'Inventors' Millennium Vision' Competition was satisfactorily concluded in July. ─── “发明创意知多少”比赛的第二阶段活动于七月圆满结束。

16、Asking the keeper to walk out at the Millennium Stadium at the head of the team was a great gesture by Jose Mourinho. ─── 在千年大球场在整个球队面前让这位门将步行离开确实是穆帅的一大创意举措。

17、Public confidence was a crucial issue in safeguarding a smooth rollover to the new millennium. ─── 公众信心是确保顺利过渡千禧年的重要因素。

18、But the futurists of the new millennium can't avoid reworking the past! ─── 但是,未来派艺术家在新世纪无可避免要重塑过去!

19、One who believes the millennium will occur. ─── 千禧年信奉者相信千禧年会复活的人

20、The band's most recent record, "Millennium," was recognized as the Album Of The Year. ─── 其最近的唱片"Millennium"被评为年度唱片。

21、Rokket: What are you going to be doing for the millennium? ─── 你在这千禧年打算做什么?

22、Acupuncture was first practised in China in the third millennium BC. ─── 公元前3000年中国人首次使用针灸。

23、In the year 3000, we will reach the beginning of a new millennium. ─── 到3000年时,我们将会到达一个新千年的起点。

24、Millennium bug could cause serious economic and social harm. ─── 千年虫故障会造成严重的经济及社会危害。

25、Lucie's face, more than any other, would eventually become synonymous with millennial Tokyo's anxieties, aspirations and in securities. ─── 与其他人不同,露茜的脸将最终成为千年东京焦虑、渴望和缺乏安全的同义语。

26、A new batch of young women members of the so-called Millennial generation has been entering the workforce for the past decade. ─── 在过去的十年里,所谓的“千禧一代”中的一批新的年轻女性进入了职场。

27、Millennial did not respond to requests for comment on its software kit. ─── Millennial没有回复我们关于软体套装的询问。

28、Short before celebration of Millennium, I became grandmother. ─── 在千年庆典前不久,我成了祖母。

29、Millennium was the number one album in 25 countries! ─── 《千禧》专辑还在25个国家成为销售冠军。

30、Both Russia and America looked to the future to fulfill their millennial expectations. ─── 俄国和美国都把实现他们黄金时代的希望寄托于未来。

31、Dear Lord, we long to live with You in Your Millennial Kingdom and see all Your prophecies fulfilled. ─── 主啊!我们渴慕在千年国度中与您同住,并看到您的预言得以应验。

32、Some research studies indicate that the millennial generation's great expectations stem from feelings of superiority. ─── 一些研究报告指出,新千年一代之所以心高气傲,是因为有一种自我优越感。

33、There are 25 days to go before the entire human kind embraces a new century and another millennium. ─── 再过25天,人类将迈入新的世纪和新的千年。

34、To meet the needs of the economy in the new millennium, we need a well-educated, highly-skilled work force. ─── 为了适应我国在21世纪的各种经济与人力需求,我们需有一批批受过良好教育而具有高度技能的工作队伍;

35、Of or relating to the doctrine of the millennium; millenarian. ─── 千禧年的千禧年的信条的或与之相关的;千禧年的

36、Early in the second millennium BC, Aryan peoples from Central Asia drifted into northern India and settled there. ─── 公元前2000年初,来自中亚的雅利安人流荡到了印度北部并在那里定居下来。

37、People turn to mysticism at the turn of a millennium. ─── 千年来临时,人们开始求助于神秘论。

38、The rest of the world will have to retake effect to this millennial economic shift to Asia, and then the rising power of China. ─── 在新千年,看着翻译。经济重心将向亚洲转移,中国将迅速兴起,世界其他地域将不得不对此做出反应。


40、The 21st century is drawing close, and mankind is at the threshold to a new millennium. ─── 二十一世纪正向我们走来,人类正处在世纪之交的历史时期。

41、Philip Kotler, Marketing Management: Millennium Edition,10e, 2000. ─── 《行销管理?千禧年版》,第十版,2000年。

42、It was seized on as the key to success in the new millennium. ─── 人们抓住它,将它作为在新千年取得成功的关键。

43、Other cults and millennial movements have from time to time caused shocking events such as mass suicides. ─── 另外一些异教或千禧年活动不时地曝出像集体自杀这类骇人听闻的消息。

44、Did your men deactivate the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon? ─── 你的人是否把千年鹰号的超光速器给破坏了?

45、The Millennium Seed Bank keeps its seeds in a vault kept at 4 degrees Fahrenheit and 15 percent humidity. ─── 千年种子银行在一个恒温在华氏4度,15%湿度的地下室里保存种子。

46、How did you celebrate the millennium? ─── 你们是如何欢庆千禧年的?

47、Restart the computer using a Windows Millennium (Me) Startup disk. ─── 使用Windows Millennium(Me)启动盘重新启动计算机。

48、Current indications suggest a 4th millennium BC date for this initial phase. ─── 从现有资料推算,这个最初阶段可能在公元前4000年开始。

49、A millennium of good fortune beckons to a teenage Beijing. ─── 千年幸运呼唤着少年北京。

50、The millennium history, ferments the innumerable cultural relics buried treasure and the cultural connotation. ─── 千年的历史,酝酿出无数的文物宝藏和文化内涵。

51、On June 5th, 2001, she received the prestigious Future Generations Millennium Prize from the council. ─── 二零零一年六月刘芳荣获加拿大国家艺术委员会颁发的千喜年青年艺术家成就奖 。

52、"China depends on their pragmatism, competence and resolve to ascend greater heights in the new millennium," he added. ─── 中国若要在下个千年里攀登新的高峰,就必须依靠这一代领导人的务实精神、领导能力和果敢决断。

53、The human race has reached another historic moment--the turn of a century and the dawning of a new millennium. ─── 人类又来到一个世纪之交和千年之交的历史关头。

54、Esquire is a must for any Millennium Man. ─── 君子是一个必须的任何千年人。

55、Hari Seldon himself hopes that his Plan will "reduce 30,000 years of dark ages and barbarism to a single millennium". ─── 哈里.谢顿希望基地计画能缩短长达30000年的黑暗野蛮时期到只剩1000年。

56、Happening or existing after the millennium. ─── 千禧年后的千禧年后发生的,或千禧年后存在的

57、"China depends on their pragmatism,competence and resolve to ascend greater heights in the new millennium," he added. ─── 他说道:“中国若要在下个千年里攀登新的高峰,就必须依靠这一代领导人的务实精神、领导能力和果敢决断。”

58、Millennium Park has gardens and places for music, dance and ice skating. ─── 千禧公园里有花园和听音乐、跳舞、溜冰的场所。

59、World leaders at the United Nations Millennium Summit agreed to halve by 2015 the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water. ─── 世界领袖们在联合国千年首脑会议上同意在2015年年底前把无法取得卫生饮用水的人口比例降低一半。

60、Hence, we are not seeing the end of the Asian miracle but the beginning of the Asian recovery in the new millennium. ─── 因此,踏进二十一世纪,我们可以看到的,并非亚洲奇迹的破灭,而是亚洲经济的复苏。

61、As Millennial women come of age they share many of the same views and values about work as their male counterparts. ─── 随着千禧一代女性步入成年,她们对工作的看法和价值观与男性同龄人有许多相同之处。

62、So we, the millennials -- I am just a millennial -- are like foot soldiers, moving us from a culture or me, to a culture of we. ─── 那么新千年一代人,我也是新千年一代人中的一名,我们就像步兵一样,从我的文化转变为我们的文化。

63、He could be proclaimed a saint by the turn of the Millennium. ─── 他可能会在千禧年之交被正式宣布为圣徒。

64、I walked into a setting sun alone in the ancient temples of this millennium. ─── 在斜阳中我独自一个人走进了这座千年古刹。

65、Millennium Park has music in the Jay Pritzker Pavilion. ─── 千禧公园露天音乐厅可以听音乐。

66、Performance counters are not supported on Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition (Me). ─── Windows 98或Windows Millennium Edition(Me)不支持性能计数器。

67、Who's afraid of the new millennium? ─── 千禧新年何足惧?

68、Melody has conciliation graceless bosom, intenerate hard rock or make millennium tree bow's charm. ─── 2音乐有着抚慰粗野的胸怀、软化顽石或使千年老树弯腰的魅力。

69、One thousand years; a millennium. ─── 一千年一千年;一千周年纪念日

70、He lived long enough to see in the new millennium. ─── 他活到了新千年。

71、But after discharging himself from hospital in Cardiff he was back at the Millennium Stadium at 5.58. ─── 但是在医院做完检查以后,他在5点58分就回到了千年体育场。

72、Many of the great anime and manga classics take place in millennial universes, including the Evangelion and Akira series. ─── 许多伟大的经典动画片和漫画都发生在千禧年的宇宙,包括《福音战士》和《阿基拉》系列。

73、You will touch upon Divine Will in the Millennium Volumes, and explore it in great depth in Orin's Divine Will courses. ─── 你将在千年系列书册中触及神性意志,并在欧林的神性意志过程中深深地探索它。

74、The deep sleep millennium soul, furiously has spluttered as if that a wee bit ray, awakens, obtains the rebirth. ─── 仿佛沉睡了千年的灵魂,被光火溅射出的那么一丁点光芒,唤醒,得到重生。

75、The rest of the world will have to react to this millennial economic shift to Asia, and to the rising power of China. ─── 在新千年,经济重心将向亚洲转移,中国将迅速崛起,世界其他地区将不得不对此做出反应。

76、I feel that as long as they bothered to catch the grand parade of the new millennium on TV, it is already a good sign. ─── 以笔者之见,只要人们还有心追看这千禧新年里的盛大游行的电视转播,已是个好现象了。

77、This year is the year of mid-term review of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). ─── 今年是联合国千年发展目标中期审评年。

78、With the possible exception of Muhammad Ali, he is the most famous and popular sportsman of the Millennium. ─── 可能除了(拳王)阿里之外,他是二十世纪最有名、最受欢迎的运动员。

79、In terms of financial management concepts, the cross-millennial budget has quietly broken away from colonial government modes of thinking. ─── 跨越千禧的财政预算案,在财务管理概念上,已静静地突破了殖民地政府模式的旧思维。

80、Millennium City Club - created with your needs in mind. ─── 创纪之城会-体贴阁下的需要。

81、The Millennium Hotel Paris Opera knows how to combine elegance, charm and international hospitality. ─── Millennium Hotel Paris Opera酒店知道怎么结合优雅、魅力和国际好客。

82、Traditions dating back to the third millennium B.C. ─── 传统可追溯到第三个千年公元前。

83、Among Millennial women, 75% say this country needs to continue making changes to achieve gender equality in the workplace, compared with 57% of Millennial men. ─── 在千禧一代的女性中,75% 认为美国需要继续改变以实现职场中的性别平等,而千禧一代的男性中,这一比例为57%。

84、Millennium is nothing if not ambitious. ─── “千年世纪”是一项雄心勃勃的项目。

85、Another part of Millennium Park is the Lurie Garden. ─── 千禧公园的另一部分是路易公园。

86、Of, relating to, or believing in the doctrine of the millennium. ─── 千禧年的千禧年信条的、与之相关的或相信之的

87、The London Millennium rower is located in the hear of the City of London. ─── 千年大厦位于伦敦市中心。

88、But the most skepticaGates of the new millennium is someone who evinces a passion for giving and government aid. ─── 但新千年盖茨对此持怀疑态度,热衷于施舍和政府援助。

89、The Bible is an assemblage of literature of immense variety by numerous authors, composed over more than a millennium. ─── 《圣经》是一部出自许多作者之手,内容包括千年以上的五花八门的综合性文学著作。




"千禧挑染"这个词组翻译成英语是"ombre hair"。它是一种流行的理发技术,将头发的颜色由深色逐渐过渡到浅色。这种效果可以在头发的任何部分实现,通常是从根部开始逐渐向发尾淡化。


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