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10-03 投稿


mimics 发音

英:[ˈmɪmɪks]  美:[ˈmɪmɪks]

英:  美:

mimics 中文意思翻译





mimics 词性/词形变化,mimics变形

动词第三人称单数: mimics |动词过去式: mimicked |动词现在分词: mimicking |名词: mimicker |动词过去分词: mimicked |

mimics 常用词组

mimic warfare ─── 模拟战争

mimics 相似词语短语

1、manics ─── adj.躁狂的;狂热的;n.躁狂症者

2、comics ─── n.漫画;连环画;喜剧演员(comic的复数形式)

3、mimicry ─── n.模仿,模拟;(动物等)拟态伪装

4、-omics ─── n.组学

5、mimic ─── vt.模仿,摹拟;n.善于模仿的人;会模拟的动物(或植物);adj.模仿的,模拟的;假装的

6、magics ─── n.魔法,巫术;魔术;魅力;(非正式)有魅力之物;(非正式)罕见才能;adj.有魔力的;魔法的;神奇的;(非正式)极好的;v.(像)用魔法变出(或移动、改变等);n.(Magic)(美)马吉克(人名)

7、mimical ─── n.模仿者;仿制品;小丑;adj.模仿的;假装的;vt.模仿;摹拟

8、civics ─── n.公民;公民学

9、cimices ─── n.臭虫;臭虫属昆虫(cimex的变形)

mimics 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Children tend to mimic their parents, so it pays to be a good role model. ─── 孩子易于效仿他们的父母,所以你得做好榜样。

2、Legion plate mimics the forging techniques used in the Nine Hells to armor legion devils. ─── 军团板甲模仿九层地狱中为军团魔锻造护甲的技术。

3、Her mother Hannah was also an entertainer. A wonderful mimic, she had a sweet, charming voice. ─── 他母亲哈那是一位出色的喜剧演员,嗓音甜美动人。

4、In a mirage the desert will mimic a lake. ─── 在海市蜃楼中,沙漠有时会现出湖泊的形象。

5、In other words, collector current mimics, or mirrors, diode current. ─── 换句话说,集电极电流模仿或镜像了二极管电流。

6、With anonymous methods mimic the code layout of a regular method, aligned with the anonymous delegate declaration. ─── 匿名方法模仿普通方法的布局,和匿名委托定义放在一行。

7、They mimic their mothers' voices. ─── 他们模仿妈妈的声音。

8、One of my brothers is a wonderful mimic. ─── 我的一个兄弟很善于模仿。

9、So they gave the mice a different drug that mimics a natural chemical produced during exercise, called AMP. ─── 所以他们又给小鼠喂了另一种药物,AMP(单磷酸腺苷)。AMP与运动过程中体内产生的化学物质类似。

10、Many times, bipolar disorder mimics clinical depression, because one of the primary symptoms of bipolar disorder is clinical depression. ─── 双相障碍常常与临床抑郁症相似,因为它的主要症状之一就是临床抑郁。

11、But to put it simply does it mimics how we come to a conclusion in life. ─── 但是为了将理论简单化,它模仿我们在生活中得出结论的方式。

12、To act as an imitator or mimic. ─── 充当模仿或抄袭者

13、It mimics the rush of speeding subatomic particles that an exploding atom bomb spews out in its first microseconds. ─── 中心内的速暴反应堆是用于模仿核爆最初亚原子物质的冲击的。

14、Been Seen mimics god's seeing: while I have become a zapper to survey others, the TV becomes a form of surveillance on me. ─── 就在我模仿上帝的视点、变成电视遥控、监视他人的时候,电视变成了我监视自己的方式。

15、Slide 6-6 This slide shows how candidiasis can mimic ringworm infections of the scalp. ─── 幻灯6-6这张照片显示头皮念珠菌病与头癣的损害相似之处。

16、SRS mimics an Exchange 5.5 Directory so that other Exchange 5.5 Servers can replicate information to it. ─── SRS可模拟Exchange 5.5目录,以便其他Exchange 5.5服务器可以向它复制信息。

17、All ceramic crown mimics the translucency and reflection property of natural teeth,so it has excellent aesthetic effects. ─── 对光线的反射和散射更接近于天然牙,具有卓越的美观效果。

18、The international level sport is frankly mimic warfare. ─── 坦率地说,国际范围的运动就是一场模拟战争。

19、Some birds, like parrots, can mimic the sounds of people talking. ─── 一些鸟类,例如鹦鹉,会模仿人说话。

20、An active placebo mimics the side effects of the experimental drug. ─── 一种有效的对照剂模拟出了这种实验性药物的副作用。

21、Therefore, a number of low molecular weight SOD mimics have been studied. ─── 因此,对具有SOD活性的小分子化学物质,即SOD模拟物的研究受到重视。

22、As the ertebral bodies were not fractured, the setup actually mimics healing of the cortical shell. ─── 对于没有骨折的椎体,这一设计,实际上是模仿已经愈合的皮质骨外壳。

23、An animal whose appearance is copied by a mimic. ─── 原型外表被仿造的动物

24、The biomimetic method, which mimics the natural dep osition of biologic apatite, has opened up a new way to develop biomaterials. ─── 仿生法沉积磷灰石层模仿了自然界磷灰石的沉积过程,为生物材料的研制开辟了新途径。

25、We introduce some model to mimic the networks developing on the Euclidian space. ─── 提出了确定性连接的演化的网络模型。

26、Using resource of DCS, display and control of dynamic mimic screen for industrial process are imple-mented. ─── 利用dcs的资源实现工业过程动态模拟屏的显示控制。

27、Our fall mimics a fall in consciousness into such preoccupations that occurred amongst the fully conscious species that are more or less at cause. ─── 我们的下跌模仿了意识上的下跌,这下跌发生在全意识物种中,而我们的下跌或多或少由此引起。

28、Scientists have found a drug that mimics the effects of a workout by, among other things, increasing the body's ability to burn fat. ─── 科学家们发现一种药能起到许多和肌肉锻炼相似的效果,在这些相似的效果中,包括增加肌体燃烧脂肪的能力。

29、It can be a localized, firm area with scarring that can mimic a breast carcinoma. ─── 它可因纤维化成为局限区以致于灰类似于乳腺癌外观。

30、One who copies or mimics others, as for amusement. ─── 如为了娱乐而模仿仿效其他人的人

31、Most are nectar feeding and many mimic bees and wasps, with their characteristic black and yellow bands in the abdomen. ─── 它们大多数都是以花蜜为食,它们中的很多酷似蜜蜂和黄蜂,因为它们都在下腹部有标志性的黄色和黑色条纹。

32、Under restrictive assumptions, the actions of elected officials mimic the wishes of the median voter. ─── 在严格的假设条件下,政治家的行为会趋向于迎合中间投票人的利益。

33、And that could help materials scientists trying to create an adhesive-free, reusable tape that mimics the geckos' sticky skills. ─── 而且,这可能会有助于物料科学家们模仿壁虎的粘贴技巧,创造出一种不用粘合剂的、可重复使用的胶带。

34、Similarly, subjects laugh less when holding a pen between their lips, a pose that mimics frowning. ─── 同样地,模仿皱眉的表情,仅仅在上下嘴唇间夹只笔,笑声就少了很多。

35、Police work weirdly mimics the work of living with cancer. ─── 做警察事务就像是带着癌症病躯去生存。

36、Babies are also social animals too, so they're natural mimics. ─── 婴儿也是社会动物,所以他们是天生的模仿者。

37、A natural or synthetic progestational substance that mimics some or all of the actions of progesterone. ─── 孕激素天然或人工妊娠素物质,其模仿黄体荷尔蒙的部分或全部活动

38、An array of chemical sensors is used to mimic the range of protein receptors in the human nose. ─── 一组化学传感器被用来模仿人鼻子中的蛋白质感受器官的范围。

39、He could mimic all the teachers' accents. ─── 他能够模仿每位老师的口音。

40、Stick the 4 Mimic Monster, 1 Sword, and 1 Armour stickers to the bottom each of the 6 Treasure chests. ─── 把4个箱子怪,1个剑和1个盔甲标记贴在6个宝箱的底部。

41、A ludicrous, buffoonish character in old comedies who attempts feebly to mimic the tricks of the clown. ─── 小丑,丑角旧时喜剧中滑稽可笑的角色,他们愚笨地来模仿小丑的把戏

42、He used to mimic speech peculiarities of another. ─── 他过去总是模仿别人讲话的特点。

43、It mimics the hormone estrogen in the body. ─── 它在体内模仿雌激素的作用。

44、Curl the handles to mimic the top of the stilt. ─── 弯曲手柄与支撑足保持一致。

45、The clinical manifestation of chylous ascites may mimic retroperitoneal cystic lymphangioma. ─── 乳糜腹水的临床表现和后腹腔的囊状淋巴瘤十分类似。

46、The ViewState property mimics the ViewState property of the Control class. ─── ViewState属性模仿Control类的ViewState属性。

47、Susan Tyler: They mimic us. We mimic them. ─── 他们演变成我们,我们演变成他们。

48、In parallel manner, humans act out and mimic the fear that surrounds them. ─── 在平行情况里,人类们做出并模仿围绕他们的恐惧。

49、You can even mimic it although I cannot understand the goal of this. ─── 你甚至可以扮成圣诞老人,虽然我还不太明白这样做的目的何在。

50、She learned to mimic at the age of five. ─── 她5岁时就学会模仿。

51、A stable evolutionary equilibrium could include a low percentage of mimics, in controversial support of adaptive sociopathy. ─── 一个稳定的进化平衡态可能包括比例很低的假冒,给适应性反社会行为提供了有争议的支持。

52、The second Dao now had the mimic . ─── 下面那把剑现在已有仿制品。

53、You would like to mimic this plan on your test environment. ─── 您需要在测试环境中模拟该计划。

54、A giant wind turbine design that mimics the spiralling motion of a sycamore seed could revolutionise the wind power industry. ─── 一种模拟悬铃木种子作螺旋运动的巨型风力涡轮机横空出世,它可能给风力发电产业带来革命性变化。

55、He's looking slightly forward, and if you watch Kevin from the side, you can see that the angle of his head mimics the angle of his chest. ─── 凯文的目光略向前方,如果你看他的侧面,他头部的角度与胸部的角度相仿。

56、TO: Our Mimic has been detected by the Imperial proximity sensors. ─── 战术情报官:我们的模拟机已经被帝国的临近感应器发现了。

57、The rodent models called on to mimic human cancers are just not measuring up. ─── 想利用齧齿动物当模型来模拟人类癌症的想法,就是一直无法达到预期标准。

58、Any aspirant can mimic the style, but without passion the movements will lack true power. ─── 任何修习者都可以模仿这一招式,但若没有激情,便会缺乏真正的力量。

59、Here is the lipoma at high magnification. This is a good example of how a benign neoplasm mimics the tissue of origin. ─── 图示高倍镜下脂肪瘤,为良性肿瘤与其起源组织相似之实例。

60、The ability of microfluidics to mimic the flow and geometry of human blood essels also proed critical. ─── 微流体技术关于血流及血管构型模拟的功能也是至关重要的。

61、Warm water on the skin, or almost anything damp, will still create convection with the air and mimic sweat. ─── 在皮肤上撒上温水,或者随便什么潮湿的东西,都能和空气产生对流从而模拟出汗的过程。

62、Nature only mimics the thought-form of fully conscious species, and therefore as such thought-form became distorted, so we also became distorted. ─── 大自然仅仅模仿全意识物种的思想形态,因此当这样的思想形态变得扭曲,我们也就变得扭曲。

63、She rolls her eyes to the back of her head and mimics electricity running through her, her LIPS FLAPPING like loose pieces of meat. ─── 她仰着头翻白着眼睛,模仿着电流通过自己的样子,嘴唇就像两片酥松的肉片那样震颤着。

64、The shape of the architecture mimics mountain range, shifting in a dynamic and yet holistic rhythm, and becomes a continuation of nature. ─── 该体系结构的形状模仿山脉,在一个动态的节奏,但整体转移,并成为一种自然延续。

65、Throw a wide bottomless cylinder. Mimic the curve created by the side of the bulbous altered cylinder. ─── 拉一个无底圆筒,模仿旁边那个由圆筒造的球茎部分(的弧度)。

66、Pachydermoperiostosis( PDP) is a rare disease that may mimic secondary hypertrophic osteoarhropathy or acromegaly. ─── 厚皮性骨膜病为一罕见疾病,临床上极似续发性肥大骨关节炎或肢端肥大症。

67、If widespread, such large space velocities could make a distribution typical of young stars mimic that of old stars. ─── 如果广泛存在这样大的空间速度,就可能使年青星的典型分布与老星分布相似。

68、Give this piece of cardboard portrait of the fans also mimic the dress of Montgomery. ─── 举这幅硬纸板画像的球迷也模仿了蒙哥马利的穿着打扮。

69、So, that's how octopus mimics colors of the surrounding environment. ─── 所以,这就是章鱼如何模仿周围环境的颜色。

70、HCV pseudotyped virus is a model that can closely mimic the early steps of HCV infection. ─── HCV假病毒是目前研究HCV感染早期阶段即病毒吸附、受体结合及与细胞膜融合等较理想的HCV替代模型。

71、In his presentational style, Mr Zuckerberg has looked to mimic the self-assured swagger of Mr Jobs. ─── 带着表演般的风格,扎克博格希望效仿乔布斯那种旁若无人的自信。

72、An advantage of using marmosets is that the animal’s response to Lassa infection completely mimics the response found in people who develop symptoms. ─── 使用绒猴的一个优点就是此动物对拉沙病毒感染后的反应完全与人类对该病毒的反应类似。

73、If they could be clarified, it might be possible to mimic them on an industrial scale, and thus produce better drugs. ─── 如果这一点能够被弄清楚,那么在产业规模上模拟他们并由此获得更好的药物将成为可能。

74、SRS mimics an Exchange 5.5 Directory so that other Exchange 5.5 Servers can replicate information to Active Directory through SRS. ─── SRS可模拟Exchange 5.5目录,以便其他Exchange 5.5服务器可通过SRS将信息复制到Active Directory。

75、Lone antiprotons can thus mimic the antihydrogen signal. ─── 因此,单一的反质子也会产生类似反氢的讯号。

76、I took care not to be such a perfect mimic around my dad. ─── 于是我留神不在爸爸身边做完美的模仿。

77、We all do it: Human beings, by nature, are incorrigible mimics. ─── 我们都在模仿,模仿是人类的天性。

78、To mimic cardiac cell composition, we reseeded these constructs with cardiac or endothelial cells. ─── 为了模仿心脏细胞组成,我们对这些结构再植心脏细胞或内皮细胞。

79、An intuitive interface that mimics the type of access to which a user is accustomed will help avoid this problem. ─── 一个直观的界面-用户习惯的相似访问类型将可避免这一问题。

80、Instead of looking at how computers can mimic creatures, he wants to build computers from biological components. ─── 他不是要研究计算机可以怎样模拟生物体,而是想用生物零件来组装计算机。

81、At the international level sport is frankly mimic warfare. ─── 国际级比赛简直就是一场模拟战争。

82、Wide soft silicone nipple mimics the breast in form and function. ─── 广泛软硅胶乳房乳头模仿在形式和功能。

83、Mimic enzyme catalysis is a new challenging project in green chemistry. ─── 仿酶催化是绿色化学研究中的一个重要课题。

84、From the mimic panel and color display device, the dispatchers can directly visualize the real time information of main grid. ─── 从模拟屏和彩色显示器上,调度员可直接看到主干网的实时信息。

85、Some cases of granulomatous prostatitis may closely mimic high-grade cancer. ─── 一些肉芽肿性前列腺炎看起来可能更像是高分级癌。

86、When he would turn around, I would mimic him and get a few laughs. ─── 当他转过身的时候,经常被我的模仿逗得哈哈大笑。

87、Sometimes I just guess a dictation right because I mimic a phrase I heard in class. ─── 在听写时,有时我仅依靠模仿平时上课时听到的单词就可以猜对听写时的词汇。

88、For a week afterwards in our form we did nothing but mimic her father. ─── 在课堂上,一个星期之内,人们都是学着王亚明的父亲。

89、Most biologists agree with Charles Darwin that the two movements mimic infantile nursing patterns. ─── 多数生物学家赞同查尔斯·尔文的观点,认为这两个动作是模仿婴儿吃奶的样子。

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