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musingly 中文意思翻译



musingly 相似词语短语

1、rousingly ─── 振奋人心

2、missingly ─── 令人遗憾地

3、gushingly ─── 滔滔不绝

4、pausingly ─── 停顿地

5、luringly ─── 诱人地

6、losingly ─── 亏本地

7、fumingly ─── 冒烟地

8、amusingly ─── adv.有趣地;好笑地

9、pushingly ─── 咄咄逼人

musingly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Muse She sat musing for hours. ─── 她长时间地静坐沉思。

2、Urban Modernization muse be Made with Advanced Culture ─── 城市的现代化需要先进文化来打造

3、"Heavens! What a voice! " the doctor laughed and handed me over to a smiling muse nearby. ─── 医生笑了,“可了不得,这么大的声音

4、In some cases, before even providing laboratory proof of the capabilities of their molecular-size creations, nanotechnologists have started to muse about whether infinitesimal robots will run amok and consume the planet. ─── 在某些情况中,奈米科技专家甚至还没有在实验室中证明这些分子级发明的功能,就开始忧虑超小型机器人会不会疯狂乱跑、毁灭地球。

5、Therefore, there muse be many areas of development and opportunities for innovation. ─── 因此,在水平营销领域中还存在很多发展和创新的机会。

6、Turtle muse with such a speed glide, non-rabbit ran in front of not. ─── 乌龟暗想,用这样的速度滑行,兔子非跑到前面不可。

7、muse, radiohead, suede, bee gees, blur, extrem, ...beach boy ─── 20回复:大家都来写出对你影响最深的5个乐队(人)...非英伦亦可

8、Also,you muse(must?) have some means of revering(reverting?) the direction of rotation of the driving members. ─── 同时,你必须想办法恢复乘员的旋转方向??一颗红心,两手准备。

9、The Muse of epic poetry. ─── 史诗缪司神掌管史诗的缪司神

10、Yunnan has trade contacts with more than seventy countries and regions in the world.Yunnan will also establish the Muse border trade zone (located in Ruili) along its border with Myanmar. ─── 云南省与全球七十多个国家和地区建立了贸易往来,主要出口烟草、机械、电器设备、化学和农产品以及有色金属矿。

11、I muse later it is possibly the way her parents teach. ─── 后来,我想到这可能是她父母的教育方式。

12、Once more the muse, and the magical light of the Riviera, came to his rescue. ─── 又一次,灵感,加上里维埃拉神奇的阳光拯救了他。

13、Violin Muse Based On Two Chaconnes ─── 小提琴女神

14、The muse of astronomy. ─── 乌拉尼亚掌管天文的女神

15、Ancient readers considered her a composer of exceptional power, a mortal Muse whose image they memorialized in monuments and coins. ─── 古代的读者把她看作一个异常强有力的作曲者,把她当作人间的谬斯女神建造了纪念碑,并制作了硬币加以纪念。

16、He felt that his muse had deserted him(= that he could no longer write, paint, etc.). ─── 他觉得他已失去了创作灵感。

17、Muse seeks to stimulate, delight, and challenge every curious child between the ages of 13 and 16. ─── 对于那些年龄段在13到16岁的好奇心强的孩子来说,<缪斯>让他们充满刺激、欢乐和挑战。

18、By the age 50, he had met another sponsor, Charles Crane, a millionaire who sponsored his epic creation, Slav Epic for 18 years - which many saw as a blessing from the Muse. ─── 他四十一岁荣获法国的荣誉勋章,四十四岁应邀前往美国,但已经不想再画海报,当时除了画点肖像画之外,就只有在纽约与芝加哥教画。

19、Many 18th-century who attempted to re-introduce legislation to the Muse of worship. ─── 18世纪许多启蒙运动人士试图重立对缪斯的崇拜。

20、The 1982 Honda Custom CM250 Custom (CM250C) came with two color options: "Candy Muse Red with Candy Antares Red" and "Cosmo Black Metallic with Gray Metallic. ─── 1982年本田自CM250定制(CM250C)已经有了两个颜色可供选择:“缪斯红色糖果与糖果安塔里斯红”,“悦黑色金属。

21、It appeared to satisfy him, and he musingly surveyed the scene, as if considering the next step that he should take. ─── 它们矮小强壮,是介于苏格兰的盖勒韦马与英格兰的埃克斯穆尔马之间的一个品种,本地人都管它叫“荒原马”。

22、He had originally hoped to write poetry, but says the muse deserted him the day he signed a contract with Faber in 1985. ─── 他原本希望能成为诗人,但是据说缪斯在 1985 他与费伯签订合同那天遗弃了他。

23、You are his new muse. ─── 你是他新的缪斯女神。

24、to muse upon a distant scene ─── 凝望远处的风景

25、"Quintessence, Etiquette & Muse"ponders the relationship between Man and Society, drawing out the beauty of discovery and awakening. ─── “诗、礼、乐”思索的是人与??的关系,呈现?现??之美。的是人与??的关系,呈现?现??之美。人与??的关系,呈现?现??之美。

26、The decor of both places, both have that whole “overly white” motif going, so I can see how the Muse guys would like Wynn Win. ─── 好像学习两语的,一个口语的,一个著述的。现在我住在上海作演员。我拍了几个电视剧,还几个电影。

27、Men are Blind in their own muse. ─── 一意孤行的人是盲目的(当局者迷)。

28、Her death inspired him,and she led him to art as Muse. ─── 她就像缪斯,引领着乔治驶向艺术的彼岸。

29、His muse had deserted him, and he could no longer write. ─── 他已无灵感, 不能再写作了.

30、The Library is pleased to announce the launch of the cross-database search interface, MUSE Search, for simplifying the utilization of e-resources available in Meiho Institute of Technology. ─── 备注:电子资源整合查询系统,系采跨资料库的整合检索机制,缺乏个别资料库的精确检索语法与设限功能,如需使用相关功能,仍建议利用个别资料库查询。

31、Hatch set off to make rounds, leaving Dick in a muse. ─── 哈奇说着就巡逻去了,留下狄克沉浸在深思中。

32、Leo Kessler, once world-famous, has lost the passion to paint.Karen, his wife, business manager, and former muse, no longer inspires him. ─── 专绘画艺术裸体人像,曾经一度世界知名的画家里奥,失去了画画的热诚,太太亦因忙著生意而未能给予灵感。

33、But a new legal wrangle is threatening Donington's chances, leading Bernie Ecclestone to muse that Britain stands to lose its spot on the calendar altogether. ─── 但是,一项新的法律争论正在威胁多宁顿的机会,导致伯尼向缪斯,英国随时失去的赛程完全。

34、Monty a muse who believes in love。 ─── 她说。兰兰你这样好象我老婆。

35、The Muse of history. ─── 克利俄主管历史的女神

36、Anywhere we go, we can hear the ringing of a cellphones , the tapping of a keyboard or the clicking of a muse. ─── 不论我们走到哪里,我们都能听到手机的铃声,键盘的敲击声和鼠标的点击声。

37、Created by the capricious whim of Slaanesh, each is a unique statement of the Dark prince's particular mood and muse at the time of its creation. ─── 创自沙历士多样的一时兴起,每个都独具形体,都是黑暗王子创造其时所感所思而化。

38、South : mouse control, control angle below the left arrow around, the efforts to control long. Muse pressed the launch. ─── 南:鼠标控制,下方左边的左右箭头控制角度,大长条控制力度。木塞按下发射。

39、Are you to be my Muse, Rosaline? ─── 你会成为我灵感的源泉吗,罗莎琳。

40、His muse pullulated with dizzying speed. ─── 他的灵感以令人发晕的速度滋长着。

41、Peaceful Muse Amazon's goal stock price from 76 US dollar large decline to 50 US dollars. ─── 安穆斯将亚马逊的目标股价从76美元大幅下调至50美元。

42、You haven' t been able to write music for weeks! You must find a Muse to inspire you. ─── 你好几个星期没创作音乐了!你得找点灵感了。

43、They blaspheme the muse. ─── 他们咒骂诗人。

44、She musingly turned to withdraw, passing near an altar - tomb, the oldest of them all, on which was a recumbent figure. ─── 她默默地想著,转身走了出去,从一个祭坛式墓室旁边经过那个墓室是最古老的一个,她看见墓室上还蜷伏著一个人形。

45、In 2004, Heather was swept away to Paris by a famous couture designer, but soon, he found another muse and Heather was out. ─── 2004年,希瑟被一名著名的服装设计师带到巴黎,但很快他发现另一个缪斯女神并放弃了希瑟。

46、His muse occasionally takes a humorous and satirical turn ─── 他的诗句偶尔会变得幽默而有讽剌意味

47、In literature, Muse often or as an epic story of the introduction. ─── 在文学中,缪斯往往作为一篇史诗或故事的引入。

48、Copyright by Asia Muse Music. ─── 亚神音乐版权所有。

49、All of the poems about Mary are thought to have been written much later in Clare's life,and this led to him idealizing her as a perfect muse. ─── 估计所有关于玛丽的诗歌都是克莱尔在晚年写成的,因此,他把她理想化地看作一个完美的缪斯。

50、Perhaps, we are accustomed to such earnest and down-to-earth style rather than egotism.We muse on anything at angle of stratagem. ─── 也许是习惯了这种脚踏实地,我们从不自我,一切从战略的高度去思考。

51、Like a soul our friendship cannot be separated.It is immortal, free, unco-nstrained and firm and it becomes a unit under the Muse's protection. ─── 它像灵魂一样旳不可割离,它自由而永恒、豪放而坚定,它在缪斯旳荫护下结成一体。

52、'It's funny about that bar,' he said musingly. ─── ‘那个酒吧很奇怪。’他若有所思地说。

53、Upon the glorious splendor of Your majesty And upon Your wondrous works I will muse. ─── 5我要默想你威严的尊荣,和你奇妙的作为。

54、Chris Spheeris - DANCING WITH THE MUSE ─── 与缪斯共舞

55、As a basic understanding of painting , the idea "Duidai" led to the theory of "Xiangxing" and another theory "to learn from the nature outside, to get muse from the heart inside" which is a primary notion of creating. ─── “科学主义”以《周易》为代表,在对于绘画的基本理解上,由于对待的观念而形成了所谓的“象形说”和“外师造化,中得心源”的基本的创作观念。

56、She musingly turned to withdraw, passing near an altar-tomb, the oldest of them all, on which was a recumbent figure. ─── 她默默地想着,转身走了出去,从一个祭坛式墓室旁边经过;

57、Let the truly creative ones seek their Muse, I say.For the rest of us, the Drama of Life beckons. ─── 就让那些真正具有创造力的人去寻找他们的缪斯,对于其他的人,现实生活的起起落落已是一种“戏剧人生”。

58、muse over things of the remote past ─── 发思古之幽情

59、Denise served as her husband's muse and confidante until their divorce after 23 years of marriage. ─── 丹尼斯一直是波烈的服装模特,直到两人在结婚23年后离异。

60、Since 2001, Myanmar-China border trade exhibitions were held alternately in Muse and Ruili and the last event was in Muse in December 2004. ─── 2001年以来,中缅边交会轮流在中国瑞丽与缅甸木姐举办。最后一次是2004年在缅甸木姐举办的。

61、It's funny about that bar, he said musingly. ─── 那个酒吧很奇怪,”他若有所思地说。

62、At present, the quality of the regional ecological environment is an important issue that muse be firstly studied and resolved. ─── 区域生态环境质量问题,是当今全人类共同面对、必须优先研究并且迫切需要解决的重大问题。

63、He insists that he muse be on the scene when construction begin. ─── 他坚持开工时必须有他在

64、KJV] I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I muse on the work of thy hands. ─── [新译]我追念以往的日子,默想你的一切作为,沉思你手所作的。

65、His muse have deserted him,and he can no longer write. ─── 他已无灵感,不能再写作了。

66、There muse be a gamc between the inside-syestem elitc and outside-system elite,and the village elites as a whole with center govemment,local govemment(here it refers to town govermment)and ordinary villager. ─── 体制内精英与体制外精英之间,村庄精英整体与中央政府、地方政府(特制乡镇政府)和普通村民之间产生博弈。

67、"Music is a vast and infinite thing," Stefanie told Today in aninterview at The National Museum's Muse bar on Saturday."There arestill many kinds of music I would like to experiment with. ─── "音乐是一个巨大无限事物,"燕姿在星期六国立博物馆的沉思酒吧的采访中说,"我仍然有许多音乐想要去尝试。"

68、His muse have deserted him , and he can no longer write ─── 他已无灵感, 不能再写作了

69、You are beautiful, will you be my Muse? I will write poems for you! ─── 你真美,你能成为我灵感的源泉吗?我要为你写诗。

70、Ao Feisi after his death, Muse to collect and bury the bodies of the Aofei Si dilapidated. ─── 奥菲斯死后,缪斯收集和埋葬了奥菲斯残破的尸体。

71、You look back on your earlier work, searching through your past ideas, trying to locate your muse, looking for something to trigger a creative explosion. ─── 你回望先前的工作,搜寻过去的想法,试图找出你的缪斯,寻回能触发创作灵感的某样东西。

72、However, in the name of true LOVE, we beg Muse for a pardon on this Valentine's Day. ─── 但今天情人节来临之际,我们以"真爱"之名,请求缪斯暂且容忍以下荒诞的"中国式英语"。

73、There, as Churchill later recalled, "The muse of painting came to my rescue! ─── 在那儿,丘吉尔后来回忆道,“是绘画中的冥思拯救了我!”

74、She was known in antiquity as a great poet: Plato called her “the tenth Muse” and her likeness appeared on coins. ─── 人们只知道她是上古时代的一位伟大的诗人:柏拉图曾誉之为“第十位缪斯”,诗人的肖像曾上过硬币。

75、MUSE Multiple Sub-Nyquist sampling Encoding ─── 多重亚奈取样编码

76、"No, sir, " went on Bert musingly , "school's no fun, and it starts about a week after we get home. No chance to have a good time! " ─── “不,‘先生’,”伯特一边沉思一边继续说,“学校里一点都不好玩,而且我们回家后一个星期不到就开学了,根本没机会玩!”

77、Got the muse in my head she's universal ─── 冥想之中她就是脑中的一切

78、The notion of a muse was nonsense to her, a passive thing. ─── 对她来说,沉思并不是什么好东西,消极而已。

79、Here, Andreasen talks about the muse, the link between genius and madness and the part of the brain that kicks in during the creative process. ─── 安卓森在本文谈到灵感来源、天赋与疯狂之间的关连,以及创造过程中大脑哪个部份在运作。

80、Autumn Muse over Makeup Table ─── 妆台秋思

81、It is sweet to sit in a corner to muse and write in rhymes that you are all my world. ─── 坐在屋角凝思,把我的世界中的你们都写在韵律里,是甜柔的。

82、The muse had cast her spell! ─── 他的专注仿佛给他施了魔法!

83、It is useless to muse on [upon] past errors. ─── 一味想着已往的过失是没用的。

84、She muse have been beautiful and is still well - looked. ─── 她以前想必很美,现在仍然很好看。

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